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Q: How to use vue.js syntax inside a string template with dropzone.js

Sagar NaliyaparaI am currently trying to implement dropzone.js Doc Ref - into my application. But since i've managed to run the basic functionallity of dropzone.js I want to customize the preview-template to hide and show the upload progressbar during different application state. I can customize the preview-te...

so its a web based terminal?
it looks like it's an utility to pipe anything into a web page
I can imagine piping with a tee the log of some serves into web pages for easier sharing with other devs of interested educated guys
oh other way around gotcha
It must be trivial to make but I didn't think about it before
hi guys
can anybody tell me why this is not working
I'm not sure I'm interested in a service but a controllable stand alone server using this utility would be precious
this is js code containing php code
and I want to create options tags
so that I can append it inside select tag
Guy, this kind of code is hell to read and maintain. Just properly send your data as JSON and read them from your JS code
well, regardless of our opinion on generating js with php, it's not an answer
does either php or js throw any errors @Exception
no error yet
so what is the output?
only issue is I didnt get options tags
in alert
can you show me what php generated?
it will generate option tags
just paste it in pastebin
@Arrow what?
@derp example of usage: I just piped the output of the miaou log into a web page without installing anything, with just
tail -f server.log | nc seashells.io 1337
@Shrek this is interesting, in fact
@AreWojciechowski <option value="1">company1</option><option value="2">company2</option><option value="3">company3</option><option value="4">company4</option>
this is what i get o/p
@DenysSéguret next step someshell actualcommand
@DenysSéguret thanks for the example
@Ryan what does the data look like coming in from the stream?
nice! its like jsfiddle for console
someshell shall let you control the terminal from a browser :boom:
@derp no its more like pastebin for streaming terminals
okay the result window of jsfiddle for console
@Shrek I'm less interested in that, it's already easy enough to connect using ssh with a real terminal when you're competent enough to be authorized to issue commands
@Exception but I want to see what its around the generated options :(
@Arrow You get a bunch of LogSource objects and each one exposes a pop() interface that gets the next message
did you read the problem statement?
@DenysSéguret I was kidding ofcourse
@DenysSéguret RE: stackoverflow.com/questions/42528548/… - Working fine for me on FF :/
@monners It does now
I didn't delve into the code just the question itself
Wow, I just looked at the date on that question
My bad :P
I guess I should update the question or answer
Is that @Zirak lurking?
@monners Thanks anyway, I hadn't been told it was ok now. And that the kind of feature I really use
All answers should have a caniuse link :)
@Arrow Well, the question has that information too: gist.github.com/andkhong/…
> Imagine you are given a set of log sources. Each source is comprised of N log entries. Each entry is a simple javascript object with a timestamp and message. You don't know how many log entries each source has, BUT you do know that the entries within each source are sorted chronologically (that last bit is important).
@monners If you want you can make an answer saying it works now. If you find any log pointing as to when it was changed, it would be valuable
Thanks, but I'm about to head off for the day
btw if anyone has an hour to spare, this talk is *amazing*
{date:1, msg: 'somemessage'} <---- entry now what is the source
[{date:1, msg: 'somemessage'},{date:1, msg: 'somemessage'},{date:1, msg: 'somemessage'}] is this considered a source
I am not understanding what the data structure consists of when they say each source is sorted chronologically
@derp already seen it
old guy babbling about functional programming and good old day of punch card programming or something like that, and something about professionalism.
@Arrow there are multiple sorted arrays with entries of type { date: Timestamp, msg: String }?
@derp I tend to take pretty much everything Uncle Bob says these days with a gain of salt.
He's an excellent speaker, but some of the things he says are either silly or downright wrong sometimes.
He has his own opinions on things, and he more often than not doesn't distinguish them from the facts.
That said, I haven't seen this particular talk.
@Are are these sorted arrays chronological in the sense that I can expect them to be ordered in their respective arrays not just sorted?
@Arrow you can expect that every array will be sorted in chronological order on its own
@AreWojciechowski I only see one array
When I read the problem it didn't sound that hard tbh, I think it can be easily implemented with queues
@MadaraUchiha This is something that confused me as well
but is the information contiguous, like I won't be expected to stitch the objects from one array with another
no, there are a lot of arrays @MadaraUchiha
const syncLogSources = []
for (let i = 0; i < sourceCount; i++) {
	syncLogSources.push(new LogSource());
I mean, there is one array of sources
but you can treat the sources as "arrays" (they have pop implemented (which is enough to solve it))
In what way can you treat them as arrays? Do they have a .length? can you access indices? Can they be iterated?
Then I'm probably looking at the wrong problem.
Can you repeat your problem?
Well, you cannot treat them as arrays programmatically
I worded myself wrongly
Its not my problem the word problem comes from this gist.github.com/andkhong/…
@Arrow summarazing - you have an array of LogSource instances
Every LogSource has a pop and popAsync method that returns a value
and it's assured, that when you do pop 2 times on the same instance of LogSource, first result will be chronogically "older" than the second one
so if you pop 1000 values from LogSource into an array, it will be sorted from oldest to newest
I just want to know if the data is like this [1,2,3],[4,5,6][7,8,9] or [1,4,7][2,5,6][3,6,9]
the second one
they are sorted locally within LogSource
So I will need to take the objects out of their sources and sort them
Depends on how you will do it, it may not be optimal
Well how would you do it?
Because you don't know how many entries each source has
Well, think about source as a candy dispenser
each candy has a number on it
and they are sorted locally, so each dispenser will return candy with bigger numbers than the previous candy in the same dispenser
what I would do is:
I would take 1 candy out of every dispenser
look for the one with the "oldest" timestamp, print it and discard it
and put in its place next candy from its dispenser
and go on until you drain all the sources
So basically, you have a AggregatedLogIterator which has an internal, always sorted structure of all the most recent log entries (fetched by calling .pop() on each)
The first time, you .pop() each source, add the results to an array and sort by date. You take the first one, call .pop() on its corresponding source, and insert that into the array in the correct position, keeping it sorted
You then continue grabbing the first element and calling .pop() on the correct source every time you call AggregatedLogIterator.next()
Incidentally, if you have a .next() which returns an object in the correct shape, you can use it in a for..of loop
I imagine an API like this:
Exactly! Thanks for saying it properly, I have to resort to dumb metaphores so I can express myself correctly
const syncLogSources = []
for (let i = 0; i < sourceCount; i++) {
	syncLogSources.push(new LogSource());

