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it can't be socially unacceptable if no one knows what it is!
@Vap0r yes. what fake internet points can i repay you with?
@rlemon still doesn't work
you heard him, anything you keep under wraps is completely socially acceptable
@Cereal crack caffeine
@Mosho sure does. he gets told he has dick nipples
@Vap0r thank you, though, not sarcastically
@rlemon need visual clarification
If I said I like to spend my time doing freebase on the weekends, no one would bat an eye
@NathanJones nothing at all, I had some people questioning some stuff and wanted to make sure I didn't do you wrong. Guess I didn't!
what's the difference between assignment and declaration?
var foo;
foo = 1;
@Cereal do you live in an opium den?
Do you not
@Cereal no it would really mess with my sobriety
So which is var foo = 1; ?
@PeterWard that's a declaration and assignment
@PeterWard both. var foo is declaration, = 1; is assignment
things can be two things
In that order?
things tend to need to be declared first, yes
a thing can be two things~
@PeterWard yes. I could declare that you work for me ("you're hired"). But you don't know what you do until I assign you a task ("you're a programmer")
you declare a variable. You assign it a value
is var you = "a programmer" a task?
You're just assigning that person a label.
@Vap0r look what you did
        text: price.replace('.', '').substr(0, 3)
@Mosho hahahahaha welp last time I do analogies to describe programming
"task" has no meaning here
@PeterWard tasks have a different meaning in programming
He's going to be confused in like 4 seconds if yo uall keep talking about tasks
i feel like assignment, if present, takes precedence over declaration
@PeterWard wut
@PeterWard You can't assign something that doesn't exist
To make something exist, you must declare it exists
!!> foo = 1;
@Cereal sadly you can
@rlemon 1
damn you cap
Well, technically you're assigning to window
since when you like globals?
Ah fuck javascript
var task = tasks.map(t => t.do)[0]
declare: create a box (allocate memory, etc)
assign: put something in the box (store specific value in memory)
@Cereal and python, and PHP
declar task and assign it
especially PHP
and others
precedence doesn't mean order i guess
var task;
task = task.map(...);
@PeterWard if you could forget I ever said task it might help you
is how that actually is
@rlemon stop
@PeterWard go read on variable hoisting. it might make it easier to comprehend declaration vs assignment
@Vap0r forgive and forget nothing
@PeterWard it was bad info...
pls stahp
Last time someone gave out bad info, we witch hunted and kicked him
@PeterWard oh good point carry on then
so rip @Vap0r
@Cereal not true Jhoverit is just fine
i meant to say that assignment is more !important than declaration
neither is more "important"
that doesn't make much sense
Are we being trolled
You get more leeway when you know what you're talking about
Did I fall for this
Jk lmao
@Cereal hopefully
So that's why they have me on such a tight leash...
I wonder if he has any stories from '76
I can't believe you've done this
undefined is difficult to grasp
wait, not talking about tasks anymore
and to implement properly...
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@KendallFrey musk is going an AMA on friday
there should be a sync keyword
we are definitely being trolled.
I saw musk's TED talk
@KamilSolecki no wait, I wanna hear why :P
IDs are supposed to be unique
could be funny
was a little boring
@Whoever asked that question
@hello listen to @Cereal
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@hello Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
and to @CapricaSix
48 secs ago, by Cereal
IDs are supposed to be unique
@CapricaSix your issue probably has something to do with this
my only issue is unformatted code.
Which is it, amazon? Am I saving 10% or 50%
good idea!
amazon hates math
it's a proven fact
discounts are 100% bullshit anyway
@Mosho 70% actually
it loves taxonomy though
no sane person does a 100% sale
stats are 75% made up anyways
> 1000% off cat food. was: $3999
@Vap0r 85%
@littlepootis good point
I am bringing TS into a legacy JS project, and for the life of my I can't figure out how to tell TS that things like jQuery (yea, yea) are global..
@Luggage how would you normally do it?
@Luggage define them globally
@Luggage why would you need to tell TS that?
I am trying to just "declare global". i'll give specific examples, one sec
import * as $ from "jquery";
(<any>window).jQuery = $
@rlemon no
take it up with the SO answer I got it from then
oh good, JS and scoping, that's always fun
That's actually making it global, I juts need ot define it as global to TS. different.
dude if it's global why are you importing?
any if you can import, why would you even include a script tag?
@PeterWard global doesn't necessarily mean app wide, it could be global to the module
nah, in js it means global
I am typing an existing project as-is.
@Luggage declare const jQuery: JQuery; should work
@SterlingArcher you are late for the party, hes on a troll spree
global == global
Guys I saw IT over the weekend, and I was incredibly impressed with Pennywise's acting
@KamilSolecki troll means to initiate provocative things etc
we hope it's a troll spree
Pfft I see IT everyday
import * as jQuery from 'jquery';
declare const $ = jQuery; //  A 'const' initializer in an ambient context must be a string or numeric literal.
Sorry, don't have a ProvocativeLinter
@Luggage :
declare const $: typeof jQuery;
of course, jquery isn't a type, it's the valu.. gotta find the type
Does anybody even use Angular's $rootScope?
I know I never did, but then again, I use rem on some things
Okay, that's a bit trolly
which was acted out better?
@Jhoverit Okay, that's a bit weak (source)
@Luggage it's also a type actually, might work without typeof
depends on how the jquery type definition is set up
@SterlingArcher expectations from films have changed a lot. :/
I haven't seen the new IT, but the old IT was well done imo
holds up well
considering it was a tv-movie
duh gotta change steam DL location to Pakistan
rates are unbearable
@rlemon oh absolutely, but I think the new pennywise was played better. More aggressive and creepy IMO
@Luggage, are you saying that you don't have a script tag for jquery and you are building it with a build tool and need to find a way to make it "global"?
@Luggage is there any issue with just importing it into each of your modules that require it?
@ssube @ndugger we coming for you
anyone here use gnome and has a good way to change the snap dimensions?? I'd love my snap settings to be 1/3rd and 2/3rds instead of 50/50
I want to import into each module, but I am configuring TS to run against the current code-base as-is. I know TS can do this. I have some other type issues I am dealing with first.
I think VS put another path of typings in my path. I am getting types for thigns I didn't install
Q: Gnome Shell window snap to quarters of screen

