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> If I did put effort I wouldn't have any questions
so you didn't put any effort in?
and just hoped to piggyback over someone's helpfulness?
That's correct. I gave a reason why: I believe this is very tiny issue and for someone who understands javascript it would take just a second.
I already gave you a solution
And I thanked you. And I'm working on it.
not in code, but I told you what to do
great 😀 This is what's nice
@towc I think I'm done for good this time. Would you mind skimming through?:
it's a good idea to use const Route = instead of var Route =. function Route( is even better
use !== instead of !=
I believe I have !== everywhere, lemme check
yeah, seems so.
nope :P
15 and 31
at first glance
ah right, found it :D
weird, that atoms' search didn't pick them up
or I was simply too drunk yesterday to notice.
for( ... )

// should be
for( ... ) {
fixing brackets now :D
35: put the break on a new line ffs :P
I ain't need any fixing ok?
oh right lol. I newlined half of the expression, but forgot about break
I need resharper for JS ;/
but, in Atom.
this is a matter of debate, but:
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = 3;

// is more commonly used as

let a = 1,
	b = 2,
	c = 3;

// and some nutheads like me prefer

let a = 1
  , b = 2
  , c = 3;
oh, I never liked this style tbh.
@KamilSolecki you mean a linter?
@towc I mean resharper, as in its code refactoring functions
also, I have to fix/set up my linters properly cause none of them are working.
@KamilSolecki well, a list of lets represents old patterns, in my short experience
whenever I see a list of vars I either think "this guy is new to JS" or "this code is old" or "the author is probably in their 40s"
question is, when its transcribed by the compiler - what is it changed into? Isn't it changed into separate definitions? (thats what would happen in C#)
other than that, the style is consistent and neat :)
don't forget the other recommendations people gave you (like setting prototypes that don't depend on the instance as helper/static functions)
welp, thanks. I do have a strong coding background, just not in JS. Yet :)
@KamilSolecki yes, but you don't care about that
Will fix that too, thanks for suggestions
@towc yeah, but that means no performance variation. Still, out of all the things I think its gonna be really hard for me to look at things like that :D
it simply looks more neat to me.
@KamilSolecki you sound like me when I am attached to things just because they feel mine
!!should I goto DC?
@Shrek Indeed
@towc if I think about it, kinda yeah, yeah :)
@chows2603 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i need help in a snippet of code i am struggling with
3 messages moved to Trash can
!!tell chows2603 format
@chows2603 Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
oh ok
$scope.var1 = 0;
m sorry again
Caprice Six do you get paid for saying these things?
No problem, paste it all at once, don't do it line by line
@Brackets It's a bot.
just a minute
voluntary contributions from the community
the thing is i want to add random number to a variable which is initially 0 which has to happen after a random timout until the variable reaches 100
Ohh, a smart bot. Well, this is programmers' chat after all, shouldn't be surprised xD
thing is i cant get random number added to the initial one
a=0;(x=_=>setTimeout('a+=Math.random()*10;f(a);a<100&&x()',100))() enjoy
you might want something like f = console.log
just made it hard-ish to understand for the giggles
@TristanWiley that would be insanely easy for you to check :P
this is what i was trying
1 message moved to Trash can
@chows2603 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
console print 0 only
You're mixing async with sync code
1 message moved to Trash can
@chows2603 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@chows2603 please select text and press CTRL+K
$scope.var1 = 0;

		$scope.var1 += Math.floor(Math.random * 100 +1);
	},Math.floor(Math.random * 100 +1);