const aggregator = new AggregatedLogQueue(syncLogSources);
for (const logItem of aggregator.iterator()) {
  console.log(logItem); // or process.
  // Make sure to add breaking condition, or you get infinite loops
And I don't know if I would sort the internal array of latest sources
I mean, at some point
@AreWojciechowski You have to start with a sorted array
But I wouldn't store it sorted, I would store it in the order of the sources
Otherwise you won't be able to insert things in the correct spots.
If I have [ source1, source2, source3 ], I would keep an internal array of latest values as [ valueOfSource1, valueOfSource2, valueOfSource3 ]
even if valueOfSource1 is "younger" than valueOfSource2
is there a simple tool to create a gif like this cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*6RMMblcOXHfX8Yx1Tnw-ww.gif ?
and then I could sort it and get the "oldest" one, get the index of it, take a new value from its source (based on the index) and push it into its predecessors place
somehow the url got wrong https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*6RMMblcOXHfX8Yx1Tnw-ww.gif
google gif recorder
@Are that sounds odd
@AreWojciechowski And then you'd have to iterate the array every time to find out the next item you want to pull
Which is inefficient if you have, say a million sources
@AreWojciechowski that's cool thanks
@MadaraUchiha But how else would you know what is the source of the certain entry?
@someone recordit.co
@AreWojciechowski Your internal array would be {currItem: ..., sourceIndex: ...}
That would work too I guess
(and probably faster)
can you guys write your approaches in js fiddle like I did ?
@AreWojciechowski With my way, your have O(log(n)) on insert, and O(1) on fetch
you can mock the data
@Arrow I'm afraid not while I'm at work :D
eventually and then ping me :)
Guys, if some of you want to try an unusual text-based RPG, I made one in Miaou. It features dragons, bavarian clothes, many hazards, golems, sexy strings and happens in a big and complex ever growing dungeon. It's probably the only RPG letting you kill Minnie Mouse or Shaun the Sheep, or hitting you with occasional Tribo games or random riddles. And it's totally free of any story or RP unless you want to bring one so you can just play without having to design a persona or learn an universe.
The game is played with the !!roulette command (and auto completion for arguments) in the relevant c
(self pin, we'll remove it if you find it too much out of scope)
@All hi
i need to remove the right spaces from the string.
i tried the following but its removing left and right both spaces
strvalue.replace(/\s+/g, "");
@SamSam /\s+$/g maybe
strvalue.trimRight() @SamSam
es8, right now the regex is easy and fast enough
so is trimRight if you are targeting only Chrome/Firefox
@AreWojciechowski this is not doing anything in my case the string remains the same.
@OliverSalzburg this trims the entire string left and right noth
!!> " foo ".replace(/\s+$/g, "");
@OliverSalzburg " foo"
@SamSam well, you need to reassign the value like so: let trimmedString = strvalue.trimRight()
!!> " foo ".trimRight()
@AreWojciechowski " foo"
Morning-o javascriptors.
This might be a stupid question but, is there a default or universal method of focusing the text input box in a chatroom? I realize the id for the box can be different for every website. What works on this page "document.body.getElementById('input').focus()" may or may not focus the input box in another chatroom. So I think the answer to my question is probably "No" but I thought I'd ask anyways.
@I0_ol Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lol thanks :)
@I0_ol Only if the chatboxes on all the websites shares something in common
like a class, id, set of attributes and so on
or if you want to target only a subset of websites you could make a Map<Website, Selector>
Well, at least a couple of them share the "input" tag. But other than that I don't see anything else in common.
Interesting case - what do you think? Apart from the fact that the question should be closed as too broad, is this answer fine in such case? I believe so:
Q: WPF Screensaver

