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btw, you got your skiing booked already?
@MadaraUchiha oh, yeah, but I can't freelance saying "oh hey man! I have almost no experience with this, but I'm ready to stay on the project for a couple of days while I screw up your codebase. You should definitely hire me"
@KamilSolecki nah, I won't be going until at least late November, and I'm searching for potential partners
the only people who can do that are interns, right?
@towc I like your honesty. Hired.
that's kinda their whole purpose
and by "man" I mean "human"
@Luggage Yes Luggage, as per the bi-yearly review of your position as head-of-recruitment we've been noticing a worrying trend of "hire the first person that applies".
Stan for instance is a meth addict
@BadgerCat is not a human being
wassup @Luggage?
specist. both of you
but BadgerCat only takes one salary
while providing the skills of both a Badger and a Cat
the meth head cleans a mean toilet, though
^ has a point
By "clean" you mean "steal"?
hopefully in that order
That was my favourite toilet seat, Luggage. It was passed down the family as an heirloom. My great-grandfather used that toilet.
takes care of the bacteria either way
you were born on that seat. :)
btw, I only recently realized that as a freelancer, I need to be much more firm about my decisions
decisions like white or brown rice?
had this client. I kept on changing the build to fit their needs, and kept on saying sorry for getting it wrong. Then realized I wasn't getting it wrong, I was doing everything the way it should be, but for some reason I kept thinking being pushed around was my fault
they kept telling me to use brown rice
i prefer someone else having a shit day :D
so I'd use brown rice
then they'd tell me to use white rice
as long as i keep programming the shit, im happy
so I'd use white rice
then yesterday I bought some bananas and it was great
@towc ow... it wasnt a programming project?
too bad
nah, I was intoxicating their enemies
thank god you didnt buy haywire
@towc I totally disagree that you need some vague opportunity to learn a project
Take a project that you've already completed or that you're well ahead in the schedule, and implement it with whatever technology you want
Don't stay in place, or you get stagnant.
well, another thing I learnt is that refactoring (or changing technology), is a killer, almost every single time
@towc In what context?
I really love doing it, but it takes so much more bloody time than I originally planned, every single time
Also, I noticed Luggage often posts, then is unsure wether his message delivers the right tone, and adds a smiley. He could totally announce he would kill my parents and all would be fine with that smiley :P
if you're refactoring into a different language, you might have problems
well, even JS to JS
Refactoring for the sake of refactoring is generally a bad idea.
refactoring methods as you go so you can test them better is a good thing, as is refactoring a library into another language just to get a better feel for its structure
Refactoring is something that has costs, sometimes significant, sometimes not so much.
But without a clear benefit, refactoring is a waste of time and money.
I keep a notebook on my desk to note any patterns I see emerging in the code and write tickets to refactor them
well, I might just have had some bad luck in my cases :/ Or maybe I'm not that good of a dev
well, refactor or at least document
anyway, fun fact that everyone has been warning me about: I'm kinda looking forward to a more stable job right now
thing is, I can barely find clients for freelancing
Freelancing is fun for a while. But if you need to actually make a living, unless you're some bigshot consultant with multi thousand $ gigs, it's generally a lot of work to maintain a decent income
At least from what I hear. I haven't been freelancing since before I enlisted :D
well, I have multi-thousand $ gigs... over a certain amount of time...
yeah, it was a pain in the ass, I went full time as soon as I got a chance
I genuinely thought I could manage it. I think I still can, but don't feel so good about it
@towc I mean something of the "come and teach us how to java script plx, we'll pay you $5000 for 3 days" sort
@MadaraUchiha yeah, kid was kidding :)
Welp, I think I'm going to play a bit more with CLJS, see what I can come up with
@towc if you want some help setting it up, do ping 😀
@MadaraUchiha if you think you might end up using it in production and want a cheap-ish new recruit, please hit me up :)
@towc Probably not soon
Lots of new concepts
But I still strongly recommend that you at least play with it and learn the gist of things
wth, I have no plans for this evening, I'll set it up right now
Ah it's good to be home. Just rode through the town center and met some nice biker dudes. We rode for a bit before I had to turn off. Real pleasant scenario ❤️
@SterlingArcher yeah its always awesome to ride along with random other bikers
also I love the culture, where any other biker will signal hi to another biker, anywhere in the world
I love it! I wonder if it would be fun to join a club (not a gang lol) that does like, fun rides and charity rides
@towc \o/ Tell me how you like it :)
@SterlingArcher I guess it could be a great opportunity to get on some group trips to fun places!
