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I posted it yesterday and someone said it's too hard
need more opinions :X
yea its a bit hard
the throttle shouldn't be on/off
I should be able to ramp it up or down
have four buttons, increase/decrease and none and max
keybind to ctrl, shift, x, and z
z floors it, x minuses it, c adds more, v maxes it
but having that kind of control trivializes it
!!afk 🍺 🚀
const result = await sql.query`select * from mytable where id = ${value}`
where's the ()
Tagged templates are cool
i mean, if looks broken means cool, i guess
Everything looks broken if you're used to see something else
that was like 4 years ago
what an awful game
Tap zooms. -1
there were no mobile devices 4 years ago
@Mosho You know that iPhone is 10 years old, right?
I am trying to learn React and testing with Jest. I use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate as my dev environment. When I create a basic app, I get an "Unexpected token" error. The full details are at stackoverflow.com/questions/46455260/…. Any ideas what is going on here?
And more importantly, how do I fix this?
someone a guru in crypto currency here?
Why do you need a guru? I recently brushed over the Wikipedia article and I think that should be good enough for you
!!welcome Suisse
@Suisse Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hm I have a specific question about transactions in javascript for bitcoin
@CapricaSix yes?
aha ok
hi @towc ^^
you still haven't made the question clear
my specific question is: how can I calculate the transaction fee for $1.- for bitcoin
it has nothing to do with javascript yet haha
there's probably many APIs for that. You also need to decide yourself, that's what market decisions are about
I searched a lot, but there is not a calculator or something like that to know how much a transaction for 1.- is
there isn't a value. If you allowed the average, then you'd be ripped off because you'd basically be the buyer with the lowest ask
but where to see that price? I wanted to use bitcoinJS and there you can decide the amount of fee (in satoshi) - but how much?
@rlemon you should hire a goat If you ever planning on changing the lawn
hm and where can I see the "average" transaction fee for $1.- ?
you need to understand a bit more about market prices I think
you really really don't want the average
@Suisse Well its not trivial to determine it
Thats pretty much going to be the whole business revenue decision
if you're just making a client, let the user decide
I'm assuming this is transactions between users
"Do you want to pay the fee for this transaction? If yes, insert dollar emoji followed by the amount"
btw, to make this simpler for you: don't think about $/btc, but $/€ or something
you'd be trying to solve the same problem
Breaking it down to 1 USD over a period of time could get complicated though
Ye its not gonna be static obviously
(Well it shouldnt be)
And the price varies between exchanges
hm I have an app, where the users can do Tasks and get paid for a task with $1.-
I wanted to use Paypal
Also price should vary due to amount -> more competitive
but they are 'playing' with me.. and don't have really an interest that I use their API
What do you mean paypal is playing with you?
@Suisse Sending $1 through BTC is probably not a good idea
"You must have over $30k turnover on your account to be able to use the API" - paypal
thats why I wanted to use bitcoins
The amount is so tiny that the transaction fee will also be tiny. The transaction will probably take ages
@KamilSolecki no, over the last 3months
Huh, Thats interesting.
then get 30k in a month, what's the big deal
@OliverSalzburg what do you mean ages? 1day? or ehm 1 week?
for btc, you should wait a couple of hours
@towc lol haha I am a student, I don't have that amount of money haha
it's an inherent mechanic of the blockchain
@Suisse I can't say for sure. I've never tried to transmit such a small amount. But, to my knowledge, it is even possible that the transaction is not picked up entirely
@towc so ages means hours?
@Suisse he said ages, I didn't
@Suisse open up a second company and build up turnaround, then manipulate invoices and push all tax into costs :p
Every BTC transaction I ever made verified within 24h
That's all I can contribute to that :P
@OliverSalzburg hmm that's not how BTC works
maybe I just try to do a small transaction of $1.- from one of my adresses to another?
and play with the transaction fees
@towc Weird. Because it worked very much like that
