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My phone connects via bt. Can do everything from the car dash
It's nice
@KarelG I've been here for >2/3 years, I know that new people that don't know nothing ask shitty questions
@rlemon I wish I had that. My car is ~10 yo (although in extremely good shape so far) so It doesn't have BT connection ability to the dashboard. I'm using an FM bluetooth adapter
I got a 2017 Mazda 3 a couple months ago. Before that I was driving a 2006 accent. It was a nice upgrade
Oh, current mazdas are great. Nice both on the inside and the outside. Although I have not driven one personally, so no clue how it handles on the road
also, manual or automatic?
hey peeps
what are you guys working on?
Getting dressed
haha that reminds me of a post i saw, where there was a crash on firefox or wikipedia of something and a box came up asking the user:
'what were you doing when it crashed?'
and the user wrote:
eating a bean wrap
hi guys
Hi Exception how are you today?
I am facing a very critical situation in jquery
oh no, whats up?
oh noes
@GeorgeCampbell I am fine,thank you..
anybody used tinymce editor?
tried it for 5 seconds, didn't like it, deleted it
Every single full automatic I had driven was far too unresponsive, unless in sport mode. @rlemon
okay in jquery how can I ovderride class
what do you mean exactly?
I almost get a mental breakdown when I have to wait a delay before the vehicle starts speeding up.
do you want to remove a class and add another?
let me give you guys example..
@KamilSolecki my car has a 0.5sec ish delay since a week, annoying as hell
@KamilSolecki yea, I like sport mode
@Nick exactly what Im talking about
@Exception you remove it and add a new one
it's a kia picanto tho
city driving I often use it
am I the only one here that drives stick?
I'm just way too lazy to drive stick
I learned when I was in my early 20s
@Nick Is that referring to a car or a sexual partner? :P
@Nick experienced same thing in a skoda superb as well as a BMW 5. for some reason, gearboxes are mapped this way in regular mode
99% sure that it is referring to a car
@Nick i drive stick only.
as in (vehicle)
bmw 5? y'all rich here
you can buy a ten year old bmw for like 8 grand
I want to buy or rent a campervan :)
and just drive around Europe, in a few years after im making money and have a driving license
right now im working on a game, and learning React and Angular, so I can make money and live my dream
its my 5 year plan
when page loads I am loading 1 css myDiv.css which apply css to mydiv class of span
<span class="myDiv">{PropertyAddress}</span>
which eventually add some css defined in myDiv.css file
Now there is button if I clicked it it will override myDiv.css because it also contains same class.
so the problem is when i clicked on that button I want to remove some css which is not working..
"make money and live my dream"
I genuinely hope that you succeed.
need money to run a vehicle
thanks Nick
@Exception the only way to 'remove' css from a stylesheet is if it is an internal sheet and if you alter .textContent
earning a lot of money from an indie game is hard
external sheets cannot be modified, but you can write more specific rules.
all I need is $600/month
or just toggle the root
still, 600$ from indie game is hard
yeah :(
ive been doing remote work but that's only like $5/hour right now
That's illegal in the netherlands
$5/hour is child labor
pretty sure it's illegal here in Uk too
you mean slave labor
child slave labor
@GeorgeCampbell is probably not paying taxes on it
Under the table work
on upwork.com
we have to pay them 10%
so i earn even less than $5
Ohh. Then that's bidding contracts?
I think that I don't pay taxes
it's an hourly contract
because I work part time
In Canada all income is taxed, but you can get some of it back depending on how little you make
And sorry, you can make like 20 grand before you claim personal income
yeah, same as here
but there's another rule for part time workers / students that don't work much
any dutchie here that can explain it properly? It's called loonheffingkorting
@Nick here they just get most of it back when they do their taxes.
can we invite users to a chat room ?
@Nick I wish. Was not mine
someone included "It's for assignment purposes" in his question title lol
There was a discussion on meta actually
Where people arrived to the conclusion that If its for school assignment, its worth to note it as such somewhere in the question
hmm, I'm gonna search that discussion, wondering what arguments they have
but in the title is a little bit too much
Q: How do I ask and answer homework questions?

