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lol wth is this?
just had to wait for it I guess
morn nacdomald
mmmmm ok I guess?
Hello, I'mma just spam this here:
Q: AngularJS directives, scopes, magic, and repeating templates

DanSo, I'm running Angular.js 1.6.5, and I'm trying to create a "shell" directive as the image† below will hopefully help describe. † — This is just an example of what I'm hoping the final result will represent. The image is from my existing work, but all the code is currently written in place wi...

How y'all doing?
sipping coffee and reading the (terrible) news from home before I start work. Could be worse
So there was a mass shooting in vegas
so that's cool.
@Dan any chance of a plunkr/jsfiddle kinda thing?
also Proxy is so fucking dope
a good guy with a gun would have stopped the bad guy with the gun
i dont think so in this case
he was up in a hotel room
lol hard to read sarcasm online
oh lawd i have to consume a soap api
2 hours later…
just hit 200 unit tests for my game project, almost 90% coverage, and it even sort of works
admirable for a pet project
I find myself having to work less and less to complete my tasks at work
I'd like to attribute it to the planning I did when we first started the project
but I can't help but feel a little guilty
I work from home so I may as well work for just a few hours every day, I don't get paid by the hour
but maybe I should ask for more work
assuming there is any
finish: $('<a>' + options.labelFinish + '</a>').attr("href","#").addClass("buttonFinish") how to call mvc action method while this button clicked
Hi, I'm wondering if you guys could help me out. I compiled a dictionary in Python, which I exported in JSON. Now, I want to use it with Javascript
@JonathP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I get this error without understanding why: "JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 10 of the JSON data"
any one ans my ques
@JonathP txt isn't a json string
ah; so if I do something like this, it should be ok ?
txt_string = JSON.stringify(txt);

var parsedtxt = JSON.parse(txt_string);
no ...
JSON.stringify transforms your javascript object into a string. That string then can be transformed back to a javascript object by JSON.parse
I lost interest in technology, what should I do
can or cannot ?
you're missing one { at the start of the string and two } at the end of the string 😉
var txt = '{"precise": {"definition": "(of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth; strictly correct", "IPA": "pr\u026aSsa\u026as", "word": "precise", "stressedSyllable": 2, "syllablesNum": 2, "frequency": 3.91, "partOfSpeech": "adjective", "syllables": ["pre", "cise"]}, "concept": {"definition": "an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances", "IPA": "Sk\u0251ns\u025bpt", "word": "concept", "stressedSyllable": 1, "syllablesNum": 2, "frequency": 4.12, "partOfSpeech": "noun", "syllables": ["con", "cept"]}}';
still says it's undefined
@JonathP ^-- Either you're handling it incorrectly or the problem is elsewhere
parsedtxt.precise is also a js object.
please try to understand it first before doing something randomly
@KarelG : I'm trying to understand it ;-)
python is trash
there, I said it
@Mosho why
too many quirks
having the most common IDE be pycharm doesn't help
@Mosho A python and a dog doesn't go well together
@KarelG : Ok, thanks. I think I have fixed it
debugging python is a horrible experience compared to js
Well, it was a great use for me to compile my data. Now that it's exported in JSON, I'll have to work with JS :)
yeah its main selling point is the absolute minimum barrier of entry
but dealing with it in a big project is not as fun
I don't have any ideas which type to pick for MariaDB to store timezone offset only. (no DST counted in, will be associated with countries/states)
If in my JSON data, I have some ' which are not espaced, this this going to cause some issues?
"definition": "as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as on behalf of' rather than in behalf of')"
jsonlint.com tells me my JSON data is valid
if it's valid then it is valid :)
yet, when I include all my data, the declaration of the variable doesn't work
it says missing ;
but it's the same syntax as when i have only 2 entries
you don't have a ";" in a javascript object unless it's part of string. It seems as a syntax error in your code.
Did PixiJS change the way the resource loader works in v4?
hi guys
@TeymurNəsirli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a part of code, in a angular 4 form, that gives me this error in firefox console :
ERROR DOMException [SecurityError: "The operation is insecure."
code: 18
Here is the part that generates the error : paste.ofcode.org/dB3CxE7tPCrh6LWgFkKX9w
seems like it's just the "file input tag"... Any idea?
@Julo0sS most likely Same Origin Policy Problem
Well, I guess... But the error does not occur when I remove the [formControl]="myFile" in the tag...
Interesting talk: youtube.com/watch?v=zt0OQb1DBko (cc @FlorianMargaine)
just saw a question where nobody said about possible bad practice in answers (only in comment)
Q: c - if + else if + else in one line?