JonasI love the window snap feature of the Gnome 3 shell. However, it only allows you to maximize windows or to snap to the left or right half of the screen. Is there a way to snap to quarters of the screen? Maybe some shell extension I'm unaware of?

@rlemon link so I can downvote
2014 answer, I'm going in
Q: Import jquery and bootstrap in typescript commonjs

user1611404i'm using browserify to import some nodejs modules. All working fine using this sintax: $ = jQuery = require('jquery'); require('bootstrap'); require('angular'); require('ngRoute'); require('firebase'); require('angularfire'); Now i'm trying to convert that in typescript (using version 1.8) bu...

Hi everyone. I am pretty new to node and totally struggling with some basics. Would you mind me asking a quick question? Not sure if this is the right channel.
@Menelik Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oi oi now we speeding
I've been through most of the SO answers, btw :)
but ty.
@rlemon meh not really what luggage was asking for
7.4 in Pakistan
10! (am so happy sorry)
But.. I need to clean up some un-related type issues first to make sure I'm not getting odd errors
as TS is wont to do
I asked at a stupid time.
@Luggage I was linking so Mosho could downvote it
^ If i had the money right now
@ndugger If only meme makers knew how Korean family names work
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@Menelik please post your code and text on their own. or use a paste service for longer blocks
unformatted code walls will make people ignore your request
Sometime, something, life advice, posting here, something
@SterlingArcher omg why have I never thought of th... ohhhh
Think of all the people who are going to cut off their finger now!
@Cereal Think of the gene pool culling!
@Cereal think of all of the money we'll save on factory second gloves
If you tell a fish to jump out of the gene pool and it does, leave it there.
or eat it
fish is tasty
either way
same result for the fish
hahaha saw that
laughed deeply
my only question is why is he at the bridal shower?
or, rather, bachelorette party.
When using myDiv.attributes.whatever, is there a parse function that will give me only the value instead of "attribute="value""?
Oh, perfect. Thanks.
I try to get my node mysql setup working. In my model event.js I have the following code:
@KendallFrey is that.. is that puke on his shirt?
@rlemon Yeah he says so
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@Menelik Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Loktar i.imgur.com/JebiOR5.mp4 oh my god she doesn't know what buttons are
@Menelik back tics don't work for multi line code. hit ctrl + K, or the 'fixed font' button when it shows up
lol yeah I saw that this weekend, pretty funny
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@Menelik Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
if you can't figure it out, post it there
extensions.gnome.org/extension/28/gtile works. but man is that ever a pain in the ass to use
@Menelik paste code in box -> select it -> press ctrl + K
ctrl K toggles indentation. it undoes it if he happens to have it from the getgo
I cant remember how it was without dark chat but I am almost positive it was buggy sometimes
Sorry guys my first time in this chat. Tried to format it but didn't work. Here is a link to a gist gist.github.com/siam2nite/dc7676efc4d38f8ceb22a3850e73316c
@KamilSolecki that's why I made code mode obvious
@SterlingArcher @BenFortune @ssube found some two year old ejuice. Should I?
It's well steeped now 😃
yes do drink
I've tried that, ended up just burning out the coil (and it wasn't even 2yo)
Only if you 4chan it like mustard gas kid and let us know if you die to death
hi kamil... have not seen you in the c chat in a while
it might be worse with 0, but it got thicker and didn't wick right, I think
how have you been mate?
@ssube rda
Shouldn't be a problem
ah, go for it
@Shrek I know
unless there's pink spots
> Actual text from last night's date: I'm home, but I didn't want to wait until you got home to let you know I really did have a good time with you tonight. You're pretty great 😊
@ssube I'm more worried about it tasting off or being harsh
cc @rlemon
@SterlingArcher was she cute?
@omg BadgerCat she was
@SterlingArcher text back: woah! Back off woman. I don't need no klingons
3 day rule
oh gosh young people and their silly rules
I still wait 3 days to reply to copy's texts
80% of rules are made by old people 60% of the time
and names for everything it makes an old man like me laugh
