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I'm not wanting to implement turn atm, defeats the purpose
Plus, how does your browser talk to your router to do the port forwarding?
What if you're on a mobile network?
Your router is the ISP
@Zirak port 22? Who uses that one?
@Zirak you configure, via LAN
:D that works @Vap0r and now i can finish it
yeah, let ftp die people
let it die
good luck
@SterlingArcher omg man
ftp is great
@rlemon I believe you once posted a screenshot of the mods you use, but can't find it anymore. any chance you still have it around (or anybody else that want to share their mod list, I wonder if I'm just getting the game to be easier)
I think death is just lagging
it's about to catch up
@Tobiq whadya mean?
Is internal bleeding just death-lag?
@acoder Try to use more semantic code. That way it makes sense to you.
a full grown bull hit you square in the chest while you go in opposite direction? you bet
@rlemon ta!
no, life is death-lag
@Tobiq oh, you mean that if your program uses webrtc you give them a popup asking them to connect to their router's admin interface and configure port forwarding!? wat?
Your grandma just wanted to talk to you over Hangouts, that's not what she signed up for
@Vap0r you changed something to stop the checking
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the only one that is a bit OP imo is the Quarry mod
@SterlingArcher ssh
the Quarry gives out too much good resources.
vegetable garden does that, with resource plants
you can grow plasteel
resource muffalos is better imo
they cost like 15K from traders, take months to grow anything, and eat a shitload
it's a tradeoff.
@Zirak im going to look up the process of routing for a router. Initially i thought the router keeps a log of user made requests, and relays the responses back onto them, but I remember running UDP/TCP servers over random ports, without initially heading out, so that doesnt work
lol, resource shitting muffalos
that's awesome
leave it now
@acoder :)
u leave
i can finish it now
@Tobiq That's sort of what it does: When your home computers starts a tcp handshake (as in, sends a SYN to a computer outside the lan) your routers knows to router all future packets in that tcp session to the initial connection's source ip/port
@acoder good luck, maybe try learning more JS, who knows what you might learn
will do
I see, the router assigns you a port, for incoming requests, still doesnt explain how i can receive random requests on random ports to UDP/TCP server
object.prototype = null; // hide this is your code, it's great fun
@Zirak what about UDP packets?
superuser.com/a/187190/463558 this explains my theory of the router keeping a log/history
@Tobiq What I described is when a standard router handles the outgoing and incoming requests. If on the other hand you put your own hardware/software there instead of a standard NAT router, you can do whatever you want
You can accept connections to any port you want
Of course, the ports are blocked by default on most routers, plus when you're on a home network you're behind your ISP's routers as well which may do further traffic inspection
@Tobiq Pretty much the same just without the SYN. Outgoing UDP packets have their source ip+port, when routers sees a response heading to that ip+port it knows to forward, else it drops.
lets say I open the port 50400 for my UDP server, and someone send me a packet; how does the router it know to forward to me? Does the computer send a message to the router when you "bind" a port? Is the packet broadcasted?
Your routers does indeed sort of keep an in-memory table of "open" ip+port pairs
@Tobiq What does "server" mean? What router is it behind?
Is it on a home network or a VPS on a hosting service?
I was doing so a while ago, in a node app, on my home router
If the former, there's no reason for the router to forward that packet unless you specifically ask it to
Routers usually have a port forwarding tab in their admin panels
I never forwarded the port, how could I get reached?
Because remember, you're one computer in a network of possibly many computers and the router receives a packet. How does it know which computer to forward it to?
@Tobiq I may not understand what you detailed above
Yeah, lol, thats my very question. But I was hosting UDP server on random ports, fine, before
Who was connecting to those ports on your local, home computer?
@ssube @BenjaminGruenbaum rfc
Someone else on the internet? Someone else in your lan?
random peers, bittorrent network
oh, you ran a bittorrent server?
you were part of a DHT?
/hide from mods
I created an implentation, not forwarding or special Plug and play. I was just a peer.
there's nothing inherently bad about bittorrent
torrents are great. I love when companies offer torrent downloads along side http
When you're a peer you connect to a relay server for these reasons exactly
You use a medium
The bittorrent proceedure is exactly what Im going for, for my webrtc application
@Zirak what do ghosts have to do with any of this
@Tobiq just to make sure, do you know of WebTorrent?
it's a pretty cool implementation of bittorrent over webrtc
I want two people to just request for IP from me, and connect with eachother, and I also want them to send log data, so will have websockets open
@Zirak Yes, I studied Feross' package, and even managed to speak to him about it
Didn't use it, though
come to think of it
I created a BitTorrent TURN server
Could stream 4k content via memory, with no file storage
then I remembered how I could probably never deploy the application and left it
needs more edits
@rlemon Un doesn't look half bad with Trump's hair actually....
tbh both of them kinda rock the others hair
Definitely looks more like the kindly asian father, not the batshit crazy dictator that he is.
