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Rabbits are amazing in a stew
I like beef, pork, chicken, mutton, deer, and pretty much everything from water
Surprisingly I like mutton but not lamb
lamb makes the best pasta
goat makes the best curry and roti
Ever had mutton?
sea stuff is the best, though
@rlemon not sure, tbh.
Mutton is sheep > 1 year old.
Lamb is < 1
Mutton has more flavour
it sounds good
@ssube problem is finding people to go out to eat with. Not many of my friends are into seafood
We just don't have good seafood here. :(
my gf is also allergic to shell fish, just to spite me
Caudle's catch around here. I went to hs with the owner. Great seafood
That's pretty shellfish of her
@OliverSalzburg cc@KendallFrey
In warsaw we have this market, where they fly in fresh fish from the morning capture in portugal. Its quite expensive, but not very/
there's rumor of a good fancy seafood store south of the cities, but I've never been
we're very much land locked
I've got perch and a smallmouth in my pond. About 2" long
In three years they'll be good eats
Alton Brown will tell you all about preparing them
@rlemon have you ever had an "under the bell" lamb?
assert.deepEqual is already available in node
I don't need to install anything
do I ?
there's something called trying and seeing
@KamilSolecki name doesn't ring a bell
i get deepEqual undefined
@Arrow what does that tell you?
It shows my test case but tells me deepEqual undefined
@rlemon its a croatian thing. It might not be a thing anywhere else but who knows. Basically:
what more does that tell you about your question?
well, about the answer to it
import {deepEqual} from 'assert'
assert.deepEqual(parseRange('2002-2005')); with this
and its absolutely mouthwatering. Its usually baked alongside potatoes, which inherit the lamb taste and become otherworldly.
const assert = require('assert');
@KamilSolecki it looks similar to a dutch oven
I wouldn't mind getting a small ceramic-coated oven
maybe kinda. It sits in a fireplace for approx. 3 hours
wow, thanks @rlemon I did not expect that to work
should work ^
they also come with a ceramic coating for indoor oven use and other things
Mmmmmmm cobbler
I take that back didn't work
You should try making that someday though. Its a totally different lamb experience.
(yes, the slovak word for "yes" is the same as the italian word for "anus")
@KamilSolecki it's a pretty common set of spices and stuff, but I imagine the oven makes it very fragrant.
does indeed. Im not entirely sure how does the size of the 'air pocket' impact the dish, although I'd guess not in a huge way.
oh and another thing is, croatia has really good mountain pony (goat / lamb / mutton) meat
you can always get a shorter oven, put foil over it and fill the top with stones, or even use a pressure cooker
sure. I'd recommend anyone give it a go, its worth it.
@Arrow I can test once I'm off mobile
but can you assert it?
ill send you my function once you ping me
let try hold on
ya might be something wrong with my function
Actually I'll just post my function here now
that's a mess
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('2002-2005, 2002-2005, 2002 - 2005'), [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005]);
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('2017'), [2017]);
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('2017 - 2015'), []);
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('2015 - 2015'), [2015]);
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('1999 , 2000, , 2008'), [1999, 2000, 2008]);
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('2015, 2014, 2010'), [2010, 2014, 2015]);
// assert.deepEqual(parseRange('1999, 3000'), [1999]);
please do everyone a favour and clean it up
these are my test cases
ok will clean up
please not that assert.deepEqual needs 2 parameters XD
what are you even checking for
oh, it's just the first test
ya disregard the first, the second one gives me an invalid syntax
deus ex
can't even tell if cat or dog
oh, cat
I could watch that all day
also, where do I get me one of those
really? i thought it was a dog
yeah, cat
what, it's clearly a cat
2 days ago, by Kamil Solecki
if (!animal.canBork()) return "wrong animal";
@Mosho the humane society
well the good news is walking to the grocery store only takes 15 minutes each way
bad news is limited carry capacity
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: drunk
that's spooky
pm him, you could get yourself the files.
all this 3d printed stuff is making me really antsy
I just don't know which 3d printer to buy
@rlemon Trasiva is afk: New project that I'm probably not on, but have to be briefed on
I know you dig these.
I normally think they're meh, but steve-o should be good
@rlemon all those shots he took to the groin really did a number on his voice lmao
a quick storm just rolled through, and it's been constant siren noises since.
@Mosho and his insane addiction and recovery and then addiction and then recovery from drugs and alcohol.
I don't know how he's doing right now, he looks sober.
i used spacial grid/partioning, when you have one large object, it falls apart
quad trees seems like a better fit
@Luggage put up your own and show them you can loud too.
I just replied to a client email with: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so what's the new hotness in docker land?
recursive containers
I just made it up.
@Luggage it exists
I have never used docker. Would it be a good choice for a server with the only role of being a load balancer (using nginx)? Or is these some advantage to just installing nginx in the normal linux ways?
(i.e. from source or using your distro's package)
@Luggage not really
As in, you recommend using docker?
@Luggage no
ah, ok
Look how slowly it runs:
it says ~70fps for only 10,000 elements
@Luggage it's a good choice in that you can deploy it instantly on any server with docker installed
but comes with some overhead, and typically if you just need that you wouldn't use docker
i see. would nginx inside docker be able to listen on 443, or would that go through something else?
but if you have services like an application server that gets requests from nginx, you may as well have a container for each and let docker manage instances
you would only have 1 nginx instance obviously, but you can very easily have multiple app instances forwarded requests from nginx
@Tobiq how are you calculating fps?
why not use chromes fps counter?
@Luggage the container exposes a port to the outside which is mapped to a port inside the container
so 443:443 would mean requests going into the container from the outside on 443 would reach an nginx instance inside the container listening on 443
and 443:80 would mean the nginx server inside would listen to 80
@Mosho that's so confusing to read
outside ---<port1>---> container ---<port2>---> nginx
where you define <port1>:<port2>
ok, but then in the case of 443:443 is nginx directly listening on that port or is there something proxying inbetween?
like what
nginx is listening to port 443 of the container
and the container is listening to port whatever and forwarding to port 443
so there is another process listening on 443 of my network interface?
the container (via the docker demon) is listening to the port on the machine it's running on
It's just port forwarding
right, but is there a process (the container) that is copying data from one stream to the other or is it 'free' ?
how would I know
in other words, is there network overhead compared to 'raw' nginx without docker?
ohh, ok. "i don't know" is an acceptable answer :)
Anywho.. sounds like I don't want docker for this anyway.
I'll find another excuse to learn (play with) docker.
A: What is the runtime performance cost of a Docker container

