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TLDR mouuth isn't a thing unless you just made it a thing
there's a "look for moouth instead" thing
About 136,000 results
doesn't mean it's a thing
mouuth is a thing
it's a subdomain for wordpress.com
that's not a thing
it's a name
lol oh you ⁽ᴵ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ʸᵒᵘ⁾
@KevinB whose side are you on?
truth? There's no such thing as truth
there are sides?
we get sides now?
this week it's dead kittens
Post dead kittens for flags
But nah seriously I'll flag that plz don't
that kittens so dead!
it ghost!
at least it's not shredded into a million pieces
is it a thing to plan your life with the idea "if I don't like the outcome of this, I can always choose to die", so you always end up doing what you like doing?
@towc no
backing yourself into a corner every time is a waste
set up multiple ways to succeed
well, the main alternative is "whatever the outcome is, I'll need to deal with the consequences", right?
@towc It's a symptom of depression
One of the most destructive :B
@towc also no
if I always set the consequences to be either death or happiness, then I just end up being happy for the whole time I'm alive, right?
no, you just don't live very long
set yourself up to always win in varying amounts
unless you're me
plan ahead and take calculated risks
then life gives you lemons
fucking everywhere
@ssube for the purpose of being happy in the long term?
If you always look at death as a second option, you won't put as much effort into being happy because, in your mind, you won't have to deal with not being happy. If in your mind you will have to deal with not being happy, you'll put in more effort.
@Alesana or I'll be more happy more of the time :/
@towc long and short term
if you're regularly succeeding, you have capital to burn on fucking around once in a while
I don't need to be always happy, I just strive to be sad as little as possible.
contrary to popular belief. you can be neutral sometimes.
you have to be sad occasionally too
you just want to keep the average high
it's inevitable.
I'm not a sociopath.
if you don't have range, you develop chemical tolerances
same reason you can't party forever
@towc Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, thinking that way make drives you to make destructive decisions that result in less happiness. It would make you less happy for the shorter amount of time that you're alive.
tell that to human-bender
he partied on my friend
he ded tho
he died the way he lived
not dying is a big part of my long term strategy
thats a solid survival strategy.
Great way to survive, 5/7 perfect score
depends on medical advancements. if I could be revived I might not mind it so much
see what really happens when you die.
could be like an amusement ride.
> Death: 5 tickets.
Btw in my experience, one thing that we should never try to combat as people is stress
nahh, that;s wrong as fuck
I have accepted death, even though I don't fear it, my human nature still tries to keep me alive :B
combat stress, don't let it consume you
you can't fight stress, but you can avoid it
organize shit and get rid of it before it happens
stress as in worrying about things, I may have used the wrong word.
idk what yall are talking about. you can fight the fuck out of stress.
stressful things will always happen. learning how to cope/move past it is fighting stress.
Also not everything that eliminates stress is worth it.
caring is the word im looking for
Learn to manage stress, stress will can motivate you
^ this entirely too much
so to rephrase my ealier sentence: I'd never again in my life decide to be care - free
This is like saying "the key to depression is just be happier"
is it really stress when it's motivating?
stress demotivates me. removing the stress gets me back motivated.
@Luggage Who said anything like that?
@rlemon im totally the other way around/
the way I see it, if you seriously consider suicide (which I don't, but hypothetically), you might as well do stuff that makes you happy without fearing the consequences
@ssube it is for me. I'm an absolute wreck when I'm being most productive, but I know when I sit back at the end of the day (or week or month [depending on task]) that it will all be worth it (or not and that's fine too). But at the very least I'll have something to show for it.
now, if what makes you happy is raping someone, then that's on you for being a horrible person
@towc not very alarming :P
@Vap0r I used to do that, then I started planning ahead to help with it.
god dammit room, can we go like two hours without talking about raping people?
