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@KamilSolecki those aren't even a trolling attempt
these are standard friday protocol
@towc d3 is great
oh no, it's probably a really good idea to learn d3 anyway
^ website of the creator, very recommended
but I might actually end up not using d3, the client wants the whole thing to be as smooth as possible
I guess I'll prototype with d3, and then move to vanilla
d3 is smooth
d3 is like lodash for svg/canvas, right?
well, I don't know lodash, so that won't make too much of a difference
d3 is all SVG IIRC
yep, it doesn't even do canvas
oh, and I was asked to give an approximate amount of time for finishing the project
It's more like jQuery for SVG
on the spot
Did you tell them you have to learn it?
that gave me an instant headache
@BenFortune well, ideally I'm master of the codebase. Only after I thought "maybe I should use d3"
better get out and grab some lunch now
@towc that sounds normal?
it is, but it never happened to me before
well, if it did, it was on much smaller projects
I could have said anything between 5hrs to 100hrs and it would have felt right, this time
said 20hrs and made it clear that it's an approximation
20hrs for a "fairly complex" thing that you'll prototype in d3 and then rewrite in vanilla? really?
@GNi33 he's good
I wasn't judging, it just surprised me
again, 100hrs would have been just as accurate
it might be that d3 is actually fast enough
and for things like these, I don't even know what to set my hourly rate as
if I can actually do something that impressive in 5hrs, I should be paid 40€/hr
but I don't want to set it that high in case it actually takes me 100hrs
the dude videocalled me seemed to be in a corporate building, so maybe they actually have the funds
the project was called "Intra-Day", can't find it online
(I didn't sign a contract yet, I think it's ok if I say the name of the project?)
@towc If you're not certain, then probably not
well, too late
Why does base64 require padding when every other base doesnt?
It would work just fine without it
Padding isn't necessary
But in some cases it's useful
Since it's usually used for encoding base-256, it will come in chunks of 4, with 3 bytes each.
Oh, so it's only to fulfill a length
So convention is to complete each chunk of 4
If the string are concated for example
Then you no longer have valid base64
Q: Why does base64 encoding requires padding if the input length is not divisible by 3?

Anand PatelWhat is the purpose of padding in base64 encoding. The following is the extract from wikipedia: "An additional pad character is allocated which may be used to force the encoded output into an integer multiple of 4 characters (or equivalently when the unencoded binary text is not a multiple of 3 ...

I already read that, too tangential
@FlorianMargaine @rlemon @Loktar Gotta pack have my bowl
hi guys
is it possible, to copy an object incl. a member method using the spread operator?
"Since it's usually used for encoding base-256, it will come in chunks of 4, with 3 bytes each." ??????

Are they packed?
1 base 64 = base 64, 2 = 64^2
64 < 256 < 64^2
Right, 64^4 = 256^3
ok so theyre packed
as in, it overflows
that's an exercise left to the reader
ok so turns out I really don't need d3 and I can do this in vanilla without many issues
it's going to take a while to make the details right though
also, I should probably learn svg in its full beauty
As in vector graphics?
I'm not too sure about how to get gradients and blurs in, but chances are it's not too hard
also, what are the best practices for manipulating it with js/css
No idea, I only ever work on vectors in Adobe Illustrator
Actually also WPF
@towc Using d3 ;D
Lul hopes and dreams shattered
@towc You're doing SVG in vanilla ?
You might be interested by my own SVG library whose main idea is to not isolate you from SVG
im ace
nice to meet you guys
nice profile description you got there
i hate life
You need coffee
i drink soda
and i need nothing
That's why you hate life
hi Adan
Excuse me, but the position of a soda drinker is already taken.
@Ace Maslow would have something to say about that
got the profile reset, yeah?
@KamilSolecki by who?
Lol soda. It's 2014 all over again
@Ace by meh. I am obligated by myself to drink 6-9 cans of coke a day
what a clown
How was "I hope you do" rude
Worry not flag bans are usually 30 mins only
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I think you misread
Just don't post something that might make people in offices uncomfortable
@GNi33 get banned
Like, TS playground things.