old people don't count anyways.
@BadgerCat that's a great way to trick him into picking dinner every time
yeah rules are made to keep order... not order your life by
@BadgerCat I bet you he trembles with antici
and I am sure his 3 day rule not even sure what was meant by that
@SterlingArcher wait, what does it mean when she waits? She doesn't want you to think she liked you enough for you to go to her house or something? Did she want to be careful you wouldn't text back when driving?
was not a real thing
just funny how the you kids have rules
@BadgerCat pation
when it comes to their behavior
@towc oh man, that's a big question
@007 it usually isn't taken well if you continue to call a group of adults 'kids'
or does it mean "stop overthinking things"
if you part ways/drop them off and get a text before you get home, that's pretty unusual
but you can talk about peoples mothers
means they're super into you, for better or worse
I'm 90% sure the 3 day rule is older than I am
come on rlemon
lighthen up some mate
please don't do that.
I don't wanna change
but also, we get it, you like to joke about being old. but calling people kids can be seen as condescending
and you already walk a fine line most times in here.
^ I hate being called kid
@ssube worse as in overly attached?
I am old man
and most of us are not kids
I'm not your kid, boy.
Only my parents are allowed to call me a kid
you have been tthe only one on my back
about everthing I type
yes, I'm the first one to mention it.
because it bothers me
and it apparently bothers @SterlingArcher as well.
@007 us others have given up, but rlemon cares
ok I have no fight with you guys
and I don't have any context because I've been busy pooping
well I am sorry
@ChrisRasys sorry man, how did that go? :/
I don;t what to hurt any feelings
@towc maybe, maybe not. I gave somebody a ride home from a party one time, she texted me while I was heading home, and we hung out a bunch that summer. It would have ended rather poorly if I wasn't so good at getting drunk and accidentally avoiding tragedy.
@towc eventual success
sorry relemon and the other that were offended
cc @ndugger
@ssube I'm lost. What would have gone badly?
ah thats my area of study
Is anybody else fascinated by the evolution of @ndugger's facebook profile picture
!!nudge 7 * 365 * 24 * 60 cool sun thing
What isn't your area of study?
it will be interesting to see what data they come up with from the home star
@towc that's a long and largely irrelevant part of the story
wait, that won't work.
@rlemon Nudge #1 registered.
@007 it's nice we have air too, or we wouldn't breathe
back when I was in university I studied main sequence stars
@ssube you don't get to get me interested and then let go
@rlemon I can just imagine you going "but the eclipse was months ago"
not sure what you mean towc
@007 I thought we were exchanging obvious facts
about what mate?
I must have missed something in your text
@KendallFrey when's the next one again?
7 years
6 1/2
ahh, haha
I see now.
And it's gonna hit part of S Ont
someone made a facebook event for a solar eclipse in ~2081, and invited a bunch of people
was fun
"I'll be there"
anyone else use just icons in their bookmarks bar then spend 10 minutes looking for a page because they changed their freaking icon?! hate that
ah, eclipses, the most eventful non-event...
you the north america got the umbra transit
@towc I do, the rest of the story is very complicated. The moral is that you should text people, and text them back, because it might be fun but don't ever trust anybody.
the eclipse was super lame
and way too hyped
the eclipse is much cooler if you get a full eclipse
stoopid clouds
partial eclipse doesn't have the same effect
It was still pretty cool
either way, it's nothing more than a shadow
I remember back in 73 then Concord was used to change the eclipse
Yeah we had like a 87% partial
we saw 79%? (@KendallFrey probably knows for sure)
it was the only jet at the time that could make it so and get the data needed
@rlemon I think it was in the 70s
fascinating time
@SterlingArcher Pleb. I regret nothing.
Watching it with the camera was super cool
that star that we orbit is an amazing structure
yea, I wanna get a nice camera and some filters by the next one
I wouldn't call it super nice, but for occasional hobby stuff, the SL1 has worked well.
@007 oxygen's such a cool element
its perfection the balance be tween fury,chaos and containment
@rlemon nudge * 365 * 24 * 60 cool sun thing

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