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On the practical note, I wonder how do they deal with that on his ID
1. I'm guessing the system has an input limit
2. Most likely there is no space for such a long name on ID
@MadaraUchiha I'm crying silently while coming up with a regex
doing Madara's work for him?
no haha. Madara Tasked me with building a router in node for learining purposes
do you have to use a regex?
I would use something that can do glob or even real url parsing
that was my idea when I thought about parametrized url matching
as in, my idea was to use regex*
well, my last router used npmjs.com/package/url-pattern :)
unless you consider that cheating
I've seen that. But I consider that cheating
^ definitely isn't cheating, parsing URLs correctly is complicated
oh god im retarded
I think it's fine to learn parsing as a separate thing, too.
I should've browsed more into native nodejs libs instead of doing regexes I guess
thanks for suggestions
On a side note: hedgehogs dig astonishingly loudly.
Can't hear my thoughts on the balcony.
hey i have an angular 2/4 + reactive forms question: i have a component with a drop down list of five options. if the user selects an option and an error occurs (diff error for diff option) then a custom error mssge should appear. now where do i set the error messages?
is there a correct way of doing this? usually i would just have some variable on the comp and insert some {{}} around it and then bind that way. but in the reactive approach is this supposed to be set in the form control obj? sorry these concepts are kind of muddle for me.
is there a way to force a package dependency to use the latest version, rather than the one it's asking for? typedoc is using an outdated compiler and it can't parse my code
A: How do I override nested NPM dependency versions?

tuxpiperYou've probably found a workaround for this already. Anyway, you can use npm shrinkwrap functionality, in order to override any dependency or sub-dependency. I've just done this in a grunt project of ours. We needed a newer version of connect, since 2.7.3. was causing trouble for us. So I crea...

no clue how relevant it still is
i know you can diddle with lock files.. but I forget if there was a better way
hm, I'm using yarn, so the shrinkwrap probably won't work
A: How do I override nested dependencies with `yarn`?

SomeCallMeTimIf you do in fact have a sub-dependency that is overly restrictive in what versions it will accept, you can override them using yarn. It sounds like the original question wasn't exactly correct, but the original question was in fact the one I wanted answered, and I found an answer, so here it is ...

let's see if that works
@KendallFrey oo look
what is that
is that a mod
someones mockup of factorio endgame
is it a good idea to store active user on a server and deserialize them from there, or is it better to looking them up from the database to deserialize them?
I guess no one uses passport
@rlemon This makes me so hard
what do you mean by hard
@Arrow engorged
You get turned on by the Borg
awwww yisss
that's really good where do live
southern ontario
hmm wow I get like a third of that typically NC, usa
can you get fiber where you are?
probably not
Why do people from Canada live only in Ontario or Quebec.
how does Canada have faster internet than America? this is an outrage!
I've never come across someone who lives in another state.
british columbia is pretty popular too
@derp thx man, makes sense
@littlepootis that's because you are inside all day.
That's.. true.
I was born in BC
from my understanding Canadian programmers are lazy
s/ programmers/s /
I'm Australian and lazy
Australians are gay, I was changing into my workout clothes at the gym parking lot. And this Australian guy started staring at me. So now I think all Australians are gay.
It's so not gay to watch a naked dude, sheesh
maybe he was just admiring your chiselled physique
I wasn't naked, had my boxers on.
your physique is more than just your dick and balls mate

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