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I mean it was a good strategy: how to convince people you are the best candidate? Tell them you are the best candidate.
btw did any of the us presidents decide not to swear on the bible?
That would get you impeached much faster than colluding with Russia.
is there a legal ground for that?
I'd see it as being inclusive of other religions
not legal but people are like that.
@KamilSolecki until you play against people who camp the shit out of you, then its not so annoying for them until 30 min into game lol
I might actually prefer a non-religious leader than a religious one (not extremist non-religious, like stalin)
aye :P
as would I, but many people still think you need to hallucinate a sky-wizard to know right from wrong.
mind you, I'm not sure there's been a single ok-ish openly non-religious leader in history
they were all dictators and oppressors, afaik
probably hasn't got anything to do with actually being non-religious, but still
that is slander. :)
I want to do something like if (const x = maybeSomething(foo)) ... but TS won't let me. What do?
@KendallFrey At one point in time mozilla supported that
is it valid JS?
then it's a good thing TS complains.
On the other hand firefox also had (has?) array comprehensions
@Luggage that's a really good read 0.o
@KendallFrey drop TS
don't drop TS, just don't do that thing you tried. :)
TS proves there's no god
type God = never;
I just realized it's saturday for the first time today :/
I need to get this project done then find a real job
I mean, I actually learnt what I wanted to learn
I know that the things I wasn't sure about work
and the project is almost nowhere near something useable
so I might as well skip that
on the other hand, there's no backend code of mine worth anything on github
I found something weird
I defined a property foo: string and never assigned it. It returned undefined. Why is it valid to type it as string, then?
(I do have strict enabled)
@KendallFrey that's what you have the ?. operator for in C#, no?
yeah but
if I type it as string | undefined, then using foo.whatever gives an error
i don't think it can check that it's assigned.
if not, the error doesn't come until runtime
@Luggage That's fair, but then why allow it to exclude undefined?
do you intend it to ever be legit unassigned?
i think
@Luggage In my case, yes
Still confusing
then use | undefined and check it.
if (foo) {
    foo.whatever() // will work
if you tell it that it can be undefined, then you must check.. or use the ! operator to tell it you 'know'
Also, is there a way to signal that it definitely is assigned after some function call?
Without using ! everywhere, I mean
you can't change the type, no.
it's not a constructor?
@KendallFrey does it at least throw a "unused variable" warning?
Well I didn't mean changing the type of the variable
but like a guard
@towc mm, no?
oh, weird
question is, do you actually care?
sounds like a problem for a linter
care about what?
In related news
that it allows you to do it
is it a constructor that assigned that value?
@Luggage no
It's almost exactly like foo(x): x is string
but that doesn't work with properties
maybe just type it as a plain string if you know it'll be set.
That's essentially throwing out the type system for convenience :/
Can you give a more complete example? I am making assumptions
if (foo.checkFor(bar)) baz(foo.found);
Supposed to be a workaround for not being able to define a variable in the if condition
ok so doing a bit of studies on if / else statements. Is there a time and a place to use a ternary operator other than to simplify?
that example is too abstract.
is 'found' the property you want to change the type of?
foo.checkFor either assigns found and returns true, or doesn't and returns false
oh.... sorry blame code academy.
it can guard foo, maybe. one sec, i'll give example of what i mean
@KirstyMarks when the code is clearer
if (foo) {
    bar = "baz";
else {
    bar = "qux";
is typically easier to read this way: bar = foo ? "baz": "qux";
thankyou @florianmargaine its a term thats new to me today, as well as the use of les and const in terms of variables. Code Academy has changed somewhat since i last used it in terms of updating to ES6 uses
anything more complex usually wants an if/else
oh, ok, didnt know that. Thanks for the clarification again @florianmargaine
or ES8, as @Zirak likes it
@KirstyMarks a ternary operator is just a helper for readability. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Use appropriately.
when in doubt, don't use it
Perfect answer @florianmargaine. Appreciated
merciless for towc's assumptions I see :P
my parents didn't love me, I don't see why Florian would
@Luggage btw the ideal solution would be something like if (const found = foo.checkFor(bar)) ...
this is all just because you can't declare in an if test?
my hack is .. hacky.
