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@SterlingArcher slap and tickle
@rlemon that's for sex you dummy
right, the error is because you're using getElementById on something that isn't document, but using it on document gets you the first row rather than the row wanted.
a battery with nothing connected to it shouldn't be losing its charge
So, how should I do it?
so... the only good solution would be to not have duplicate id's
when I just use innerHTML it shows the correct ID
a classname should suffice
@HatterisMad eventually it will, because they're not perfect
We have a classname right?
eventually as in > 4 months?
@KevinB if i'm to believe everything said, innerHTML is on Element, which should also allow getElementById.. if it is duplicate ids.. it is returning an Element.. so getElementById is not a function still doesn't make sense.
unless I'm missing something
(my guess is we're not getting the entire story)
<td class="td-pdf hidden"><img src="~/Content/Images/pdf.png" style="width:30px;height:30px;" onclick="GetPDF(this);" /><label id="currentPD" style="display:none">@item.ProdHeaderDossierCode</label><label id="currentPL" style="display:none">@item.ProdBOOLineNr</label> </td>
elements don't have getElementById
@SterlingArcher really depends on your battery and what condition it's in
this guy must be trolling me :(
hmmm we'll see
it should be a long time, 1yr+, but I've had old ones that came with the car and died in weeks left on their own
@KevinB o shit. TIL
I need to get a stand and some chain lube though, im overdue for a lubing
they have everything else..
@KevinB Can you show me?
@SterlingArcher i have a battery out of a truck that has been sitting here for 6 months that is still showing a 12.6v charge, and i have been using it to jump my bike XD
i don't know the timespan on how long they will stay charged with nothing connected, but i would sure hope they last the winter at least haha
show you... what?
How to solve it?
and who is this random person that just invited me to chat
Maëlle Jumel
@KevinB it is your mother, she learned how to program and wants a job
How can I know lol :p
damn such off-topic trolls around lol
I feel like I am playing CSGO
off topic > vamping
uh, well, id='currentPD' becomes class='currentPD', then getElementById('currentPD') becomes getElementsByClassName('currentPD')[0]. that's about it.
@HatterisMad last question how often do you maintain the chain?
@KevinB I'd switch to qs and keep the id.
I have some oxydation should I be concerned
(as an alternative)
@SterlingArcher depends on the rain in spain
did you just rhyme at me
@rlemon ids are in rows, good chance they're duplicated
you started it
we don't know that tho.
and that's wrong and needs fixing anyways
Works thanks
Put it as answer i'll vote up @KevinB
no need, it's a duplicate :)
it isnt :p
I just asked it wrong
it's awful close to the typo/localized reason, then
as asked, it is a duplicate, you could edit it to be not a duplicate of the one i chose, but... then it'd just be a duplicate of something else :p
Q: Why does getElementById not work on elements inside the document element?

akash4evaIf you use getElementById to with document like - document.getElementById then it always works. But however, if we perform the same on an element say x like x.getElementById, then it returns an error. The unusual thing about this is that getElementsByClassName and getElementsByTagName work on...

