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i feel alone in terms of programming here at my work.
are you the only programmer there?
that's why im always here at SO chat.
time to leave that company
currently im at plant 2. and in the main bldg there are 7 of them.
really? how come they can't add another programmer
I'm 1 year and .. days in here. I survived haha!
i finding a programer is foreigners at VietNam,pls help me!
Can Anyone help to me? Please :(
!!welcome NguyenTungs
@NguyenTungs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
help you with what?
Pleasedon't Pleasedon't Pleasedon't Pleasedon't Pleasedon't Pleasedon't Pleasedon't
yep, it's bothering me as well
@NguyenTungs This is the wrong place to find a programmer. Try stackoverflow jobs or guru.com
yea, I'm so sorry :D, i just make friends :D
Hello all
kindly help if any body knows this issue
@NguyenTungs Are you a programmer?
yes, exactly :)
@Sheepy : anything else? please !
Almost up to trusted user!
@MuneemHabib Here's my help: Don't use Ionic :P
Hello, response text in ajax response is incomplete. what could be the problem
@NoMan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OliverSalzburg why no Ionic? is it Ironic?
from server side correct data is sent but in rersponse text some data is trimmed. any idea to help with?
morning o/
@NoMan code so someone may help you
@NoMan Usually server-side problem. For example a out of memory may kills the response mid-way, but more often than not it's a problem in the code.
@Mr_Green-divami.com They don't fix their bugs and also don't let others fix their bugs and then they move on to a new major version
oh ok thanks for that info
And their whole framework is just a tool to try and drag you into their shitty platform offerings
anyone here who has an SSIS experience?
@BenFortune heh ... such simple questions that would be asked by other programmers too
@KarelG He might aswell ask SO what he should eat for breakfast
I bet he looks at Jon Skeet and goes: Damn, that dude must ask a lot of questions
He's the reason Jon has so much rep
@BenFortune but that are some very google friendly questions
@ARr0w I used it before but it feels a lifetime ago. Life before having a baby.
I quite like Microsoft's development ecosystem, actually.
I have a bar chart which shows a single bar (rate of change) with values ranges between 0.00 - 2.00. How can I go about using that value to dynamically change the amount of red to add to its background color? I want to start with a more neutral color then ass the value grows, so does the amount of red
Not looking for code help, more theory on how to do it
@Daruchini bar.style.backgroundColor = "rgb("+(~~(rate/2*255))+",255,255)";
taht's a nice use of dem mustache operator
any good CI solution for github that runs tests on forks? codeship only runs on the main repo
@Sheepy thanks!
@Daruchini bar.style.backgroundColor = "rgb("+(128+~~(rate/2*127))+",128,128)"; // Start with grey and goes to red.
You can also reduce the G and B as rate goes up to make it redder. (increase colour value)
(Please ignore the first line. I was working it off my head and it's obviously wrong. It goes from a non-red to white.)
@Sheepy awesome thanks for that. I'll have a play around with the mixtures
What is ~~ doing btw?
using ~~ is a variant of Math.floor, only quicker because it operates on binary level itself (since it's a bitwise operator)
there are SO questions about that. * searches *
It one of those magic spices from an experienced coder's kitchen. :)
albeit don't use it directly if you don't comprehend the caveats
@Sheepy I dislike these magic spices
@GNi33 I understand. Normally I'd use more lines to make it easier to read.
Most of them that I've come across don't stick with me
So, I know what to look for when reading code like this, but I have to look them up nontheless
ah, well thanks anyways guys :)
Cc @KendallFrey
@GNi33 Number(x) or +x ?
haha @ "8 minutes per hour"
He obviously meant "light minutes per hour"
Why is that so funny?
it's 4chan, what did you expect?