@Luggage brilliant
@Luggage but yeah
const found = foo.checkFor();
if (found) {

not hacky
Yeah but scope
  checkFor(): this is { found: string } {
    return true;
what's this syntax? this is?
also I'll have a bunch of else ifs
@FlorianMargaine user-defined type guard
!!civ5 or league
@KamilSolecki league
welp here we go another match
@KamilSolecki no play with me
I need love
what games do you have?
in my twisted meaning of love
go dl league
it runs on linux afaik
come onnn
wtf, I can't press more than 2 keys at once? 0.o
@Luggage Also, is it possible to use shorthand for optional local variables? let foo?: string; doesn't work.
lol I had food delivery and they forgot the coke
and I told them not to worry about it
? is to say it might not be there, as in the key might not be on the object. you want let foo: string | undefined;
and an hour later someone showed up with coke and apologized
@towc what?
your new laptop has a 90s keyboard? :P
I just noticed this
I think it's soft-blocked
@Mosho lmao
I'm googling
@Luggage Right, I was just looking for shorthand
will foo be assigned rigth after?
? isn't shorthad, another meaning.
@Luggage I'll use it as the variable that checkFor is assigned to
but you might not need to tdo it at all if foo is always assigned later in the function and neve read first.
@towc league! league!
@Luggage Isn't foo?: string the same as foo: string | undefined in a parameter?
I don't know how to play league
I don't want to be drugged into another time hole
its not like c#
anything can be undefined
2 mins ago, by Luggage
? is to say it might not be there, as in the key might not be on the object. you want let foo: string | undefined;
? is optional
you're optional
@BenFortune and you are mandatory but unwanted :/
oh wut
Do you mean string | undefined will error if you don't pass a value to it?
if I press space+up, then I can't press left, but right works
I'm in super lazy mode
type Jimbo = { foo?: string };
const a: Jimbo = {}; // valid
const b: Jimbo = { foo: undefined }; // INVALID
anyone knows a cdebootstrap-like program to run the install of a random ISO and get a .tar.gz back?
? means the key doesn't need to be there. it says nothing about the value of that key.
hmm that makes sense
but what about parameters?
the parameter is optional.
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
Do you mean string | undefined will error if you don't pass a value to it?
i.e. string | undefined is not optional?
i thought you were talking about keys, not arguments.
but maybe. test. it might require you pass undefined
grmbl, is that something I need to write too? :(
so, use ? if you want optional argument
btw, do you have to write string | undefined?
Can't all objects be undefined unless there is some kind of a strict mode for that?
I want optional variable :/
@KamilSolecki Yeah, I have strict enabled
an optional variable?
yea, you can let all values be automatically undefinedable
ts knows when it's assigned and you don't need to use | undefined for that.
click options and turn on strict null checks and you'll see the appropriate error
yeah thats what I was thinking
@KamilSolecki What I really want is if (const var = maybeSomething())
so like return check ? whatchawant : undefined?
i guess
"if a value meeting this condition is available, run this code on that value"
25 mins ago, by Luggage
const found = foo.checkFor();
if (found) {

Yeah, I'm doing that except the checkFor is in the if condition
given that I have a chain of else ifs
@Luggage scope does suck, though
blame JS
send a strongly worded letter to Mr Eich.
@Luggage Or maybe a weakly typed letter
bleh, now I have never problems
calling a never doesn't seem to clue the compiler in that this branch doesn't return a value
show me
I wouldn't want to have never problems :/
return bar() works, but looks silly
i have never used never that way.
I have never used never, ever.
@ssube was talking about it as a return value earlier, but i've never seen it anywhere else
(idk what it does)
@KamilSolecki It's the return type of functions that never return
either infinite loop or error
@KendallFrey that's the recommended way
or something special like killing the process
@KendallFrey oh, neat
@ssube huh, ok
void on steroids
not really
@KendallFrey it has something to do with undefined not being (or being?) a subtype never
you never know what happens on steroids
did you know in .NET there is actually a CLR type for void?
@Luggage ooc, what other way is there to use it?
huh. I guess for the reasons of consistency.
class Foo extends React.Component<Bar, never> { // doesn't use this.state
i have also see it in type guard case statements..
Worst thing ive done in my life was to attempt to install Fody.nullguard in the middle of the project
the example above this link: typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/…
as in scroll up
it only works one way, that is you have to decorate a prop with it to not get checked, no way to do it other way around
in the arguments object what is this 0:1, what does the zero represent?
