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@elszeus showing the code that is throwing that would be a lot more helpful
Not sure where the error is as the error comes up in code that is generated when run in IE, other browsers are fine though
However, this is the line points to in the error message: not much help.
Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );};
ctrl +k
1 message moved to Trash can
@elszeus Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com

(function ($) {
$(function () {
    // why?
okay cheers didnt know.
no conflict, wrapped in a iife, then wrapped in a ready call.
that just looks like a hot mess
Good job I didnt write it then
what version of IE is it failing in, and what version of jQuery are you using
IE11, JQuery 3.1.1
Hope all are doing good.
Thanks Muhammad, you too
I am good.
Are you ready to help me?
@Muham Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MuhammadYaseen No wait, give me a few minutes
Now there's a name I completely forgot about
can anyone suggest an immutability helper library to use to keep redux reducers pure?
there are only really two immutable libs for JS
the redux documentation references immutability-helper, updeep, and Immutable
i checked out immutability-helper, but the syntax was pretty jarring
if you don't want new syntax, the latter will be better
@CapricaSix It's okay!
too many welcomes today
its nice to meet new people
@elszeus yes it is!
nah, people suck
yeah they suck
except a few
Anyone know how to cast an EventTarget to an HTMLElement without this ugly strategy in TypeScript?
const castTarget: any = t;
const target: HTMLElement = castTarget;
@ssube another redux question... trying to learn it now and going through the official documentation and a number of tutorials. i have yet to see an example where you write (POST) to the server. everything i've seen is just updating the state client side. when, in the flow of things (actioning, reducing, etc.) would you make a server call?
well, the backend visualization is coming along nicely:
at the end I'll try to rearrange the postits to give it somewhat of an organic look maybe
buy yourself a whiteboard
I could also do that
> homo password
wut no 😆 it's the name and password parameters
@towc you have a lot of arrows and diagrams on postits
why are your graphs so small?
well, I do realize this visualization is probably not going to be readable by anyone but me
@Loktar dude, his twitter is all sorts of fucked
teresko posted some shit the other day when that all started
made me look. what a twat (issacs, not teresko)
@towc I do similar charts, but much larger
yeah I knew who you meant, @tereško is based :p
you always need to add more nodes as you go
yeah, it's not great. But it works for now ¯_(ツ)_/¯
man, node on windows sucks. for deploying that is
again, just meant to be a small experiment
@Loktar IMO that's discriminating
!!s/node on//
@towc man, windows sucks. for deploying that is (source)
@Luggage it keeps sucking, don't worry
@KarelG yeah it definitely is lol
node on windows just doesn't work right
I figured pm2 would have a windows service thing and I'd be good
@Loktar Yarn guys are not much better. during the last CoC debacle the Yarn guys were saying shit like "all men suck, quote me on it"
but nope.
!!s/node on//
@towc windows just doesn't work right (source)
@rlemon the yarn guys are shit too definitely
If you switch to Yarn from npm because of this anti-CoC/women/queer bullshit, you are unwelcome and I will personally block you
yea, saw that as well.
@Loktar I just have this secret shitstorm forecasting app ///cc @rlemon
he was also going off on reddit about how much men suck
at least you were forewarned about this coming
@tereško I've known for a while, it's just nice to see normies waking up finally
on the plus side, it made me sub to /r/node
this shit started way before gamer gate even, just slowly building
it has been building since 60s on one sense or another
@rlemon is he not a male itself?
self hating man
it's common in SV startups
SV ?
self hating white male at that.
silicon valley
ah silicon valley
I'm not even socially aware enough to hate a gender
"the civil war of culture" has reached the Normistan
It's just weird to me
but sadly such things happens here too, albeit less frequently
I don't go out so I can't judge anyone. Problem solved
I don't discriminate, I hate everyone.