is that it
the random number i am trying to get should be between 1 and 100
i dunno whether there is problem with the types of variable...its just not adding up
Hangouts later, anyone?
@BenFortune how to avoid it?
hello guys
can anybody tell me where i am wrong...
can someone explain what this means?
@littlepootis sure, where ^^
INSERT INTO Test([col1],[col2])
(SELECT a.Name AS [col1],b.sub AS [col2]
 FROM IdTable b INNER JOIN Nametable a ON b.no = a.no)
insert into Test
all this shit I'm returning from this query
what the select do?
selects things.
for what?
select things while inserting
stupid query
please stop repeating yourself.
nobody responded so i wrote it again. sorry
@rlemon is that insert the data on the Condition of the Inner join?
(SELECT a.Name AS [col1],b.sub AS [col2]
 FROM IdTable b INNER JOIN Nametable a ON b.no = a.no)
returns a set
INSERT INTO Test([col1],[col2])
inserts it
ahh thanks i understand
now i understand
but cant we use innerjoin for insert statement
for example
INSERT INTO students (1,2) INNER JOIN marks ON students.m_id=marks.id
something like that
is it possible?
then what we can do instead of that?
Why inner join is used only for select
your original query.
one flash drive to rule them all
Then What we do when we have to tables with relation
and we want to insert data on the base of that relation
just like inner join do
Learn SQL. You asked "what is a select?" so I think you need to go read up on SQL before asking more.
i know SQL but i need that ideia
anyone looking at my code?
i added it as a qustionhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/45389549/add-random-number-at-random-‌​time-intervals
feel free to check it out
thank you for this honor
> I didn't checked the rest of your code.
@KamilSolecki hangouts, of course
there is something in this world I might not be aware of
> Google Hangouts
Im guessing
you what
Hey all
@KendallFrey Im guessing, Kendall, I'm guessing :D
Yeah, that's the problem
@KendallFrey youtube.com/watch?v=8eXj97stbG8 ho-lee-shit he's young
If you guys make a site what is the lowest IE browser version do you try and support?
@Neths What is the minimum value of the null set?
IE 11
@rlemon I remember ponytail Tom
I've got it supported to IE10 wondering if there is any point in going lower
not unless you have a butload of paying customers <10
IE 9 is not unreasonable to support if you have to, but I wouldn't bother unless you find that you need to.
If you are at IE10+ right now, you can likely go to IE11+ as IE10 never had that many users.
And if you go IE11+ you can start using flexbox.
SpaceX now valued at 21 billion. 4th most valuable private tech company
fair point im thinking of XP users I read they can only upgrade to IE8
xp is like 6% of the global market
it's very unlikely that you're seeing enough of them to care about
unless you are in china
Yeah probably not reaching to China lol Im surprised the webgl works though in IE11
@rlemon that is depressingly high
legacy systems that utilized the stupid hacks xp/ie6-7-8 allowed
I see them sometimes still in use as POS terminals, or even in banks.
alot of government places use old IE
i.imgur.com/omRmLze.png IE11 glitch webgl in the background works that surprised me
Guys can we say?
INSERT INTO ordre_linie (SELECT * FROM ordre_linie INNER JOIN dage ON ordre_linie.fk_dag_id = dage.dag_id , $amount)
is that possible?
JSors - what style is the most common/considered good practice? declaring a method outside an object and then referencing it in the object with this.something = something; or declaring in inside the object? For now, at least for me, it seems cleaner to declare methods outside.
@KendallFrey @SterlingArcher streamable.com/0pbn
@KamilSolecki Looks correct, although I haven't tested it.
Can you show how you're using it?
I tested it for possible bugs, haven't found any so far.
as in, the ways to handle paths.
so, where do I apply? :)
finding that is your next challenge
@KamilSolecki to the effected areas twice daily. if a rash develops cease immediately and see a physician.
directly to the forehead.
Seen a physician, still didn't improve in physics. I call ballers.
you need a physicsian for that
I recall 007 used to be a physicsian somewhere from 67'-69', guess I'll just contact him.
but how old is he this week?
Should not do make laught at poor chicken.
I can do something similiar with cards, but keeping stuff in your belly is another skill level.
The dude in the orange shirt is like: yeah, get under there!
Although I envy the reaction time of the driver.
Large images are large
hey a fulltext search mongodb question
A: MongoDB Text Search AND multiple search words

alecxeGive a try to: db.supplies.runCommand("text", {search:"\"printer\" \"ink\""}) Also, here's a quote from docs: If the search string includes phrases, the search performs an AND with any other terms in the search string; e.g. search for "\"twinkle twinkle\" little star" searches for "twi...