I already know it's the number of arguments
hint: arguments as an array-like object
but, when you curried i see this 0:2 but only in the scope of the second curried function
(function foo() { console.log(arguments); })("blargh")
@Luggage So... that provides error handling at compile-time and runtime?
!!league or civ5 or csgo
@KamilSolecki league
no fuck you cap
the throw being the runtime part
@KamilSolecki talk to her like that again and i'll lamp you
!!afk eating
nooo do not eat!!!
@BenFortune sorry imma bring flowers.
@Arrow chill hes not gonna die
I know I'm just messing with him
I say it because I know he is not going to listen to me.
cap has been forcing me to play league today
A negative base (or negative radix) may be used to construct a non-standard positional numeral system. Like other place-value systems, each position holds multiples of the appropriate power of the system's base; but that base is negative—that is to say, the base b is equal to −r for some natural number r (r ≥ 2). Negative-base systems can accommodate all the same numbers as standard place-value systems, but both positive and negative numbers are represented without the use of a minus sign (or, in computer representation, a sign bit); this advantage is countered by an increased complexity of...
This is majorly fucked up
@KendallFrey You use two's complement all the time though
@Zirak That's not anything like a negative base
gore for mathematicians
i keep wondering why is it so cold when I just realized after two hours that window is wide open
Oh to live where something like that is required for cold
Goddamn this summer has been absurdly cool
There were only like 2 weeks where it got "hot"
we have all ranges of temperature
top this summer was +42 celcius
low this winter was -35? i think
that's even worse than canada
it gets weird when there is a northern front oncomming
also, neat info: when I was little, we actually got plenty of sand on the streets that came from sahara
like enough to be noticeable
@KendallFrey oh yeah I'm dumb, my mind went elsewhere
Did it least invite you along?
it most invite me along
I have no response
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope, thats very interesting considering most people in India do not mind paying for media consumption at all. Also, even though I live physically in India due to work and friends I am almost cut-off entirely of the entertainment industry etc.
@david is OIDC Complaint Enabled in Dashboard ?
ok last try cap, its your last chance
!!civ5 or league
@KamilSolecki civ5
wow good job cap
but ill still play league to mess you up.
hey guys. Question. Would it be sensible in everyones honest opinion to learn both syntaxes for writing functions, or just stick to the arrow function syntax in ES6.
@KirstyMarks I don't know why you'd want to restrict yourself to just one
oh no i dont want to :) it would just for me be sensible to try and find some decent reading material as Code Academy looking at it has completely swapped its tutorials etc to ES6
Use normal functions for class methods etc. Use arrow functions for simple things like .map/.filter/.reduce
ie i remember writing functions a different way, and it doesnt show that, and i wasnt aware of arrow functions till today
btw not trying to difficult Kendall ;) just alot has changed on CA reading material XD
lambdas shall be used for all the things (← joke)
@KirstyMarks don't use CA as a way to learn things, if you already are somewhat acquainted with JS
afaik, they still teach pretty bad practices
and it's used more as a way of getting you to play around with JS and see that you can actually do stuff in it
it's great if JS is what happened to be your first language and you don't know much about it, it really is, but that's about it
how do you use crypto.getRandomValues to get values between two numbers?
@Arrow did you read what it does?
did you?
What is the hipster new way of doing privates in javascript now?
I seem to remember that it provides you with random bits
and that's all you need for a uniform-ish distribution between 2 numbers
on typed arrays
but I want to limit the range
well, scale it
what does scale it mean?
@Shrek # syntax is coming soon
@towc whats the #syntax?
syntax for private properties
@Arrow maths. Read about scaling in maths
looking for it
where would you suggest? As obviously i want to learn more and i dont want it to teach me poorly
that is horrendous
ugh fuck
well, look at the proposal it was merged into
I liked the original one more
so we basically replaced _boo with #boo
@KirstyMarks there comes a point where you stop being taught, and you teach yourself
@Shrek except it has significant meaning this time
oh no i get that @towc but if i dont have something to even build on, then where do i start... if that makes sense
@KirstyMarks find any piece of code you don't understand, and dig into it
hmmm where do i start LOL!!! I got one im doing already, i have an idea what to do,... but falling at the 1st hurdle, but determined to figure it out :)
or try to do a something, see how far can you get. If you can finish it, think about what you could have done better, and maybe ask for advice
if i self taught myself HTML, CSS and that, so im sure i can teach myself this
hmm good shout. Kudos for the awesome advice @towc
sure, good luck

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