@towc exactly
you don't have to judge anyone
my basil, post its and I have created a nice society right here
Lookit these kids, interacting with people
@KarelG this might give you some insights: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL969utfM58zhc8Xzo2byAjZkWlTQWUTYc
it all has basically come out of the academia .. it's just there is a 20-30 year (one generation) lag
@towc Post its are not a spice
@Cereal yet
@towc not ever
@towc I don't go out and I'm perfectly happy to judge the fuck out of you.
towc productions presents: edible postits made out of basil!
those are just leaves
shhh, you'll ruin the marketing
@KendallFrey I feel like hating towc is directly hating on the culinarily challenged
> I can't believe it's not post its!
nah, people will still pay for them
> Organic Recycled Basil Postable Notes
@Cereal I said judge, not hate.
It's 2017, that's the same thing
I like going home and watching my favorite TV show, Hate Judy
If you're not all-loving, you're a bigot by default
I would watch Judge Judy if she wore a proper Judge's uniform
and sentenced people to death on the spot
@Cereal that is the definition :P
Judge Frank Caprio is actually nice to watch
he's on youtube. doesn't sensationalise it like the others.
I keep thinking it's already october
every day for the past week or so
It's going up to 37 today
Feels a lot like not fall
want us to wake you up when september ends?
!!weather moncton
@Cereal [object Event]
@rlemon that's interesting, cause last time I was at the car dealership, I saw part of a similarly tame and reasonable show about a Dr. Phil replacement
I thought bots were supposed to get smarter over time
@Cereal hah getting the same temps here
was in the 90s all week
Imagine if you could just spend a week in the 1990s
It's going to be 37, with like 98% humidity.
like a really weird vacation
I'm going to leave the office and just hit a wall of hot water
!!> (new Date('10-01-2017') - Date.now())/1000/60
@towc "NaN"
@KendallFrey I'd be rich when I got back
firefox dates are different?
console says 6226
@Loktar Why?
I wouldn't buy stocks, or get lottery numbers, no... I'd buy "retro" stuff
!!nudge 6227 no more september
@towc Nudge #2 registered.
new Date() returns a date object, which gets .toString @towc
You could bring back szechuan sauce
@towc parse functionality differs from browser to browser
hrm, I guess that's just with stupid +
firefox is more strict on that AFAIK
ignore me
new Date('10-01-2017') doesn't work on FF
I want to bring back Pizzarias chips.
god I miss those.
use the right format the next time :)
new Date('2017-01-10')
just checked on FF
ok, dropping pm2 and using github.com/coreybutler/node-windows to make a service
Cap is FF
so !!> is running in FF
If you went back in time, would you be morally responsible for 9/11 if you didn't warn someone?
@rlemon Yes, but we like her anyway
oh, interesting: +new Date gives a number, and new Date + 1 gives a string
unary plus
well, that's something interesting to watch out for
(and yup, 1 + new Date is also a string, has to be unary)
@towc In FF, or Chropera?
but I guess FF as well
weird, because valueOf returns a number
!!> navigator.userAgent
@Neoares "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0"
!!> [ 1 + new Date, +new Date, new Date + 1 ]
@towc ["1Tue Sep 26 2017 10:18:59 GMT-0400 (EDT)",1506435539406,"Tue Sep 26 2017 10:18:59 GMT-0400 (EDT)1"]
!!> +new Date+1
@Neoares 1506435619278
!!> new Date(+new Date+1)
@Jhoverit "2017-09-26T14:20:43.845Z"
@KendallFrey are some events not bound to occur eventually ?
I recall a big philosophical debate about that
Why would they be?
if you warn that 9/11 would occur, then bin laden would just fund another attack
Aside from the apparent impossibility of the future affecting the past
@KarelG What if you told the US where he was hiding?
are you sure that it wouldn't lead to any form of revenge from his family ?
or would you find and arrest/kill them too?
@KarelG Yes
Oh bin laden lol. I was just down for some family slaying
I recall that Stephen's fry talk
How he started with "suppose that Alois' sperm has hit hitler's mom ovum", about another sperm hit or being serilized
nice way to start a hypothesis if someone didn't got born ect ect
still ... there are doubts that Hitler is really against jews
you know that internal dialog you have before doing something stupid or dangerous and you know it is stupid or dangerous? like, "hrm, using this hole saw while holding the bit I need to cut into is probably not going to end well.. my hand is right there. I can probably control it well enough .. nope"
I'd leave myself a list of all the times it went bad
if I ever went back in time*
might be time to put the chicken in the oven again and try to not get salmonella
^ ?
