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and oktoberfest ;D
yet, some of the locals aren't not responsible with alcohol :|
@KarelG thanks for the link by the way.
@KarelG The thing is, people will see through it and recognize that it's a cheap attempt at trying to impress them. They will also recognize it with the beer, but they won't care, because, well, beer. And then they will proceed to drink it, forgetting all about the doubts regarding the reason for the beer. Then you just show up the next day and that's how it's done
Yet, I would bring a belgian beer. Not a dutch one. :P
@KarelG That is not the way to get hired. That's the way to get fired
I'd bring a dutch one ifyaknowwhatimean ;)
I think you'll have to spell it out
don't you like it? 😯
It doesn't matter where in Germany you interview, you always bring the most local brand you can get, because everything else is piss water to them anyway
aaah, I see.
But Koln beer is piss water.
And they love it
That's exactly the reason to bring the local beer. Don't bring Cologne style beer anywhere but Cologne
It's like wearing the wrong hat in a church
I should bring the king of beers and wear an american flag/eagle shirt with cowboy hats and boots.
@OliverSalzburg * ahem * Pißwasser ?
(GTA V ref btw)
@KarelG Haven't played :(
it's also in GTA IV
* hefewasser
there is a beer company with that name
and the advertisements ... lol. certainly NSFW
just google image that
Was the pun alright? Not sure how it translates in german lol
That probably means cow milk or something completely unrelated lol
!!afk drank too much coffee
@KarelG I clicked it anyways muahaha
look at some slogans. You see those on a big advertisements on the street
man that's a good one from rockstar
"Website blocked by administrator for 'gaming'".... You win this time @KarelG
!!afk no seriously tho I drank too much coffee
morning cats
For fuck's sakes. Don't give me testing data with the wrong expected output.
@Trasiva Maybe it was a test
@OliverSalzburg No, the fucking twat didn't specify if the data was fill blank cells with the previous data or not. Which increased the expected value by almost four times the results I was expecting. Which didn't help because he still gave me the wrong data time frame for testing because he forgot to convert to UTC.
If he'd have just fessed up to it it wouldn't have been an issue. Instead I just spent 30 minutes arguing with him because I had invalid test cases that I have to get done today before he goes off to Italy for three weeks on vacation.
bloody italy
I happened to enjoy Italy.
But that's because I went out with the locals who worked on the air base I was at.
hmmm... somehow I don't like this
[ w1, w2, w3, revealIntro, logo, menu ].forEach( node => this.data.get( node ).storage.transitions.last.undo() );
Alright so it's not cors
@Vap0r whoa, that is completely inappropriate
it's too late now, he's gone
you're damn right he is
can you do knex migrations programatically, without using the cli?
let me know how well those work
knex is great in general, never used the migrations
it's just a list of commands to run
actually, I'll just add them to some npm run commands, didn't want to install it globally
I never install packages globally anymore, although I don't use npm scripts (too hard to escape/maintain)
only if they are cross-project CLI's for personal use do I install global.
any task runner can put your node_modules/.bin in the path and then you're good, installing globally is only asking for version confusing imo
never things that should be versioned in a project (like babel, knex, etc)
yea, task runners go local, not global, too
I think make or npm should be your one global cli and then kick off the others
@Vap0r Uhhh, duuuuuude.
well, i used decaffeinate global during a conversion. it never becasem part of the project.
(temporary, couple day, change)
keeping things out of the repo entirely is a good exception
Vapor is gone for 25 more minutes, btw.
fucking bower.. who put that in there.
I blame visual studio.. it seems to LOVE bower.
yeee hawww my EU grant application was accepted!
goblins. They run around adding jQuery and bower to perfectly good projects.
a good prank if you ever get commit access to someone's repo.
yarn add jquery && git commit -a "lol" && git push
lol. Suddenly their minification takes twice as long
@Luggage dont you need git add too?