Now I can usually keep a fairly even pace and it's so much better.
yeah, wtf guys
but if what makes you happy is just saying fuckit to everything and going for a long walk with no plan whatsoever, then I think it's fine
@towc no, you're just an idiot
it wasn't a raping joke, it's genuinely a problem I wanted to address
oh, I missed the word walk
@ssube Yeah I can feel that sometimes but I can tell that's partly a maturity thing. Right now the thought of organizing the chaos during those times seems an impossible task
@towc let's not use it as a casual example either
ok, sure
just for everybody's comfort
it's a extreme example that if you're facing yourself the intervention shouldn't be had in here.
You can just say if "It's harmful to other people" :B
@towc do replace all bad words with "trombone" please
@Vap0r tbh, I just started using a todo list app to keep track of it. I've always been good at self motivating if I know what I need to do and having a list and score is enough.
well, hurting people for no apparent reason disgusts me, it's not a problem
@ssube I need something like that that's omnipresent (on my phone as a widget, on my computer always open, integrated)
todo apps are a pain. physical todo list posted on the fridge works well. can't just 'not open the app' to ignore it
^ todo apps saved my life
@rlemon lists don't remind you
@rlemon my problem with that is I forget the lists
sure they do
I need the timed reminders and recurrance
i forget about paper notes
every time I go to get something from the fridge
if anything, maybe I'd cut a leg off and cook it for a homeless man
i've tried todo apps, trello, calendars, none of them work for me
I forget and lose paper notes
that's why you gotta post em on your fridge!
todoist.com is my favorite
that was like the most important part about it
I really enjoy setting them up and organizing, but then on day two i don't want to maintain it
@KevinB did you find anything that worked for you?
and by week 3 it's a long past memory
everyone eventually eats. you will see the note
yeah, writing it down on a piece of paper
@ssube am using it since 3 days. I like it so far
@KevinB that's where setting a goal and turning it into a habit is important
that sits her eon my desk
on the same notepad that i bring with me to all meetings
Fair it seems like people vary on this so I'll have to find what works for me
good idea
the only reminders i schedule are appointments.
@KamilSolecki it took me a while to get used to, until I set up all my chores to recur and started slowly increasing my daily goal.
i keep my "list" there, so that if someone asks for something i can "put it on the list"
also blocking tasks out evenly, so each task on your list takes a similar amount of effort. If one is larger, break it down, etc.
@towc in my experience though people heavily thinking about suicide don't have the ability to rationalize that they may as well be happy
even if i never actually get to it
@ssube havent done any of that yet. Im currently just popping the 'todo' things in and make sure all get checked out by the evening
Anyone here use trello?
that's a good start.
also am planning to introduce it to my employees if I like it
If you can do it for 60 days, it'll stick.
for work stuff planning
@Vap0r well, in some cases I think it's ok. But if it's a thought that creeps slowly rather than an impulse...
@KamilSolecki I use it to help plan my game project, along with gitlab's issues/boards
do you maybe happen to know if there is shared todolists feature?
@towc yeah not really sure what to say. I never improved until after I failed
we use trello as a ticket management system, but i don't participate
@KamilSolecki you can share projects
i just handle edge cases that are pushed my way via slack/email
@ssube ah, I'd need to specifically see which get checked out and which are still pending
@rlemon And the saaaaaave.
I would use google appointments if it had an intelligent way to do tasks that I could check. So maybe every Friday it says "have you gotten (x) done yet today" and I could reply "no, remind me next week, or next saturday, or whatevs"
I should probably find something more business-oriented though
@KamilSolecki yeah. If I ever get collaborators, I need to find a way to update tickets from todos and vice versa.
we are drowning in paper notes
set up gitlab free or github and use those issues?
it's a whole lot better than nothing
@Vap0r You know that calendar has tasks now, right?
@Trasiva yeah but when they first came out I had difficulty finding widget-style apps that supported the API. Do you know of any (android user here)
its not exactly something that would fit the needs. Things that Id expect to go on todo lists would be, for example:
1. Call back 123-456-789 order #12345 with information on the delivery time + time and date settings
2. Process return #123
3. answer unanswered emails from the morning
my "list" currently consists of "<product name> photos are mixed"
where a whole series of products are for some reason all sharing the same photos, in a seemingly random order.