vijayCan some one show me a way to build a sample wpf screensaver application, where the screensaver has to exit when a user makes a mouse event or keyboard event and should display a message saying HI User

@KamilSolecki That answer is bad
> You're an idiot for not googling, so I did it for you and now I act like this is trivial, even though I have no idea how to actually do it myself.
@OliverSalzburg I don't think it's bad.
The question is bad. The answer pointed him in the right direction
@OliverSalzburg This doesn't look so serious. Hashtables with constant seed look amateurish but are only a problem in very specific uses
Pointing people to resource outside of Stack Overflow for a solution is stupid. People come to Stack Overflow to find a solution
(I might have missed a detail in this note, I just doesn't find it so alarming)
@OliverSalzburg In this case, the person looking to find a solution did not look for the solution anywhere else
@DenysSéguret Well, that gives me a at least little peace of mind :D Nevertheless, I'll update
so the question should be closed. The person answering the question only did the asker a favor
I disagree and I really don't care debating my opinion in the matter
I have to update Dockerfiles :P
@AreWojciechowski The "Map<Website, Selector>" route is probably what I'll have to do. Can you point me in the right direction so I can learn how to do this. Links to resources etc..
how can i debug webpack hot module replacement when it tells me it's updating the app in the console but i see no changes
only the css gets reloaded
you would be the biggest babe if you know why
OK... so my pin here just brought me a "fuck this shit" kind of guy in the roulette. Glad this one leaved
Debian package servers being down is really a PITA when trying to push out new releases :(
guys can you please help me here
Q: Binding Category and subcategory in a Hover Dropdown list (MVC)

Ahmad i am working on my MVCOnlineShop, i am trying to show categories as a drop down button on the homepage and products as its drop down content , i made a partial View in Views/Home called CategoryLayout , this is the code: @model IEnumerable<MVCOnlineShop.Models.Category> @{ ViewBag.Title = "C...