@littlepootis ********
@KamilSolecki -a m8
am blind
@Luggage git commit -am "lol"
let the git games begin
git is all fun and games until somebody loses history
which takes 30 days or a git gc
ohh, 2 weeks.
it's not easy unless you delete the whole directory
and never pushed or never committed
90 days for reflog.. so i guess they aren't 'loos objects' until they are off of there.
hi guys
from yesterday to today .. I didn't change - but I can't $ sails lift anymore
it can only be one day at a time
myProject\ node_modules\sails\node_modules\include-all\lib\help-include-all-sync.js:281
              throw e;

`include-all` attempted to `require(myproject\config\passport.js)`, but an error occurred::
Details:Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
@ssube but it was a bad day .. the most awful day in my life
wake me up when september starts
Can someone explain to me why certain goods (in this case BTC) are traded far below or above their current value? Like, in the time frame (<1day) I'm looking at, I can see trades between 2000€ and 7600€, even though the mean is ~4K
that's, in a few hours isn't it?
at Error (native)
    at Object.Module._extensions..node (module.js:568:18)
    at Module.load (module.js:456:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:415:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:407:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:466:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at bindings (node_modules\bindings\bindings.js:76:44)
    at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules\bcrypt\bcrypt.js:3:35)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
@OliverSalzburg BTC has no real value, so you can sell it for whatever you want.
You can always do that, I mean.
@KevinB why should it be over their value?
BTC has this value and it will grow and grow
its not a buble
Some people just want to get rid of things and are willing to take a loss
wrong person
some people do it for the tax breaks
wrong whuuuat?
I bought 4k (euro) in btc ^^
just last tuesday
@ssube I know you can, but I'm assuming that people aren't selling 100K€ volumes 50% below average just for the fun of it
I'm assuming there is a strategy or whatever you wanna call it
@OliverSalzburg no, they probably have a shady reason
I'd like to know about that as well then ;D
I don't have a shady reason o_o I just want to buy low and sell high
Hmmm, like quickly getting rid of stolen coin?
in normal business, I think you can buy assets personally and sell them to your company for less, so that you take a loss but the company ends up with the thing at full value
and then you can write that off on your taxes for some years
So then why would anyone buy coin at 200% the price everyone else is asking
but also cryptocurrency is meant for sketchy stuff
Because that's the other extreme I'm seeing
@OliverSalzburg if both people are actually the same
marking stuff up makes money laundering easier, just by the obvious increase in money
this is well beyond my criminal aspirations, so I'm mostly guessing :P
@ssube I went with jsonschema on that config imports, alongside with this:
Works just as expected
that's a nice short schema
Well that was fun
naughty boy.
lol I posted the same thing multiple times, the last time it got 2 stars, this time it got me banned
That's quality
@ssube I guess I should also check if db connection is valid, should I?
what do you mean valid?
or should it be a matter only when hitting endpoints?
and return appropriate info there?
@KamilSolecki that's unrelated
you're just checking if the schema matches there, not if the db is up
you can have a valid config that points to a dead server
your service should start but run degraded
it won't do anything useful, but it will still respond with accurate errors
haproxy is a notable example of not doing that (it tries to resolve dns names in the config when starting) and it pisses people off
ok, that makes things even simpler :D
good services should be painfully simple. Reasonable defaults and obvious exit messages all day.
coldfusion's cfhttp error messages are frustrating. from what i can tell, you can't get much information on what request was sent when an error occurs, you instead just get information from the response.
I have a particular request that i can make successfully with curl and fetch(js) no problem, but coldfusion fails and tells me 404 for what seems to be an identical request from the same server.
just a simple form post with no auth and two form values
@KevinB I've seen similar behavior before with libcurl and my problem was it wanted some basic header information in order to treat the request as valid.
Also had another issue where I was getting 404 on resources that had bad SSL certs
curl works
... uh at this point I'd probably cry
unless it's sending a header cf isn't
(but i can't tell because i can't see what headers cf is sending!)
You can't packet sniff?
i could
but that'd mean installing software
Like I said, I wouldn't like it either, that's why my goto is crying in this situation.
Then, much later after going through the stages of grief I begrudgingly bring out wireshark and find out what's going on
It doesn't help that the api i'm hitting is giving a useless error message
it's clearly getting to the server, the router just doesn't know where to send it
Do you control the server?