Eh, Trump not so much methinks.
I thought Trump looked kinda normal, and Kim was just a clown.
@rlemon I would think this is something an application naturally did. Why is this outsourced when they already have the users IP? Are stun servers able to gather more information or something? The only cross-browser i've seen have two peers that download a static page and so have to connect to stun server in order to retain IP on their behalf. This situation is quite unrealistic in my opinion
stun servers don't need to remember much or do much. turn server and http servers do. (I'm just reverberating the article I read half hour ago when I said that)
@SterlingArcher Not heavy metal, but check out this cover. This guy did a bunch of SoA's music.
@rlemon I could just send their IP as a header in my response to their request, I feel that I'm missing something.
Krump and Tim, we'd call them
@Tobiq try it out. See how it works.
var EventEmitter = require('events');
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
emitter.on('event', () => console.log('An event occured...'));
setTimeout(emitter.emit, 1000,"event");
guys why event is not emitted>
@Ilia setTimeout(emitter.emit.bind(emitter), ...) ?
@Zirak ty
Whatever happened to the emiter::emit proposal?
stage 2?
@MadaraUchiha still stage 0
ungh for some reason I'm getting github notifications for the JS room in delay
Just now I'm seeing a lot of stuff that went on 3 days ago
I get them like 30 minutes after
First few times I was sure it was on me, but just yesterday I looked and saw nothing, today I look and bam
@SomeGuy How was the trip?
Why didn't you stop by!?
Jesus fuck
'getUniqueCountryCodes' : (nonConf) => {
  let aggregate = [
    { $project : {
        "country_code" : "$country_code"
    { $group : {
        _id : "$country_code"
    { $sort : {
        "_id" : 1
  let codes;
  if (nonConf) codes = E2NoticesNonConf.aggregate(aggregate);
  else codes = e2Notices.aggregate(aggregate);
  return codes.map(code => code._id);
Now I have to pass in a variable to determine which collection to aggregate from
SimpleSchema makes things simple my ass
it's super simple when your project is simple
(noConf ? E2NoticesNonConf : e2Notices).aggregate(aggregate);
^ is still better than your if/else with no curlies.
@SterlingArcher Or you can pass in the collection
this video would have saved me a week of my life youtube.com/watch?v=wCRdimv4kIs
@SterlingArcher you know what's really easy? SQL
@Tobiq are you coming to Demuxed this year?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks for pointing that out to him. I didn't feel like it was worth arguing, because even Sterling said it was a valid point.
Mux are pretty great guys, and Nick has left a very positive impression on me in chat.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Never been to a conference, would love to though
but i dont think my friends would wanna go to one
I'll be attending Demuxed this year - Peer5 actually uses WebRTC to deliver video effectively.
is it in america?
I only realise defcon costs like 2K in total
or something near that range
including flight
@Zirak mother of god
@Benjamin, maybe once I get a job
Why does react router push and pop a route whenever I transition routes?
@corvid Because otherwise the back button wouldn't work?
That's part of the point of a router
wait so if the routing is effectively a stack, wouldn't it just pop from the stack?
@corvid It uses the history stack
But yes, that is correct.
yeah, my question is, what is it pushing? when I use this.props.router.goBack, and hook into componentWillReceiveProps, it fires both a push and a pop event
makes it so I can't repeatedly press the back button
Eh? Example?
push and pop event where? on react-router? the history library that react-router uses? or window.onPopstate?
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { goBack } from 'react-router-redux';

@connect((state) => ({
  history: state.routing.locationBeforeTransitions,
export default class Navbar extends Component {
  componentWillReceiveProps({ history }) {
    // fires twice with the same pathname, but one being a push and one a pop
Where routing is where react router redux's middleware was mounted
^ I recognize that character
Although no idea from where.
@KamilSolecki They did a movie recently
I'm facing a moral dilemma at work. Some of the new recruits when they want to say "hash", as in #, they say "hashtag".
