Idea: Movie-hacker-style screen that pulls newly committed code live from GitHub and scrolls/animates it across the screen. On a scale of 1-10, how much should I do this?
Hey guys, i am using 2 javascript files for a vimeo player in my rails project. In one js file i assign the vimeo link to the iframe then i call a method in the other js file passing it the iframe and episodeid to create the player. in that method i create the player and asign it to a global variable called player. when i access that variable outside of that createPlayer method to add an event listener the variable is undefined... any suggestions?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that I agree with, but it seem that the amount of knowledge, that is required to be a competent JS developer is growing. And it seems that the growth of that amount is accelerating
@BenjaminGruenbaum the variable is defined globally but it is given a value inside of the createPlayer method. so i wont be able to create a event listener outside of that method?
CSS hasn't really changed since flexbox kicked in (and everyone is using it), there are things like css variables but everyone is using sass/less/stylus
@tereško yeah, but it got a lot better - modern JS is a much nicer language where you type less, don't need to know this hacks, don't write callbacks, have good scoping and get good debug feedback
@quincosa no, it's in the scope of the iframe, google how to read a variable from an iframe
btw, @BenjaminGruenbaum, as a side-note: the two most hated languages (javascript and php) seem to be acquiring similar features ... I wonder, which one will be the first one to skin haskell and wear its type system as a fancy hat
@Vap0r I'm not sure what you're complaining about or if you're trying to get banned again. You were kicked and banned for making a rape joke. End of story.
@ssube if you're not sure what point I'm making, then maybe the best conclusion to jump to wouldn't be ban. That seems heavy handed for someone in your position.
I made a joke in poor taste I made before that was received well last time. It wasn't this time. It was in poor taste the first time too, but received well. No one warned me of anything the last time I made the joke, and several ROs were present
@Vap0r When you do something offensive, sometimes people won't get offended. Them or other people might be the second time you do it - or not. The simplest way is just not being offensive to begin with.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was just confused until I realized it was a community-based flag-ban rather than an RO ban (is that a thing?). The audience is different everytime so I have no recourse if I say something distasteful knowing it's so, and it doesn't go how it historically went.
@rlemon I think so. I'm trying to find the article on it, Cracked did an interview with these two college girls who decided to write instead of making money through a cam site and did almost as well.
Yes, I know the topic has been discussed before. I know that Meta already has threads that complain about how flagging doesn't work. I wanted to give a practical example.
Today, a user came in to the JavaScript chat and asked the following question:
Hey guys, as soon as I embed javascript,...