Joel CoehoornCan and how does one ask about homework, and what guidelines should members use when responding to homework questions? Return to FAQ index

@Nick I agree
@Nick I just got an automatic for the first time. but most people in the US here drive all autos
ty, :)
@Luggage do you like it more?
no, getting auto was a compromise
a lot people still drive stick here
so many cars aren't even offered with manual as an option anymore
I have to post the source when I use something from stackoverflow in my school assignment.
@Luggage another thing, its harder to sell one with manual, even here. I believe in US its even more prominent
You mean the dealer, or second hand?
First time that I see a woman ask a question on SO that isn't ugly
ask her for a number so you can give her the answer
Take this elsewhere.
I'm just kidding
im gonna laugh so hard if you/someone comments "I don't know the solution but here is my number ****"
I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my source code. Please help I'm lazy.
I would expect 10 people answering her question to impress her
but no
hey, I'm using a library,
the error is specific,
here's the wrong code,
and no snippet.
im a girl btw
and we know that (most)programmers don't have much interaction with woman,
/s, I hope
hi all
@david Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
pls man have some respect , i talk to my mom everyday
to be honest, only 2 people in my class have a girlfriend
2/16 people*
That doesn't mean most programmers don't interact with women. That's just a loaded silly statement
@ManjunathAM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I was just starting
At this point its such an old stereotype
old stereotype for sure
but.. :(
alright let me re-phrase
@Nick a lot of people don't have girlfriends, I don't think programming has much to do with "interaction with women".
It's orthogonal
(Also, women programmers)
Most students that following an IT course at my university are bad with woman, because they don't have much interaction with them.
Thats young man in general
not just IT guys lol
Most of the students that followed an IT course at my university were as good as the general population.
There were some weirdos and some studs who spent a lot of time having sex.
then the guys at my uni just suck
But no common pattern.
some men (usually) 18-24 have conflicting social queues vs women of the same age group.
is this what you mean ^^
hi all
let me rephrase
There were a lot of gays at university, but I think that's just because it was at an age where people are more OK with saying they're gay.
(Which is a good thing)
Most young students that following an IT course at my university are bad with woman, because they don't have much interaction with them.
that might be because they don't interact with woman in class, for +4 years.
hi nick
At my university it was about 20-30% women,
"some of my best friends" :D
you know javascript very well huh?
yay another cactus badge
I didn't go to uni, my last schooling was HS
I can only comment up to there. :/
Look at Ben the PLAYA
to be fair.. my uni isn't really an uni
hard to explain to people who don't know the dutch school system
but I can say that it's an university, to make myself feel better
@BenjaminGruenbaum They all looked at him like a big brother
Im a college dropout wee hoo
nick, why women always do whatever the have been told to the full detail
@MohanSrinivas not really
Also in Israel people go to the university at 21 and not 18
So there's that
in my university all woman did their homework with great detail
Yeah, women were (as a group) a lot better organized.
Organized as in personal organization.
You people make me feel old
how to use on click event in image?js
while men were not very carefull about homework
or jquery
The fcks your point lol D:
onclick on image?
that's my point
//do things
@FlyingGambit we're all about 30
I'm exactly 30
well, not exactly.
@Nick nice
Now I am feeling young :D
my brother is having another baby (probably a son, if my family history has anything to say)
my mom was freaking out on my yesterday because he hasn't told his other kid yet.
I just thought internet randoms should know about it.
carry on.
calm down uncle
Yeah I like to keep myself educated
meh, been an uncle for a decade now. I just like babies.
I'm a dude with baby fever.
sure, guys can want kids too
I pretty much despise kids lul
I despise teenagers.
0-12 is okay
Teenagers too , and older people
old people are fine, just talk to them.
and people that dont act their age
they have the best stories.
and bananas
anyone that sees the pic lol?
holy retina monitor batman! — rlemon 6 secs ago
i see the image
I can see the image on my cheap monitors if I tilt down
I can see it clearly, what does that mean?
ty guys. Was checking my monitor from all possible sides. not my co-workers think that i'm retarted
Dont worry im sure they think that all the time!
probably, yeah.
github.com/features love they way icons animate on load
Y'all need to adjust your monitor settings, damn
im gonna play with my monitor contrast
@Paran0a you have a good monitor
or very high contrast settings.
Actually I think you're the one with contrast too high
I have to stand up to see it clearly
@KendallFrey pls
setting my monitor contrast to 60 and red color to 50 helped
now it's "close to invisible" rather than just invisible
Yeah I just tested my monitor
bumped up the contrast a few % and it disappeared
my monitors are washed out I think
few year old LG FLATRON E2411
theres a nightmode?
made by the one and only @rlemon
@OliverSalzburg made the original css for it, I added js and made a few tweaks to his css.
credit where credit is due.
WTF This viral marketing for nightmode is insane , nice try
light interfaces hurt my eyes.
yeah same
IDE nightmode , reddit nightmode , gmail nightmode , youtube nightmode and now this
they finally listened to people
not everyone likes light themes.
i... i have visual studio in blue mode
android studio in white
php/web -storm in nightmode :)
sublime text is in monokai with afterglow theme. vim is default.
@rlemon some co-workers dislike that i'm using dark themes on all my editors / ide's
why would they care?
exactly my point :D
I do everything in dark themes because its easier on my eyes.
> I don't like that you've worn brown socks today. you must do something to rectify this injustice to my fashion sense.
jokes on you, monday is brown sock day.
now I'm wearing green
I wish that I could tell you that I'm joking,
every day is cotton worksock day
also, having only one type of sock makes laundry easier.
but why are they different color