ideally, the transaction could already be completed by the next unlocked block
@Suisse Worth a shot
and that's ~20 minutes last time I checked
Didn't we determine the other day @towc is confused about Bitcoin?
It can be included in the next block you see. That doesn't mean it's verified
you generally want to wait 6 blocks
I left half way into the convo
@rlemon Thanks for the heads-up :D
@rlemon oh not at all. The thing was that we assumed the server would do completely different things, and their implementation was definitely better
they just had to tell it to me and I saw the flaw
@towc lol "assumed the server did something it didn't" doesn't mean not not confused
@rlemon the server that would mine the btc on the client's browser
not the btc network
in my head, it would allocate chunks of the keyspace to various clients, but they rightly said it wouldn't make sense because the keyspace is so big, it's cheaper to start from a random key
and that was the only thing
then kendall and I argued about probabilities a bit
but that wasn't btc anymore
bit by bit I'm seeing that people here do think I'm that stupid 😒 and it does hurt
what hurts even more is when they talk shit about vue but chances are they never used it
cough room cough
@towc Maybe you should boil yourself a nice salad to improve your mood
@towc nope, we still love you.
the rocking the spoon instead of mashing? I had no clue, that doesn't make me a bad person
once kendall said the full thing, I quickly understood a lot of what was going on
and it weighs
I have mixed feelings about SAO. It partially pulled me in hard, but partially the total opposite
Spoon rocking?
I can't tell what I'm thinking
cc @MadaraUchiha did you like it?
I like to think of most regulars in this room as people trying to be rational. You're the people I rely on. You're the closest thing I ever got to a hero
Don't count me in I'm often irrational :P
I genuinely am scared of what would have happened if I never found out about this room
@KamilSolecki well, rational doesn't mean right, but at least not reject new ideas and try to keep the conversation fair
I need to find better reference points, sure, but I don't know where
Compared to the general internet, room 17 is pretty decent
@towc same can be said for what would have happened if you haven't gone to Slovakia etc etc etc. My personal opinion on the past is to cherish the good, but not overthink everything.
the biggest reference point is the slovak girl. Then there's what used to be this room, and then fairly irrelevant stuff
@KamilSolecki what's the difference between thinking and overthinking?
can you tell you're doing it?
just because someone tells you you're overthinking, does it mean you are?
what I mean exactly is to not put weight on oneself for the past. Learn from it, sure, but not make it a burden.
sure. How am I making it a burden?
I don't think much about what would have happened to me if I didn't find this room
I didn't say you are, I just threw out a general personal piece of advice ^^
sure? If I had to be me with my possible bias, I'd guess you meant something else and are now trying to deescalate the situaton as moderators do by making it so I wouldn't feel offended
good one
yeah that doesn't make me trust you any more than I did before. Not that there's a good reason for you to try and do that
someone just get rid of me already
Anyone out there could lend me a hand. I'm working on a function that creates permutations, and I have figured how to do this, the only thing I'm stuck with is actually returning this result in an array.
@manuel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@manuel sure. What have you tried, what do you expect to happen, and what actually happens?
@towc cover blown, I repeat, cover blown
(I couldn't come up with a witty response sorry)
gosh why would you be sorry
or did you get that in canada?
Nah, the only thing I got there was Chinese delivery erryday
@manuel arr.concat?
@manuel instead of console.log(arr), try return arr?
can you post some code with what you expect to see and what you actually see?
I'm not sure what the other arrays have to do with this
your final result is an array of arrays, right?
is arr an individual array, or that array of arrays?
because you can push arrays into arrays
Inb4 gist
1 message moved to Trash can
@manuel Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
!!> var arrayOfArrays = [1]; var arr = [2]; arrayOfArrays.push(arr); console.log(arrayOfArrays)
@towc "undefined" Logged: [1,[2]]
newArr = [];