Im hoping to go to Morocco next year
my father went last year, says its an awesome bike trip
@towc its like someone goes to you as a doctor and tell you 'i want this cancer removed from my kidney' you get it removed , he feels tired, he turns back to you with this punch line "why my kindney isn't working as i supposed you need to get it working as my usual days or give me back my money" . if the new software has some indesired side effects as a background of enhaced features there is lot of things to do as followup one of them is using the program in civil way.
I feel honored you spent so much time apparently writing that
I'm not worth your time
barking up the wrong tree
I'm into basil, not any of this male or female business
basil gives me a rash.
you know... down there.
I know exactly what you mean ;)
I bought a rosemary plant 2 days ago
trasiva will be proud
how do you destructure inside an import statement, like import { userManager:{connect } } from './user-manager
the landlord came to finally get the CRT television out, so now I have a ton more space to put the plants without it looking even more awkward
I wonder if the plants make any noticeable change in the amount of oxygen in the room
probably make it considerably moister though
@towc you should never keep a plant inside your room, the carbon dioxide it produces will give you brain cancer
@Arrow You don't.
@Arrow carbon dioxide causes suffocation, not brain cancer.
Also, not all plants have that effect.
@towc noticeable... by you? You're not gonna notice oxygen levels until you start getting dizzy.
they said the same thing when I moved to the garage, but look at me! I'm in perfect mental health! Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, I was talking about how I get aroused by basil
@KendallFrey don't higher oxygen levels help us breathe better?
You're not going to notice it
ok, fair enough
@towc Not really. It makes us high and more awake in large enough doses
my source is from a book called bullshitIjustmadeup
That's one of the tricks they employ in casinos
if the oxygen levels get too high you'll start feeling unwell
In very large doses (as in, 90%+), oxygen is actively toxic.
if much too much, you die
but as long as you're not in a sealed room, a few plants aren't gonna do shit
wait, don't some athletes cheat by staying in oxygen-dense tents before races?
1 min ago, by Madara Uchiha
@towc Not really. It makes us high and more awake in large enough doses
@towc im pretty sure its the other way
they stay in low-oxygen environiment so that their lungs get used to working with less
@MadaraUchiha well, my guess is athletes don't want to be high before races
Fire also burns brighter and hotter in rich oxygen environments, but it means your fuel runs out quicker
Same principle.
@KamilSolecki it's definitely a thing. It used to be a scandal, because that was legal, whilst a drug that achieved the same effect wasn't
plants suck up carbon dioxide, where do you think the wood from a tree comes from.
@KamilSolecki oh... that could have been it
that is much more logical
@MadaraUchiha Wikipedia implies you can get bad effects at 30%
oh, you're right
thats the same thing people who compete for longest breath holding thing do
@towc Generally speaking, athletes who spend their lives training in oxygen depraved environments (like in high altitudes) will do better in more oxygen rich envs
yeah, makes sense
in short, endurance++
@KamilSolecki but they also breathe pure oxygen just before
for reasons that I hope are obvious
yeah, makes sense
Alternatively, just pull a Goku and train at 100 times Earth's gravity.
100x gravity and try dunking a basketball. If you manage, you can pull off Space Jam everyday
You can then use Flubber !
@SachinKukreja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh man flubber
I forgot that movie
I liked it very much as a kid, though.
@KamilSolecki do you mean λn.λf.λx.f (n f x) ?