If the search string includes phrases, the search performs an AND with any other terms in the search string; e.g. search for "\"twinkle twinkle\" little star" searches for "twinkle twinkle" and ("little" or "star").
@NinjaDev82 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
search_fulltext = '"Mike" 174 1.74';
query.$text = {$search: search_fulltext};
why it doesn't work like I want? I want: 'Mike' AND ('174' OR '1.74')
@KamilSolecki (and most everyone else) pop quiz:
(function (){}).name; // ''

var Foo = function () {};
var f = new Foo();
f.constructor.name; // '' or 'Foo'?
why should it be ' ' oo
Without reading docs, I am going to say '' based on the Foo = function() {} line not having a name on the function.
But new Foo would assign it a name, wouldn't it?
@Suisse As Luggage said, it could be the empty string because Foo is assigned an anonymous function
@BenFortune So you're saying that var Bar = Foo; (new Bar).constructor.name would change the answer?
Since new Bar would assign the original function a name?
I think so
Is it not the name that it's instantiated with?
something.constructor points to the constructor function
yeah im gonna bet on foo
since constructor fires on init of the function
// to both these claims I ask:
var Bar = Foo;
var b = new Bar();
b.constructor.name; // '' or 'Foo' or 'Bar'?
Oh, just reading the docs
TIL inferred function names
@Zirak oh, thats interesting. That would depend on how the reference is handled I guess. But I'm still gonna bet on Foo again
var Foo = undefined;
Foo = function () {};
var f = new Foo();
hi guys can anyone answer my question?
@Eternal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KamilSolecki How come? "constructor fires on init of the function"?
Q: How to store and retrieve javascript variables from one html page to another (DOM)

EternalI have one html page blog.html and i want to get some text content and store it to a custom.js file which is linked with all html files. After using those variables to other html pages the variables leave empty content. Here is the code I am using to test: $( document ).ready(function() { v...

Hmm I'd need to dwelve into the docs
So ok change of mind
I'm betting Bar
Object.proto.ctor returns a reference to the Object constructor function that created the instance object.
The answers lie in 12.15.4 step 1.e
Now let's make this interesting:
thats cool trivia.
(function (Foo) {
  return (new Foo).constructor.name;
})( function() {} );
Why would it be anonymous if we saw it being assigned a value a second ago?
// and how about:
var o = {
  Foo: function () {}
(new o.Foo).constructor.name;
Note to self: Assign names to JS functions or end up sitting and wondering what is going on.
Foo, since it's assigned to the Foo prop
I've never really delved into this stuff, since I never needed to.
But it's good to know, thanks
yeah I'd agree with Ben here
also thanks for the info, @Zirak :)
@Trasiva what did you mean you aren't getting honors? :
@KamilSolecki Trasiva is afk: Meeting and then TGIF
guys something is strange with my mongodb fulltextsearch :/ who has a hint:
var query = { '$text': { '$search': 'Mike 1.85' } }
var sort = {score: {$meta: "textScore"}};
"Mike""1.85" //means Mike && 1.85
 Mike 1.85   // means Mike or 1.85
I rally can't solve this :| how can I combine && and ||
I want that it searches for ((1.85 or 185) && Mike)
Ended up going with an automatic, instead of manual. Costs extra, but worth it, I guess.
@KamilSolecki The bike deserved, fkin retard
@ssube did you say you used some tiling window thing for ms windows?
was approached by 2 mormon missionaries from the US today. Decided to follow them hoping I could tell them about lambdas, and if things got interesting, about vue
didn't manage, yet. Probably going to meet them again
console.log("EndQuery:", query)
// EndQuery: { _id: '58f3685e81d5702824c031c2' }
@Luggage yeah, windowgrid. monners or phenomnomnom had another, maybe open(-er) source one.
    collection.find(query) // nothing found! wtf
   collection.find({ _id: '58f3685e81d5702824c031c2' });  // finds the use.. why?
gotcha. will look
1 hour later…
hey guys
i have a question
i there's no one here other than us
Anybody here
How do I get the html of an actual element with its id?
For example there's a button with id="button" ... can I get the "<button id=button></button>" by just having its id
Hi, can I ask my project need to have audio and video and sip, what would be the prefer technology to use node.js or webrtc ?.. I havn't use them yet
Q: How to append a div that has dynamic codes inside it with PHP/Javascript/Ajax/Jquery?

