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@Wietlol I did, and I am still confused. did you read my message previous to this one which was after the previous post of his own?
so all wireless is compromised now 😛 awsome.
Did you get what I'm trying to say
all wireless will be compromised in a few days*
not necessarily right, from the article i read *may have been
it still takes time to factor the keys, even weak ones, so you have a bit
unless that's already been done, then...
I should've said "messages"
@Abhi some learn programming at school
some learn it as a hobby (and from other people)
I learned school from programming
i learnt programming by shitting in people's faces
but then again, im an asshole, what do you expect?
high turnover and low job satisfaction
u got a point
@Wietlol Flexibility
ow and reliability
at least from the output
input is a different matter
scalability is sometimes an issue though
but that might just be me
The TF2 novelization
Team Foundation?
I realize now that most of you guys weren't born when that game came out
we just never played boring games
argh. awesome-typescript-loader takes about 5 minutes to build, vs about 30 srconds for ts-loader. Not sure what's wrong, yet.
@Luggage Maybe you forgot to set awesome : true in the options
step 1: be awesome
step 2: don't not be awesome
I've got 600 hours in TF2, but haven't played it in about 2 years.
There is a random fun fact about me that you now know, enjoy.
i still don't know what is closure :smile:
@AdiPrasetyo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OliverSalzburg Jeez dude, I hope your inventory is dank.
@hilli_micha dank af
@OliverSalzburg good lord
Haven't played in years as well though. I heard the vintage crap was in demand at some point
if any student here, maybe wanna take alook new program github campus expert
I was recently asked if Crooked Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2020? My answer was, "I hope so!"
he's actually right about that one :D
good morning everyone
how can I get from this [something] to this [something,something,something]
in an easy and nice way
how to repeat a single element in the array three times?
something like array*3
what is something?
function soomething(someething) { const [something] = someething; return [something, something, something]; }
@rlemon whatever
@Neoares it makes a difference
([something]) => ([ something, something, something ])
so, exactly what you wrote, wrapped in function
it's a document.createElement("div")
I just want to create 5-6 divs in one line
and assign to different variables
well that's entirely different
Array.from(Array(3), () => [something][0])
yeah, XY problem maybe
[ xy, xy, xy ]
functional arguments and locally scoped variables are still stored in the same activation object // lexical environment record in ES6/7 aren't they?
if you're creating in a loop, you probably don't want individual variables, just an array
Array.from(Array(3), () => document.createElement('div'))
so there is no way to differentiate between identical names in arguments and locally scoped variables
@ssube nope, I treat every variable in a different way
@Neoares why and how?
Array.from( iterable, initializer)
@ssube each one represents a div
and I have to add different styles
@jAndy your lint tools should prevent shadowed names
@Neoares so? what requires individual variables?
you can have those styles in an array as well
I just wanted to save the document.createElement("dv") x6
forget about the lint tool, I'm just curious if anything changed in a technical way @ssube
What lemon said.
@Neoares easy, document.createElement("dv") once and elm.cloneNode(true) 5 times
@ssube you're right
in this case it might work
        let panel = document.createElement("div");
        let slider = document.createElement("div");
        let track = document.createElement("div");
        let progress = document.createElement("div");
        let handle = document.createElement("div");
you've clearly lost your towel, because that's not DRY at all
@jAndy no changes that I know of
const elms = Array.from(listOfClasses, className => {
  const elm = document.createElement('div');
  elm.class = className;
  return elm;
god i hate you ssube
1. Turn all that into a compact structure
2. Loop over it
take your filthy star
@rlemon yes that's what @ssube said :P thanks
but I have other cases where every element has different treatment :D
take me down to funky town
@BadgerCat how do you say the slang "dat ass tho" in spanish? I'm hitting on a mexican woman atm
She wants to teach me to Cumbia
It's a dance apparently
I got excited at first
Yo Quiero Taco Booty
nailed it
what will they be announcing?