@I0_ol create an object with keys as urls and values as selectors
like this:
const map = {
    'foobar.com': 'input#chatbox',
    'bazquux.net': 'textarea.chat'
and then:
let selector = map[location.host]
let element = document.querySelector(selector)
@Ahmad Wow, you're still on that same dropdown?
It seems like that project is constructed entirely from jQuery and Stack Overflow questions
Everyone is...
Don't you know? jQuery is translated human DNA
It's like every 6hrs he's back with another dump of the entire codebase and asking for help
It's in his blood 8)
You could reconstruct his workflow based on his SO question history
The workflow seems to be: post, copy&paste, repeat
You could reconstruct his project* based on his SO question history
Stack Overflow has become a crutch for a lot of people instead of a tool..
I know its not a css channel but I need some help with flexbox, I've got a live example
@suraj technically a crutch is a tool
got em
@Paran0a rem is better
@AreWojciechowski Thank you very much!
@OliverSalzburg We had an idea once to create a project that's 100% directly copy pasted from Stack Overflow
If the code exists, you copy it, if it's not, you ask a question that would get people to write the piece you need.
Only changing variable names is allowed
@MadaraUchiha Sadly, I can see that working out
js people
i have a question
<TouchableHighlight onPress={this._onPressButton('http://www.someurl.com')}>
We love questions
why is the function here execute immediately? (this._onPress)
@Proxy I don't even know what that code is, but there is a function invocation right there
@Proxy Because you're calling it?
oh so with () you are immediately invoking the function?
@Proxy Correct
did not know that
What you want to pass is a function that when called would perform this._onPressButton('http://www.someurl.com')
Basically, you want () => this._onPressButton('http://www.someurl.com')
so i should create an anonymus one?
i see
instead if i wrote this.OnPress without parentheses
that would not invoke it?
@Paran0a what's up?
yeah, but it could mess up your scope
and you cannot pass arguments if you dont use parentheses
so () => this._onPress('something') is the best option
@bitten nvm I guess I figured it out... codepen.io/Paran0a/pen/bRPWep I'm messing around with this.
the other way is just referencing my function right?
that's a nice nav
would work well with horizontal sliding tabs
i see thanks for help @AreWojciechowski @MadaraUchiha
{this._onPress('foo')} executes immediately
{() => this._onPress('foo')} executes only when called
() basically bind to the onPress?đ
back in the days, .apply() was the way to go..
@bitten thx ,I actually have no idea if people would use <svg> for that animated bottom border here. I just use a div element.
@Proxy if you want to bind do this this._onPress.bind(this, 'foo')
how does () => bind my function to the onPress from my touchlight
it gets a reference to the anonymus function
@Paran0a both are fine
and then when its called it executes it, and since the () is bound to my function it executes it?
I guess {this._onPress('foo')} is a call to the function but {() => this._onPress('foo')} is function definition
@ShabinMuhammed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think I just browsed through 20 articles about HTTP caching, all of them mention the "There are 2 problem in computer science..." quote and none of them have any actual useful information
But everyone makes sure to repeat what they know about HTTP headers
It's almost like nobody has figured it out :P
@Proxy () => foo is read "function that accepts no parameters and returns foo when called"
yeah i assumes something in that way.
im "new" with js so some stuff is kind of weird
ty for help once again
This actually seems to touch on some interesting points: slideshare.net/lfcipriani/api-caching-why-your-server
if a close tcp socket because someones sending me too much data, will the data vanish? will the close function wait till ive fully downloaded packet?
I resolved the issue :D
@Devrim Sweet! How?
turns out android blocks requests to invalid certificates - using a self-signed ssl
@Tobiq In what implementation? In general, if you close the socket, the connection is terminated
@Devrim Why not just get a proper certificate?
because it's a sample app just to demo it to clients
You could get a free LetsEncrypt cert
just use https
Anyone online? I need help with my issue. :(