CjdcoyI just got a question idea after having misunderstood a friend's statement. My friend told me: I just taught a colleague how to do a if/else in one line in c. Example: int i = 0; i < 0 ? printf("i is below 0") : printf("i is over or equal to 0"); For now, nothing new, it's called a ternary a...

oh my I think I killed a puppy
trying to parse a file that looks like this:
---a b
---g h
to look like this:
@copy nice, I miss some of those type system features in TS
    config: {
		language: 'a',
		slot: 'b'
	content: 'c\nde\nf'
  }, {
  	config: {
		langauge: 'g',
		slot: 'b'
	content: 'j\nkl'
and realized I can destrucure the shit out of it
what do you mean by destructure
instead of doing const textParts = text.split('---'); textParts.shift(), for example, I can do const [_, ...textParts] = text.split('---')
but then I think I can go on, by further splitting the lines so that the first one is the config line, and the rest are the content lines
and it's scary
I guess you could
@copy it does sound interesting...
const objectParts = textParts.map((textPart) => {
  const [config, ...content] = textPart.split('\n');
  const [langauge, slot] = config.split(' ');

  return {
    config: {
    content: content.join('\n')
I dunno, i find this really scary
something feels awfully off about it
it might be readability, it might be that _ is declared accidentally
I wouldn't want to see this around, but it's partly really compelling
well, it's not really parsing, for one
otherwise it's fine
I also wonder if I can save more lines by more destructuring
@Mosho how would you call it?
saving lines is never a good goal
@Mosho sure, but the fact that you maybe could is really scary to me
langauge certainly looks off
(and your semicolons usage is certainly inconsistent.)
@towc well, I guess it's technically parsing
but it's not what you should mean when you say "parser" :P
@Mosho well, sure, not traditionally, but I don't really know how else to define the action
@FlorianMargaine at the end of return and the initial lambda declaration?
and where does language look off?
config will be 'a b', right?
@towc where you misspelled it
@towc you don't consume ---
@Mosho oh, that was in the messages before
but not in that snippet
hate why it looks wrong
I came to write here before writing the actual function
@towc yup
I'm also missing a bracket at the end
how dare you not criticize me because of that
a parentheses
I'm sure that after working with lisp for a while you don't see them anymore
but here's the thing: you have round parentheses, square brackets, and curly braces, right?
in some languages, it's "round brackets, square brackets, curly brackets"
I do agree with that. Although it's not how it is
so yeah, I'm missing parens
or parenthesis
or bracers, idk
and claudators
I love the word lisp, because people with lisps can't say it
lisps are a real thing?
I call myself the Resident Lithper
omg that's evil. Did they do it on purpose?
you'll have to ask John McCarthy, who created LISP about 60 years ago
@towc yes. they hate us all
I'm not sure if I should fire up total war warhammer 2 again
@Mosho see you in 10 years?
(61 years ago, so be precise)
it could stand for List Processing, but that's non of my business
at least a couple days
but I have some work to do
I'm not sure I'm strong enough
> Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses
hah, I like that one
!!nudge 60 stop
@Mosho Nudge #4 registered.
I wonder if that crashed caprica
@FlorianMargaine did you have studied the LISP compiler yourself ? I didn't, but got informed by my docent that it's based on maths.
if you look at the syntax, then it appears correct because you can handle it by mathematical "rules"
@KarelG you mean McCarthy's compiler?
McCarthy's compiler sounds like the secret anti communist kill list
argh, maybe sometimes template strings aren't the best solution
`${preTagName} slot=${objectPart.config.slot || 'js'} ${preTagParts.join(' ')}\n${content.join('\n')}`
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
Another very good talk: youtube.com/watch?v=GsMs3n8CB6g (cc @FlorianMargaine)
@copy ha, I've been using bcc-tools for a while now :)
Hey everyone!
Quick question, how would you go about making a sort of WYSIWYG editor for react components?