@DenysSéguret interesting! Link?
I do a lot of things with this.
In the OS world there's for example all the conversation links in Miaou
Hi i am new to this backend stuff can anyone tell me how do i connect my front and backend together
It's not full featured like D3, it's just when you're interested in making some small SVG, fast and light
@DenysSéguret that's pretty neat actually
I'll consider it
any docs which can tell me things in some simple language appreciated :) and i am not using nodejs so this should apply to all other compiled language
what are you using though?
@AtharvaPandey mdn
there are 2 main ways to make frontend and backend interact dynamically: XMLHttpRequests and WebSockets
@KendallFrey ^
omg hahaha
nice :)
@towc that is definately a PPD12 Cupola Module
I know nothing
Stupid nasa ripping designs off ksp
you can navigate through the rest of the ISS btw. It's kinda unintuitive
@KamilSolecki hehe
I just recently got into it again and got into orbit, first time since some 0.6 version
@towc This gives me anxiety
that career mode is pretty fun
I don't like career
I enjoy making crazy crafts in science mode more
ok, having another genuine javascript issue
Today imma give a go at my first satellite
the goal is to make angular render a string as html, which may contain components
ah, i kinda like it to have to go step by step with limited tools at hand
next steps will be mun and a satellite after that
before you go all bonkers on me: need to change the way some markdown output is displayed, basically switching images with a custom component
and I have mostly no clue how to do that
@towc That sounds like what Angular is doing all along
But you probably want to $compile the HTML output and then bind it to a scope
yeah, but it's dynamic html. I have no clue how many images might there be. I mean, I can always work around it
@towc tanks
@AtharvaPandey no problem. What for?
for telling me how to connect :P angular with backend
oh, no problem
you should probably use the custom http module in angular though
but learn about xhr s first
Hey guys, is there a way to create a array of itterable int ?
like [1,2,...,n]
without loop
without explicit loop or without loop ?
without for loop
I expect a way like [].fill(0,100)
!!> Array(10).fill().map((_,i)=>i)
@DenysSéguret [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
@DenysSéguret [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Mh interesting
though .map() loops AND creates a new array.
@Luggage hence my question
It's ok i just expecting little piece of code to do that. Not thinking about this logic but helpful
Thanks :)
is there a standard way of getting the indices of a regex match? Something like "a, b b, c, b".match(/b/g).indices?
!!> [...Object.keys(this)].map((_,i)=>i)
@DenysSéguret [0,1,2,3,4,5]
if there's a single match, it will return ).index
but not if there's multiple
can i not use slice when there is only one value in array
@FlorianMargaine @KendallFrey @Loktar wub wub wub wub
@MichaelScott you can.
Damnit, why did I click that?
!!> [...Array(6).keys()]
@BenFortune [0,1,2,3,4,5]
Okay all I'm finding online why you should use [] rather than new Array() is completely retarded
!!>Array.from({length: 6}).keys()
@BenFortune ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
@BenFortune {}
What is it with people and their code bases where people redefine Array or use x = Array(5) to create an array with 5 in it?
I don't see how you could even get away with redefining Array
@Luggage function Array() { return "lol" } apparently
The JS police should bust down your door and shoot you
I'll use that excuse next time I'm robbing a real bank. "Someone else was going to rob it, so I'm just saving the money."
I also liked how they just "moved the stolen funds"
I thought one point of the cryptocurrency was that nobody is in charge of all the currency
Got me.
And they just move around a couple mil if they feel like it
I still barter with chickens
I mean.. I'm using the chickens as currency, not arguing WITH a chicken over price.
That would be crazy laughs nervously
I thought you barter with them for their eggs
Mallet in one hand, chicken feed in the other
@OliverSalzburg 😬
damn slow hands
@Luggage They're rising against us, hide the red bull
Wtf angular? Property 'includes' does not exist on type 'string[]'.
!!> [ 'a', 'b' ].includes( 'c' )
That looks more like TS
@towc false
@Luggage angular (which means 2+) has ts on by default
so, include the right lib for your es version.
