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[tag:node/react] my koa server serves a react spa. both of them need to make http requests, so I'm thinking of creating a module/http wrapper they would both use to simplify my life. xmlhttprequests are onloy client side, and express's http is only server side. should I
a) verify when importing my module which one I want to use
b) verify in the module's creation which I am (server or client)
c) create two different modules (leading to a lot of code duplication)
d) varia?
is working. Nice.
wth was that?
@towc Then...that's most likely not an herb. Always keep your plants labeled dude.
transcript scrape
of users who posted
@FélixGagnon-Grenier isomorphic-fetch probably?
yes, that sounds precisely right. ta
@DarkRunner niva.css line 125. Change .parent animation: around ease to animation: around ease infinite
problem solved-o
@Vap0r lmao I got it
@Mosho what was it?
django, by default, redirects using 301 if you try to access without trailing slash
and it would appear safari doesn't keep the headers
when you do that
so I had to add the trailing slash to those requests :P
Huh, why wasn't that caught in the network requests?
well, it's done
Unless there wasn't an option to preserve logs and the 301 wiped the previous logs
@towc das potaten?
@Trasiva btw, if you ever wanna play co-op in sc2, just message me
it was brutal
Curious. I got into a conversation with my coworker about when to use GET in REST. The main argument was about whether or not you should use a GET with variables to get a list, or you should use POST because you're CREATING a list. (The latter being my opinion.)

Really I only ever use GET to get a specific resource...and that's it.

@towc dam, you are improving.
I saw food being made in front of me
that's what the universe must have been like in the early stages
@Vap0r it was, I just missed it and only looked at the failed request :P
@towc Hey man, not bad. Wasn't so tough, was it?
@Allenph I would have to re-read the specs
went potato
nevermind order, just chaotically do things, and eventually the entropy will go away
@Vap0r Do you not use REST on the regular?
@Mosho oof dude that hurt to read
@towc I see you even added onions. :P
btw they seem slightly burned. Did you add them at the same time as potatoes?
@Trasiva yo wanna play a game of league?
@KamilSolecki I'm at work.
ah, right.
Yea man, weekends is usually the best time I can play online with you.
my mouuth says it's good
@Allenph I do. I wanted to make sure we weren't violating some principle. GET with variables is not only acceptable, but is the preferred way of doing this
feels a little too dry
@towc butter
@Vap0r Hmm. I don't know how I got that idea in my head then.
Does that seem fair to you for using the whitespace in brackets here?:
let userId = extractUserId( $(element).attr('class') );
@Allenph if you were creating the list in your datastore you would be right
A lot of my reasoning was due to the complexity and multi-dimensional nature of complex searches.
Basically REQUIRING a POST sometimes.
@towc Did you add butter? It doesn't look like it.
But since your GETting a representation of your data that won't be saved, that definitely is GET territory
I put some after I flipped them
Good man
@KamilSolecki ain't you doing a little too many things at once?
i thought so for a moment
@Vap0r Hmm. I stand corrected.
i cant decide.
Any other GET use cases?
@towc btw the inner thing is a cheerio query.
yeah I should maybe break that in two
you mean a jquery query?
@Trasiva well, I didn't use any salt at any point in the process, or pepper
I don't know if I regret that
I think I don't, but I might
@towc Next time, just try adding some salt and pepper for seasoning man. You're literally missing out on some excellent flavor.
@towc it is made to look like jquery.
@Allenph depending on your application you are probably going to be using GET more often. I think a better question IMO to ask would be what are the main differences and use cases of POST vs PUT vs DELETE. Anything else should probably fall to GET
thats how cheerio devs wanted it
never heard of cheerio
It's really nice to scrape with selectors, much harder now when a lot of sites are SPAs
@Vap0r Do you use PATCH?
@vapor Thanks so much
that feels wrong
I cant decide which I like more, considering that *monologueClassname wont ever be reused*. I may be leaning towards #2 though.

const monologueClassname = $(element).attr('class');
const userId = extractUserId(monologueClassname);

