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@KarelG hmm well it is match(){}
about to sign another contract
> 10. If the Consultant's equipment or resources are stored on the Client's property, the Client must not
use them without the Consultant's prior written consent and must contact the Consultant before
making any changes to where or how they are stored.
for web dev, this is an awfully interesting clause. What if I define virtual space to be property?
a domain is someone's property, isn't it?
Hmm Sisir maybe can try to introduce a state for the request and reissue it based on that ? Do you issue response status on expired tokens like 401 and make the interceptor based of the response ?
@William can you elaborate it ?
@KarelG would you prefer a link to the proposal or me to explain either is fine
link :)
thanks, will read it soon
there are 2 syntaxs up for debate for matching patterns discussed here github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching/issues/11
at first sight, it appears like the guard syntax of Haskell
maybe they got inspired by that
wow, this contract is saying that I have access to almost all confidential information of the company? I probably shouldn't ask about it, but it's interesting
@towc thats quite weird

Does anybody know how to solve this issue ?
@towc it could be that you have to work with customer/partner data. Normally there is also a confidentially agreement if you work with such data
it's difficult to work at a tool if it relies on confidential data :p
@KarelG could you elaborate I don't see the haskell connection
case foo of
  | cond1     -> stmt1
  | cond2     -> stmt2
  | otherwise -> defaultStmt
@Sisir or maybe can try async/await ? Would this work ?
What a hell of a day today is.
axios.interceptors.request.use(async(config) => {

    const state = store.getState(); // get renewed state
    const time = Math.floor( new Date().getTime() / 1000 );

        ! state.app.jwtRefreshOnRequest
        && time >= state.jwt.expires - 120
        && state.jwt.refresh_before > time
    ){ // expiring in 2 min. refresh

        //dispatch({type: 'JWT_REFRESH_REQUEST'});
       await axios.get( API_BASE_URL + '/auth/refresh')
                // dispatch({type: 'JWT_REFRESH_SUCCESS', payload: response.data});
don't post code here
anyone know a good place to generate a handwritten signature from a computer? I don't want it to look too distorted and crappy
@towc you dont want to do that
@C.Astraea can you give more info
@KamilSolecki well, I'd still be drawing the thing myself
ah, then sure
Adobe reader has that
but maybe it adds some nice caligraphy stuff
try paint jk
@William no
Dont add anything to your Signature digitally
All in all, only digitalize the real one
drawing one on the touchpad, I mean
In any case of any legal trouble, you want to be able to replicate it
Welp do you have illustrator?
urgh, I'll take a piece of paper and take a photo, I guess
^ Write on piece of paper take picture with fun. Yeah beat me to it
@towc times new roman
@towc for digitalizing try adobe reader
don't have adobe reader
honestly would rather not have to install wine just for it
Print, sign, scan.
I'm actually having a hard time finding a piece of paper
sign a napkin or paper towel then
I also need a nice signature
M.C. :P
I just read this in a question:
I couldn't understand .min file because of large capacity and not well formated.

