What are the features supported by babel? what are not? Example From the link kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6 I could see under feature let "temporal dead zone" is not supported.
I'm computational modelling circular collisions.
I have the x-y components of the circles' velocity vectors (green lines)
I'm trying to calculate the resultant rebound velocities
When the collision is head-on, using conservation of momentum and energy, I calculated the formulas:
$$ v_2 = \fra...
@Tobiq I said that it's not a problem if you do this. Having > 1 account on SE has been a problem before because people abuses it by giving upvotes to his other question, commenting, answerring, ... just to farm rep points
I'm trying to customize bootbox design. I have succeeded in getting the output which shows like below:
here my code is
var dialog = bootbox.alert({
closeButton: false,
title: false,
message: 'hello',
className: "my-popup"
I haven't test-driven the E-class yet anyway and we have a V-class company car which was partially disappointing, but, well, I wanna check it out anyway :D
@LazerLemon the arrays in javascript are actually meant to use as arrays with numeric indexes. But javascript allows you to use string indexes on it. Compilers/interpreters from other strong typed language would yell at ya
A previous neighbor always tried to tell me that his Octavia is basically the same car as my A4. Which may be right from a technical point of view, I still preferred the A4 though
@jagdish Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@user168983 basically, if I understand this right, lexical 'super' binding in constructors pretty much means that the super method will still call the parent constructor when used in the constructor wrapped in an arrow function, that's pretty much it
because one of the big pros of using arrow functions is that they lexical scope "this"
could you guys calm down a little? I agree with Neil that we shouldn't tell him about every aspect of arrays when he doesn't even seem to get the underlying concept, let alone that of loops. But that's not a thing to pick a fight over either
I'm trying to customize bootbox design. I have succeeded in getting the output which shows like below:
here my code is
var dialog = bootbox.alert({
closeButton: false,
title: false,
message: 'hello',
className: "my-popup"
Hi guys wondering if someone could help me. I'm using nvd3 to make a simple line chart which works fine. What I'm getting stuck with is how I can redraw the chart with updated data. The only thing I could get to work was rebuilding the graph each upon an event, but thats not very efficient. Here is my function which makes the graph: gist.github.com/Daruchini/1bfc016f30d2ab995242419d32fe136d
My first attempt was to make a function such like: d3.select('svg').datum(newData);