const userId = extractUserId( $(element).attr('class') );
yeah I guess #2.
@towc what does?
@KamilSolecki it's fine
Is there a higher resolution alternative to retrieving a website's favicon?
@Allenph no I don't. I prefer the idea of PUT recognizing the resource and updating it if it already exists.
I kind of feel that way too.
Lunch time. Peace.
I'm really curious what everyone thinks about the creation of a resource. Should I return a representation of the inserted data, or do I return an ID based reference to the new resource's API location
I believe that REST says to reference the new location, but no way I'm screwing with that.
@Vap0r ideally, you would let the client decide how much data they cared about
that's the idea behind graphql and friends
with REST, you typically return the full updated object
@ssube "let the client decide how much data they cared about" what does this look like?
well, the simplest version would be OPTIONS vs GET
And I believe the spec actually states to just return a link or location of the newly created resource (its' URI)
graphql lets you specify which fields you want back, you could use a header that indicates id-only or everything, there are a few ways
That's pretty nice. It isn't technically "to spec" (not that I much care), but what does that mean from a usability standpoint? Is it unimportant since there are basically no purely RESTful clients?
@Vap0r It doesn't help that, like SQL, there's no single REST spec.
Everybody has their own opinions on how paths should be built and how headers should be used.
@ssube oh shit dude you just blew my mind. I read a bunch of pages of documentation.
Is there somewhere I can read about the state of REST, or a general overview?
the real rules are whatever you server decides (ASP.NET does one thing, Jersey does another, etc)
like, sleeping?
@KevinB youuu
@ssube really though? That just feels kinda like a cop-out to me.
Like we wrote standards, but everyone decided to use only GET and POST so we have fragmented standards
and now that there are so many competing standards just do what you want.
Representational state transfer (REST) or RESTful web services is a way of providing interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. REST-compliant Web services allow requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations. Other forms of Web service exist, which expose their own arbitrary sets of operations such as WSDL and SOAP. "Web resources" were first defined on the World Wide Web as documents or files identified by their URLs, but today they have a much more generic and abstract definition...
it was a paper that described an architecture
it's just a buzzword
almost nobody writes truly stateless, cacheable REST APIs
It has meaning...
mmmmk fair enough. I was told differently by someone either in here or C# room long ago and linked to a spec
I have "mostly restful" APIs.
REST is more about how the URIs are structured, with CRUD providing the verbs
just a few endpoints to that violate some rules.
This just seems really weird. IS there a spec, is anyone the most authoritative?
@Luggage so pretty much what im building right now.
I'm fine with no. But normally they pound standardization into everyone's heads.
!!afk I am Vap0r
Well, sometimes
ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm is about the most authoritative you'll find, I think
the MSDN docs are probably the most complete and well-specified
a lot of the terminology is similar to how React's method names are structured, btw
Our document repository still uses a SOAP RPC (WCF) api that I gave it. I need to think of a reason it must change to something less Enterprise.
I'm curious about gRPC and using it with Node cluster, to write some of my math stuff elsewhere.
I wonder if graphql can deal with data that has a lot of bitmaps.
It's the cool new way to do plugins, too
i'll have to look up gRPC
google, protobufs, rpc over http/2
no coldfusion :(
lol no
no java either
oh, "Java source code is in the grpc-java repository. Go source code is in the grpc-go repository."
I thought that too, but there's a link to the other repo
so... technically, coldfusion could theoretically do it, :p
if you jump through a few hoops'
The Go one is super popular with some tools written in Go, though. Terraform uses it for plugins, so they can theoretically do plugins on remote machines and stuff.
I'm thinking about using it for swapping bitmaps, essentially, since protobufs should be able to compress those.
yea.. i'm been working on getting java-saml working in coldfusion.
I gave up. It worked, but I found using java in CF too cumbersome in this case.
my current side-project is to be able to manage our firebase data/users server-side
but there's no coldfusion platform for that either
wanna hug?
there is java, but.... it doesn't give a downloadable jar that i can see, and we don't use maven
have you tried using not coldfusion?
yeah, that's the current plan. build a new node api that we can use for this purpose
(the java firebase can't manage users anyway)
I'm moving mine to aspnetcore with a react/mobx/knockout front end
(lots of working ko components we'll re-use as-is inside react)
@KamilSolecki why are you using 4 space indentation? Also, why are you using .each rather than proper iteration?
4 space because 2 space burns my eyes
I cant work with 2-space
@KamilSolecki Node.js works with two spaces
Any other way is not the standard Node.js way
I just... cant.
Its unreadable for me.
i'm not sure your joke is landing.
if there is a joke, im not getting it.
💧 thanks @KevinB never knew this exists
wait. Whats the difference between array.each and array.foreach
im an idiot
cc @KendallFrey seems like you won.
so, this is the headline of an email from an employment service ("functional works". Just signed up because it sounded interesting and wanted to tell people about how haskell is still providing jobs)
> Clean air, data science and millions of email addresses hacked
I felt very very safe
also aaaaargh, how did I not hear about this before? ICFP (international conference for functional programming) is in oxford this sunday :/
I went to a functional programming conference once. It didn't really change anything.
@ssube yeah, they have a problem with mutating state
a really good friend of mine from oxford will throw his 18th tomorrow, and I promised I'd be around if there was some other event going on around that time (the plane ticket costs a lot in early september apparently), but I couldn't find anything, now that there's this thing, I'm kinda really sad
@towc where are you now?
Can you not just train there?
I like in Slovakhtoncester, it's too far
with an h between the t and the k
That's not showing up on google maps 0.0 wth are you?!
I'm the basil slayer
mother of flies
neither of those is a place
breaker of linux
@ssube I think he went with what instead of where
I did
I'm in slovakia
what does toncester mean?
town center?
I think you assumed I was in the UK. A lot of cities end in -ton and -cester
I wanted to make a really british name up
@towc nah I thought you might be in France or Italy for some reason.
23 hour drive @towc do it
Oh wait I just realized
I should also run a 14-day back scan to see if messages gained more stars
Is 14 days the max value stuff stays on the starboard?
what are you scraping for?
Chat statistics web app

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