Now, I've already yelled and thrown objects at their direction
they had a hit tv show in the 60's
Is it legal safe ground for murder?
not sure it ever made it out of Canada
or far out, that is.
@Zirak Get with the times, it's hip
maybe a few US states.
@Zirak do they also code in C hash?
@BenFortune What are we, 12 year old girls gulping down Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith?
@KamilSolecki You know where the door is
He doesn't, he's been trapped here for two months
@Zirak fuck with them
Good, that means he's soon to die
@Zirak one shold always add salt to the password hashtag.
call it an oglethorpe
@Zirak Can't you just do like they do with everyone else in Israel and hand them to the Mossad for re-education?
@rlemon I bet you $100% that's a real word
Or at least a name of something
it is
it's a name for #
@Zirak who the hell is jaden smith ?
oh, the son of Will Smith*
oohh octothorpe
Does !!wiki still work?
!!wiki oglethorpe
man I've been a lazy ass maintainer
The American Heritage Dictionary says that it comes from the family name of James Edward Oglethorpe, the eighteenth-century English philanthropist who secured a charter for the colony of Georgia in 1732 as a refuge for debtors. This is very unlikely as Mr Oglethorpe’s name is hardly a household word these days (at least, outside Georgia).
it's an obscure reference .. it'll be sure to fuck with them
@rlemon Interesting
Just updated my car's android rom, god I love technology
@Zirak update: passing a collection causes a max stack reached error
However, being clever af, I did this
@SterlingArcher That sounds like a tangent problem
'getUniqueCountryCodes' : (collection) => {
  console.log(collection, "collection name");
  const codes = Mongo.Collection.get(collection).aggregate([
You'd think this would be better documented but lol @ meteor docs
@SterlingArcher I don't see the problem with that
why's that clever af?
Wow, thanks, I just wanted to belong
Meteor.call("getUniqueCountryCodes", (Session.get("showNonConf") ? "e2NoticesNonConf" : "e2Notices"), (err, response) => {
oh my
Because I have to do this ternary bullshit now because the customers request is gonna make my code hell
oh, that's the call site
wait what? Why's the function name a string?
Shalom all!
Because meteor wont let me pass the actual collection
i know right?
That's the server <=> client communication going on?
that soooort of makes sense, then
if the collection is a non-trivial object then passing it back and forth is bound to cause some problems
Session variables or ReactiveVars are one way binding though, so that makes code even more messy
@Zirak that I can understand, but I don't understand why a call stack max was exceeded
Schwarzenegger confirmed he's going to be doing another Terminator.
dude needs to stop.
But this is what happens when they want a slide toggle for a collection to another
he's like 70
@SterlingArcher probably some cyclical reference in the collection object and they tried to JSON.stringify that or something
@rlemon you arent up with the times, he said he will be back looong time ago.
@Zirak must be, the log statement was huge, the prototype on that collection object was ridonkulous
okay it's definitely react router redux
Meteor is still weird. It could be good, but it trying to be an environment instead of a framework is just so messy
!!afk im getting real tired of git permissions being fucked with
@SterlingArcher who are you, @rlemon?
@Zirak SterlingArcher is afk: im getting real tired of git permissions being fucked with
@Zirak he said git permissions, not linux permissions
You're having problems with boundaries in general
you didn't say that last time we met ;)
Chrome's audit tab pretty useful
@rlemon This is magical
@rlemon Funny, I just watched Krauss explain why large animals are structurally unstable.
@rlemon nnnoooo you don't throw dogs off buildings :(
@rlemon that's pretty good though
yea I like the format
@rlemon Subscribed, want me to be a proxy for their next videos?
Gotta hate when that happens
@Zirak I did as well.
so no worries 😀 but thanks.
How neat is that?
@Zirak no idea sorry
That's pretty neat
@BenjaminGruenbaum :( k
@Zirak You think they'd have learned from that Marine in Iraq who got busted throwing puppies off a cliff.
hey, an approximation of the belief system I share!
Who remembers hit clips?
@Zirak Yo welcome broseph.
puckey.herokuapp.com < What fps do you get
Question - Any better alternatives to the npm-compat module?
@RahulDesai upgrade node
what is the npm compat module
@RahulDesai Define "better"
being on the latest LTS release is "better" than any compatibility modules
@Zirak I mean to say - accurate. npm-compat dint find the correct module version for 2 NPM modules that I was looking for.