@Wax The message kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it?
@OliverSalzburg, Can you please help me understand.
I don't think I can
It's telling you that you're running in development mode
That doesn't look very surprising to me. And if you don't want to be in development mode, the message tells you what to do about it
Morning, anyone want to have a crack at my question? ;o stackoverflow.com/questions/45175880/…
@Loktar trigger pulled. I got 32gb of ram off newegg for $300 compared to the $430 they charge. The SSD upgrade is going to come out about even (if I do 512gb), except I get a second SSD out of it that I'll put into an external case as a backup drive.
I was disappointed to learn about the thunderbolt 3 being only 2 lanes, not 4, but went with it anyway.
now to find an external case. I was having trouble. Some said m.2 in the name, but then showed mSATA in the specs.. and I was under the impression they aren't the same.
@Luggage IIRC the slots can be compatible with each other
you might be right.. I'm out of touch. I only need to worry about these things once every few years
but the pics seems to make them look different.
Yeah, I can relate. I would look that up before trusting what I say :D
The guys on the Super User chat are usually more up-to-date with their hardware knowledge
like this thing has an msata and an m.2 slot in it.. that leads me to think they aren't the same: microsatacables.com/…
(looking for something slimmer, just using that as an example)
i found some m.2 enclosures. they exist. I just need to be careful since some brands seem to have some confusing marketing info
huh.. dell has one that is an aluminum case and reasonably priced. I wish i knew that. I would have just had it shipped with my laptop
I'm trying to practice module patterns , and I'm kinda confused. Should I use object literals or self contained modules ? For example , codepen.io/Paran0a/pen/bRPWep here im using obj literals , should I keep doing it like this or switch to var test = (function() { var lol; return crap })();
JS has 'real' modules now. These methods are just hacks for how to imitate modules.
Well.. in reality the real module syntax just turns into these hack fro the browser, but you shouldn't need to do them any more manually in a modern JS project.
But to you modern modules, you need something like webpack.
Yeah I'm not talking about modern modules
I guess this "book" is older than that
in that case, I prefer the IIFE method: (function() { ... })();
Is the only advantage that you can have private variables?
Or can you tell me why you prefer it ?
well, that's a big one. It's not so much about being private as not polluting the global namespace.
You are free to use any variable name without fear of breaking other code.
A-ha! Great point thanks
with an object literal, you may and up needing to bind() the methods, too.
depending how you call them and pass them around
I'm already kinda having a problem with this , as I have a method that uses jquery , for now I just do var _this = this
Thank you!
is it possible to use .find() to look through an <object> for an <audio> tag that's loaded into an html file?
what is best way to embed pdf to a website?
google answers seems outdated
pdf.js firefox who convert pdf to html or just simple object is enough?
Possibly jQuery AJAX load() or object
anyone used to work with pdf files?
I did once and put it into an iframe but that was years ago and it was a pain making it responsive with the height
for now i just put an object into bootstrap modal and remove all headers and footers, looks fine, but im not expert with objects
and there is no proper documentation on how to add close button to acrobat pdf object
henlo everybody
Morning all
@BrightSun Don't. Offer a download. Many browsers will render it directly
hm, maybe its better with download indeed
^ what he said.
My npm i has become incredibly slow since updating to Node 6.11.1. Anyone else notice that?
what? I thought npm was on 5.x
@OliverSalzburg Well, what version of npm comes with node 6.11.1?
@MadaraUchiha 4.6.1
That has been the latest stable for some time
I swapped to yarn and didn't regret it.
And I've been using it for some time. The recent change was the Node update
@Luggage We did and then we switched back :P
One of the worst mistakes this year :(
man I really dislike yarn :\ always had problems with it
Anyway, something is weird. A coworker just reported the slow performance and I have the same issue on my machine
Any git gurus here? I just reverted a shitload of uncommitted changes on the wrong file. Anyway I can still get my changes back?
@Jonathan You can pull them from your backup, if you have one. Through git, no way I know of
git has a way. it's hard to lose data in git
Even if it wasn't committed?
@Luggage Uncomitted data?
ohh, i thought you mean the git revert command
Unfortunately not :(
you had uncommited changes, then did what? git reset? check checkout?
Tell me a story.
I did "Undo changes" in Visual Studio git on the wrong file
ohh. yea, well, then you might be humped.
I want to switch color schemes on my editor... anyone have a good colorful one? Using VSCode
@Jonathan I wasn't joking earlier. I often forget about having real-time backup
I use Kimbie Dark
@corvid I've been using Monokai
And you might have something in the File Version History if you're on Windows or Timemachine or whatever OSX is using
I'm using Monokai right now, it's an old reliable
dark+ ^.^
I prefer to code in Word, where I can do my syntax highlighting manually
Very agile approach
invent a language that is based on formatting.
Changing tires in 2 seconds is absurd
@KendallFrey Pf, 2 seconds. I can have sex twice in that time
@KendallFrey It's amazing they don't fall off
It's less amazing when you realize there's a nut holding the wheel on
@OliverSalzburg I don't have anything like that I'm afraid
@Jonathan Might be a good time to prepare for future events
You did try Undo, right? :D
Yes I did, the file is still open, but it doesn't work
anyone here work with typings-for-css-module-loader?
@rlemon reminds me of this

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