@rlemon image? not that long, but how long has it taken to expand the partition on your current one? :P
@rlemon That's actually not a bad price for convenience sake
1. wake up
2. do things in the bathroom
3. deal with that body from the night before
4. brush teeth
5. go to work
6. work
7. lunch
8. work
9. deny everything
10. find an alibi
@KamilSolecki todoist is good for that. My company is working on something similar as part of our scheduling tool, but that's tied into your scheduled shifts more than random tasks.
@Vap0r ohh I'd expand before I wrote it
@rlemon you don't have an alibi
you ugly
tbf though i just threw away the old list
😃 for science.
@BenFortune hey hey
@rlemon I like how you deal with the body at step 3 and don't even care about an alibi until much later. Like brushing teeth and work are that much more important.
anyways. I fucked around with it, ignored the errors, moved past the stupid exit codes, and got some new sd card writers. 4 8gb images written in 750 seconds.
@KevinB fun stuff, I was updating products names (expanding them with product # and producer name) through the API about a month ago. All seemed to work out fine. After 2 or so hours I realized about 400 products had the same name :P
@rlemon You seen those insanely expensive bulk writers?
@rlemon how do you expand before writing?
@Vap0r There's Google Keep for that.
@BenFortune yea, retarded
a common problem here is people creating a new product by entering the product name in the itemnumber field and the item number in the product name field
which is why I'm doing all this work.
@Trasiva ooh that's sexy. Thanks man
unfortunately item numbers don't follow a standard syntax so i cant just put a pattern test on it
@Vap0r Has a chrome extension too.
Woah, you can finally add descriptions to AWS EC2 security group rules
@Trasiva hahaha
@rlemon man.. imagine misplacing that
when it happens, ihave to delete the mistaken product and start from scratch
@rlemon wut?
or it falling in a crack
$250 just gone like that lol
@Loktar Amazon one-click makes that even easier
!!s/$250/400gb of porn/
Wouldn't be the first time someone from Florida lost 250 like that on crack
Hey guys, any data scientists here?
@OliverSalzburg if you kept your AWS resources in version controlled tools, you could just comment them :P
@Jonathan I've theorized here and there. What's up?
dammit cap.
Ok, time to build a workaround for this damn http request.... gonna have to do it client-side for now until i build a node api
@rlemon Rated?
no cap wasn't running
rip in peace
Cap is a 4/7
@Vap0r She's a 5/7 you heathen
rebooted my pc and forgot to run her
she's been offline for a while now too
@ssube I rather have the information where everyone would expect it
@rlemon How can you forget to turn on your second girlfriend?
your mom is always turned on, no issues there
run it on an ec2
@BenFortune not if she's off she isn't
@ssube Ultimately, am planning something similar in my webapp that im building - but also integrated with the shops' system and an emailing client
@rlemon You're getting me confused with Kendall again.
@OliverSalzburg that assumes people are logging into the console. If you're doing that and managing resources by hand, you're in for more pain than just where tags live.
everybody's mom is turned on when I am around.
@Trasiva no, you don't look like a thumb. more like a big toe
@rlemon LOL
@Vap0r I have data in the following contingency table. I was going to use a hypergeometric test to do some statistical significance test. However, I no longer have data for the 2nd row. And I'm lost on what would be a good test to do to see if the increase in gene expression between no radioation and increased radiation is significant.
i know some of those words
@rlemon That's harsh.
@ssube Adding a temporary IP exception rule for a workstation is not a task that should require version control and special tooling
@Trasiva I know, I'm on fire.
I mean the data is just two columns at that point, and a hyper-geometric test seems too intense.
@Luggage just dont empty the mag
@OliverSalzburg you shouldn't be doing that at all
The console is perfectly fine for that and being able to leave a comment with those rules is a noteworthy improvement :P
@KendallFrey see above lol
If anyone can solve it he can!
