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You are again pointing to the method where I check if the coordinate is withing a particular distance with a coordinate in another set
Now I'm wondering why I'm seeing this in the first place, as I'm configuring wForgottenReturn to false
it goes through various nodes with a search algorithm, and returns them in a certain way. Because it doesn't allow for routes to visibly cut corners, it adds a coordinate at that corner, which will be the same for any 2 routes going into a single path
It isn't
already tested
oh, well then, can't help you
I already tried that
the lats and long don't match exactly
If I do the distance thing it'll obviously
but the method in my head is pathetic in terms of computational complexity
if performance is a worry, just round them
this way similar coordinates will count as the same
if somehow I could change it into a mathematical set representing a polygon
it would be easieer
and what would the maths do? Check for the length of various edges at a particular distance from another?
also, you just need to find a single node
and from there on, the path should be the same
maybe not in exact coordinates, but the length will be practically the same
@OliverSalzburg npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-promise only other thing I can find that might be useful;
@rlemon Also nice. Will check it out
Got it "solved" for now though. I just went directly to the first referenced line, cut the chain right there and returned null
Yeah, kinda counter-intuitive
Even in express middleware, I'm in the habit of returning promises I create, even if I have to invoke done or next or whatever. But this causes dangling promises
So, yeah, that pattern causes the warning in question and it's always terribly annoying to find the actual source in the callback hell
and if you want to use async, things start returning dangling promises on their own
It's pretty fucking annoying because I was under the impression that returning stuff from your functions is a good idea, because it could be a promise
Holy shit, that eslint plugin produces warnings for days
So I ask about help with 1 warning, now I have 137 warnings. Thanks @rlemon!
no prob!
@Loktar DUDE, less than 1 month \o/
uh Oh busy day
I dont like these.
did you guys watch star trek yesterday?
not yet
seems people liked it. i might watch it tonight
is it worth to even bother?
I've seen enough vulcan women lose their shirts on TV
apparently it's pretty good, but the new klingons look like shit
@Wes people or media outlets?
and are going to throw it for me
I applied for a job and took their aptitude test over a week ago and I haven't heard back. Is it safe to assume I won't hear back?
I thought I did pretty good tbh
I heard back once like 3 weeks later
but don'tget your hopes up
That eslint-plugin-promise is pretty fucking awesome. I have to say, after using it for a total of 5 minutes
@SterlingArcher are you planning on moving from space stuff to intergalactic stuff? :D
Really? In the dev world 3 weeks is enough time to interview, negotiate and accept a new job
I feel like pouncing would be smarter lol
@KamilSolecki quantum intergalactic obvi
They're sending me to the event horizon
@Wes this is what they say on IMDB imdb.com/title/tt5171438/reviews?ref_=tt_urv
@SterlingArcher slow HR
@rlemon lol slow HR makes for missed opportunities
I'm a total catch yo
star trek fans are the worst. they didn't like enterprise
but it was a pretty good series
they did not like the first two seasons
TNG > Voyager > Enterprise > TOS > DS9
and Voyager was terrible
voyager was poo
better than Enterprise and DS9
and I don't like shatner, otherwise TOS would rank higher
lets agree to disagree
Voyager attempted to have a plot. DS9 was Friends in Space and Enterprise was T'pol losing her shirt.
at least we agree on TNG being by far the better
as long as we all agree TNG was the best star trek, I'm okay with that
It was a bad plot and it fell short
@SterlingArcher you don't need to go quantum or intergalactic to find an event horizon
@ssube Voyager was entertaining like SGA was entertaining. it was a B rip off of the first series, but I still enjoyed it.
@rlemon yeah, on that we all can agree
@KendallFrey true, your mom is ever expanding, we'll never find it
@rlemon yeah, they were on a similar level
nailed it
I like to pretend SGU never existed.
it could have been an okay show if they didn't try to make it a stargate and just did their own thing
problem with SGU was that it was tied to Stargate
it would have been ok as an unrelated show
it could have maybe stood on its own, but not as part of the stargate franchise
not the shrimp.. his mouth is open in his reef tank
a) lots of corals release palytoxins
b) salt water doesn't taste good
c) ew.
So I went on a date with the powerlifter last night
she was amazing
I got drunk and asked to feel her muscle, and she didn't slap me :D
did you lift, bro?
you get drunk on dates?
when does he not?