@towc don't you have a scanner ?
I don't have a printer either
use a digital electronic signature then ?
it's for a contract. I can't exactly put an electronic signature on it
in my country you can :P
@towc you are 100% like my mother, ultra resistant to doing things not exactly your way :)
they've voted a law to enable electronic authorization since ... may 2017 i think
@KarelG you're american, aren't you?
<-- profile Belgian
just look at his pic: chocolate, beer and mayo fries
but you need to use e-id card reader to attach your identity to it though
@KamilSolecki well, you know how annoying wine is, don't you 😛 Oh no wait you don't because you use windows
he says, provocatively
electronic signatures are valid for contracts in the netherlands
oh shaite, I forgot you use linux
@towc It's not annoying.
@KarelG do you know anything about digid authorization that's comming soon-ish?
@littlepootis I hate dealing with wine :/
and that's only in part because I'm dumb
What do you mean by dealing with it?
how can i format year date from 2017/01/01 - 17/01/01
almost everything I've had to do with it required me to install things on top of things as patches and do some configurations and stuff
@EarvinNillCastillo string.split('/').map( x => x.substring( x.length - 3, x.length - 1 ) ).join('/')
@Nick something from The Netherlands, because their gov allows it ... I've only heard about that from a partner
yeah, I heard that it's comming soon. I'm still waiting on it
seems same approach like how CA handles it
or string.replace( /\d+(\d){2}\//g, '$1/' )
oh so there is no format default for date unlike in php
you have a private digid, you can allow another one to do the task for you (i trust this digid to do my tasks)
so the other one can use his/her digid to manage your tasks like finances ect
@towc You'll have to do that, yeah. Windows programs suck, and wine can't do everything for you.
well, then it's not wine's fault, but that doesn't mean I'd rather use it to alternatives
@towc what does '$1/'
i have variable today.
where will i put it
I meant that you can authorize and identify users with digid soon
that's your string
example; you have an alcohol webshop, and you need to verify if the user is 18.
then you can use digid to confirm their age
@EarvinNillCastillo it plants a rootkit in your system. That allows for more features. I suggest you learn about javascript regexp :)
thanks @towc!
ok i will learn about regexp! thank you again @towc!

Please someone help me with this question
@Cody don't post question twice in the chat
@EarvinNillCastillo and now you have two problems
@Neil i will inform myself the xy problem next time
@EarvinNillCastillo I wasn't referring to the xy problem. There's an old programmer "proverb" where a programmer has a problem that he'd like to solve using regular expressions. It is said that afterwards he has two problems. :)
@Neil because the programmer needs to learn the regular expression - t his i the 2nd problem?
@EarvinNillCastillo no, because regular expressions cause problems in general. Though, it's mostly just a joke
Just don't use regular expressions for parsing xml or html. Trust me on that one
@towc placed your code but still no changes
today =  today.replace( /\d+(\d){2}\//g, '$1/' )
@Neil so what i need to do is just delete the first 2 index of the month
!!> '2017/01/01'.replace( /\d+(\d{2})\//g, '$1/' )
@towc "17/01/01"
@EarvinNillCastillo this will remove any digits other than the last two before the /
!!> '2017/01/01'.slice(2)
@littlepootis "17/01/01"
@EarvinNillCastillo Because regular expression is hard to master and maintain, sometimes even for trivial pattern. It's easy to let unintended match slip past, causing error down the data flow.
@Nick ah that's a way to verify the age. Good thing. But that company has a monopoly then :P
it's controlled by the government iirc
@EarvinNillCastillo ^^^^^
Pootis with them skills
@littlepootis hahaha didn't see that coming!
No respect for classic regex
@Cody Please check the room rules.
more especially
> Please don't spam links to your question. Most regulars will browse the transcript if they have missed a bit of time, this is when your question will be seen. The active people in the room don't need to see it posted 4 times with the question, "Anyone?".
i don't use express myself, so yeah I can't answer on that. It may be that others aren't using that either. Please be patient.
@Nick oh, didn't know that.
eh, you can buy non-heavy beverage here when you're 16 ;) (even it is possible to get one if you're 15... ya know $$ )
today = 2017/01/01
output: ,017-07-,5
what did i just read
earvin, just out of curiousity. Do you use the date yourself or display it ?
@EarvinNillCastillo you split the string by the token (2), meaning that 2 got stripped from the string and every group of chars on its sides got grouped and put into array :)
if displaying, then it's not always clear which one is year / month / day if you have 17/01/01
it can be day / month / year too (european style)
@littlepootis I have no clue why I thought days and months could have more than 2 digits.
yeh I suggest 2017/01/01
I suggest 01/01/2017
@towc id say its worse actually
who are you to decide :P
@towc You're high on macaroni
I am towc the first, I only do animations
its faster for sorting.
@KamilSolecki welp, if you sort, I really hope you convert to number first
that's why ISO-8601 puts it first
but yeah, point half-taken
use the standard, folks
If i work with dates, i put it in an object >.>
hueheu I already have (count: 1,5) person agreeing with me!
@towc yes you are the half.
1.5 people and an international standard :P
hm, now as I think of it, there is no implicit conversion between half-agreeing and half person.
there is one medical case I could think of that would fit that conversion, but I believe It would get flagged to death :D
ugh, thanks for waking me up only to recover 20 minutes later, prod pager
I believe Im getting off-track
time for a coffee break I guess
wOoOoOoOoO coffee break.
@KamilSolecki "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
1 message moved to Trash can
@KamilSolecki Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@KamilSolecki my eyes are tired now sorry i didn't read it right
!!> function toRoman(num) { var decimal = [1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1];var roman = ["M", "D", "C", "L", "X", "V", "I"];}toRoman(2017);
@KamilSolecki "undefined"
someone clean me up please :)
@KamilSolecki obligatory LOL
I forgot map
but i dont wanna spam more :D
when you find a dude raging in a comment thread and you just sit back and f5 every 30seconds
how to use mailchimp api in asp.net mvc to fetch mail
@MohanSrinivas hm, did you try docs?
read their docs
@Nick *grabs the popcorn.. F5*
yea i tried,but dono how to integrate
Q: How to integrate MailChimp in C#/.Net