function permAlone(str,n) {

var n = n || str.length

for(var i=1; i <= n; i++){
  var j=1
} else{

function swap(a,i,j){
  var temp = a[i]
  a[i] = a[j]
  a[j] = temp

// var newArr = permAlone('abc'.split('')).map(function(x){
//   return x.join('')
// })

@manuel what do you expect to happen?
I tried several variations.
@manuel also wether we manage to help you with your issue or not, we need to go through some code review, to make you write prettier code :)
@KamilSolecki so I exptected when I added newArr.push(str) after the if statement that all the strings would be pushed into the newArr and if I used return newArr this function would spit out all the permutations.
I'm not touching that code
@KamilSolecki any good advice is appreciated.
is there a language you know better than javascript?
@towc no I just started :(
ok :)
It's ok, but I gotta dig through the variable names firdt
I need time :P
@KamilSolecki no worries take your time!
@towc wait, can you acually manipulate function Params like that in swap? (No idea, since you can't in C# and am on mobile)
@KamilSolecki the array is passed as a reference, if that's what you mean
!!> const a = []; const setX = (array, x) => { array[0] = x; }; setX(a, 2); a
@towc [2]
@Mosho So you can show off your sweet ass corvette
oh so sexy
is that what I think it is?
That depends what you think it is
a line?
rendered by code from yours truly
don't be jealous
I'm confused
Do you know what yours truly means?
@manuel ok let's start with the fact that permAlone isn't returning anything.
I thought I did
You know nothing, towc
I must know something
Anyway, the interesting part of that line is the variable width
@KendallFrey do tell
tell what?
I'm missing the point
About the fact that canvas doesn't support variable width?
@KamilSolecki indeed but it does print the correct answer in command window right now. Correct?
meh. It's pretty simple maths to fake it, right?
I thought you'd be above that
I am, that's why I wrote my own renderer
The goal is to have variable color as well
@manuel I have absolutely no idea what your code is supposed to do, so I can't tell. Maybe it will be better if you tell step by step what should happen, and I can try help you write it properly
wait you wrote your own renderer?
what level? On top of canvas?
And maybe something else, got any ideas for something you wish you could gradient in strokes?
@KendallFrey alpha levels too
add conic gradients
@towc It works on ImageData
@KamilSolecki That's implied
oooh! Is that the whole minimizing the sum of squares and antialiasing thing?
@towc In the end everything is supposed to be parametric, so you can supply your own function
@towc Nope, that was a different thing
Although I am minimizing a sum of squares at some point... lol
I need some source
It's just a spike ATM
once I get the line rendering working well I'll port it to TS and build a system on top of it
@KamilSolecki it takes an array [1,2,3] and outputs all the permutations [1,2,3] [2,1,3] [1,3,2] [3,1,2] [2,3,1] [3,2,1]
I mean, you could, sure :/
you might also decide not to TS it
@KamilSolecki so what the function does it takes the array and then runs recursively using the heap method, to find the permutations.
@towc why?
free sample
loving the for(_;true;_)
Got a better idea, spit it out
while loops?
either way, I'm not here to criticize
oh god it broke
I wrote a 3d renderer using opengl for a uni course once
was great fun
in C
probably put 80% of my study time into it that semester
wonder if I can find it
I started writing a 3D software renderer once
I almost got to the triangle rendering part
damn, that's pretty damn far
Oh my god I'm so dumb
hooray progress
time to reward myself with a youtube break
what is the current status of the navigator.getBattery() API? I see its documentation with a deprecated notice everywhere, is there no stable method to check if a laptop is on battery to avoid battery drain?
@KamilSolecki does that makes sense?
@Shadow ask them. Maybe they want the battery drain even if they're low on battery
or the other way around
by default, don't drain, but add a switch to drain or something
@KendallFrey in the end we had a general purpose renderer that could render any set of vertices
with normal maps and textures, shaders
making shaders in opengl was very high reward/time
making a "cartoon" shader was like 8 opengl lines
cel shading
imgur.com/a/O8kht took some plants from the pond to over winter.

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