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!!rust or asm
@towc rust
I caught a guy eating a burrito at a redlight and I lol'd
get a burrito too next time
mmm burrito
Now you made me hungry in the middle of the night :/
@KamilSolecki da hell are you up for?
I'm still not over understanding lifetimes in rust :/
what does competitive salary actually mean
10 bucks a day
thats like £7 right, wow
In my dev environment I run express on port 3000. In production, however, I need to rely on process.env.PORT (running node behind IIS)
how can I get webpack to put process.env.PORT into my built file? currently I get: Object({"BUILD_TARGET":"server"}).PORT because process.env in the config has build_target set
just use it all the time and in dev use --port 3000 or PORT=3000 node index.js or whatever
ah, that worked
1 hour later…
I made a thing in unreal engine
a trajectory tracer
only took me 20 hours
@Mosho have you made it follow like a million bounces to fill the screen with blue and lag you out?
I could
it's probably the first thing i'd do
lol I thought I did it
then see this
here we go
2 hours later…
sup guys
1 hour later…
morning ^^
@GandalftheWhite morning 😡
good monday morning
@MarceloRafael Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MadaraUchiha congrats for your 100k
now you are a bit more ahead of me
just a bit more :D
this.rep * 300 == madara.rep
> true
!!> 334*300 == 100000
@KamilSolecki false
don't trust her
she doesn't even know how to sum
!!> 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
@Neoares false
see? she's drunk
someone is from brazil ?
question: can I propagate an event to the child?
I have something like this
    <input type="range"/>
but div is bigger than input
and I want to propagate clicks from div to input :D
use this
div.querySeelctor('.classname).onclick = function(){};
into of the function
insert this...
hm... I don't know if that's a good idea
div.querySelector no it's document.querySelector
yes I know
I think that it's the unique way
for some reason I think I had problems with that in the past
but I'll give it a try
@Neoares you might want to check out <label>s in this case
damn, "last minutes flights" google-autocompletes to "to last vegas"
some people had a damn bad day
@towc so true
forgot about them
i am into a problem
git log shows all the commits
oh no, it does what it's supposed to do 0.o
@Sajeetharan you can have options to only make it display the first N commits
look at man git-log
question: People, how do I insert a tooltip on left of a button ?
Oh nice, another lib for that
A way to do it with pure js ?
See that
enter with user
pass 123123
I'm gonna pass on that one
Yeah, no thanks
if i use .sort()
does it matter if the format of the numbers is string?
ex, sort: "1", "10", "2"
or should i set them as ints?
@MarceloRafael Well, whatever you're doing, do it the other way.
@Ace yes
This is javascript chat, I'm in wrong chat, because I'm making this with pure CSS
but thanks for attention
@Neoares Thanks :)
I has a question
When designing my own router, is pushState supported well enough across browsers that I could go with only that?
or should I consider an eventual hash-based routing too
hmm why is it not working?
    function Comparator(a, b) {
        if (a[1] < b[1]) return -1;
        if (a[1] > b[1]) return 1;
        return 0;

        .ready(function () {
                .click(function () {

                    var funList = [];
                    funList.push([["ename1", 0]]);
                    funList.push([["ename4", 135]]);
                    funList.push([["ename3", 90]]);
                    funList.push([["ename2", 45]]);

                    funList = funList.sort(Comparator);
it returns:
0, 135, 90, 45, basically unchanged
@Ace Try stepping through the comparator in a debugger, you should spot the problem
You nested your arrays too deeply
 var funList = [];
                    funList.push([["ename1"], [0]]);
                    funList.push([["ename4"], [135]]);
                    funList.push([["ename3"], [90]]);
                    funList.push([["ename2"], [45]]);

                    funList = funList.sort(function(b, a){return a-b});
It's an array of arrays of arrays. Your Comparator expects it to be an array of arrays
You should not be allowed to use arrays my dude
this better?
But if it works, you can still use it
if i shouldnt be allowed, how wil i get better?
@KamilSolecki It's ie10+, depends on what you want to support
and no it still fails
ok this fixed it
function sortFunction(a, b) {
        if (a[0] === b[0]) {
            return 0;
        else {
            return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : 1;
i get lucky so many times, i just copy/pasted
if it werent for this luck i'd stop programming
If you just copy and paste, then you don't learn anything.
It's usually a good idea to understand code before you start using it
Even if you have to ask 10 more questions to understand it
yes and no
sometimes i learn from what a copy/paste does
other times, i neeed to actually learn it from scratch
so yes and no
You ever stumble upon a github repo, and just suddenly feel like you've done nothing with your life
that's not javascript
Also that's not javascript
CSS room is dead so im asking here; Is it bad practice to write a rule such as top: 0; without declaring position: absolute;?
Ive seen a guy do so in a tutorial I am following as well as Ive seen it done elsewhere and was wondering what the jist is on doing this
if it's a non-positioned element it does and means nothing
otherwise it means something depending on the position of the element
i.e. absolute, sticky, relative, etc
I dont really understand
hey guys,
somebody know the name of the babel-plugin - where you put a specific comment line on top of your file and all variables will be console.logged
how or why someone is doing so
bad idea eh?
> The effect of top depends on how the element is positioned (i.e., the value of the position property):