Jesus Christ I got the estimate on my car. They have to remove the bumper and the radiator just to replace a belt and diagnos the pulleys. $1200 not to mention my 75,000 mile service
Bye bye money :( lol
See, this here is why I don't have a car
instead, Madara is equipped with a supersonic tricycle with jet propulsion and cocktail service
@MadaraUchiha urgh, following the official "get started" guide on the site is a pain. Trying your lein commands now
well, at least now I know how much this was influenced by java
@towc Yeah, I'd just use my version, and then learn what lein does under the hood
I hope most of that gets abstracted away
@towc Do you have any experience with a lispy language?
Or is this your first alien contact?
I've tried lisp once. I just got drowned in other things I think
I don't remember much
Clojure (and by extension, ClojureScript) is a generally more forgiving and bracket-friendly than most other lisps (you should see Common Lisp)
Full disclosure: I'm mostly exploring it myself for the moment
yeah, sure
There's the whole core.async thing which is supposed to be the answer to all async in cljs instead of Promises and async/await in JS, so there's that to learn
why would someone use classes when they can simply curry?
something about apples and oranges, I don't recall the details
@Arrow That question makes no sense whatsoever
ok ill provide an example hold on
@MadaraUchiha that's more like channels than like promises
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's not "more like channels" it is channels
That's exactly what it is, apparently
You have a "go block" which is like a process with an "in" channel and an "out" channel
What I'm more interested to know is how you do things like make an HTTP request and update an atom with the result, or something of that sort
All in good time, currently working on routing :)
@SterlingArcher is the camshaft + valves fine?
or no info yet?
Hi, can anyone help me with this jsfiddle.net/j13yzno0 please? I would tell you more but I have absolutely no idea what isn't working ! (when clicking the buttons the 'entry' divs should sort) thank you!
@KamilSolecki should be fine. Does it really take 6 hours to remove a bumper?
:o hardly.
I can hit a tree and remove it in like less than a second...
They estimated 9.5 hours labor to replace my serpentine belt
@MaëlleJumel did you try reading the errors?
when something errors, the first thing you do is check the errors
While I could somewhat understand the price (Just the serpentine bełt could cost up to 300-400$, then there is gears too, 9.5h seems excessive af @SterlingArcher
unless someone around you is dying and you can do something about it, in which case help them with that
if you're the one dying, check the errors anyway. It's important to die without having too many questions. Checking the errors will clear some of those
@MadaraUchiha not sure how to feel about it :/
my main problem right now is probably lisp in general though
@towc Did you get it to run?
@towc Sorry I took this from a draft but didn't update jquery etc here's the good link jsfiddle.net/j13yzno0/3
@towc while I can understand your approach to people since it's the same topic eeeverytime everyday, you could be a teeny tiny bit less passive aggressive when responding to them :P
@MadaraUchiha yeah it worked fine, almost no effort had to be put into it. Looked at docs and all. It looks really messy, but maybe that's the whole lisp style
@MadaraUchiha oh boy. I learned about logical pathnames today.
It's the bee's knees.
Unless it's notorious from a certain individual
@MaëlleJumel add jquery to external ressources
@MaëlleJumel still getting a referenceerror
@KamilSolecki you're not the dad of me, dad
yet another concept that doesn't exist anywhere else and is totally rocksome
I'm actually about to get into a really deep argument with my parents
const combine = first => second => third => first(second(third));
const sqrAdd = combine(combine)(combine);
const sqrAddSum = combine(combine)(sqrAdd);
const sqr = x => x * x;
const add = x => y => x + y;
const sum = x => y => z => x + y + z;

const compose = {
  squreAdd: sqrAdd(sqr)(add),
  squareSum: sqrAddSum(sqr)(sum)


// ^ currying VS v class

class klAss {
  constructor(x, y, z) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;

  sqr() {
    let add = this.x + this.y;
I think I might just run for my life now and deal with the lack of food later
mother is trying to be all bossy saying "We Need To Talk. I'll call you tomorrow at around lunch time"
@MadaraUchiha this is what I mean ^
and I be all pinnickety and say "it sounds like you're trying to implement some rules and make me feel like I'm not free. Tough luck, because you're just taking away the best choices, rather than all choices"
I feel that currying is more readable than using classes for dependency injection
and she be like "you understand."