@Loktar ??
TF takes 30 seconds to run on a good size project.
1 min ago, by Jonathan
@Vap0r I have data in the following contingency table. I was going to use a hypergeometric test to do some statistical significance test. However, I no longer have data for the 2nd row. And I'm lost on what would be a good test to do to see if the increase in gene expression between no radioation and increased radiation is significant.
Everything you do should go into a git repo
@Luggage when I am around. Ha my puns are masterful
@ssube Of course I should. When it's the right thing to do. And I know when it is because I'm a motherfucking badass professional
should infrastructure changes also be in source control?
router configs, etc.
@Luggage definitely
@Loktar I have no idea what that means
we break projects down so the main VPC is on git repo with CI, each big logical chunk is it's own
I meant to say "shouldn't". I am already of the opinion that EVERYTHING should be in source control.
each runs TF and has its own state in S3
@Loktar tis some difficult words.
@Luggage Even private keys?
@rlemon I'll have to drive my car to the store for some burn cream, and then drive home.
i.imgur.com/vbi6Pvl.gifv lmao 10/10 on choosing your spotter.
ok, don't hurt my family
@KendallFrey a project's keys can be git-crypted or locked up with KMS
@rlemon Christ, people die from that shit.
then you put your SSH keys on a yubikey and use that for everything, keep the backup in a safe
@Trasiva count the weight. he's pushing like 150
a yubikey disguised as a hyundai key fob
maybe a bruise? he's a big boy. that won't kill him without some crazy shit happening
@rlemon You think your esophagus can take that?
@KamilSolecki My laptop has a file called credentials.txt on the desktop. It contains a username and password, in plain text.
i do too
don't put your neck under the bar, which he hasn't
but its not my password and login.
KendallFrey I use the whiteboard
It's "mine" in the sense that I'm the only one with access to it
@rlemon Look at the bar, it's up against the verticals, where he neck would be.
no, that should be slightly above your nips
unless you've got neck nips
Having extra nipples is nothing to be ashamed of.
I should know.
idk. I always was taught minimal distance from the rest and your motion. so if you need too you're not off balance putting the weights away
I dunno, I don't use a machine myself for regular benching these days, but I'll double check when I go to the gym tonight.
@KendallFrey i.redd.it/qg9e0j3u72jz.png 10/10 would fly again
@rlemon I was reading the reddit on that, apparently the spotter only has to lift like 20lbs max, how does that work?
@Trasiva I stopped using an olympic bar a while ago and do dumbells now
@BenFortune The person on the bottom should be doing most the work.
@BenFortune uhh, you don't need to lift much unless the guy on the bottom completely gives up
@rlemon oh of course lol
you just need to make up the difference for the new weight. which shouldn't be much more than you know you can do
unless you're a moron
like that fine specimen
@rlemon Yea, that'd work too. The machines just help me keeping form better while I'm still rehabbing.
I like to work on those small muscles for balance.
I use the machines sometimes when I just wanna get sore.
because on the machine I can lift like 25% more easily
can someone do me a favor? Try installing @types/react-color, I always get a bizarre error message
how bizarre
@rlemon Yea, my back just scares me man. Free weights I get fucking terrified when I start to feel anything weird start to happen again.
npm ERR! Cannot read property '0' of undefined
@rlemon never too many struts, eh?
well I'm not able to lift for like 8 more weeks. fucking injuries.
I hope it's only 8 weeks
they said ~3 mo. when i broke it. I'm speedy on recovery tho
@rlemon I had to take last week off because the back wasn't feeling great. I'd rather just waste a week's membership than break myself again.
@Jonathan yeah sorry man I was out having a cigarette. I would definitely do a test there to find the significance
using exercise machines is bad :\ plateau'd on squat at only 135lbs with a machine, got to 315 in 3 months after switching to just using bar + weights

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