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if we get married, it will strictly be for the party
That would be cute
@Cerbrus are you in a relationship?
I swear I remember you were, but I think it was a dream. Sometimes I dream of the chatroom.
@BadgerCat A few weeks ago I dreamed I was at your wedding.
who was she marrying?
copy, obviously
paste, copy's long-lost brother
When I get married, you all will be my bridesmaids
@KendallFrey why is it obvious
it's your dream... ;p
@Mosho Because everyone knows dreams are always rational
@Mosho :O
@BadgerCat I never thought I'd get the chance to be a bridesmaid
@KendallFrey that explains a lot
@BadgerCat hell yeah
I'll do my hair and everything
I'll get waxed
and take out my pink dress
Your birthday suit is not a pink dress
@BadgerCat oh hell yeah, i love suiting up in pink
@BadgerCat LOL
!!> Array.from({length: 5}, (v, i) => ++i);
@SterlingArcher [1,2,3,4,5]
@KendallFrey I was a bridesmaid
You would
My mom's second wedding. My brother and I were standing for my mom
@SterlingArcher What's wrong with sanity and i + 1?
@rlemon That's adorable
@KendallFrey nothing?
@rlemon pretty sure that's just a bridesman
he can be whatever he wants to be
@TylerH yea, but hooking up with the best man was so awkward
I would accept bridesmaid if he wore a dress
@rlemon was it one of your relatives? D:
This also makes me wonder if I can get away with bringing some girl friends to my wedding and call them my groomsmaids
technically they would be part of the bachelor party
@BadgerCat I'll bring puff pastry
traditionally I think people just pay the strippers extra to stay for the wedding
@ssube your mom is charging you to stay for the wedding?
they're call girls
unless they're dead
then they're hookers
strippers != call girls
if you mix that up, the bouncer will explain it
repeatedly, outside
I call girls, but since caller ID they stopped answering
@BadgerCat got any news on when you think you might be able to come to Bratislava?
how's budapest treating you so far?
^it's probably the horse face
I don't know, maybe we can go on a weekend but we're definitely free
@towc it's horrible
how come?
Everyone is rude as hell
@BadgerCat do tell when, I wantsa come too.
Budapest was some mean nice people
@BadgerCat make it better. Dress a rat like Buddha and tell everyone it's your budapest
look like drunken fucks and people will pretend to be friendly enough while they try to get your wallet, might give you a good time
I don't know how come, but nobody trusts anyone here
I never trust random people
I don't remember it being bad at all 😒 It might just be that it's the beginning of school and the work season, and everyone is just stressed af
@KamilSolecki pseudo-random, however
you're also a child
people are nicer to kids
Badger's only about 4 years older than me, right?
@ssube to be fair, I've had a pretty good experience on my Hungarian trip.
lol, thanks
well, I guess she's not a kid anymore
But maybe because I'm polish, and we have a very special relation with hungarians
Badger is like 35
how old are you 0.o
I'm 35
that would make her a few years younger than me
and that doesn't seem right
She old
@BadgerCat nope. 35
That's what I said!
@KamilSolecki X is place of X and Y. duh
I think he's trying to be racist, but couldn't get it right
@Rick don't be racist
@BadgerCat how did you survive that long :/
I heard gypsum is the land of drywall
and please get married already
That's because copy is 10 years younger than me
@rlemon wouldn't that imply drywall lives in gypsum, when it's the other way around?
@copy robbing the craftmaster adjustable bed.
@towc she didn't put gallons of bleach in the washing machine on 100 deg Celsius I guess
@KamilSolecki btw, I actually started a small fire today
oil dun fucked
@KamilSolecki Did towc do that? lol
it was like just a few seconds
@Cereal ye.
nothing dangerous
@Cereal he did
@towc How are you still alive
@KamilSolecki 90deg
:39218463 This is now the second time you make a weird joke based on someone's nationality. Don't do that.
if I ever write "how to towc for noobs", it will be empty
@ThiefMaster o/
@Cereal there's a $1 million bounty on that, like all unsolvable problems
(Regards, your friendly German SO moderator. :D)
Where's my warning?
@towc lemme guess, you had boiling hot oil and started randomly putting water/stuff soaked in water into it?
Who the hell makes chlorine gas in a washing machine anyway
@KamilSolecki well, just water. Then I think some oil spilled and went under the pan?
the fire started from under the pan
@towc do you have a lid?
I just had to put the pan back on
Hey people. what's up?
@ssube yeah, yeah
He I knew it.
For your own sake, keep a lid around
xkcd taught me how to stop an oil fire
it's all good
I'm safe
for now
@towc good I was just about to type that xd
xkcd has a lot of life lessons, but not all of them
it should not be treated as a complete reference
@AaronHall stuck in a sprint review. Going on 3.5 hours now
@AaronHall ahoy comrade
@AaronHall just finished lunch. Feeling a bit gassy
I've been trying to get gmail to co-operate with me for the past 2 days
@ssube yea, it might be silly to import flying and jump off the 10th floor.
@KamilSolecki actually, python can really do that
relevant xkcd
Hold on? I know regular expressions! Swoops in
the butterfly/emacs store is a myth, but python 3.6's big feature was cybernetic enhancements to users
@KamilSolecki I think I missed that one
>>> import antigravity
that's why there was so much controversy and it took years for 3 to be standardized
What pisses me off is to get any of my tooling to work I need Python 2.7 and 3. Both. Ugh
yeah, working with both isn't great
@rlemon me too
btw, in short, what's the reason for python 2 and 3 to be fighting all the time?