HamyHere is an excellent 2014 IBM research paper titled "An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers" by Felter et al. that provides a comparison between bare metal, KVM, and Docker containers. The general result is that Docker is nearly identical to Native performance ...

@Luggage typically for this kind of setup, you'd just expose the port, so e.g. localhost:4443 would redirect to docker:443, and you could add an iptables rule like iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to
in this case, since there is no real advantage to docker and it's NAT (as of that 2014 SO answer) adds some overhead, I'll just have nginx listen directly on 443 (like it does today).
@Luggage an iptables NAT rule is not really "overhead"
it's routing done in the kernel
right, but it sounds like ti goes through docker anyway, if I use that.
So.. I just don't need it. Good to know that I can do that with iptables, but I don't think I need it here.
@Luggage "docker" is just another iptables rule
ah, ok
then the "container" is just another normal linux process
so there isn't really any overhead
so you are saying that answer might be outdated when it says there is some performance hit
just a more complex setup
I read it some more, it mentions a 'native' option in docker that is likely exactly what you describe.
> However, you can now use the host network stack (e.g. docker run --net=host) when launching a Docker container, which will perform identically to the Native column
ah, I wasn't aware that docker was doing something special; a normal networking setup (i.e. using vde + iptables) has basically no overhead, given that it remains in-kernel routing
well, seems docker can do both native and 'special'
@rlemon how
@Tobiq F12, esc, hit the triple dot menu, select rendering, check off FSP Meter
I should kick you for feeding vamps :)
wow ^
I will leave for a minute
I am back
guys, do you know some sort of a web service who can give my the current sun longitude position on earth ?
Let that be a lesson to you.
marsouf a clock, a calander and a calculator :)
@marsouf if I google "sun longitude api" and get a result what happens ?
not saying you haven't, just wondering if I do and get the result.. what happens.
do I get like a cake or something?
i give you my girl
she is hot
I haven't heard of google giving cakes for using it, but maybe.
no thanks.
I'll take a cake tho
mmm, cake.
Human trafficking is room 7.
my girl is hot, she is a cake
a hot cake
@Luggage, my code finishes at a rate of 60+ times per/s, but chromes fps meter shows only 10fps
I've got my own thanks.
wrong person lmfao
@Tobiq are you reading your update or render loop?
lol I've been waiting for my car to be ready for 12 weeks (instead of 6) and now they call me to tell me it's ready but the lease has gone up $30
@Tobiq read your render loop
painting is 90% of the performance hit
it just loops through all objects and paints
@Mosho tell them "Ohh, I think it went DOWN."
drawing circles is expensive.
so I told them if that's the case I don't want the car anymore and they came back to me 2 minutes later saying they can do half that
i thought that would be fastest
fucking crooks
.arc is slow, .rect is fast.
if you want crazy perf learn how to alter the image data directly.
slow crooks
ill have a look, thanks
I said I expected to be compensated for the delay, not charged extra
when my last bike was delayed a month they threw in a $300 jacket
and they gave me a scooter for that month to commute
go on StackOverflow main and look up 'how to edit image data + canvas'
and that was in Israel
sort by votes.
canada I am disappoint
there should be results.
it's an image data array. it's pretty easy.
to read*
canada doesn't need an iron dome
and alter.. but you need to know maths.
unless quebec get unruly
@Luggage ontario is deep in USA country
well, where we live.
wow, drawing circles really was a bottle neck. Changed to squares and its 3x as fast
@Tobiq depending on how complex your drawing is you can just use a single canvas to 'cache' the drawing and use .drawImage(canvas, blah...) to render it back to a main canvas.
the clouds are made up of pre-cached canvas 'puffs' and just rendered in clumps
so I don't have to .arc every frame
yes, and that sometimes gives you better performance
this is in the realm of 'it depends' on when it is better
@Loktar has lots of examples of when editing image data directly is better.
you can see on his codepen
his blog
he's a talented dev and does cool shit with canvas. I suggest reading his code and blog
might inspire you
doesn't seem active anymore... 2014?
yea, he hasn't posted in a while. but the posts he has are still relevant. just replace var with const and then go back and let where you need too :P
wow... yeah those are really damn cool! -- just checked out the pens - very neat. Makes me curious about canvas... Also "Lok'tar" means victory apparently in orcish? :D
yea he likes video games
"likes" is an understatement
a game 'enthusiast'
rlemon, you talked about npm insecurities yesterday. did you hear about this: github.com/ChALkeR/notes/blob/master/… -- apparently even a lot of trusted ones can't be trusted, because they didn't have good credentials and as such could have been hacked easily....

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