but, you made me create a "towatch" bookmark folder
@FlorianMargaine Add my favorite talk of all times if you haven't seen it: youtube.com/watch?v=_ahvzDzKdB0
@BenFortune keh
reminds me of a class in a similarly named package, with an exception of one lower case character instead of upper case. That boggled my mind very often
What maniac thinks that's okay
uhmmm npm is telling me that I need to very my email before publishing a package, but I definitely already have a couple?
you need to click on a link in that
Do values get sorted automatically in redis sets?
The definition says they are not ordered but alas
hmmm, vim doesn't let me :%s/ +$// to remove trailing whitespaces :/
oh, I need to escape + apparently?
@BenFortune pick one
towc, lookup for autocmd for vim. If you add the functionality to remove trailing whitespaces after each writes, it does so when issuing :w
or do some keybinding if you're not familiar with it :P
@Mosho nudge stop
@GNi33 Thanks for the hit list
that explanation = meh
@KarelG meh, I don't really want that tbf :/
don't want to create unwanted diffs on git, for example
do a keybinding then.
yeah, sure
@GNi33 eh, there is only one another project at PHPMailer ?
@KarelG And the other project doesn't use the PHPMailer namespace
what technology parses this to a <figure>?
doesn't seem like your common marked
@Neoares wait wut
yeah, the vuejs website does this, but it's on the server
and it's not server-side rendering of vue
I was trolling
it's a figure with a bloody table in it
wtf is going on
the good ol' invisible table
should probably take a lunch break
rip off the chicken's other thigh
I put the thigh back in the oven, right?
yes. 175°C
what i usually do is bake it in frying pan first, to have a crispy skin and then put it in the oven
but screw taste
be aware that it takes time though :P
it depends of the oven, but it takes usually 45 mins or more at mine.
screw taste? just go for soylent then
@GNi33 over budget
but can't reproduce it
actually nvm, I'm doing it right, but hexo is maybe somehow caching stuff that it's not supposed to cache
@towc how is that over budget?
@GNi33 >1€/meal
are you eating for 1.50€?
what the hell are you eating?
judge me however you want
currently, chicken
3.09€ for that thing I posted about yesterday
which should last about 6 servings
I'm not judging you at all, that's actually impressive
the price depends from place to place but I eat more than towc
a lot more
yeah, I figured that he eats baby portions
then pasta: 0.52€ a bag, lasting 4 serves (+1.60€ a sauce thing, also lasting 4 servings)
so you bought a whole chicken for 3.09€?
it is bratislava after all
I'd get 2 servings out of that
well, you're not not working
only started doing it after I stopped working
How much chicken do you add to one serving?
had a thigh today
don't have a balance, so can't really quantify it
ah okay. But it's in the "I'd freaking starve" area
if it works for you, why not
had to scratch my hair when reading this
Does anyone know if you can color columns in sublime text? IE. columns 1-6 be yellow, 7 be blue, 8-11 green
@KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine @Loktar wuzzup my glip glops!
@rlemon LOL
@rlemon wut
oh hey you're alive!
I have a problem
that's cool, how did you name it?
Good morning everyone
my Fn key is enabled by default Q_Q
I pressed something while cleaning the keyboard
keh, I was just checking a method with a long description as documentation explaining what it does. After some checks and setups, an API method is called (which does the main task). Checked the method in the documentation aaaaaaannd.... the description is same as the documented description. lol wtf
@GNi33 does that means it is the day of unification my dudes?
it does
I don't know why, but that toad makes me happy for some obscure reason
Neat. I took 3 weeks of german when I was there for 3 weeks (lol)
Toad makes me happy because the toad is unassuming and happy
The toad does not care who you are, male, female, german, non-german. You are all dudes or kerle in toad's eyes
Deleting my posts because all the cool kids are = lit
well fuck. my headphones from my cellphone don't wanna play the left ear.
now to determine if it is my headphones or my actual cellphone.

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