If so what's the language?
If not, see my initial piece of advice
i only control the client server
the api tells me {"error_code":"1","description":"error-router-no-match","status_code":404}
you'll be able to inspect the request
He's trying to avoid this. I had an issue (forgot what language) where I was specifying the URL but for some reason the URL was meant to be the Domain and the path was a separate var. Sounds like what could be happening, but without seeing what CF is actually sending (or even better comparing that to CURL) it would be hard to say for sure
Especially with that terrible error
i wish the error message would include what route was requested
If so you'd be golden I feel
absolutely positive the url is correct, it's hardcoded, so... heh
it's going to be a header problem
Can you get CURL to tell you what headers it's sending, then emulate those?
Q: What can the KSP game actually teach about spaceflight and orbital mechanics, and what are its limitations?

uhohI have seen at least several different users mention that they've found Kerbal Space Program helpful to understand issues of spaceflight and orbital mechanics. According to Wikipedia: While the game is not a perfect simulation of reality, it has been praised for its accurate orbital mechani...

cc @KendallFrey @rlemon
I remember some things from orbiter that KSP simplified away
multi-body gravity
gah this website has a documentation loop
non-spherical gravity
click on mitmproxy, takes you to docs. it tells you to go to mitmproxy.org to download
tidal torque
so what do i click on!
Building collapsed in Mumbai. Bunch people dead.
Where does someguy/pootis/abi live?
I'm in Mumbai. The others aren't. I'm fine
it doesn't work
@rlemon A stripper factory with a beer volcano, now
missing dll
Apparently the building was declared unsafe years ago :/
Apparently the site is creating a new session on ajax post, for some unknown reason
@SomeGuy sorry to be blunt, but do people care in India?
about the fact that the building was declared unsafe, I mean
they hardly care here, people keep living in unsafe buildings for years
it doesn't help that it's hard for the city to evict a bunch of poor people
Help me :o, I have a weird problem
Whatever, it's too much to explain, I'll start a thread
@FlorianMargaine depends
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, as pootis said. Some do, some don't. I'm a bit surprised it was even examined to be declared unsafe in the first place, honestly
Is there a way to override a class's name?
class Foo extends Error {};
Foo.name; // I need this to say Error
Howdo? (cc @Zirak )
@BenjaminGruenbaum How far are you willing to take this?
Will you accept a horrible, ugly solution?
@Zirak if Node.js would accept it to core (which is probably) - sure
They won't
name is readonly unfortunately, so without internals magic, I can think of two things: One is to Proxy and intercept gets to name, the other is eval
I vaguely remember some internal v8 magic related to name
@BenjaminGruenbaum Object.defineProperty(Foo, 'name', { get () { throw new Error('There was an error') } })
owait I'm dumb trololol
Actually that works, thanks @Neal
Why did I think you can't override name
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-) No problem :-) happy to help ^_^
@Zirak Override all things!
It was one of the first things I thought of. I just had to double check MDN on how to do it @BenjaminGruenbaum
Yeah I have no idea why I didn't think defineProperty would work. I assigned directly and it didn't so I assumed it was frozen
@Zirak talk to Shai Reznik
You cannot get back to original functionality unless you cache the old value (that is if you wanted to)
@BenjaminGruenbaum He can talk to me, too
but k
@Zirak he tried, he said you're not responding on Slack
hot damn, I forgot slack existed
I blame you
What slack group are all the "cool kids" on?
@Neal If you were a cool kid, you'd know. 😛
@Trasiva but but but but but....
Butts are nice, however they're not everything.
do you guys see the new blackberry phone its running android lol
then it's not really a blackberry, is it
@tereško you recommended me a database book a very long time ago that covers patterns and common solutions, can you link me again :help:
"SQL Antipatterns"
I assume you will be able to acquire it, if you are in a hurry
... though, I would recommend actually buying it afterwards. since it's by one of SO regulars
Acquisitions are an Indian specialty.