"lib" or "libs" in the .tsconfig, I forget which
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hello
"lib": ["es2017", "dom"],
Can you unban me from caprica pls?
What was the ban for?
@TCat Haven't you already been unbanned?
nope still banned
If you've been banned again, then there's a reason
Request pls. :)
yes hans have banned me actually but he also requested to unban me a week ago
!!unban tcat
@BenFortune tcat freed from mindjail!
Thank you :D
I think it's more than that 😒 it's supporting the spread operator
it supports startWith
give it a try.
I'll add the lib thing, sure
i know .includes() needs one of the es2015+ versions. I forget which
(just specify the latest you want, they each include previous already)
.includes needs a polyfill, not transpilation
afair .includes came with .startsWith
yea, it might, but the error is from type-checking, not runtime
Property 'includes' does not exist on type 'string[]'.
import 'core-js/fn/array/includes'; // if you need a polyfill, not sure if TS has an automatic way. i don't think so
@rlemon Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
!!puke like a freshman
@Luggage That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Luggage sorry, I'm being mean and non-understanding. It feels wrong. That doesn't change the fact that you're right
Array.prototype.includes is from ES2016, btw.
Is string includes the same?
and String.prototype.startsWith is from ES2015
so, mystery solved.
this is a string[], so it's array.includes.. not sure
String.prototype.includes: 2015
at least throw it underhand
@Luggage and look like a pussy on the security footage? nah!
@BenFortune ha, I'm just in that thread now
Dude clearly isn't a lefty.
Wireless on linux is aids
Your machine is aids
it's not a laptop
I've not had problems
speaking of deliveries and laptops.. ship my laptop, Dell!
raspberry pi, but having to setup everything manually when you haven't done it before
wpa_supplicant etc
well, the duvet doesn't fit in the washing machine
A signature is required, so I don't think they'll throw it. That would be awkard.
You usually go to the pressing for the duvet, or to a place with big professional washing machines
@rlemon Are your pi's wired?
some of them
like 50/50
Use something like Netctl.
@BenFortune my newest discovery is nmtui. I kept on using wpa_supplicant on the machines which on which nm-applet didn't work :/
@DenysSéguret wait wut.
I guess I'll do that
or never use the duvet
it's really really hot anyway
@towc Can't be text, I'm using npmjs.com/package/wireless-tools
Along with benja.io
fair enough
@rlemon I'm guessing you do it the same way I am? iw/wpa_supplicant
Can someone please have a look at this question for me? I've been trying this for ages… :(
Q: toDataURL() saving the result of a scribble to a .png

yeeeeeeI'm running my own website on a Domain.com server. I'm trying to get a JavaScript 'signature pad' to save its capture to an image. app.js script.php And some API files: signature_pad.js signature-pad.css And the HTML itself: signatures.html Here's the JavaScript that executes the PH...

@rlemon I have them connecting using the library I linked, but on reboot they don't reconnect.
Just in case I'm just being stupid. If I have a bluebird Promise.map call, in VS Code NodeJS debugging, is there a way to step into the callback?
always worked for me
there's no guarantee you can step into an async call, but you can set a breakpoint in it
@ssube That's what I've been doing. I just wanted to verify
It's an annoying workflow
that's what I've always done, because sometimes step in works, but between TS and babel it gets confused a lot
as much as I love babel, I find I don't really need it with TS
though.. would probably be faster.
yeah, I got rid of it
@OliverSalzburg If you want to use chrome as your debugger, you can install canary, developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/05/…
Oh nvm, near future
@yeeeeee toDataUrl() is a method of HTMLCanvasElement
Yes… so it's HTML
I don't know why I asked… all I get is down votes….
@yeeeeee Any errors?
i'm trying to think of a new password. any ideas?
