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> In September 2015, the multi-millionaire engineer at the heart of the patent and trade secrets lawsuit between Uber and Waymo, Google’s self-driving car company, founded a religious organization called Way of the Future. Its purpose, according to previously unreported state filings, is nothing less than to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.”
Q: Parsing data from a div tag using Jquery

user1692342I have HTML like this: <div data-suppattrtype="test1" class="testclass"> <p> Hello Test1 </p> </div> <div data-suppattrtype="test2" class="testclass"> <p></p> <div class="LotMoreContents"> <p> First Time </p> <div id="Time"> <input type="text" id="...

why dont you just get the value of the input elements?
change the input ids to be unique and then use jquery to grab them that way.
Stack Overflow
is there an easy way to return an object from an array based on a specific value in that object for example i want to return the object with the id of 2
    var x = [
       {id: 1, colour: "#555", solid: 1, bounce: 0.35},
       {id: 2, colour: "#333", solid: 0, bounce: 0.25}];
would the best way to just be a for loop then do if id == 2?
basically, yes
yeah, I'd use a filter for that
however, "just a for loop" is not really appealing for the eye
what do u mean a filter?
x.filter(element => element.id === 2)
yeh i was hoping for a 1 liner lol
but, in terms of efficiency and processing, such a loop is required in the case of a simple array
@hsimah i suppose you still have to do something like ".first()"
sec let me try that
I suspect filter to return an array
or at least an iterable
true - find then
oh wait i can just do x[id] lol
@SlavikRibz that depends
since there wont be any missing ids
in your case, you cannot
if your array is sorted by id
x is an array
you use id 1 as first entry
so unless id is a valid index of x that's not what you want
yeh i can just change it to start with 0
and the first entry is stored in slot 0
or x[id - 1] i guess
it will be sterling
you're not referring to the id of the object?
yes i am but in this case it will always be the same as the index its in
that's not a wise way to do it
it's not future proof
you could use a map
WeakMap (iirc) for example
im just thinking it has to run about 30 times a second so if i did a map or for loop it would make it abit slower
You won't be able to tell a difference
it's an O(n) complexity, there's no increasing factor
so if the array was 10000 index's long it wouldnt make a difference?
correct, you won't be able to visually see a slow down
oh i might aswell do that then, is that the x.filter ur refering to?
Now if it had nesting layers or a recursive factor, you're looking at a much more complex loop, so the O notation would be more exponential
Correct, filter is the best option here for both readability and simplicity
map is the same as by id
its just that it is meant for these kinds of access methods
ah ok that should be fine then
@SterlingArcher filter is O(n)
although its returning an array with the object im after instead of just the object
map should be O(1) with an O(log n) on collisions
@Wietlol I said that
You could also use a Set here
const x = new Set([
	{id: 1, colour: "#555"     , solid: 1, bounce: 0.35},
	{id: 2, colour: "#333"     , solid: 0, bounce: 0.25}
[...x].filter(e => e.id === 2);
I think that's the right syntax for a set
how is a set different?
Q: Javascript Set vs. Array performance

neoflashIt maybe because Sets are relatively new to Javascript but I haven't been able to find an article, on StackO or anywhere else, that talks about the performance difference between the two in Javascript. So, what is the difference, in terms of performance, between the two? Specifically, when it com...

A set's performace outscales an array as the number of items grow
But we're talking micro-optimizations here
i doubt his array will be large enough to make any difference whatsoever
yeh its just an array to store different tiles in a tile based platformer
so like 20 types of tiles max or something
5 mins ago, by Slavik Ribz
so if the array was 10000 index's long it wouldnt make a difference?
I was going off of that
ah that was just for future reference
I'm just giving options, using a plain array makes no difference
am i doing it right btw?
well, it does... but nothing an end user will see unless you hit hundreds of thousands of indices
thanks sterling :D
(i know its stupid to ask in the js room, but anyone, by chance, knows a nice intermediate language?)
@Wietlol intermediate meaning?
"An intermediate language is the language of an abstract machine designed to aid in the analysis of computer programs. The term comes from their use in compilers, where the source code of a program is translated into a form more suitable for code-improving transformations before being used to generate object or machine code for a target machine."
Ah, sorry I'm not familiar, can't help on that
i wrote a little language and made it compile to js, but I also want it to make something cooler
however, apart from primitives, I want to do everything by myself
ok, and flow and such
Would typescript fall into that definition since it compiles down to JS?
typescript is a high level language
its what people write
im more talking about jvm bytecode
or clr bytecode
or llvm ir
or w/e
Ah yeah that's way over my head
I literally know nothing you just listed haha
Q: Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation in JS for loop to fat arrow function

Eliseo d'AnnunzioI have been playing with the following function: s = function(x) { for(n=10,z=0;~(--n);z+=pow(-1,n)/fac(2*n+1)*pow(x,2*n+1)); return z } fac is a factorial function, pow is a power function (for those playing at home) which I have defined outside of this function. s is meant to be a Taylor...

