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lol no I have McDonalds 5 mins away the sauce is only at select stores
how do i tell my input to behave like a box?
where i can 'return' to go to next line
element of type 'input' 'text'
@Ace textarea
I'm trying to use Reddit.JS in order to create a photo gallery that fetch photos from specific subreddit.
Anyone mind helping?
Ah, I was thinking console and was so lost
@Itay4 do share your problem
Ok, so I'm using this API: github.com/sahilm/reddit.js
Assuming we are going for subreddit "dogs"
theres a reddit.js ? da fuq
Heh yea there is
compared to jquery what's the difference?
reddit.hot('dogs').fetch(function(res) {

@KendallFrey @rlemon
After doing that, res contains JSON parsed response from reddit
now I thought looping through res
@KamilSolecki right.. because you are not a teenager when you are an adult (20+)
and check if there's a substring ".jpg"
1 message moved to Trash can
@Itay4 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Itay4 can you paste an example json response object (pastebin or smth)
You mean something like that: reddit.com/r/dogs.json ?
Yeye Wait im looking at docs
Ok great thnaks
@Itay4 i can help you in about 40 mins as i get home
Its hard to read that on mobile :P
That would be awesome
@Itay4 sorry but give me +2 hours, I forgot i have To go to ikea
Sure.. no rush
Hey what on earth is

    if (util.findIndex(players, currentPlayer.id), 1);

util.blah blah just returns an index or -1. But the whole thing terminates on a semicolon. Can I remove this?
it looks like a typo t ome
Could be terrible coding, but are u sure that util.findindex doesnt cause anything? Like, a mutation?
I mean If is useless here
Yeah, that was my first thought but nope
The function might be doing something tho
Here's the function, looks clean to me
exports.findIndex = function(arr, id) {
    var len = arr.length;

    while (len--) {
        if (arr[len].id === id) {
            return len;

    return -1;
Pretty basic imo
Also, its the most retarded If ive seen in my life
Since the comma operator
Basically means it will always be true
Lets not mention the fact that there is No code to follow the condition
Since if (whatever, 1) == if (1)
what is this
This is advanced wierd af
I feel like it's somebody who didn't want to edit the if statement out because it'd involve commenting out two lines so they just made it always true and eventually the code moved on but they never just got rid of it
@kikjezrous Also this whole thing could be replaced with arr.findIndex(element => element.id === your_index);
What's the difference between match.path and match.url in react router?
Where did you get that code from? Somebody has been working hard to reinvent the wheel
@phenomnomnominal Have you seen fretzealot.com ?
@KamilSolecki um, why
It sounds like if implemented right it could be pretty cool. If for instance you can feed it your own songs
@KamilSolecki no
@littlepootis He's right though
if (x, 1) will always enter the if
    if (arr[len].id === id) {
Plus that function returns -1 on "failure", not a falsy value
He was talking about an earlier message I think
Where's the comma operator in what you just referenced?
30 mins ago, by kikjezrous
Hey what on earth is

    if (util.findIndex(players, currentPlayer.id), 1);