Same, I have 2.7 and 3.5 installed on my machine with an alias
Ugh, I have a meeting scheduled every week and nobody ever remembers
they aren't, 3 has mostly won out
So I always have to ping them
is this what would be solved by transpiling in JS, but people think that because it's native, things are ok?
python isn't native, it's interpreted
well, as in, not ran by browsers, as you can pick what packages to install
and no, 3 added a ton of things
in the context of linux
that analogy would work, except my browsers are just packages too
am I making any sense?
oh, ok
iirc 3 was "better", but 2 had a million libraries
@towc node/npm
python is installed by default, which is a huge plus
Time's running out for 2
when you start outgrowing bash (i.e., you need collections) it's great to just pick up python, shebang a file, and go
finish him
> Python 2.7 will not be maintained past 2020. No official date has been given, so this clock counts down until April 12th, 2020
@OliverSalzburg except in javascript the code is node-version-"agnostic" (as in, it's not the file requesting the node version, but the node version is fixed), while the opposite happens in python?
> April 1, 2020: Python 2.8 released
@towc wat
I've never authored a linux package
if you add a shebang to your script, you can specify versions or not, it's up to you
but from what I understand, you have something like a package.json in which you can specify the python version, if you use python
so the package with the source code decides what python version runs it
the source package is an optional thing
while in js, the npm package doesn't get to decide what node version to run
well, python libraries aren't system packages
python itself is, libraries go through pip
@ssube wait, are linux packages written in python supposed to be somehow compiled?
python is amazing
that part works almost exactly like node/npm
I'm talking about things like blueman, which apparently is written in python
not the internal package system of python
@towc .pyc files and a dep on the python-2 package
@ssube yeah, there you go
to get the source, you usually have to install lib-devel or lib-source
oh wait
I can guess that's python compiled, but I'll look into it
pyc is bytecode for the interpreter
oh, TIL python has its own VM
it does. The architecture of that VM is one of its biggest downfalls.
I've decided to start taking python more seriously various times, but then I just couldn't. I'm still not sure if I should try to understand it more
look up the "global interpreter lock" and all the stories around that
you should, it's super useful.
Great for big data and shell scripting.
I use it as heavily as I do because I work with our data science folks at work
but I've also written fairly large python libs to support CI systems, and it works as a drop-in for bash
@towc buy an rpi
the python gpio api is much better than trying to fuck with node libs for it
python is a C wrapper, like PHP, but not as much jQ $
so it's great at low level math, like data stuff, serial ports, etc
alright, big data is probably not a huge issue for me, and node isn't doing to badly for the small bits of it that I might have to do. The shell scripting bit might be interesting, even just because vim (iI think?), blender and other things support it by default to change things around
the stuff that Node really struggles with, ironically
@towc blender is written in python
seriously. buy an rpi
they are cheap, and they are good fun
@rlemon I actually have one sitting in a shelf here, but still haven't spent time looking for a HDMI cable. I also don't have a non-laptop screen
and it'll encourage you to use python
shell into it
I'm thinking about setting up a cheapo 10/100 switch I have and putting $120 worth of pis on it for a tiny compute farm
@ssube there you go. I think it has a command line somewhere, I've seen that a bit? It seemed to be really useful
and for that, maybe I'd consider learning more about the internals of python
too bad it's too late for me to get any real money with blender
like, $150 for 10/12 cores and 6GB, that's pretty good
still, for fun, maybe
@ssube wait, you can do that? Let me see
urgh, I'm doing so many things at the same time, and chances are I'll finish none of them :/
there's a ton of stuff written in py, apparently: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)#Uses
@ssube I have like two dozen beagle bones that have things wrong with them, but otherwise work fine (like a led is dead, or a pin on the gpio is dead)
I wanna try to cluster them
they run linux and python?
they run Angstrom or Debian that I know
@trasiva the most beloved matchup for a darius
oh god, I can ssh into the rpi
you can presumably get any debian derived os on it tho
will try right away
@rlemon close enough. I'd take an evening, learn the very basics of ansible (so you can write yaml and set them all up identically), and get them talking.
@towc you can also try to build/buy an ftdi cable/adapter/breakout for it
I've seen guides on beowulf clusters before, but depending on what you run, you might not even need that. Just open some ports and have one run dnsmasq.
@HatterisMad That Teemo fed so hard once I got the hexdrinker, lol.
@HatterisMad I'm gonna try to buy this over the weekend wichita.craigslist.org/ctd/d/2005-ford-ranger-super-cab/…
I have $6K
Finance 2. It has the 4.10 gears I already got a build sheet plus 5 speed, only 80K on it!
> Only 83778 miles
@SterlingArcher 83,000...? That's low mileage
We're talking about a 2005 truck. But regardless. <100K is brand new
get OJs white bronco
the juice is loose in wichita
This thing looks sofa king nice tho
looks like a truck
Looks like a damn clean truck.
you like to add your own mud?
I like mine pre-mudded
saves time
If it gets mudded I wax it within a day lol
mud wax?
is... is that for the butt
wait, to ssh into it I need to connect it to the internet first?
I think it's from the butt
oh fuck I'm dumb
@towc network
"man mud"
@towc what
I had the cable in already
@ssube Fuck, you stole my line, lol.
in Python, 2 mins ago, by wim
QA Engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a sfdeljknesv.
Can we just sticky every time @towc acknowledges how dumb he is?
@towc got any electronics stores around?
make an FTDI breakout cable.
that seems really expensive 0.o
dude. $5
17€ from what I could find online
I'll look
@rlemon he's a freelancer, he doesn't have $5
@towc premade
it's like 7 parts

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