high quality question found
first image I found
Pfft, I work from home, every day is stained pajamas and 'seriously need a shower' day.
i would never wear those socks
that's exactly why I don't want to work fro mhome
@KarelG they're durable, warm, soft.
what more do you need?
In all honesty, it has pros and cons. I prefer working from home because I've gotten used to it, but it certainly is not for everyone.
there is no way with AngularJS to create a loop in html without using ng-repeat and having each item in the array result in an html element, correct?
If I was a Skyrim character, I'd have speech 100.
Just convinced a person that a month is not even that long to wait for a product.
@KamilSolecki sucker!
Hello, I have a problem with the blur function. How can I define the "Enter" button that it is acting as "confirmation" and not as "make a new line". Now I am preventing it, that he doesn't anything: jsfiddle.net/jue97h52
@SpedoDeLaRossa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Actually I have to edit the line and then click anywhere with the mouse. I want to confirm it by keypress "enter".
I don't feel like voting for any candidates this year. They all sweet talk and later become arrogant (might not be the right word that I am looking for)
@Mosho got it uploaded when you get online. thanks.
I mean, ping.
@SpedoDeLaRossa you can call blur you know
After enter is pressed
hey what is brother's kid called ?
Try it like that, but if it doesn't work, you may need to trigger blur after 0ms timeout
nvm, thought you said brother, not bothers kid.
FMA much? :)
@SterlingArcher welcome back to the land of the living!
@rlemon how many edward elric do you have ?
didnt get the response from beyond verbal api using xml http response?why
@SterlingArcher so, wheelchair or not?
@SterlingArcher do the pings help the hangover? ? ? ?
gettting bad request always
@Neil Thank you!! Yes, I need the timeout.
@MohanSrinivas probably not authenticating
I defintely need a beer
I need Mosho or luggage to get into the chats so I can bug them
@FlyingGambit how do you know? Maybe you just think you do
Today I forgot my address, so yeah I do need a bear
Bears are not for playing
I wouldn't recommend a bear
Maybe a red panda
morning everyone
English men must be very bad with English
@KamilSolecki it's fairly to achieve that keh
*fairly easy
@rlemon but working fine for sample audios they given
oh my god i think im dying
you are not sure ?
nvm, after life is also good
We can make sure of that
they say, there is 72 virgins in heaven
Programmers are good like that
a good indicator of death is puffy sweaty palms
if you let programmers handle the afterlife, there would be 71 virgins and they would all show up just after you left for heaven
oh, you are underestimating me bro
If you let programmers handle the afterlife, you'd replace saint Peter with a kiosk that would undoubtedly have a blue screen of death
But then in my defense, not my fault God likes Microsoft
@ssube you use mobx?
72 virgin would mean after 1 year 72 babies, probablity of some of them having twins , so it would be around 80 - 90 babies. hmm heaven would be loaded with kids
Aunts and kids everywhere
@SterlingArcher We're all dying.
@rlemon not enough to help you :(
right now I'm lost for words. same code, same mobx/mobx-react/react versions.. jsfiddle 'demo' works, my local copy does not
@SterlingArcher ok now accept your death 🤣
that code doesn't ever trigger a re-render for me on localhost.
and I have zero clue why
but moving state outside of the class with the observable function works locally.. but preferably I'd like to use decorators.
not that I expect you to help me, I just wanted to rant about my problem to someone
does mobx need to be watching the state somehow?
oh, it is
@Loktar Did you have heard of "Titan quest" game ?
hang on, do you have class properties enabled @rlemon?
the fiddle doesn't appear to, but without those, class Template extends React.Component { @observable isRed = false; is something entirely different
hm, maybe that's the source of some of the differences (if not your real problem)?
locally, this.isRed is undefined :/
so that sounds right, but I have the transform (or I think I do)
if it's ending up undefined (you're clearly initializing it), I wonder if the transform somehow isn't running
you can see that repo. it's got my stripped down local version I'm testing with now
I wonder if I need syntax class properties plugin
and not the transform.
worth a shot. I'm not sure what the difference is, tbh.
I've installed my npm packages in a meteor project. But when I run "meteor run" I'm getting:

Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
at require (module.js:380:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\Users\alacey\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\oracledb\lib\oracledb.js:23:15)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
good evening all, Question.
I found this and I am trying to get clarity for this one.
Q: Trying to pass in a boolean C# variable to a javascript variable and set it to true

mrblahHaving issues where in my .aspx page I pass in a boolean variable (C#) to a javascript function that is expecting a boolean type. BUt the C# variable returns True, and javascript doesn't like the uppercase. myjavascript( <%= MyBooleanVariableInCSharp %> ); If I convert the c# variable to stri...

is he saying that the user can not pass a boolean variable
and that he has to make it a string?
did you read the answers at all?
yes I read it all
welp, some issues say add stage-1 preset. still no bueno
I am not understanding why they are having to do this
Got 4 hours of sleep woot woot
the first answer spells it out in detail
so should I just pass something else if there is not boolean
should I pass a semaphore vs boolean
read the answer and don't vamp
yea, some of us are already trying to vamp
wait your turn.
and you have a fixed window where it's safe to vamp, what with that whole 30 days of night thing, right?
anyone willing to clone my repo and make sure it isn't just my machine being a dork?
because everything I'm doing is telling me my code should work fine. including replicating it on jsfiddle.
@KamilSolecki needs to read the DOM as it comes in.
so not currently.
and with the new request limiting I don't think it would be smart to implement.
sure which repo?
problem isn't with the server, but the client.
the mobx action isn't triggering a re-render for me
I'll take a look to, once this hotfix is in prod
@007 you didn't read it correctly
the output is a stringified result of the boolean value that the C# variable holds
what property isn't triggering a re-render?
@rlemon what file do I node
or whatever
so I just need to use Capital TRUE?
or should I just send a custom message to not have to deal with conversions
that is the part that in confusing about the write up there
why doing that extra work if you simply use that answer to set something as a valid boolean in javascript?
@Luggage isRed
This.isred is undefined in the constuctor too
Ssube probably had it right that the transform isn't being applied? But why?
lemme check out
I don;t know KareLG... it does not seem to make sense to me. But I will try to find a work around because I don;t think this will be consistent if I have to convert them all.
I don;t really understand it all.. but thanks for the help.. I will look up another way.
@rlemon have you checked the output code and walked through that? I can take a look in a minute, been pushing a hotfix to prod.
arg, inotify won't install
"optionalDependencies": {
  "inotify": "^1.4.1"
^ to add to your package.json, if you want. alows install on non-linux

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