@KarelG well, those are very straight forward. I was talking about bitwise operations really
Guys, TS question
Say I have a module without a default export that I want to create a definition file for
The actual definition file would look something like
Selenium IDE captures, screen events.. is there any software which would capture service calls ?
declare module 'my-module' {
  export const bold: string;
  export const blue: string;
The problem is that I don't know all the named exports in the file
I want to do something similar to
declare module 'my-module' {
  const all: any;
  export default all;
But that does not work with import * as colors from 'my-module';
declare no typescript in javascript
@jAndy what?
its ugly :P
@jAndy the game
@KamilSolecki I'm sorry, but I'm German
@Mathematics testim, testim.io
@MadaraUchiha you want to export everything from another module? I'm not sure I understand.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want a fallback for typed-css-modules
Oh, interesting
I want that until a file is generated, to fallback to a *.css
When a file is generated, it will grab it, I already tested that
Go to TipRanksWidget/Content and open optionhouse or netwealth, I have no idea how that code is doing and we didn't touch it in over a year but it's a year old code base that does this.
But since the import looks like import * as styles from './some.css', I can't use export default foo: any
I'm not sure what we did there, @Mosho probably remembers.
:| A script works pre-minified. But after minifying, it goes AWOL on a function that handles calculations. D:
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks but it looks just like selenium IDE, I mean it's not capturing API calls only
@Mathematics what is your goal to just capture API calls? Just get fiddler and it has a "generate Node calls" option
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can use developer tools as well, but I thought there might be a better tool out there developed for just this purpose
you could try postman or something like it as well
@BenjaminGruenbaum That looks pretty sweet
Although it already shows annoying bugs on the very first recorded test :P
Bugs that lead to test failures
hi oliver
anyone there?
is this kind of code easy to read? static variable by closure
very subjective question isn't it? I'd say, for any half-way decent ecmascript programmer it is.
@Niing That's not a static variable
So what should it be called?
a locally scoped variable, which isn't accessible from any other ecmascript context once initialized.
that might be too long, so short: private (even if technically incorrect)
so p is not static?
define static
Ok, I'll memorize it :\
No, what do you mean by static?
@jAndy Shared by all instances of FOO
Oh I thought it was a constructor
FOO only has once instance? Which isn't even an "instance" by definition, just a reference to object
Now I'm confused
no, the most correct term in ecmascript would be "free variable"
@jAndy The Game
and ... why they add this. before Promise in first script mozilla docs?
and to explain why this is the case, I'd have to explain the whole concept of scope-chains and lexical environment records
regarding contexts, identifiers are: names of variables, function declarations, formal parameters, etc. when a function refers in its code the identifier which is not a local variable such variable is called a "free variable" ... to search these free variables exactly a scope chain is used.
this is the global scope
this is Sparta!
So it will search each level of function to find ... the "free variable"? @jAndy
if it's not in this level then go up a level, etc?
not function, but the local environment record (scope chain entry). That is, just a list of data (in c++), which holds all data for a specific context
function creates a new context tho
yes, that is what we call a lexical scope
thank you :)
don't mention it
@PeterMader only in global context. When using this in a function, it depends of how you're calling it.
var aaa = Array.prototype.reverse.apply; aaa([1,2,3]) - why doesn't this work?
@KarelG You're right, but in this case, this refers to the global scope
Function.prototype.apply was called on undefined, which is a undefined and not a function - what
var aaa = Function.prototype.call.bind( Array.prototype.reverse );
will do
Array#reverse is a function, and thus has an apply method. But the apply method doesn't know on which function it was called.
@jAndy er what
@KendallFrey wat!
so the apply function doesn't have this
apply and call aren't the same thing, am I missing something?
I am always confusing them, but in this case it doesn't matter
call is not used on the .reverse, it's just used to make the function invocation with static bound context
I guess in this case there are no arguments, so it doesn't make a difference?
oh apply does not work
bind does
nope, it doesn't work with apply
@KarelBílek Uh, bind is not the opposite of apply
You can have both or neither
don't get confused there, I'm just using the call method from the Function prototype to create a static bound context
it has nothing to do with the invocation of reverse, you can still call apply and call on that one
oh I confused call and apply and bind... ugh. :/
@jAndy I have no idea what you mean by that
So what if this. is not added to Promise? @PeterMader
man... talking about call and apply is almost as confusing as talking about this
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can't find a way to make it work :/
luckily I mostly use ES6 and just make an arrow function/three dots and never write apply/bind/call anymore. ok thanks
For some reason, TypeScript will only accept styles like import * as styles from ..., and I can't create an ambient .d.ts for that type of import
The weird part is that it does work in Smart Portfolio
I suspect it's because it undergoes babel (in the smart-portfolio)
@GNi33 Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
@Niing in this case it doesn't matter, it's kind of superfluous.