if (X(arg1, arg2), 1);
@littlepootis Wohoo we will get to teach maths to sterling today
@KamilSolecki so I decided not to drive there for the sauce. Frankly Ricky and Morty is cool but I don't think I want to be associated with McDonalds in any way.
The only reason I went there as a kid was for the toys. That is frankly just sad
frankly even if I got some I would just be buying kfc,zaxbys or chicfila chicken strips instead
wait wat
gulp stopped working overnight...?
uh no, somehow only in vscode terminal, which I made use the same conemu shell my cmder uses
watdafuk is going on
imma just update vscode
@GNi33 Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
good girl
pats cap on head
WOW update fixed
like this should be in any way related, but whatever
omg VScode changed icon to a stupid orange one
seems like you're having a nervous breakdown right now
i mean come on
this icon is beyond terrible
looks like a thing from an MS Office package
time to change the icon too, eh
eh, that's not so bad
I don't really like the VS 2017 one
The color. Its... beyond terrible.
Ill make it a turtle or something
or a snail
to match my wallpaper
what's the process you got running there? with the lambda sign? your terminal?
send nudes
will do, give me 10 minutes
@NagarajPujar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Although yall gotta admit, that the snail is beyond amaze
!!tell nagarajPujar sandbox
@nagarajPujar Please go and play in the Sandbox
@NagarajPujar Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
did we get rid of the hangman command?
There's also the possibility that the word server is toast
isnt it beyond amaze
why do you have things on your desktop
fair question
I do actually like icons
They allow me to instantly see what I can play today
get overwatch
that's what steam is for
I did play some overwatch (dont have it) and wasn't a great fan
and Uplay, and Origin, and Galaxy....
you might have a point
@KamilSolecki you must be one of those people who blow with no purpose
I only ever start stuff on windows using the search nowadays though, so...
windows 7 search sucks tho
unless I'd run some proper indexing
you should do that then
all window searches suck
yeah, windows is horrible, we know
I like to pointlessly hate on windows as much as the next guy, but the search is very, very lacking
Some time ago (windows 10) I installed a program. Had it up top in that list. Started typing its name. "No results found"
Pinned something to the start menu. Start typing its name. "No results found"
good indexing on windows 7 requires external software
oh yeah, sometimes it plainly refuses to find stuff
that eats up ram
and am on a 4yo laptop
so ill skip on that
for my needs it seems to work 90% of the time very well though, so I use it pretty much always
only to start applications
not actually searching for files
It's passable, I'll give you that
i Just realized I made an rhymey 3-phrase lyric
how do we feel about always using an object as a way to facilitate named parameters
I often end up with lame long lists of parameters
I can say var thing = { x:0, do: function() { this.x += 1; }, }; right?
having to add a parameter to a list that has default parameters sucks
@kikjezrous ye, although try to not use var
use const and let if you must. Ideally, just use const
Even though jshint goes batshit with let?
never used jshint, but var is no good
why declare global variables, when you can make them locally scoped
No, trust me I concur
also coming from a mathy background i get a hard on when I say "let such and such be
speaking of maths
@SterlingArcher has some work to do
wonder if hes up and going already
@YathSeanghay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can I ask you guys about React?
> Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@YathSeanghay its a api
@YathSeanghay yes
but take note of what fellow Cap and our bot Zirak said
and disgard what the third person said
@GNi33 Haha it was
I was literally just looking up German memes so I could practice German this morning. Fun times
are you going to use german for something interesting at some point, or purely for fun?
interesting like.... speaking? XD
No specific intent in learning it. I thought I liked a bunch of German philosophers so I'd have cool reading material and that was about it
speaking is boring
@SomeGuy good enough :)
Mainly it's to read memes now. Philosophy is a pipe dream
utterances are dead, and techies killed them
Haha Nietzsche was actually on my list of philosophers I wanted to read
Now, perhaps not
@Zirak turned me onto Nietzsche with the anecdote from The Gay Science about eternal recurrence
But when I read Beyond Good and Evil, he seemed barely coherent and surprisingly sexist to me
never heard of that :/
wow how do you remember that? It was aeons ago
@Zirak It's one of my favourites! I've told so many people about it
do share
@towc The one that starts with "The greatest weight" here theperspectivesofnietzsche.com/nietzsche/nrecur.html
I'm too tired to try to understand that
but thanks
@Zirak Had you just read that bit or have you read his books too? I might still consider reading Thus Spake Zarathustra or The Gay Science
