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oh god math is weird
Math is fantastic, what are you on about?
I think I found a situation where it make sense to square a square root and end up with the negative of the expression inside
An unmaginary number?
lol that's a good name
Shit, I forgot 76 gas stations existed.
what is the joke tho
sounds like they're advocating that you rear end people while eating nachos
Is that (Ben Stiller - 20lbs)?
and 20 years
that's Dennis
No, the guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Not you. You were right. Dennis.
it's not Frank
Ah, I've only seen one episode of that and I was high on pot, so the only thing I could grasp is they were all very shouty.
@Luggage [laughs] you stupid bitch
i love the shouty
you can watch the show so many times and pick up new insults
season 4 episode 9 is the best
Which is?
s11e08 is good too
mostly because it's the one I'm watching
It was the first episode; and they were all talking about being racist because one of the characters relatives was dating a black guy.
Dee was dating the black guy.
i forgot that the first part of hostel was basically porn
or... trying to date the gay black guy, actually
@Luggage who pooped the bed
@hsimah best episode ever
that is a great episode
the econ major who wanted to inspect the poop filled with wolf hair and credit cards, the waitress getting drunk, artemis in general
You know, I think VS Code is the best thing Microsoft has put out in a long while.. I know it's basically Atom + MS Configuring stuff, but damn it, it's just such a great text editor.
i really like it
im on a c# project and back in visual studio and it's just so slow in comparison
Hello i have question how to give text to table td from another table td with like this without duplicate? $('table selected td').each(function(){$()})
@hsimah again, inconclusive
@SterlingArcher Have you seen Brickleberry?
@KendallFrey every episode
I had mixed feelings about that show, some of it was great
oh damn lol
I was gonna say something about the first scene of the first episode is just a bunch of animals humping
sound legit
what's the show
oh it gets worse lol
@hsimah Brickleberry
is it live action humping or cartoon humping
it's like if Seth Macfarlane made Happy Tree Friends
I oughta watch a few episodes again
i hate when people arent clear in their SO answers
> get this from Federation Metadata Document in Azure Active Directory App registrations -> Endpoints
what does that mean, federation metadata is an xml file full of stuff
This is who @kfc follows
kfc likes the spice girls
@hsimah thatsthejoke.jpg
I love it when companies that have no business being good at social media are SO DAMN GOOD AT IT.
I like the comment to that tweet '11 herbs and spices'. I honestly love the corporate involvement on social media. Of course we all know Wendy's is the top-tier fighter in Social Media.
Meta Knight is a chump.
@Jayden Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
in google play books you can copy and paste out of textbooks but not in amazon books. WTH?
I have the same book in both stores.
When you pirate textbooks, you pirate communism.
yeah no pirate available already checked.
Probably Amazon's rationale for setting it up that way.
this might be the scariest notification i've ever gotten
So, what is it?
his last name is 'Dugger'?
what is the picture of? You don't have to post it
yes you do
@William It clearly says in the notification
LOL Thank you kendall but I have been tagged and had photos posted of on FB that are clearly not me. Not to mention it could be a picture on his bike or something.
Assholes are never worth it. 4/4
it was about poop
@KendallFrey FALSE
I know plenty of people that would disagree with that :P
We might be on two different contexts
He's talking about people being assholes, but out of context it's great
especially since he's one of the smartest people I know of
me too ;)
I'm glad we could come to an agreement
agreements are tight butthole
arguments are a fractured something or other
my roommate has been playing that recently, it looks pretty good
the new south park game, I mean
I think it's fantastic that I live in a universe where a "fractured butthole" can "look pretty good".
do stained glass butts count?
not that I can find any with the butthole featured, most are church-style stuff
Not that those are mutually exclusive
they seem to be
I guess they were more into nudies and less into the more specific stuff
im really scared to google fractured butthole
they definitely favored hero wind over anatomical specifics
@SterlingArcher since the south park game released this week, I bet all the results are that
@KendallFrey people used to be fucked. We still are, we just used to be too.
warm today. warm yesterday. even warmer today
@SterlingArcher googled "fractured butthole", found wat
maybe she just got out of a bad centipede relationship
is that a fucking vr system for your nose
@SterlingArcher It's a fucking vr system for your nose DEVELOPED EXCLUSIVELY FOR SOUTH PARK THE FRACTURED BUT WHOLE
wait really?
i saw a dude playing that thing
@ssube Well, not sure if it was for the game, but apparently it's the only supported game.
lmao I'm fucking done
apparently it's real
/thread LOL
Weirdly enough, not the first time for that stuff. I know some company made something that worked with GTA 3 some years ago that was meant to simulate the smell of 'burning rubber' when you did hectic skids in that game.
That's oddly specific
yeah like not marketable specific
Listen I know numerous people who would happily huff burnt rubber.
@hilli_micha Yeah but there are plenty of other better smells associated with a life of crime
Really? Because I can't honestly think of any.
I can't imagine whores smell very good; drugs typically smell like crap, dying people smell bad, money smells pretty okay.
You were assuming burning rubber smells good?
I know it smells good.
Jesus fucking christ..
20 minutes to answer that question? That can be 5 seconds. DOES IT SMELL LIKE SRYUP, YES? INSERT AD HERE.
After 20 minutes it's still inconclusive
Those are the most ineffective video makers in the history of youtube.
You don't talk that way about Matt Parker
dat moment when the money smells more like maple syrup than maple syrup
our money smells like plastic
our money smells like nothing
not even ink
at least... the coins dont
Hot damn I would love to play this map on Minecraft i.imgur.com/b6SyBYH.jpg
is that minecraft?
it is minecraft
if you look very closely
that zone in the middle looks weird, with all the water pools
i like the zone to the top right
@TylerH that's cray
I wonder how it's done
all my seeds seem to be boring
plains and whatnot, i want a plateau zone next to a desert/green zone
Have you guys ever felt that your keyboard has a percivable delay when using electron apps & chrome. Does that bother you?
I wonder if something could be done about it
Never seen it in Chrome and I don't use any Electron apps
@ShrekOverflow it's used to make text/code editors
so it's unlikely that it's a global problem
@ShrekOverflow have never had this issue
@HatterisMad @SomeGuy probably my older mac :P
when I say percievable its ~ 50ish max ms
its not percievable per keystroke
but its visible if you are typing fast enough
@SomeGuy you on hangouts?
is there an easy way to generate a row x h of numbers in JS?
like a 3x2 grid of numbers?
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
in this case it's a 3x3
Why are for loops not good enough?
because their generation is elements whos innerHTML = those numbers
i have to set positions of each element that contains number innnerHTML's
error 'visible' is missing in props validation react/prop-types @react native developers
@Traitor Oh
sol n = putStrLn $ foldl (++) "" (map (\a -> foldl (\x y -> x ++ y ++ " ") "" ((\z -> map (\x -> show x) z) a) ++ "\n") ((\t -> map ((\n x -> take n (repeat x)) t) [1..t]) n))
Q: how to pass image path to server side using ajax mvc?