Imagine an authour has released a new version of his module, based on Node 0.10, because – for example – it uses the new Stream API. But you're stuck with Node 0.8 :(
It is buggy and sadly, they dont even have a GitHub page where I can report it.
@ssube Imagine an authour has released a new version of his module, based on Node 10, because – for example – it uses the new Stream API. But you're stuck with Node 0.8 :( (source)
doesn't npm already throw a warning if a module you install specifies a different version of node?
I always miss that flag
72 downloads in the last month
@RahulDesai oh wow, note that the latest npm-compat version was released years ago
Which is a form of irony
an alternative isn't need
just don't use it
or comeuppance...
@Zirak thats a good point
What frameworks do you use to code javascript applications?
I'm looking for a simple, basic framework to code small applications
typescript + vanilla js
typescript + jquery.js
I'm pretty fluent in SAPui5, but thats not really usefull for small things
@KevinB ++++
i typically use react + typescript when i have a choice
react + typescript is the cool one this year
react is so 2016
whats the cool one in 2018?
the way things are looking, react + typescript
ember is long dead
how come?
meteor is officially mostly dead
angular is still designed for the enterprise
how come meteor?
Anyone has some sort of idea about pipelined and single cycled processors
// Pop quiz! What gets logged?
var o = {
    [console.log('before')]: 4,

    foo: (function () {
        console.log('nope :(');
        throw 'nope'

    [console.log('after')]: 4
(Thats the only room with ppl)
Are expressions evaluated in order, or are keys evaluated before values?
Vote Now!
Are those the only two options?
nope! what do you suggest?
What about values before keys?
also fair
Question remains: What gets logged?
I think it's either keys/values or vice versa, but for interesting-ness' sake, I'm going with nope, before, after.
ok one sec nvm
No spoilers yet!
where do I submit my answer?
@ssube ok, so your gut tells you that it's either all keys or all values and then the other
oh, I missed that throw, boo
They should be executed in order, but throw will break execution of the script
@rdgd Just post them here as long as you can explain and didn't run it yet
@rdgd Right, but which console.log calls are actually made?
before nope after
"after" will never be logged because of the throw
@Zirak yeah, but only based on how functions do it
"before" and "nope :("
@rdgd So you're saying it gets evaluated in expression order as you read it
@AsafFisher and you're saying everything will run even though there's a throw
When will it throw, then? After the object is done initialising?
I think js is full of exploits (;
by design
depends on what you consider an exploit
some mild idiocy, perhaps, but not an exploit
and occasionally severe idiocy
well that's being nice
@AsafFisher whadya mean by exploits?
unintentional capabilities
Anywhoo, @rdgd is right: It's executed as you go along, you'll log before and then nope :(
there are really only a few places, mostly related to the poorly understood (by the designers) prototype system, that are really broken
@ChrisRasys Bugs? Design oversights?
@Zirak don't ask me, wasn't my posit
@Zirak so computed properties have the same precedence (is that the right word?) as values? Why is that, when functions (as the closest thing I can think of) evaluate all params first?
Is it just because it didn't matter, so they said it went in order?
@ssube Basically it's a bunch of expressions
Your object is a keyExpression: valueExpression pairs, so when evaluating an object they go by the order as defined
So it's more like the comma operator?
It's not really the same as parameters
@ssube yeah
They really should have unified object literals, parameter lists, and the comma.
It's also the same in functions with default values
I kind of wanted to write a language that did just that, but I got it working and realized I had written lisp. :(
@ssube I don't think I get what you mean there? Could you elaborate?
it's all just parens to me
@Zirak What implications does that have on our options for named parameter syntax? Let's say somebody proposes fn{foo: 1, bar: 2}, then we have this question again with fn{[fooThing()]: barThing()}
@Zirak Well, fn.apply takes an array, but fn(a, b, c) doesn't necessarily allocate and pass an array.
I had to go to the right js version but it worked
figured out my firebase issue.... was kinda stupid
I was curious what would happen if you were to make arrays directly passable as the parameters and such.
Which, it turns out, is mostly just lisp.
@ssube Splatting? ...thing?
I had a splatting operator at first, but then I realized it's useless when everything is a list
@AsafFisher Don't trust these kind of environments, run it in your console
instead I added .* syntax as a map/forEach sort of helper, based on what Terraform does in its list syntax (foo.*.bar is pretty much foo.map(it => it.bar))
lol it will work on any ECMAScript 5.1 running on linux\
@AsafFisher JS doesn't change much between OSes
ah, standards
browsing with linux*

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