Nietzsche is interesting, but selectively. His concept of "the powerful man" is dangerous territory to wander into, but his ideas of finding purpose despite purposelessness speaks to me
hm, if someone told me that I'd go and try the craziest things
I think
@SomeGuy nah I read a bunch. It's not easy, and I didn't get anything at all from just reading his books, but from a lot of other people discussing his ideas
> his ideas of finding purpose despite purposelessness speaks to me
That's exactly the context you brought it up in, IIRC! I think I adapted that too, and we independently came up with "nihilistic optimism" as a phrase (or at least Kurzgesagt and I did :P)
So you'd read a chapter and go "huh?". Then you'd read someone saying it's stupid because this and that, you'd reread the chapter, go "...eh?", and slowly start getting the idea.
@Zirak Yeah, I felt like I couldn't really appreciate Beyond Good and Evil at all. I stuck with it for quite a while but eventually deferred it. It was quite annoying at some parts too
tbh it was an interesting experience, but perhaps at the end of the day a bit of a waste. If you want the challenge of reading difficult literature then go for it. If you want to learn philosophy then read things meant to be read by mere humans.
@Zirak Where were these discussions you were reading?
@SomeGuy yeah! It's one of his more powerful concepts I think
@Zirak Hahaha yeah, I picked the latter. Back to Dostoevsky right now, though, because I can't go 6 months without Dostoevsky :P
Do you have any recommendations, though?
@Zirak Have you read Viktor Frankl's Man Search for Meaning? He drives a similar concept in too. He even started his own therapeutic practice based on the idea that what's lacking in disturbed individuals is primarily the context to have meaning in life
@Zirak Anything specific?
@Zirak Also, have you read Dostoevsky? You'd love The Grand Inquisitor (it's a part of one of his books)
@SomeGuy yes, it's a great book, especially as a pseudo-biography
@SomeGuy I don't have anything except "either/or" in my head since I've read mostly of him and not his works directly. It was difficult
Haha, are you primarily reading Stanford's Encyclopedia of Philosophy? I love that website :D
@SomeGuy Not enough as I should, a friend of mine reminds me every other week to read Brothers Karamazov and Notes from Underground
@Zirak Dostoevsky's my favourite author. Crime and Punishment and Brothers Karamazov are my favourites, so I guess you have 2 people pushing you to read Brothers Karamazov now! :D
hot damn
Haha, I'm excited at the idea of recommending books now :P
Tolstoy and Camus are so good too
Every week Goodreads reminds me how much you've given in to this depravity of paper and ink
Hahaha most of it is just me wanting to read things, much less actually reading
quick poll: what are environments where collaboration and continuous steep learning come up because of basic needs of that environment?
Figuring out what I want to read is almost as much fun as actually reading
I'm thinking university and tech, but is there more?
@towc A decent+ workplace
@Zirak in any field?
thinking of various other fields, and realizing I don't really know much about them. Do people in accounting and banks collaborate? Do people in agriculture have a constant steep learning curve?
In several fields
can you name some examples?
also, I should have said "academic" instead of "university"
Any of the sciences I can attest to firsthand, in other fields it makes some sense.
If you've got people who are better than you around then you get better
Or is that not what you mean?
ok, assume those are academic (and we can agree that your common tech isn't really an academic thing, as a lot of people in web dev have skipped university)
unless there's some scientific field that isn't really academic
Is art academic?
no art jobs its a hobby
art really doesn't have nearly as much collaboration as most other scientific fields, I'd say
but I don't know much about that world either
Think about a band
ok, that's collaboration in a very small group. But still, good point
Your average philharmonic has a bazillion members
does this statement make more sense: "With many localized exceptions, academy and tech are the only fields where collaboration and an unbroken steep learning curve are observed"
tbf still sounds like BS
@Zirak very good point, also
What's the greater point you're trying to make?
(also, woodworking shops are another example)
I'm trying to rewrite my university application
one of the guidelines is "explain your reasons for wanting to study the subject at university"
"I want to learn a whole bunch"
the one thing that made me be ok with university is that spirit of collaboration
and a nice step would be to also show one of the reasons I'm passionate about the subject
@towc You can count that as a positive without needing it to be exclusive to this subject. You may want more collaboration in this subject that you love and the course enables and fosters it
putting academy and this kind of tech toghether under a single umbrella showing a lot of things I love about both would be nice
@SomeGuy ok, that makes sense
something like "Both academy and the tech world do this and that"?
Maybe that you won't have many chances to learn besides so many people