That is TBA, obviously
Something about gravitational waves
they found alien life.
Hm. No spoilers have come out?
Are they going to reverse gravity?
australians would be happy about that
LIGO livestreams deserve better than elevator music :/
that reminds me of tholman.com/elevator.js
lmao that mic check
chat disabled :(
that mirror has chat
...it's cancer
@rlemon and you're not helping :P
but she has nice glasses
> in a galaxy far away
you missed a word there
yea I felt robbed there
nice, at least one flat earther
Dumb question, if you are comparing two strings, are you effectively comparing every character of every string?
@corvid No, only those of the two strings provided
@OliverSalzburg Answer of the day.
oh you
And only up until the first mismatch, hopefully
If the length is known, that can be taken into account as an optimization
uh oh
I just upgraded vscode in my workplace
and it did some things to my terminal font
didnt occur at home
@KamilSolecki They changed the rendering
They render old stuff to canvas now
I sure did, I need to do something about the icon too
so.. i guess awesome-typescript loader jts doesn't support tsconfig with extends
but instead of a meaningful error it just takes 10x as long to build and other random errors
@OliverSalzburg oh right, I forgot about that. Weird that I havent noticed the change at home
  "extends": "tsconfig"
Just using that config breaks is
@Luggage Is there a github issue on it?
I didn't look, yet. I just narrowed down my personal problems to this
@Luggage Does it reproduce on a minimal build?
You had me at America
Also, does tsc in the directory work as expected?
tsc.exe works file
Keep + safe = fine
but at-loader needs me to specify typeRoots and include node_modules/@types. I have not had to do that in the past
keep + safe + america =
tsc does not.
@Luggage That sounds odd, we don't need to do that with at-loader
@Luggage I didn't have that issue when I set it up
I think tsc is different under windows. All sort of auto-download inf @types and other shenanigans happens
I have used at-loader and ts-loader in the past without issue, but it was on mac/linx
cc @ssube @towc @rlemon @SterlingArcher
this is the first time using windows for node in anger
I ran node on windows for a bit, that led to my virtualization spaghetti
@Trasiva nice liquid pizza
anywho.. i'll keep fucking with it and investigate more if I can reproduce
@Neoares That's potato soup, you filthy Catalonian beater.
@Trasiva nice colors. What flavor?
that's funny
the tiniest earth quake ever
!!s/with it and investigate more if I can reproduce//
@ssube Potato soup with 1:4 smoked chicken stock.
@Neoares plz don't get Cap flagged
stoned chicken stock
@Luggage My chicken stock is only made with the most toked up chickens. The best chickens.
that sounds pretty decent
@ssube pls don't bait flags
@ssube It fuckin' better be, there's five pounds of potatoes in a six quart batch, lol.
who flags a bot
@BenFortune only to
Sterling is literally chasing men now, not just figuratively
He's not very good at catching them yet, but he's just getting started.
@SterlingArcher Is that your buddy or were you stalking them
@Luggage He'll be about as proficient as he is with women.
@BenFortune that was the group rider, I was uploading a picture of the road to show my coworker and hijacked stack's imgur upload lol
I have a rest api to which when i am requesting via postman its working fine but with curl URL i am getting as bad request i also tried to list content-type there as -H "Content-type: application/json"
@BenFortune Elder Scrolls Online's graphics look amazing, but not at all related to the existing lore.
wut I cannot click them linky response arrows
@KamilSolecki yeah
oh, I apparently just can't click ones from luggage.
awesome, I'm getting my tickets then ^^
Hi all
In the end, is it bratislava or Vien? @BadgerCat
@Luggage my assumption is that it was a deleted message?
oh noes luggage siezed my Google Ultron
@KamilSolecki Maybe different settings/font?
> Your account has up to 5022 minutes of free gaming left. To keep your minutes intact, purchase any of our Monthly plans starting as low as $19.99 per month.