I'd call it a dupe of this
Ahh, looks like you got it
@SterlingArcher i wouldn't say i am a posterchild for oiling the chain. I think i did it like once a year ( on a chain that was on the bike before i bought it ) and it still was fine. But since I knew I had been neglecting it I replaced it when I tore the bike down.
@sterling the more surprising part that I discovered about the chain + oiling is that whomever had been oiling the chain before me was doing so with something that was sticky. The chain had been grabbing road debris and lodging it in my front sprocket. I am amazed that the front sprocket wasn't ever damaged by how much stuff was stuck in it when i pulled it off to inspect it.
Any OS X users no how to install RGtk2 package through the terminal? I've tried using brew but getting no luck
@HatterisMad dang lol that just seems stupid
@sterling in addition, you have a modern bike that is going to have a X ring chain that is going to require even less attention than the older chains. Moral of the story is unless you are modifying the bike to output a lot more torque than it was designed for then i would just spray it when you feel like it. I honestly don't know what to tel you, once a year, once every 6 months? I haven't ever damaged a chain that wasn't on a dirtbike.
On the other hand, if the chain breaks then it can ( and likely will ) wrap around your front sprocket and crack your case if you are unlucky, or it can do worse things to the internals of the engine, all just depends on your luck. So if you are ever in doubt of the integrity of your chain just spend the $50 to get a new once cause it's the cheapest thing to replace out of all the potential things to break, including you.
6.1 secs on average to scrape a room page and insert all in db
quality paint job
dont let the dreams be dreams
@SterlingArcher just saw this message, oxidation is only going to occur where oil isn't present. If it is just surface rust then i would just oil it and move on about my day.
oh word up
For you Angular gurus if you have a second...
Q: Waiting for ng-repeat to finish rendering before attempting to lookup element?

AllenphI have seen this answer and have created a similar directive that I can confirm does fire an event, and the data associated with the ng-repeat does contain data. (At first I thought that perhaps ng-repeat rendered once before the data was set, but this does not seem to be the case. I need to re...