McGregorI have 1 textbox and 3 dropdowns and it uses 2 php files. The textbox is for inputting number of questions. The three dropdowns are Category > Subcategory > Question. They're all dynamic and related to each other. When a category is selected from the first dropdown, question dropdowns will be gen...

document.getElementById("buttonid").outerHTML was the answer to my question
1 hour later…
Since I got you here: which TS loaders do you use/recommend using/doesnt matter?
The TS website recommends awesome ts loader
but meanwhile they also recommend to install webpack globally.
So not sure if I can trust them :)
@KamilSolecki awesome-typescript-loader is supposedly faster in some cases
But I haven't seen/done any benchmarking
Both are supposed to be equivalent in terms of functionality.
okai, thanks.
@BenFortune @KamilSolecki youtube.com/watch?v=_Wr7cr6ldy0
Best evening snack:
yeah .. well .. I made tom kha gai for my evening snack
@Tobiq I quite like it :)
guys what is name of this syntax?
function mona (num) {
This is not an IIFE right?
@GiorgiMoniava Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
or something like that
@Tobiq If I write that code it doesn't get evaluated automatically
that is why I thought it is not IIFE
it does
if you bracket it properly
(function mona (num) {
I mean as I wrote it
it still seems valid syntax
I didn't
you can try
what does that do for you?
??? the 3 vanishes
or u get error
but no errir
no error
lmfao why do you think theres a syntax name for a vanishing 3
try in concole
i did
it just returns a 3
nothing happens
its not stored, or executed
yep returns 3
so what is the point?
thats what im tryna figure out from you
see here
Second code snippet
similar stuff is used there
@Tobiq how you want to figure it out from me when I posted it here to figure out from "you"?
loool u asked what the syntax is called
@Tobiq Yeah I meant I don't get what that concept is, it is not IIFE
want to know at least name of it so I can look further info on it
gimme a sec
lemme read it
onclick function
its just invalid syntax
its supposed to be (func)(arg)
the guy quoted also a blog
from where he took it
He is making a closure
so he can access the i variable
outside of the loop
closure part I get
that syntax I didn't
The syntax rules also could have changed
it was posted in 09
@Tobiq yeah I don't know, so I am confused
a bit
you could also just do func.bind(This, i)
@Tobiq alternative stuff I will think about later, just this part confused me.
OK thanks for trying to help
what r u trying to do
maybe later someone posts answer who encountered such thing
Im very sure thats a standard inline execution
@Tobiq No nothin :) just was trying to understand that infamous JS loop issue
even when you run it
it doesnt work
@Tobiq didn't test the code from SO question
No, it's not an IIFE
Because the E in IIFE stands for "expression", which your snippet is not.
the brackets
The reason this returns 3 is because (3) is the last expression in your example
And the console will echo back the value of the last expression
If you put brackets around your function() {} block like @Tobiq suggested, then it becomes and expression
And your (3) becomes from "3 in brackets" to "call with first argument being 3"
Was the code incorrect, or the syntax different back then? They didnt use brackets
@Tobiq The code is likely incorrect
var defaultConfigFiles = ["webpack.config", "webpackfile"].map(function(filename) {
  return extensions.map(function(ext) {
    return {
      path: path.resolve(filename + ext),
      ext: ext
}).reduce(function(a, i) {
  return a.concat(i);
}, []);
In this case, and assuming the missing extensions here is an array, isn't the .reduce() essentially a copy operation in this case?
Or am I missing something?
it is
maybe it was doing somehting, and then reduced to deadcode in refactoring
get it
reduce function
Ok, time to get my hands dirty and set up my boilerplate
@KamilSolecki You have my permission to use express now, btw
yay! I am planning to.
It does essentially what you've done with my tasks, with a few additions
For starters, I decided to go with express, typescript, maybe MobX, react router, webpack
is this a reasonable choice?
Doing an SPA?
an Admin Panel
I have a personal dislike for react router
oh, and mongoDB
what would you recommend instead?
I generally like to roll my own in this case
It's not much to write.
But it's OK, use React Router, see how you like it
I see. I guess I will depend on something first, before I feel comfortable with stuff
then I can start implementing my own things for future projects
@MadaraUchiha I really don't have any decisions cemented in, this is just what I arrived at after reading a reasonable pile of blogs.
I especially am looking forward to Typescript, since it goes along with my c# background and strong-typing history.

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