@FlorianMargaine actually it was an accident, I had been drinking all day when I went to play golf and I guess I didn't fully sober up because I only had 2 drinks at dinner
Her favorite band is... wait for it (cc @rlemon).. Machine Head ❤️
get her on hangouts. I'll judge for myself
I'll put on the horse mask. one neigh is a yes, two neighs is a no
Pretty sure she said her favorite song was Vim
my favorites change.
right now it's the knight of long knives.
Darkness Within is still my #1
darkness within is great..
My #2 changes a lot though
@SterlingArcher I prefer vi
@rlemon that one is good
like I said, my top spot changes every few months for them
I was listening to that album last week, it's a lot longer than their others
This isn't even Machine Head and it's like #3 on my list of best of Robb
is there anybody out there is probably in my top 5 right now. darkness within is up there, knight of long knives, imperium, and then maybe hallowed be thy name
Game Over has the catchiest chorus though
is there anybody out there is pretty catchy
I like that one, but iunno.
@SterlingArcher that album was amazing
@GNi33 old trivium.. amazing. Shogun, Ascendency, omg
@SterlingArcher btw, @ssube didn't like through the ashes of empires. we don't talk to him about Machine head anymore
wtf bro
I just don't like Korn :(
@BadgerCat I'm starting the gym today, it's game on lady
I got a long time to go yet
@SterlingArcher We should set some timeline and weight ourselves/take pics
And decide on the prize/punishment
I thought the punishment was a public vape nude for me
damn, I can't listen to machine head without thinking "ohh yea, this song is amazing as well." picking a top five is hurd
@SterlingArcher You will post a nude picture in the room ?
@BadgerCat I can do a pics after work, and a weigh in
@BadgerCat yes, where the vape covers the exciting bits
Because I don't want to go buy womens clothes
What will you do
if @SterlingArcher wins he shaves his armpits for a month, if @BadgerCat wins she doesnt
@rlemon lol, that fits my feminist agenda
ooh boy dis gon be gud
@rlemon I already trim my pit hairs, shaving them isn't really a punishment for me
@BadgerCat if it didn't feel weird, I'd shave mine. accidentally plucking a pit hair hurts like a mofo
same with nose and toe hair
ever wanna see a 'macho man' cry? wax his big toe
@rlemon pluck them
you only get one go
Waxing my chest would be a punishment, but that would be expensive because of all the real estate
A video of @SterlingArcher having his chest waxed
I've had my eye brows and chest waxed before, not as bad as tv makes you think.
the problem is that If I start waxing anywhere, even my back, I have to do it all over the body, or it's going to be weirdly looking
Damn, the analysts are here. @BadgerCat finalize the terms, I'll agree to almost anything lol
!!afk customer meeting
Okay, we decide. Go have your meeting.
@BadgerCat winner gets to pick the photoshoped picture of the lose that the loser then has to hang around his/her workplace
@rlemon thank god my toe hairs are almost not visible
then the rest of the room gets to have fun photoshopping pics
@KamilSolecki I got hobbit feet.
keeps me warm in the winter
loser shaves beard
Haha I don't have a workplace unfortunately
I don't have a beard :(
@BadgerCat anymore?
loser shaves in a reverse mohawk
@FlorianMargaine I think archer would rather die than shave his beard
I would agree to cut my hair, but pixie at most
if @BadgerCat wins @SterlingArcher has to shave his beard into a vandyke, if he wins he gets to pick badgers new hair colour
oooh me likey
@rlemon or winner picks hair color of loser
for a week or something
the government might not want Sterling changing his head hair, but he can still dye his chest hair
but I wanna see @SterlingArcher rock this
that will be especially fun while dating
what's the challenge?
@GNi33 fit/weight loss
I'm tellin yall, stress is the best weight loss regiment.
just the two of you?
@rlemon I dunno, that's pretty hipster-neckbeard, like open relationship level hipster
@rlemon it almost seems an awful lot like you're trying to live vicariously through Sterling's beard hair
@rlemon *regimen
@Vap0r yea? that's obvious
@rlemon reggae mon
I think hair color is fine. Then we both get the same punishment
But we would have to bleach it for it to show
can we specify all hair on the head sans eyebrows and lashes? we need to work his beard into this
no, dye the lashes too
@rlemon I prefer cotton socks.

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