@Arrow they do completely different things
and I be like "well great. I'm free after 6"
and she says "No. Also yes."
at that point I come in saying "what's this about"
right before that, I told my father about the fly infestation in the potatoes
about wat
@towc I added jquery in the js tab of the fiddle and in the external resources idk what more to do?.. Sorry and btw thanks for responding! jsfiddle.net/j13yzno0/4
@MaëlleJumel there's still a referenceError
note: window.setTimeout !== window.setTimeOut
read the errors :P
@towc By errors you mean the console?
@KamilSolecki remember when one of my potatoes was all black and squishy and smelly a couple of weeks ago? We basically haven't talked since
don't think I told anyone here why
@MaëlleJumel that does happen to be where you see errors, yeah
@towc really, they do two different things. wow!
@MaëlleJumel i got it working somehow sorry for removing timers
i just can't wait
so, I had promised my family to go on that 1 week trip with them to romania a long time ago, and after some fighting, I accepted. So I went to romania for a week while the flies were feasting on potatoes. It goes horribly wrong and there's so much stress and tension in the family, it's worse than work. One week later, we're finally in the middle of romania and I'm about to take a flight to Bratislava, but tough luck, I can't fly out of my home country as a minor.
For some reason, my mother, who used to be a judge in romania, didn't seem at all surprised by that, almost as if she was planning for it
the family's plan is to then ignore all of my work and my risk of getting the apartment on fire, and continue with their car trip deeper into romania
@HatterisMad still using windows phone/windows mobile? Android battery life sucks and iPhones are quite better but expensive
Hello. Im trying to split a string after a comma followed by a white space followed by a letter followed by at least one number. split("/,\s+^D+[0-9]+/") is not working for me
Any ideas?
at that point, I just go silent and dead inside, because I knew that after my rythm was so broken by that horrible trip already, another week would have just made me go in full depressed mode
at which point my father's humanity hits him, and, against what the rest of the family wanted, starts driving back to bratislava
@Idle001 Hey thanks for the help, I just need to make it work several times in a row now
@William yessir, although i would really caution as to whether you can survive without the apps you are used to. You snapchatting girls? switch to windows phone and you aren't anymore.
an 8hr trip with my mother continously insulting me and not making any point that would tell me what I could have done better or what I should learn from this
@MaëlleJumel btw this doesnt sort, it just toggle on some genre videos
@towc how much longer since you are 18?
@KamilSolecki probably a year for his body, another 20 for his mind
and that was that. I get home, very very very stressed and irritated, and I don't hear from them for a very sweet 15 days, just about
@FlorianMargaine in 15 years he will be 15
@HatterisMad supposedly it has Spotify and Facebook which is mostly what I use is the browser okay? I'm concerned that you can't use google stuff. Also which phone do you have? Also uses continuum?
@KamilSolecki 5 months now
@William i have a continuum dock but have never plugged it in
imma get u a fucking basil bong for bday
@William 640xl iirc
I don't do weed :P
I said basil :P
unless you mean you can smoke basil
in which case I'm intrigued
sure can I guess
thanks might buy one then have a Nexus and iPhone
@William what google stuff are you worried about losing? edge is decent on the phone. only one bug that it has that annoys me
and really it isn't a bug with the browser, its a bug with websites detecting the browser :/
sometimes google will look and go, oh you are using edge, lets deliver the desktop version of google to you!
anyway, now our relationships are rotten and I don't know what they're planning, that they thing is the right thing to do, but will sooner or later learn it really isn't. Not that mine is really different, but at least I'd learn from it
Hi can anyone help me out with this regex? Im trying to split a string after a comma followed by a white space followed by a letter followed by at least one number. split("/,\s+^w+[0-9]+/") is not working for me
!!> /,\s+^w+[0-9]+/ === "/,\s+^w+[0-9]+/"
Anyone using Docker? For some reason the terminal output is always lacking the 'last' line. I always need to trigger another API call to see the missing line of the last call.