good lord
fat arrow?
cc @KendallFrey @copy
what the actual *beep*
What I really hate about a lot of ahole engineers in bay area is that they love to ask really old js questions and they demand answers from that time.
ignore the title, it's the timestamp that's important
@AK you uh, you do realize some people need to maintain older systems?
Has anyone taken a look at Zuckerberg's facebook?
oh my that onebox
"egg-bearing humans" is a phrase I need to use more often
Behold, the majestic roar of a Lynx http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2017/08/08/behold-majestic-roar-lynx/ https://t.co/cKkHqXiq4X
@SterlingArcher ^
majestic af
that's one yuge onebox
guys, if you see someone's database model design but you cannot understand why the hell he has designed it this way
is that normal learning curve or it's just he suck
@JasonMarsh depends
ive seen it and turns out it was clever, ive also seen some where they were morons
can you show it to us
no lol... it's company IP
it almost feels like he doesn't care about the product
that's not uncommon
yeah, we write an application that stores emails by project
I've worked at a place that called the database vendor in and when they saw the schema, they weren't sure how some of the constraints were working and left to set up a lab
one of the guys on our team wrote a script to import files (normally filed via Outlook) and it created a heap of duplicate entries
I said it wasnt good enough, he was perplexed why I cared if we had duplicate records in our database
mongo and 12 month retention requirement (for govt audits) makes for some duplicate data
this is enterprisey sized and in sql server
and sometimes things happen and you get dupes, but you shouldnt be happy enough to store duplicate records just because it was harder to check for them first
if you ssh into a virutalbox from another virutalbox do you just target the box name
like ssh user@debian
or do you need to explicitly state the ip adress
depends on how your network is set up
just using virutal box
the default is probably nat'd with a local dhcp server on the virtual network (iirc, and it's been a while). In that case, find the subnet your guests are on and try the ip.
I doubt they mess with dns settings by default.
I only get DNS because my guests are bridged and the router does it.
I am not sure if i have to use network set to bridge, or if i can get away with just Nat
Hey Guys. a qq
but it seems like nat is fine
@Rick there's nothing wrong with natting, but the ip range will depend
How do I implement jQuery.parseHTML() i n plain javascript
if you bridge, your guests will be in the same range as your host (most likely)
if you nat, your guests will be in whatever range the virtual network's controller chooses
is there a command that will allow you to see the subnet for each box. ipconfig does not work in some of my enviorments
just when you think webpack can't get any more garbage
thanks ssube, ill try that but shouldn't VirtualBox have it listed somewhere in the Networks tab.
it's ridiculous how they make you work for the information you are probably going to need.
hmm this is super strange. Why doesn't this person use many to many relationship
whenever there's a case it need M2M, this person over engineers it and build the same thing using 1 to m
I'm saying M2M from ORM layer
sup my glip glops?
wubalubadubdub taco
not much
what's wubalubadubdub with you?
virtualizing with my virtual glip glops
Is it weird that I can feel my phone vibrating on the far end of my desk on top of a pile of paper through my steering wheel while I'm racing?
Maybe it's your toy and not your phone
I don't have a toy... that I know of
if youre in a rested for loop and you break from the most nested one, will it break from all of them?
@SlavikRibz Only if you use a labeled break
as in break; ?
im not sure what a labled break is
why is the heroku CLI 70mb
ffs i literally just bought a gopro a month ago and a new version just came out
I'm in the research phase of a VR startup
Still debating which ecosystem, possibly Vive/Rift
I'm gonna get one of the ASUS mixed reality headsets as soon as they come out
ssube you have a js gold badge? nice man
so does acer, but I don't trust either of them
yep, got that Q
I'm close, I got 739
the last 40 took forever. I want the full set of typescript badges next.
I feel like Windows Mixed Reality is going to really fuck up VR in the living room. Microsoft has enough money to really muddy the field. Sony's doing it right
I don't think it will replace the Vive we've got set up
it'll be more of a productivity thing I use at my desk, where there's no room for cameras
what do you use the Vive for @ssube
Fruit Ninja, Super Hot, and tomorrow (when the steering wheel shows up) maybe Project Cars 2
gentlemen, can any of you try r3d-rock3t.herokuapp.com and tell me if it's potentially fun
@ssube oh i thought you used it for work
mm, nope. Not sure how I could.
it's not very good at text
@Mosho Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
should still work
animation is smooth. i like it
the acceleration/gravity is kind of steep
hitting space doesn't do anything for a second, then you fly up
it's newtonian
arrows scroll
well yeah, if your screen is tiny
I'm asking just about the basic mechanics
You're tiny
@ssube and yeah, don't stay on the pedal too long
@ssube have you tried Sairento VR? It's like being in the Matrix
it has weapon loot as well
no, but I'll look into it
I don't like how a lot of VR games have the VR thing going on
but otherwise poverty
and very few AAA companies seem to be putting any VR stuff out
not enough people have headsets
guess so
that's chicken & egg though
how do i tell if 'for' loop ran?
@Ace debugger with breakpoints or you can use logs
i did log stuff
@Mosho that was really hard to get through even a few obstacles on
all i get is the log before the 'for' loop, and i didnt get the next console.log
how do i debug that?
@HatterisMad hmm
    console.log("1.1 BDL LENGTH: " + BDL.barDataList.length + " " + day);
    for (var i1 = 0; i1 < loadArray.length; i1++) {