^-- had to grin
@Jhoverit last time he cooked chicken it was under
he showed us a pic after eating it
I was in a rush
not terribly under, but under
ben and kendall tried to convince me I was about to die
@towc your forks suck.
@rlemon that has yet to fail for me
/me found something to bitch about
@Jhoverit that looks pretty normal for non american silverware
at least from my experience abroad
@Jhoverit don't judge a man by his fork
I have like tridents for forks lmao
I was kidding tho
yeah yeah ;)
What the fuck happened to that chicken man
And nbd anyway. People half cook frozen 3 year old chicken all the time in microwave meals
@SterlingArcher it lost its head
@Jhoverit microwave meals are pre cooked before you get them
<3 that font
They are also heavily preserved
!!s/ happened to/ed/
@Jhoverit What the fucked that chicken man (source)
@towc Have you tried cooking the chicken before putting it on the plate?
Close enough
damnit the plan was to try again today. That was an old photo of what happened last time
@SterlingArcher apparently you can make chicken jerky.
I dunno tho
doesn't sound like something I wanna try
@HatterisMad Nope not the shit I eat
that was a 45min roast, I guess I should aim for 2hrs?
@towc up the temp
I really liked the taste, I have to say
@rlemon oh. How much? Current was 175C
And the boxes have warnings out the ass about the uncooked meat, preservatives don't remove salmonella
@towc 200
till it's done
This is what good chicken looks like
It's a bit off topic but are there maybe people here who ever made / published ads with Facebook?
dafuq. How can you eat a chicken raw ?
This protein shake tastes like garbage
@rlemon oh, so I don't wrap it in tinfoil? Or I do, then I unwrap every 10 mins or so after 45mins to check?
@KarelG it's seriously tasty
what does your intuition tell you?
and again, not really raw
@towc the best way to cook chicken is to pan sear is for 1-2 minutes on both sides, then toss into the over @ 400F for ~20 minutes
so... i am interviewing for a job maintaining a companies website today. I looked last night and they are using almost nothing but jquery. Do I run and hide?
@rlemon As if that were to be trusted
do you really "toss" it in the oven ? :P
preferably use a skillet that can be used in the stove and in the oven
I was imagining that
@Duikboot We did. It sucks
@towc how long since you made the disease dinner
@SterlingArcher his isn't boneless.
@rlemon put the tinfoil over the whole thing rather than wrapping the chicken? It feels like something would go horribly wrong, like the chicken having too much direct contact with the cooking thing
40 minutes in the oven sounds about right
@KarelG See, I'm imagining "tossing it" in the oven...
@towc depends on what you're cooking it on. just covering it is probably fine
@rlemon oh gross
@OliverSalzburg Do you know when you have :
1) Campaign
2) 1 Ad group
2) 6 Ads in that group

How are they being rendered to 'user'. Does FB automatically 'pick them at random'?
@KendallFrey you don't want to get a burn on your willy
wanna see the sadest meal I ate last week?
@Jhoverit saturday
I present the pickled eggs, cheese, and butter on white bread with a touch of pepper
@rlemon #3 LOL
@rlemon sadist or saddest? I'm fine with either
@KendallFrey you be the judge
I was hungry, didn't feel like walking to the store, and didn't feel like ordering anything.
@SterlingArcher I'm trying to avoid pan searing. I can make a decent chicken thigh with onion by now by using the pan, but I'm either doing it wrong, or I'm too lazy to deal with the oil jumping out of the pan and having to clean up after
@towc pan is too hot then
once you get a pan or a pot to temp, turn it down to low
@BadgerCat tough to say - I'd like to be 200lbs with abs lol but in reality if I didn't replace weight (which I'll be doing) I'll want to end up at 190lbs
doesn't take much to keep it there
Last thing I cooked was really delicious
@towc you should rarely sear meat
@Duikboot No idea. But whatever they're doing, it sucks :P The conversions from FB are always garbage for us
but a couple weeks ago
it mostly just dries it out
searing the meat keeps the moisture in
I weighed in at 213.2lbs, 26.6 BMI, and 20.3% body fat
@rlemon oh, that makes sense
@OliverSalzburg haha thanks!