Ivin Rajwhen i click submit button am getting everything including image path data in ajax.but in server side am not getting image path data renaming value am getting.. @using (Html.BeginForm("AddDoctor", "Doctor", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "myForm", enctype = "multipart/form-data" })) { ...

My car died when waiting in a queue on a gas station
Now i need to Wait for a friend with the cables
@KamilSolecki I thought you were like
Thanks duh
@Mosho although I got used to people thinking Im way below my age :D
i thought you were 30
Shit. That must have been like the most coherent speech from Bush I have ever seen
Can't believe I miss that guy
I got shit to do
but I don't feel like it
@Mosho Watch this. It'll help
Anyone with experience with mathjs library here?
!!tell 39680917 welcome
@Daniel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So, I initialize mathjs with var calc = math.create({number:'BigNumber', precision: 2}); but get 3 decimals with calc.multiply(15003.3, 0.25); //= 3750.825
is this intended, and must I round the value with calc.round() - or is there a way to make it only show the last 2 decimals?
I had expected it to return 3750.83
> precision. The maximum number of significant digits for bigNumbers. This setting only applies to BigNumbers, not to numbers.
thus i use bignumbers
I would assume you have to pass BigNumbers to your function
> For most functions though, the type of output is determined from the the input: a number as input will return a number as output, a BigNumber as input returns a BigNumber as output.
I see
If you aren't using actual large numbers, then why not simply go with .round()?
good morning my dudes
Q: Web page building directly on the NodeJs

hoang-Data on price and stock information is totally assuming 1) First turned up site will record the first price is the price reference for calculation payment of the price column change. 2) Automatic Price changes every 5s and amplitude varies no more than +/-5% from the price at present help

Quality question
the NodeJS
lol yeah
> Is there a question hidden in your message?
i do use floats and rounds after that point, it's up until that point that i use bignumbers
thanks for the help, i think i know what i need to do now
not floats, but round
@JJJ He needs help with the question. Duh — Oliver Salzburg 18 secs ago
> { #help me }
@Daniel Good luck :)
Hoang is a nice name
> Hi, I'm Hoang
> Yeah, I can see that
> First turned up site will [...]
turned up site
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Any hope fix slick.js like coverflow.js ?
If you want coverflow, why not use coverflow?
@Loktar @rlemon @KendallFrey the princess is in the castle
@OliverSalzburg Coverflow not working properly in mobile
That's a good reason
When Apple release the iTunes with "Coverflow", like 9000 people and their son made a tutorial about it
Future reserved keywords in older standards