WaheedI want to send email through MailChimp. How to do this in .Net? Does any one have sample code? Thanks.

I'm finding so much resources, where are you having problems with exactly?
Have anyone here transitioned from a IIS/C# world to JavaScript and Node server
Here yall go - correct way of displaying dates:
!!> var roman = new Array(); roman = ["M","CM","D","CD","C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV","I"]; var decimal = new Array(); decimal = [1000,900,500,400,100,90,50,40,10,9,5,4,1]; function toRoman(value) { if (value <= 0 || value >= 4000) return value; var romanNumeral = ""; for (var i=0; i<roman.length; i++) { while (value >= decimal[i]) { value -= decimal[i]; romanNumeral += roman[i]; } } return romanNumeral; } toRoman(2017) + "/" + toRoman(01) + "/" + toRoman(01);
@KamilSolecki "MMXVII/I/I"
@Tobiq String.fromCharCode.apply( null, new Uint16Array( crypto.randomBytes(8).buffer ) ) // Yes you can do that.
(Note that if data is long, you may want to use a loop instead of apply.)
how to set an html action link for an image?
<img src="~/Content/global/img/sidebar-element.png" alt="Element Section">
this is my image how to assign action link?
@Html.ActionLink("PLANS ", "CurrentPlan", "Home", null, new { @class = "option enabled", Style = "text-decoration:none" }) this action link i need to assign that image?how
@MohanSrinivas please don't spam code in different rooms. This is obviously an MVC question and belongs to C# chat room.
ok sorry man
@MohanSrinivas if you used that question in google you can get results like
Q: Adding images within Html.ActionLink

user3913686I was trying to create an option to switch between a list view and widget view in ASP.net MVC (with razor view engine). However, I am having some trouble trying to both add an image, as well as scale it to the 'correct height' (the same height as the next next to it). I was looking to create s...