When position is set to absolute or fixed, the top property specifies the distance between the element's top edge and the top edge of its containing block.
When position is set to relative, the top property specifies the distance the element's top edge is moved below its normal position.
When position is set to sticky, the top property behaves like its position is relative when the element is inside the viewport, and like its position is fixed when it is outside.
I just said, it all depends on how the position is set
he doesnt have pos set
then it doesn't do anything
just relying on default relative i guess
position isn't inherited
and the default is static
Thanks @rlemon Ive noticed some other useless shrapenal in other peoples code and worst is when its in tuts and u dont know right vs wrong
@Stuart If in doubt, MDN
im gonna have to investigate difference btween static and relative
1 message moved to Trash can
We heard you the first time
+! @BenFortune I need to put more trust in that, not be scared and look more often
@Cereal That's nuts
@BenFortune that was the answer already...
@Magiranu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
test complete
6 warnings, 11 errors. build failed.
That's exactly what it feels like every morning when I get up.
I stretched funny yesterday and tweaked my neck
I stubbed my toe on the bedroom door
My toenail is falling off
did you die?
no kidding... I somehow managed to screw up my neck also yesterday while sleeping
now I can't turn my head left
@jAndy it's the worst when you can't even say you did anything wrong
you just hurt
stupid muscles.
sometimes body is stupid
I've had that a few times
I'm just like yep, this is how I die
last time this happened I was at the gym. trainer was like "ohh we'll just work it out". nope. im fucked for like three days.
see ya
LOL haha yes, I had that too. "Working that out" makes it 200% worse for me
best thing in my experience... just leave it alone. Probably put some warmth on it, but that's it
yea, heat bag and doing nothing
stretching as often as I can
but otherwise, nothing.
Solid work highschool. Solid work.
Is that general curriculum or some sort of vocational training?
gods below!
document.write doesn't get enough credit, we should use it everywhere
that's a big thing I always forget when I play poker with Arab or Hebrew people. I need to read them right to left...
also new Array()
@MadaraUchiha is that your exam?
@tereško Also 1-indexed arrays
@Neoares Material given to my brother when he was in highschool
1.5~2 years ago
wow, computer science at highschool
We had CS at our highschool, but the teacher wrote her own workbook for it.

Really good teacher
we had CS but he did maths
I had really shit CS teacher at hightschool: we did word & excel for 2.5 years and then qbasic for 6 months
And look where it got you!
@OliverSalzburg CS was so shit he had to improve on his own to prove the teacher wrong out of spite.
^ that, basically
I also argued with my CS teachers. But not because they were wrong, but because I was young and stupid
@tereško should be an SDD consultant
@tereško we didn't have CS at highschool
in spain you don't do anything related to CS until uni
at least in public schools
so yeah, I was the hacker kid in my class
just because I installed a .bat that shut down all PCs in a classroom 15 seconds after windows loaded
function  addtocartFunction() {
	var product_vqty=$('#product-vqty').val();

	         url : '',
	         ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
	      	 crossOrigin: true,
             dataType: "json",
             cache: false,

             headers: {
        	'Auth-key' : '3f009d72559f51e7e454b16e5d0687a1'

showing a "your pc is going to be self-destructed after 15 seconds" message
@amarghodke you ruined my story :(
@Neoares: pardon.
i am setting autehtication with ajax. when i hit add to cart button i get this error and not getting clue what it means XMLHttpRequest cannot load…. Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 404
Well it does 404
@BenFortune: why and how?
How am I meant to know?
means why it will be 404 as you said. is there any syntax error.
Guys I need some systemjs assistance
@amarghodke Again, how am I supposed to know? It's down to your back-end code
I have a module that I want to load using System, whose module format is AMD
I've added the following
  meta: {
    'applicationinsights-js': {
      'format': 'amd',
I love destructuring but without syntax highlighting it can be pretty fuckin hard to read sometimes.
@BenFortune: so this is not a problem with ajax call or any syntax error? then what are steps to fix that ?
But I still get an error when trying to import it either via import AppInsights from 'applicationinsights-js'; or via await System.import('applicationinsights-js') that define is not a function
Anyone knows anything about it?
That's what you get for using trailing comma!
cc @Mosho, you're the only one I know who heavily dealt with it
@OliverSalzburg Have you seen git diffs when you have a trailing comma?
They're beautiful.
That's the main reason I bother
they arent beautiful
they are just useful
Writing my code in a certain way to better support tools that are supposed to support my code, is not something I find appealing
I also find it to be very hot today
Which is unrelated, but equally important
@BenFortune I tried
Something else (presumably System) is overriding it back to undefined
Do you all start programming from school..
we start programming from bed
we end programming in bed
welcome to the life of hardcode programmers
> The impact of exploiting these vulnerabilities includes decryption, packet replay, TCP connection hijacking, HTTP content injection, and others.
rip WPA
Many in my country including myself don't do it until we get the job.
WPA2 ?
is also screwed
and enterprise
i wonder how wpa2 works
WPA = WEP now
I am fond of a similar approach in my web service
at least, the concept was similar
but in any case, what I heard from it, is that the security error comes from how your smartphone handles it
not how the security is designed
so an implementation flaw
no design flaw
> Finally, we confirmed our findings in practice, and found that every Wi-Fi device is vulnerable to some variant of our attacks. Notably, our attack is exceptionally devastating against Android 6.0: it forces the client into using a predictable all-zero encryption key.
my ass is also predictable :D
all zero
Hi, anyone knows the error i get in last post is from backend or from frontend ?
were you not already told?
Which is why we ask questions like this.
Um look at my previous message.
still confused.
pardon me . i am very new to handling web services,so, not getting much clue about it.
Hi guys is it possible to run a function only once in an anggular controller
@Abhi don't do what ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
once the view is loaded for the first time only
@rlemon look at the message before the message which he addressed as "my previous message" which by the way is not his previous message any more
Amar and I are from the same country.

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