@ssube BB gave up on their own OS long ago
Is there a way in JavaScript to tell if an object is a form? Looking at this, and there doesn't seem to be: stackoverflow.com/questions/384286/…
@KendallFrey it's only been a few years
@tereško I wanted to recommend it to someone
I really loved that book :)
@tereško Great cover
@ssube That is "long ago" in my world
@KendallFrey got yourself one of those 6000 year old christian worlds, eh?
I was thinking more along the lines of the tech world, but whatever floats your ark.
a real christian scientist would get into the autonomous ark business
@tereško I have that book :-)
@rlemon So...that fridge mod is a fucking godsend. I'm saving on so much meat at this point, I killed some of my breeding pigs.
The quarry mod is my bane though, there's only like one or two spaces that it says it can put it.
Howdy Y'all
I am looking for some js help. For an assignment I am doing in a js course
did you try experts-exchange?
what is that?
Sorry, I am new to stack overflow
do you have a short example of what you're trying to do (it doesn't need to work)?
My professor is extremely lazy, and he assigned a project that was originally for his php class. So he basically just told us to take the same assignment (that is in php) but convert it to js.
@jhoverit i need a momo with a horn ring so i can really lay into it when someone pisses me off
Yes here is the snippet of code
$sPage = $_GET["p"];
//echo ("You picked the page: " . $sPage);

if($sPage == "") { $sPage = "home.php"; }
the only way you can turn that into JS is to run a Node server
It is from a multipage website that apparently uses php to load each page when the user chooses the page. Like a dynamic table of context.
He asked us to convert the php into js. this is the website live tropicalteachers.com/web110/superduper/superduper-php.com
1 min ago, by ssube
the only way you can turn that into JS is to run a Node server
I'm going to be legitimately amazed if tropicalteachers.com is not a porn site
We are allowed to use node.js, even though we havent studied it yet
haha funny @ssube
huh, not a bit of porn
so go learn how to spin up a node.js http server and then ask some questions about the routing aspect of it
that example should be pretty easy to do with node
Idk, he also provided this link for reference: w3schools.com/howto/howto_html_include.asp
don't use express or anything, just the built in http module
definitely don't use w3schools
that page has nothing to do with this
not until you can identify the shitty examples they give.
then w/e. people are lazy and use it, but I don't advocate it
node has modules for reading files and making http servers
@ssube the professor sent us that link as a support reference for this assignment, so i imagine he doesnt want an entire node.js server. Maybe just a dynamic html site using js. But I dont know how to do that in js
google "site:stackoverflow.com how to write a node http server"
you can't include a file from the server with dynamic html/js
you can't include dynamic files without a server
you can load some bit of text that's already on the page
pretty sure file: blocks xhr
This is all a bit over my head
sounds like your professor needs to do his job
yeah, thats a really shitty assignment
Sounds like your professor has tenure and gives no fucks anymore.
also @rlemon - Im going to need work come january. Know anyone who wants a front-end dev around town?
nay, but I'll keep an ear open
cc @Mosho ^^^
Ben needs a jerb
Haha thanks for the help yall
@ssube @KevinB i.redd.it/ezkvhfomg2jz.png what a seed
I posted the code to stack and got a decent reply. I am reading though it now. stackoverflow.com/questions/45987228/…
^ thats the link if any of yall think of anything else. Good bye and thanks again
@rlemon Brooo, talk about tactical superiority in raids.
@JamesP. you still need to serve the new pages from somewhere, or store them somewhere in the main page.
i.e. you need a server if you're actually going to be pulling new pages down
The college provides server space, that we have ftp access to. Is that what you mean @rlemon?
when you tell a server "give me this file", some software on the server (the server software) needs to be able to say "okay, yea, I got that"
if you're not using php, and you only have 'server space' you still need to write/get an http server running there.
how would you go about adding mixed-santized html to a dom element?
escaping <, > for example, but on the JS side I'm adding a link then letting that through
idk. you still using w3schools tho
switch to something else if you want better examples
@JoshuaLonganecker "escaping <, > for example, but on the JS side I'm adding a link then letting that through" what does this mean?

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