@rlemon @Zirak any way we can get code format thingy on cap for C# room as well?
@KamilSolecki it doesn't detect all code statements correctly
As in, works with JS mostly?
C# is different :P
Yeah. I guess I could fork that and add some
But we would need c# room Dom support first :)
is there no DOM support there ? o.O
btw, just check unformatted-code.js
As in, support for that function. For example, string replace uses JS Dom regardless of which room the command was executed in
thank you
in c# no support thats y i posted here
what do people do when an entire comment section is too chatty
like >10 comments
@Nick in SO?
I'm out of flags if I have to flag them all
Flag, maybe. But comments usually go unnoticed, If They are funny at least :D
They're whining about a mass down-vote in >5 answers
if the discussion is not relevant as comment, flag the last comment you see and explain it why you've flagged it
sometimes it gets cleaned up
Good suggestion
5 seconds wait time between flagging comments
ain't nobody got time for that
@Nick mind linking the wuestion? I like to read whining
What a massacre.
Although OP aint wrong in his comments
Neither are wrong
They both have a valid point
A poor guy just posted an answer, got downvoted
"why the down vote ???!!!!! – Ali 2 mins ago"
@MadaraUchiha I do Not know moderator tools, but If there are some find who downvoted, I suggest you look at this. Someone is spamming downvotes here like he was on a playground
To be honest, my answer got downvoted to -3 too, not sure why
@KamilSolecki there is a very easy nasty trick to see if someone downvoted (or upvoted) your question.
and I downvoted others because their answer was just crappy
But mass downvotes are automatically reverted.
I mean, the dude that suggested "center" really?
or position absolute, the f?
In that case, the downvotes are justified though
Also, the question is a dupe, but if Quentin answered he didn't find it he's usually very responsible
I'd just be lazy and flex it :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum mind sharing? :)
Quentin can just close the question, right?
@KamilSolecki of course I do, why would I teach others nasty tricks? If someone serially downvoted you it'll get automatically reverted.
@Nick as a duplicate, but not generally.
there are 100 questions like these
serial upvotes get reverted too btw
Find one, and I'll close it
absolute path work , relative path doesnt work when compiling sass with grunt , wtf is going on
duplicates are hard to find, not sure why. might be because they all get downvoted
how so "dupes are hard to find" ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Heh, who doesnt like nasty knowledge, Eh? :)
@KarelG Searching for duplicate questions of this one stackoverflow.com/questions/45299597/…
just reword it a bit more or use SO search tools ;)
wasn't using the [html] tag, nice one
do you know c#?
@KamilSolecki We have tools to find targeted votes to/fro users
Where are you suspecting foulplay?
Can you emit "_" when importing in sass?
I just cloned a project where all of the module files contain "" in front of a name , but when I look at globals.scss they omit the "" . example they @import "variables/colors" , but colors is actually named _colors.scss . ( should note that we use grunt to compile sass)
boot box is good?
or not
@Nick I've been here for a while so that I can predict how (* ahem not meant negatively *) less skilled newcomers would ask a question :P
@MadaraUchiha question linked by nick: stackoverflow.com/questions/45299597/…
doing effort when writing a question is a rare thing it seems
@KarelG the more popular the tag, the worse the questions :)
no research done, sometimes no effort done (requirements put as question), vague questions, ...
No research is probably most prominent
Someone change the room Name to Metascript
@KarelG I research (a lot) before I write a question. As a result... I have no question to ask.
Not sure whether I went too far.
@Sheepy teach them, sempai :)
haha, same here. I've asked questions, but not all got marked with answers it seems
hi what about bootbox?any body
Yh, I have 30 km left of gasoline, /w reserve. The gas station is not on the way. Guess Ill take my chances
@KamilSolecki Any luck so far? :)
did you wrote that comment when behind the steering wheel ? 😕
@KarelG actually I did.
@KarelG Technically, passengers are behind the steering wheel as well.
oh boy, that's true. But i'm very strict about using smartphone when using a car on the road.
Guys, flux question: Where would you put a side effect?
I have a notifications component
And I want to change the title and the favicon when the user has notifications
There's an action being fired which polls the server for new notifications
@MadaraUchiha Eh, I only spent about 30 mins on it yesterday. Came back around 7pm home, instantly went to sleep. Today I will hopefully have time :)
Ill let the JS flow through me.
@KarelG OK, guess imma start the engine now :)
@KarelG the only way I'd use a phone on the road is to change songs playing.

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