Ok, thank you. :)
@OliverSalzburg report feedback, I know the CEO he's a nice guy
@MadaraUchiha interesting, jut generate the files on the fly then I guess.
Run something that creates .d.ts when it finds a watched .css file change
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but it's a chicken and egg problem
Files won't be generated if the build fails, build fails since there's no files
@BenjaminGruenbaum Already done. Apparently that part is a bit weird and I should work around it. Most importantly, it's not really a bug, because that's just how things are, I guess ;D
Pretty sweet approach. I'll thoroughly evaluate it probably tonight
@BenjaminGruenbaum got it
I use github.com/Jimdo/typings-for-css-modules-loader to generate .d.ts on the fly
And in addition I have
declare module '*.styl' {
  interface IClassNames {
    [className: string]: string
  const classNames: IClassNames;
  export = classNames;
Which enables the compilation of import * as styles without an explicit d.ts existing
Once you create the file and compile for the first time, you get the explicit .d.ts and intellisense support
@jAndy You're ugly.
as ugly as typescript :p
@jAndy At least
need naming help
@KamilSolecki Bob
heh, bob is always appropriate.
canvases: Array<HTMLCanvasElement> - I don't really like the name canvases, while canvasCollection goes against naming rules im familiar with
@KamilSolecki canvases or canvasses are the correct plural forms
yeah I know, but it sounds off to me as a param name. Or am I just spazzing out?
@KamilSolecki canvasElements?
@KamilSolecki canvi
@All hi
i need some help in date conversion
dont know how but by framework of my project im getting this value
i want to convert them to dd/MM/yyyy hh:ss
below is wat i tried
@MadaraUchiha hm. sounds better, thanks.
wow I just realized its actually in the type name.
var newDate = new Date(myDateVariable);

myDateValue = (newDate.getDate() + '/' + newDate.getMonth() + '/' + newDate.getFullYear() + "  " + newDate.getMinutes() + ":" + newDate.getSeconds());
Hi @rlemon wht's up? hope u r fine there...sleepy horse...TC :)
@GNi33 @CapricaSix is fine there :P
!!why @CapricaSix sleeping here?
@ChewCat because you touch yourself at night
lol @Hans1984
what are you doing here
just come here to inform to some ppls abt @CapricaSix :)
lemon has joined personas with Cap and only appears as such recently
its an ascension type of thing.
@SamSam if you don't care about the timezones, you simply can use string manipulation
hmmmmm ok
!!> let s = '2017-08-09T09:09:06.883000'; let i = s.indexOf('T'); s.substring(0,i) + ' ' + s.substr(i + 1, 5)
@KarelG "2017-08-09 09:09"
insane chew
where would you put business logic in an express.js rest api app?
@cafe_ In a .js file
thanks, bro!
inside a route, inside a controller used by a route, or in a js. file?
We currently separate routes from controllers. We have files for both. The routes define the URL pattern, the middleware stack for each and finally reference a controller method
We're currently moving to a different model though, where the design hasn't settled yet
but overblown controllers are bad, as some people say. Should I then use sth like service objects?
What's the difference?
I don't even know why we call them controllers. They're just a bunch of functions exported from a Node module
But we wrap them in a class woo-hoo
Well, I know why we call them controllers. Because the express-template app we used 5 years ago had a folder named controllers and we still have it
@SamSam you can use SimpleDateFormat
is there a ... more easier way to use the source map when troubleshooting a minified code?
a function that performs calculations gives result when non-minified. After minifying, the same function returns NaN
bind @KarelBílek
meh, solved it by replacing let to var ... ( o.O')
@BenjaminGruenbaum i've just replied to Guy! i've been out of work for family issues so excuse my absense
man, i'm in amsterdam. we should get a beer? how much free time do you have?
you can come over to the office here too
would be nice to secure a deal with peer5 if you meet everyone here :)
@bitten sure we're attending IBC, we'd love to meet you (Guy is coming with me to Amsterdam), we're attending IBC and will be there the whole period - wanna coordinate a beer and office tour with Guy? He also asked if you have skype since emails are hard to coordinate with.