@rlemon that's a myth
yup, such a myth. ignoring the fact I've cooked a steak or two in my life.
Searing (or pan searing) is a technique used in grilling, baking, braising, roasting, sautéing, etc., in which the surface of the food (usually meat, poultry or fish) is cooked at high temperature until a caramelized crust forms. Similar techniques, browning and blackening, are typically used to sear all sides of a particular piece of meat, fish, poultry, etc. before finishing it in the oven. To obtain the desired brown or black crust, the meat surface must exceed 150 °C (300 °F), so searing requires the meat surface be free of water, which boils at around 100 °C (212 °F). Although often said to...
there are cuts that benefit from searing
that's why I said "rarely" rather than "never"
@monners can I buy you a silly gift on amazon then? Nothing sexual, it will be random lol
you give me two steaks and I'll sear one and not the other. tell me which is juicier
the seared one will be tastier, but because the outside is browned, not because of the juice
I didn't say tastier, I said juicier
for chicken, searing just dries it out, no benefits
> so called fat and weird shaped head sterling archer
I think this is the only thing I have that is meant to be put in the oven
@SterlingArcher listen fat head
You guys pinged me a lot last night lol
I do have a big head
@towc That's not for the oven
Jokes lol
wait wut?
goddamnit you
looks like a huge pan for just one chicken thigh
You really need a slow cooker
@SterlingArcher Hmm.. my BMI is at 21.4, I can only afford to lose 8 pounds
you gonna put some onions and carrots in there?
@rlemon it might be. Is that because of the searing or because you took it off sooner? I'm not convinced it's quantitatively juicier, but I won't argue that seared steaks are better.
I want a precision cooker
@rlemon I could do some onions and potatoes
I want an induction hob
@BadgerCat BMI is kind of a bad measurement though, it hardly takes into consideration height or body type
Oh cool, my BMI is considered normal
but honestly, I'm ok with just chicken while I'm trying this out
@towc poke holes in the potatoes and cook in the microwave for like 5 minutes if you are cooking them with the chicken
then they'll be done at the same time
Sorry I mean it doesn't take into consideration muscle mass
potatoes take too long usually.
@Cereal Obese
I could easily be 213lbs and solid muscle 14% BF and it would say I'm overweight
Do some filet mignon. Super easy
I think I'm pretty fat, so that was a nice suprirse
what do I do with the tinfoil in this case?
eat it
my BMI was borderline obese when my body fat was <15%
I see
@towc mix it with the post its
Just joined the room, is it JavaScript room??
@jainashish Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ssube yea, BMI is misleading
@jainashish it is, do you have a question?
Welcome to Towc's Cooking Room!
@towc Make a double-slit with it and shine a laser through it
@KendallFrey omg I can actually use it for some sort of mirroring system around the room for some nice effects
tin foil is not a mirror
see if chickens cause an interference pattern
well, reflects light
and is cheap af
Ok, messages just confused me ! I got the sense now ;)
@towc ew
!!afk standing up
@towc so does paper
!!afk sitting down
it doesn't scatter light around as much as paper. Happy?
> Jus chillin collapsing wave functions
!!afk planking
@Jhoverit wavefunction collapse is a myth kek
@towc you can scatter lasers with foil, but you're better off with cheap mirrored acrylic
> Jus heisening some bergs
I'm uncertain about that
I actually really wanted to get blackboard paint before coming here :/
well, I still do, but I don't know what I was thinking, painting walls I don't own and stuff
@towc It's normal to repaint walls in rentals.
paint yourself
Ask your lease manager tho to be sure
Why does only my left shoe wanna undo itself?
@Jhoverit well, landlord should agree though, right? And I don't think anyone else will agree to me painting walls with blackboard for a 6month contract
@rlemon At least it's not your right.
lol that'd be terrible
@towc two choices. Paint it back white before you leave.. or ask permission before you start.
@towc As long as you do a good job they shouldn't mind. And the colors look good. They might ask you to paint it back before you leave tho
or paint and then ask

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