The following are reserved as future keywords by older ECMAScript specifications (ECMAScript 1 till 3).
did they mean to add primitive types as types and ended up not doing it?
every time i click this, new functions run instead of stopping the previous:
window.setInterval(function () {

        for (var i = 0; i < mathList.length; i++) {
            document.getElementById(mathList[i]).innerHTML = Math.floor((Math.random() * 9) + 1);

    }, parseInt(document.getElementById('Speed').value) * 1000);
when i click on a button an interval is set that changes the text of an element every x time
but when i change that time by clicking it again, it seems the old interval stays...
i only want the currently clicked interrval
for example, i set speed to 3000ms, then i set it to 1000ms, then to 2000ms, the result is thata all 3 run at the same time but i only want 1 running every time i update the speed
@Traitor setInterval returns an id that you can use with clearInterval to stop it
i dont get it
do i set an id for 'interval'?
it gives you one
Q: Stop setInterval call in JavaScript

cnuI am using setInterval(fname, 10000); to call a function every 10 seconds in JavaScript. Is it possible to stop calling it on some event? I want the user to be able to stop the repeated refresh of data.

how do i access it?
ah thx
this kind of thing is easily googlable, you should probably try that first in the future
it responds quicker than us :)
can i clearInterval before running an interval?
that's what im looking for
Yeah, but it won't do anything
so 1 interval stays at a time, ex
clear any intervals, set interval x
then i click button again with updated speed, clears old interval
You making a debounce?
more like
element of type "p" get's a random number for it's innerHTML
every 1000 secs
unless i set it to 2000, 3000, etc.
however, the intervals overlap the old ones
was thinking of a 'clear any intervals' --> set new interval
As above, just clear it
how do i clear it without the variable being set first?
Well you don't. It's not running, why would you need to clear it?
function Random() {


   var yo = window.setInterval(function () {

        for (var i = 0; i < mathList.length; i++) {
            document.getElementById(mathList[i]).innerHTML = Math.floor((Math.random() * 9) + 1);

    }, parseInt(document.getElementById('Speed').value) * 1000);

sry im confused
yea il look into it
That's a wonderful question lol
from my electric bill it seems I paid about 50-60% for my car's battery what I would have paid for gas
why is the videoplayer div a bit higher than the video itself
it's fucking me up
and I haven't been to a gas station in 2 months
so I'd call that a win
Hi I have a doubt about How http works ?
@Neoares Huh?
@BenFortune inspect both elements
the div has some extra px of height
for some reason
video is 640x360
div is 640x364
@Neoares just set the height
what if I don't know the height
anyway, I want to know why that happens
I have a service in nodejs which query etcd and return and return the data as json object
@Mosho what kinda car
@Cereal chevy volt
I am making http request to this service via some other service , so data which I get will be a json object or just a string
this is crazy
how is it crazy
it doesn't makes sense
the ffffkin extra pixels
bugs in software
so rare and crazy
I thought browsers were perfect and had no bugs
it's probably not a bug
because it's the same across browsers
then what
just trolling?
how am I supposed to add custom controls
if I need to add bottom: 0px
can I make them relative to the video?
I don't see the problem
yes, the controls will be 4px below the video
then offset them by 4px
yes but I have an example were that doesn't happen
and another were the offset is 6px
const wrapper = document.getElementById('videoplayer')
const video = wrapper.querySelector('video');

wrapper.style.height = `${video.getBoundingClientRect().height}px`;
the wonders of javascript
I didn't want to do that Q_Q
then don't
why HTML forces me to do that shit
Can someone tell me how do I fix this - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46846832/es6-value-of-a-variable-in-template-string-does-not-increment
it's not HTML
I have a file (I think it is called a FIFO?) that is updated by a separate service. In node what would be the best way to get the content from the file when it changes?
call it as you want
shadow CSS?
browser's HTML implementation?
well, I wouldn't know
@joshhunt FIFO? first in, first out?
but HTML is the markup
it describes the structure of the page
rendering it is a whole other business
something like that, to be honest I don't know much about it
but as it's the same across all browsers, who knows
@Neoares white space btw
put display: flex on #videoplayer
it... works
wtf is that flex thing
it's new, right?
or put display: block on video is probably better if you don't want to use flex
lol nice
TIL I'm a fucking CSS noob
well I already knew that
well, I don't know how much it is about CSS
:D not sure why <video> is inline by default though
as in, if it was a div with display: inline-block and some text, it wouldn't happen
while it does happen with the video with inline-block
who knows
I guess it is inline because it matches images
ES6 - Value of a variable in template string does not increment
I'm facing this problem :(
anyways, anyone know that answer to my question? Is it possible to do something like that with createReadStream()? Or maybe a file watcher?
@joshhunt file watcher should work
thanks, will give it a shot
best practices for optional parameters?
object or destructuring?

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