you want it to persist beyond the specific browser? you can use localStorage if not. otherwise you can use chrome storage sync in the extension, but there is very limited space in that.
The extension retrieves data from a website. This data i need to get into the database. So it doesnt matter which pc he/she uses. She only needs to log in to the website and have the plugin installed
So the data is not pc bound, is what i am trying to say
if you care about users switching pc, you can always make the app accept+output a config file so they can reuse it, and at that point simply use localStorage
I have no clue about the data size, but the extension retrieves communication between people, these can go from 2 messages up to 70. All text, so no images or something like that
What about writing the retrieved data to a text file and then write a different program that retrieves the data and then reads through it and puts each piece of data into the database?
I dont believe alot of users will be using this. Technically all this extension does(or will be doing) is displaying the data in a more easier way so it can be read properly.
I tried using Ajax, but this wont work because i cant get jquery to load into the extension.
I also tried XMLhttprequest or whatever it is but couldnt figure that out either.
I am writing a chrome extension. And I want to use jQuery in my extension. I am not using any background page, just a background script.
Here are my files :
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Extension name",
"description": "This extension does something,",
put them in the oven at 200C for about 7 minutes to dry them (was still hot from the chicken), then put them in the microwave for 2mins because they didn't seem dry enough, and seemed like I didn't really have means of getting them drier within a couple of hours
@ssube Hm, I'll just fix the warnings manually for now and check for a different approach later. I would like to catch these earlier for the devs (including me) not awake when writing code.
ugh, I have thousands of async-ly bound and unbound objects going through a bunch of convoluted observables, and only the simplest one is getting out of sync
oh god dammit, it was just something throwing between the release and the binding :|
@rlemon uh! I'm definitely going to stick with vim, but this is probably going to be quite useful if I want to get a GUI user to enter to world of vim without giving up on the first attempt
@Learning well if its a nested structure, you can just check if it has subelements, no need for a property (unless im misunderstanding what im looking at)
yea, I think I might have that starting anway. and it's just a little dry wall making a room I don't care about, so probably have it removed and have a bare basebent until I know all moisture problems are solved.