        console.log("for loop ran");
                BDL.barDataList.push(new BarData(month, day, year, loadArray[i1][0], loadArray[i1][1],
the log after the for loop does not run... odd
ah il just call it a night
@ssube Drummer Talent VR is kind of like Rock Band, but just the drummer part. Blasters of the Universe is like a shooting gallery game. Smashbox Arena is like dodgeball with weapon pickups. Batman Arkham VR is amazing but really f'ing short. Keep Talking & Nobody Explodes is a fun party game
@HatterisMad I guess it takes a little practice
sup @HatterisMad
wouldn't want to make it too easy :X
but maybe easier than that
you back stateside yet
@Mosho i tried it for a good 5 minutes or so
@taco bro i have been stateside since the end of 2015 XD
I've not dropped in much in the past year
did you bring a lady boy back @HatterisMad
but I guess I had more practice
maybe bigger holes
or just slower
found the issue, since it's an MVC project, the cache was using old version
that's a known bug for MVC, debugging not updated
i didnt see any of that, just a black screen and rocket
did you press space
pressing space made my browser scroll, which is why i may have missed i should be going up
what kind of screens do you guys have lol
Google Chrome
yeah i dont believe it
@BenFortune Happy birthday! 🎂🦄
@littlepootis That's hilarious! Although....did you make it?
Okay, so that's more interesting! I wonder if you would report it...
Good evening Linus! XD
@littlepootis lol
@taco i am still dating a thai yes, but a woman by birth believe it or not
@BenFortune woohoo happy birthday British human!!
Also, o/
eh, it totally doesn't work for me, cannot move forward...
@lnshi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello guys :)
Hello @KamilSolecki :)
@mark333...333...333 Hey, waddup?
Hello all
Javascript seems like something that can't be learned in totality because it's so big.
what do you mean with "big" ?
The basics are ... less "volumic" compared to C++
would drawing a 100x100 rect on a canvas take the exact same amount of time as drawing a 100x100 image on a canvas
since they are both 10k pixels
@Dream_Cap what do you mean by 'too big'? Or, are you perhaps thinking about all the libs available, which, by no means, you need to learn by heart?
@SlavikRibz no
@KarelG so the image would take longer because all the pixels are different colours?
ive made a tile based platformer with rectangles and im just curious when i replace them with spirtes if its going to be more laggy
not only that
but if your sprites are not in HD then you will do it fine
isnt the only thing that makes an image HD is how many pixels it has though?
there are plenty tile based games in canvas context on the internet.
so if the sprites are the same size it should be ok
yeh they are probably programmed abit better than mine tho lol
"sprites in hd" -> gets compressed -> more different colors each pixels
ah i see, my tiles are only 32x32 so very low definition
should run fine then i hope
ye should be absolutely no problemos
sweet thanks guys
for example a HD sprite gives for a row: [ r | r | g | r | g | g | r ] if you compress it in row res, you usually get [ r | r | r | r | g | g | r ] (I'm just simplifying it ... there is a huge algorithm behind it
if there are lots of repeatable color per range, the image gets processed faster than images with lots of different colors in the same range
i think i get it, if the sprite is exacly the right dimensions i dont think it will try and compress it
since it's 32x32 then you don't have to worry about it :P
ah ok :)
I have seen a canvas once with 128x128 sprites. that was kinda loading'ish
how do you reload a script on a button click?
oh damn
@user3743168 add an onclick event to the button that runs the function with the code?
im not sure if thats what u mean
im using prism.js so i dont know what the function is though
im trying to reload the script or "rerun" it somehow
i never used prism i cant help sorry
okay, but do you know why when i remove a script with .remove() from the DOM and then recreate it and add it back my resources in the browser loads its again?
like under resources i get the same script multiple times
im not sure, but can you even do that?
and even if, it sounds like a really bad idea
why do you want to reload a script ?
(it usually comes from the cache, so you get the same script)
hi folks, I am trying to make a custom build of jquery-ui - but I see that the ui/core.js file is to be deprecated...what is the alternative?
@copy .
Would anyone know why its not drawing this image to the canvas? :/

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