Hello everyone! This question will probs annoy most of you but here it is anyway : I want to do a filtering effect that I've created here http://jsfiddle.net/uu69Lbas/1/ and it is working. But it isn't working on my "website" if we can call it that https://songsforyouu.tumblr.com
I've added the jquery library and inserted the domready wrap just like in the fiddle so I have no idea what is causing the problem, if anyone can find out, thank you!
probably has to do with one of them errors you got there
@rlemon How do you read with that theme, my friend?
@rlemon Well that doesn't seem safe. They work when spotify is open
@Allenph how do you read with a light theme?
@rlemon With squinted eyes very clsoe to the screen.
light themes give me headaches and cause eye problems if I have to look at them too long
so I've got dark theme for almost everything
Dark themes matter
is that linked to Dark themes energy?
The gedit light theme on Ubuntu Gnome makes me want to die.
looks alright for me
Id like to reduce the header height.. but idk how
so I just ignore it
@Luggage what do you use?
what program is that?
!!should I go back to manjaro?
@BenFortune But of course
I'm running gnome
i don't use gnome-tweak-tool.
so.. nothing?
I meant what theme/styling do you use
I almost feel bad for Ubuntu.
what does it tweak?
not what tool you use to style it
I don't see anything wrong with the code in fiddle, and if it's in a document ready handler, it should work fine assuming #filters targets a static element that's available when the dom is ready.
All that time on Unity just to dump it.
@Luggage the DE
dpeends on the application.
DE = desktop environment?
@Allenph I didn't mind Unity. It was pretty easy to ignore
@Luggage yes
I use OSX and windows.
I'm also not sorry though...I wish I had all the time back I've ever spent restarting a machine because Unity had MASSIVE memory leaks.
linux is for servers and phones.
@rlemon ^
it's the OS I'm most productive on. so meh, it's for servers and phones and work
@Luggage Setting up software on FreeBSD with a layer of consumer-grade BS is a nightmare.
At least every time I've tried to use a Mac as a workstation it has been.
yea, that's cool. I actually would give linux a shot if I wasn't in a windows place.
linux desktop, that is.
if I still had to maintain windows software I'd have a windows box here as well.
@Luggage Your servers are Windows?
I don't use them all day, but I have a few Linux desktops
but thankfully those projects are end of life now
at this place, yes, lots of windows servers, but I push for linux when applicable
mostly prefer to stick with the windows one, but meeting happen on the macbook
A moment of silence for @Luggage 's sanity.
the majority of my machines are linux. my main gaming/media pc at home is windows.
At least you have bash now.
outside of QA, I don't really use mac
next up: an apple server
I tried budgie, it's buggy as hell
ohh, for using windows as my desktop.. yes.. that does make me insane.
ehh i like windows but linux is growing on me
it's just a guy in a tuxedo with a silver plate and an apple on it
@towc Didn't they give up on that a few years ago?
@HatterisMad I hated widows immediately after installing Apache for the first time in my life.
on mac I had one terminal and it was great. on windows I have cmd, powershell, WSL and all in multiple terminals (conhost, conemu, powershell ISE). it's crazy
@Allenph really? i had apache and iis running on it seamlessly in a short time period
anywho.. gotta go see a man about a horse.
once I moved away from c#.net development I didn't have anything pulling me towards windows. and I personally find node development to be much easier on linux (not to mention I deal with embedded devices that run linux)
@HatterisMad Once you get used to using a package manager (which I assume you are already using NPM) it's WAAAAAY better than running instillation wizards.
@Luggage get cmder or conemu
you can tab them
gosh, I remember installation wizards
wtf what that?
gosh, I remember guis 0.o
@Allenph i don't feel like i use package managers often enough to make me want to switch os's over it though
@HatterisMad It's not just that.
If you're working on the back-end I always have headaches deploying stuff I built on Windows.
@Allenph deploying how
You have to remember to normalize paths...etc.
using / instead of DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
you should be doing that anyways
Yeah, yeah.
i always get \ and / mixed up
can't remember which one i am supposed to be using and which one works just because it plays nice with the other OS
/ is used on all decent systems, windows systems wants `\`
*NIX is just easier to use IMO.
people who want their code to work use path.join
It's not just the directory separators. It seems at every turn the developers at Windows have INTENTIONALLY chosen to build their own implementation of whatever just so it can be proprietary.
And it's usually worse.
I remember that guy who came here and couldn't figure out why his javascript wasn't working. Turned out he was building an application with backslash paths and was just escaping his characters
@rlemon :(
that was fun
so.... i'm using github.com/mobxjs/react-mobx-boilerplate/blob/master/src/… for one section of my website, but i'm wanting to reuse the appstate in a separate portion of my site that won't need routing and will instead be rendering just one specific component. is that even possible with that setup?
actually, is there a decent way of writing windows paths to a string in javascript? That is, without escaping the backslash
@KevinB @Mosho ^^
basically, i have a component that needs to be rendered within that section of the website, but i want to be able to reuse it on a page that is completely separate from that area.
hmm. might be easier than i thought. I could just have the render conditionally render X or Y, based on what's available on the page, switching out the ROOT.
@KevinB sure
<AComponent appState={appState}/>
look at what the router does
(that's what it does)
AppState is decoupled from the router
@Loktar imgur.com/a/eVJgF neat project. I might look at doing something like that but with an rpi
hmm. so i setup a route for that other page, then when this app is loaded, it'l pull in the correct comp for that route, being just the component i want. eh, but now... i'd have to also figure out how to get the right js assets included in that page... that could get complicated with the way cf is setup
@rlemon seeeexyyyyy
my current project
haha nice
@KevinB what assets?
3d printed?
the bundled react app
going to yea
still designing it
nice, so a mini then I assume?
need to get the screen portion finished up
see, the difficulty is i'm integrating this with a coldfusion application that i'm eventually going to replace entirely with this app
but i'm doing it piece by piece
nice. if it works out send me the code
I've owned a cocktail, and I currently own a full size
you ever see my full size arcade?
I wanna cocktail for the bar.
yea I've seen pics of your full size
you got it like last year or the year before iirc
the header/footer is still entirely controlled by coldfusion, so anything i do is going to have to somehow hook into including those bundled files into the header or footer. currently i'm inserting them into the index.cfm that's used by the profile area of the site (which is the section that this is built for)
ah, this is easy then.
just route that page to the same index.cfm behind the scenes
and control it entirely with react
no changes needed
i was overthinking it
^ video
love the giant arcade.. but I rarely use it lol
!!afk ✉️ 🔑 🚗 🙏

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