Bought credits
Got them taken away
Keeping my minutes intact is also one of my major concerns
Fuck seconds
@OliverSalzburg tbh its not bad enough for me to care to look into it, so Ill just leave it be :P
@Jhoverit wat
> Here are some free gaming minutes, but you need to buy a sub to use them
@KamilSolecki Same for me
In what context do you buy gaming minutes
@BenFortune No they're not free. I paid for them in USD
> Thank you for being a loyal LiquidSky user. As you are aware, we have made changes to our free users. Effective immediately, we will be discontinuing our ad supported plans, and have stopped all accounts that have not moved to one of our paid plans. Users will need to purchase access from either our Monthly or Pay-As-You-Go offerings.

In addition, we will be removing profile data including pre-existing SkyCredits over the next few weeks for those who are still inactive.
I'm really confused. They think they can just cull credits that I paid USD for lol
looks like it changed the font to monospace maybe
wasn't the terminal already monospaced?
I filed a BBB complaint with them awhile back lol for another theft
They did change the rendering, recently. The terminal is now a canvas.
It got validated and posted. Then they kept calling me lmao
yeah, I read about it
since when the browser caches files with different querystring?
they made a huge performance increase with it
@Neoares since always, I think, that's why people do things like stick the date/time in a query string when they don't have the right cache headers
I'm adding the timestamp to the qs
still cached
oh nvm, I'm loading the file 2 times for some reason
so the 2nd one gets cached
time to fix it xDDD
Big morning, Gravitational Waves, WPA security flaw.... and no time to make videos.
yeh, security flaw is a big one
there's another big infosec story breaking in 8 hours, too, apparently
pornhub was hacked, they stole all our porn
@lugagge NOOOOOOOO
:grabs knife:
who do we have to go to war with and kill to fix this problem?
wait, you can not steal porn?
> The researchers claim that the attack vector completely opens up an Android 6.0 and later device
The reporting on the wifi issue lmfao
Whew im safe
lol, your plan finally paid off
@ssube yeah it's all free
Yea if you listen to this website you're safe
They don't got time to write about WinPhone
anybody using linux on a laptop is safe too, wifi never works on those
cc @towc
should we change our router's encription method?
@ssube lol
@ssube does anything work on a linux laptop?
!!s/using linux/can't figure out how to get wifi to work on linux/
@littlepootis anybody can't figure out how to get wifi to work on linux on a laptop is safe too, wifi never works on those (source)
@TylerH the keyboard
I thought they were just test pieces like when people build their own fusion reactors at home; it never will be efficient enough to actually produce net energy gains
@Neoares no, just update. Ubiquiti already has a patch out, as do some other vendors.
@ssube those patches aren't for the root vuln which is that resending of packets (per the WPA2 spec) can be manipulated
that's gonna take a loong time to fix, because means we're gonna need WPA3
I haven't gone through the notes fully, but afaik they reject attempts to reset the key.
the vuln page even explains how we don't need WPA3 to fix it
@ssube update what
@Neoares AP firmware
@Luggage you worked with Mongoose?
@ssube AP = router?
I have, but IT's mongo, so I avoid it
@Neoares probably, if you have a consumer/soho setup
mongoose is "fine" as a layer on mongo, though
@Neoares AP = Access Point. Mostly routers
oh ok
My only experience with mongoose is using it, then taking a week to re-factor the project into using postgres.
I have an EdgeRouter and Unifi AP, so they're two devices, but that's unusual
@Loktar how is the new lotr game
if your "router" has an antenna, update it
@Luggage that's exactly what I'm doing. Mongoose to bookshelf
@TylerH I like it
I didn't at first really
hated the controls, had to get used to them again
how about the loot boxes, had any issues with that so far?
My son beat the game is max level, and has a ton of max level captains
didn't buy any loot boxes
it's weird they are in it, and it annoys me
but they aren't a necessity at least

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