In most workplaces you learn from the team you're in, maybe a few teams nearby. In large companies you don't get to learn from every employee, you have circles
that first sentence seems to contradict that. Maybe you meant "you will have many chances"?
How many students will be in your classes with you?
A large double-digit number probably
in cambridge might be about a dozen
Then I take back everything I said and return to my husk
@Zirak Btw, in case you weren't intentionally ignoring me, you have an email from me on your personal Gmail account (sent on Jun 4). if you were, carry on :P
We were alive in June?
I'll check
@SomeGuy someone has a mancrush
@Zirak Or last Thursday. Either or
You sent me a stake
@towc Totally. I have lots of man-crushes in this room :p
oh that's older
fuck that's a sexy looking stake
wat wat
hi guys happy javascriptting !?
@Qh0stM4N Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> Hello everyone, I want to practice my spoken English but with real English natives from America or Canada
damn. Fuck you too.
yo people, I just made a snake game in 3d ( you can play in 2d or 3d ) I would appreciate if you tell me what you think! joeiddon.me/SnakeGame/3d.html
@JoeIddon it's hard to tell where things are. Consider at least putting a 2d grid at the bottom
in 3d, you can make the meal extend itself until it hits all planes, and put a grid on all the back, left, right planes
use a different color for meal and snake
can you also try to make the head of the snake a different color from the rest of the snake?
@JoeIddon nice! I like it
@JoeIddon that's really cool
just minor improvements :)
it's pretty fun as it is
@ShrekOverflow are you trying to reinvent systemd?
daemons are so 1990's
btw, reinventing systemd (the init) is a pretty cool project.
tried it once, didn't go far enough because of platform limitations (turns out, a lot of language runtimes suck pretty bad when they're missing /proc or stuff like that)
I've learned since then; I could probably go back to it.
@towc I added a grid on the bottom when in the 3d mode but I'm not sure it makes it any better
@JoeIddon try out different colors :)
and I'd say always have the grid in
@JoeIddon a cool idea would be adding the 3rd dimension in the game too; i.e. put the fruits on different heights and have keys to move upwards/downwards
@FlorianMargaine instructions on top left
I don't have a numpad so it's not working
my bad then
@FlorianMargaine I have, just press 't' to start that
I'm trying to start a gnome session on a read-only filesystem
so much stuff is not even starting :)
I got as far as the login screen now! it's pretty cool.
just saw a segfault in libgtk
now it looks like X11 is starting but some other services are breaking everything and making it restart
@JoeIddon that's super cool, but I also have no numpad
There's hi in my name
@rlemon Didn't you suggest Jeb Gardener the other day? I started watching that dude and, at first I thought he's crazy, but now I'm sure he's crazy
what's with people here and <100% keyboards
Vim doesn't use the numpad, so I don't need it. :P
Full width keyboards are too big, gets in the way of the mouse. My keyboard drawer is pretty small.
ssube then whisked away into the night with his fedora, never to be seen again
some say he's still in vim to this day
vimium california
@OliverSalzburg 😀 yea
Jeb is great
well, this is dumb. ps4's media player will only play songs in a directory alphabetically
And it's smart enough to strip leading numbers and stuff
So it's great at converting filenames from 1- foo to foo and then sorting on that, meaning I can't play album songs in order
@rlemon Now I want to get into Hydro! :D
oh boy, it's even smart enough to treat m3u files as a directory! And sort inside of that!
the upper mgmt thought process that must have led to that
> Dev: We need a file browser.
> Mgmt: Fine, write one. Make sure you sort directories so people don't waste any more time.
> Dev: We need a music player.
> Mgmt: Write one and stop asking.
> Dev: We need to support playlists.
> Mgmt: You've already written two things. Just combine them.
@OliverSalzburg youtube has given me so many hobbies
It's going to such great lengths to not do something simpler
Uniformity over simplicity
it's mobile UX 101 :P
Posts from 2015 saying they "hope it'll be fixed soon"
How did Sony fuck up a media player?
They've been doing them for literal decades
Is Jeb gardener the one who did dramatic plants
They don't even sort on the filename, they sort based on the tag
So they're already parsing id3 tags and have the song order
This is truly an impressive feat
@KamilSolecki yes
overly dramatic videos about hhydroponics
Ive watched a few, its damn fun to watch
I really like his setups
Plain and simple, good stuff
they're quite simple and look to be pretty cheap to build.
he does good work
I already have too many plants to take care of, so stuff that takes care of itself is appreciated :D
Okay quick questions: my code is throwing an awful untraced error upon compile. It's events.js:160, an Unhandled 'error' event. The stack trace is useless and the internet is ignorant. Anybody got thoughts?

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