@towc false
@HatterisMad I read gmail doesn't work. Probably can live without google maps
it has a built in mail app that works well
also i believe gmail works
the os has their own maps app as well that works well with cortana
What do use for an email provider if not gmail
I think I have an outlook account not sure @HatterisMad
Style question, how do you guys format "private functions"? I am trying to put a small function inside this one and I can not come up with a format for it.
_sum for example might get confused for a parameter.
saw some C++ using something like sum_ but I am not sure if that should be used either.
whats's ^w for ?
does he mean \w ?
any word character
^w will only capture the first character 'w'
if you want to capture the first word, you would do this ^\w+
yea so not 'any' word character, and it would even not be the first
there is a comma, yet a sequence of spaces
I didn't see your original question what are you trying to do?
not mine
anybody have experience with spy satellite surveillance?
o, well if you want to just capture the words you would just do this \w+
postgres timestamp just wants a correctly formatted string, right? No magical types needed? cc @Luggage you da PS man :P
32 mins ago, by Joel
Hi can anyone help me out with this regex? Im trying to split a string after a comma followed by a white space followed by a letter followed by at least one number. split("/,\s+^w+[0-9]+/") is not working for me
@joel can you provide an example?
@William i use gmail.... i just use the mail client
@towc you will love this :D
only do blue, purple, and orange :P
i do what in the backface of this wheel
government people also reading this
through space monitoring
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!giphy nsa
Double boo
do you love them?
I am them. Nice shirt
they claim that they fight crime from the space
@Shrek I tried that and couldn't get it working. I couldn't figure out what scopes to ask for to get it appearing and it didn't appear in the token on its own. I ended up doing this: auth0.com/rules/custom-scopes and it worked, but isn't namespaced.
but sometimes they watch and laugh
and have fun with people
oh damn its this guy again :D
@rlemon hows your head doing nowadays?
Odd shaped and yellow
well yellow sounds alarming.
@rlemon hey guy
@david Usually you can do context.accessToken['https://yourservice.com/claim'] = user.app_metadata.value; you cannot have them non-namespaced or the url cannot have auth0 in the claim.
but it works non namespaced :(
The call we do is:
    scope: 'openid email_verified permissions managedSchoolId',
    connection: CONNECTION,
and that 'managedSchoolId' comes through verbatim in the token
@Shrek Yeah I'm doing a very simple rule with context.idToken[namespace + 'favorite_color'] = 'user.user_metadata.favorite_color'; and it's not appearing in new tokens. I've added https://myapp.example.com/favorite_color and favorite_color to my scopes field but they're not appearing
Dude tried to show off and wheelie for me and god pulled over 😂 What a dumbass
!!> let a = 5; a = null; a;
@KamilSolecki "SyntaxError: return not in function"
wait how do you print on cap
!!> const x = 5; x;
@SterlingArcher 5
@KamilSolecki null
Console.log also works
ok thats weird then. My int is null but DB error says its NaN
or is it the same thing
!!> let a = null; a === NaN
What db? It might be a generic catch
@KamilSolecki false
Triple equals won't work, but double equals should because they're both falsy
So lets reassume
im using pg-promise.helpers.insert
to generate a query from an array
now, if one of the array members is null, should it easily go into a nullable db field?
or should the query have NULLIF [....]
are you speaking javascript right now?
I couldnt find anything about that in the docs
im speaking javascript and postgres sql queries
I wonder if null === NULL in js -> postgre
I don't see why that should be an issue though nullable fields are common O.o weird
ill write a manual query quickly with one row
see what happens
Make sure the field allows null too
yeah yeah it does
thats the point
Did the query work
ffs I have to fill all the relations too
anyone here work as a Software engineer??
@Nightmare Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Nightmare most of the chat
i am paid to be a software engineer
@SterlingArcher yeh it did work
so 2 options now
either it was the 'incomplete relations' thing (although the error was completely different')
or something about pg promise
my bet is on the second one
Heck, tomorrow will be time for that. Comfy bed is calling me

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