(If you could send him your Skype that'd be the easiest for him)
i don't have skype but i should make one
Well, now would be as good a time as any
We're also presenting there (Peer5), we'll be there in full force so you can meet anyone you'd like :D (Everyone is a dev)
I (as in me and not we) would also love to grab a beer regardless of the business we might be doing together, although the sooner you integrate the better my chances of you buying the beer is :D
awh nice, i'm keen for that
i'll try and introduce you to some great dutch beers
Whats the name of this JS syntax?: ${param}
string interpolation?
template strings?
both are correct
just downloading skype
the backticks make it a template string, which allows interpolations
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha ;)
@KarelG Pretty-print in DevTools then step through it
@bitten that would be great
Sorry, the at-rule @-moz-keyframes is not implemented. im facing this error while i validating on css validator ....in my code mixins are written in a correct format only
how do i fix this
Since npm@^5 creates lock files, is there much benefit to yarn?
@Kaushik how>?
@corvid npm has always been able to create lock files, that wasn't the problem. Yarn is still faster and unpacks in a better way.
What, with npm shrinkwrap?
that was the old version
Yeah but the new version is made by default
Guys, can you instruct me on this. I have a Json reply from API, replyHistory: '[{"id":1055823,"raw":"Emily Lee","extractedData":null},{"id":1055799,"raw":"Abermain Public School","extractedData":null}]' Now I want to get values like raw from the json when id are conditional
npm still sucks
how can i refresh a reacter-router path and not get "cannot GET /path" when using webpack-dev-server?
Hi all, can anyone tell me if it's possible to reset a var to 0 every 24 hours? Thank you!
That is definitely possible.
setTimeInterval(aDayFromNow, () => { v = 24 }) ?
or aDayFromNow = 1_Nano_Second * 60 * 60 * 24 or something i dunno
how can french use base 60 with 10 chars
What does a new Promise is created ... was called. mean in MDN -- then? :\ need helps
@Niing Promise.resolve(3).then() will resolve to 3.
anyone know of any good programming podcasts?
preferably on Spotify
They're talking about how an empty then does not change the resolution/rejection or value, if I'm reading that right.
@AlexBollbach I'm not sure what you mean, with this code the var is 24 hours but what I'd like to do is reset another value (that is changing in the code throughout the day) to 0 whenever it's midnight for example or easier every 24 hours!.. Sorry if that was a solution you gave me but I probably didn't understand
isn't the main challenge to trigger an action every N duration of time?? so .. setInterval(() => { // reset stuff here }, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
there might be more reliable timer based API's than setInterval though, but thats the only way i know
since timers are cleared if you reload the page, I would probably use localstorage
store the last timestamp and when the page loads, if it's been more than 24h, reset things
Ok I'll try that thank you!Thanks for the tip also ssube
that only matters if you want it to persist. If it's just for a single page, that might be overkill.
Cool, I think I understand it, thank you:)
Just a check: Promise.reject('some error').then(success, undefined).then(undefined, fail) is equivalent to Promise.reject('some error').then(undefined, fail)?
not if the extra then in the first case has side effects
@Niing what do you think? :-)
Extra check because I would like to translate it to my language :)
It's currently half work
docker-compose does not seem to accept changes to my CMD line. It keep giving an error for my original broken version.
@ssube we talked yesterday about ctor overloading being bad practice. But then, how would you go about passing either a single object of type x or an array of objects of type x? Or should you just say fuck it and force the user to always pass in an array, even if its one object only?
@KamilSolecki Yep. If it might be an array, it should always be an array, just as with promises.
That's been a best practice for return types for some time.
I see. Thats different from my c# experience, I guess I gotta adapt :)

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