@Luggage 123
Just one, @BenFortune "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)"
@yeeeeee So your PHP isn't working, debug it.
you can run the PHP debugger with truncate -s 0 file.php
Like, it's so disheartening using StackExchange. I have zero experience in this stuff, I've read some documentation and my question gets ignored for days. My initial question was asked over a month ago. I wait, I literally know no one in my real world circle who knows anything about this stuff, and when I finally post my question into a chat about PHP it gets a single downvote and their room continues to talk about 'identifying as "meat popsicle"'.
It's no one's responsibility, but it doesn't give me much hope to continue.
Having like literally 50 rep means that I'm on the boarder of losing privileges.
You ever thought that you haven't done enough research and debugging? We're not here to do that for you.
I don't know where to begin. And yes, Ben, I have. Many times.
You're here to give us as much information as humanely possible about your problem
@BenFortune I like pickles and garlic stuffed olives.
@rlemon fu
@FlorianMargaine Happy Friday!!! cc @rlemon @KendallFrey
@BenFortune, I know so little I didn't even know how to debug until a few days ago.
@rlemon at the same time?
@ssube why not?
I didn't know about the web console.
I've def had them at the same time before
hm. I'm not big on pickles, so...
@yeeeeee Your first step would be to find out why you're getting a 500 error. You have the status code, now find out how to get the stack trace from PHP and find out exactly where your code is going wrong
had these great skewer things that were a pickle, an olive, some garlic, and a pickled onion all in one
those were fantastic
argh, fu last pass
can't delete my account and start over because i tried too many invalid password
"500 Internal Server Error is a generic error message"
I'm looking for data on how many HTTP connections Microsoft Edge can make with a host. This data is readily available for other browsers stackoverflow.com/questions/985431/… and browserscope.org/?category=network&v=top but none seem to give Edge stats?
@rlemon Your poor stomach
pickled things don't bother me
I love me some pickled eggs
8 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
@yeeeeee So your PHP isn't working, debug it.
depends if it's Microsoft Edge S, Professional, Enterprise or Data Center edition. :)
@Luggage Well, that is by design. Your previous account was supposed to be your "last password"
MLP, my last password
If you put it in lastpass, it won't be your last password. They'll get breached yet again and you'll have to change it.
No.. I am OK with deleting my data. I want to start using last pass again and don't care about the old data
but I can't start over since I tried a password too many times.
I had a lifetime subscription and ditched it for keepass
@OliverSalzburg buh dum tsh
keepass it is
@Luggage Don't forget to install the awesome QR code generator plugin!
@Luggage get a couple USB keys for the db key and then make sure the db is in onedrive/google drive/etc
I haven't been able to get it to work with my yubikeys (TOTP), which is a damn shame
How can I debug php?
How do I even know that's the cause?
so usb instead of or in addition to a typed passphrase?
@yeeeeee PHP
@yeeeeee xdebug
@Luggage either way is good enough, but both is better.
@yeeeeee turn on error reporting
2fa to get into the DB and then the db password + a TOTP token gives you 3 or 4 factors to actually log into anything
sounds horrible
I use the yubico auth and just plug in a key and copypaste all the tokens
but it means even my keepass database is useless without the yubikey
theonion.com/graphic/… dammit I played with that toy
i thought you just said it didn't work with that.
@KendallFrey same
@Luggage you can't lock the keepass file with a yubikey, but you can use the yubikey as a U2F or TOTP device for google-style 2FA.
Cannot unsee
much better than the onion
Millennials need to grow up and get over Harry Potter, says 46-year-old with Stormtrooper helmet
@ssube any reason I can't use just google authenticator?
Hmm, I'm just hosting this php script on a commercial server.. i haven't set up my own testing server..
@Luggage I use both the yubico and google, on my desktop and phone respectively.
as in you can use one or the other?
@Luggage GA sucks. Authenticator+ is my personal recommendation
they both have the secret and either can generate a code
GA is nice for the one tap thing
i see
could it be a permissions issue? does anyone know if php will just 'work' by default and has permission to save to a server?
I just like being able to paste it on the desktop
@yeeeeee enable error reporting and you'll find out
@yeeeeee add some debug logging at each step
logs don't appear on the server
no, they appear in the output
and do you just mean print or whatever it is in php?

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