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Well if Kerbes are expected to do this from scratch then they clearly have some sort of hive mind, from which to draw knowledge from.
@MadaraUchiha I saw that yesterday, scary words
Not React though
The React license always bothered me and still does
So only yesterday I learned that XHR has a .timeout property lol
All this time it was Promise.race with a delay and an XHR.abort everywhere
@BenjaminGruenbaum Pfft bro, do you even ajax?
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, like way too much lol.
I have 90% proficiency in AJAX now.
Put it on my CV as 85% to be on the safe side
It kinda bothers me that XHR has all these handy features and fetch has none of it
@MadaraUchiha none of them really work in XHR well, and fetch isn't "AJAX replacement" that was never the design goal - fetch is a uniform web platform API for making requests. It is actually much more powerful with fetch controllers.
ya fetch is not as rich as xhr, however, xhr does not have promises, from my understanding.
Fetch is designed to work well with service workers and caching and complex application scenarios where XHR fails.
Not to be a prettier ajax API
lol, to be fair MDN is pretty explicit - the first line is literally:
> The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources (including across the network)
"including across the network" as if it's just one supported use case out of many :P In practice there are like 3
Also, what features are you missing in fetch anyway @MadaraUchiha ?
wait, what's preventing xhr to act like a promise?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Abort, mostly
welp, so much for building it on th emun. it won't let me attach the wheels
new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
  xhr.onload = () => {
    if( xhr.status === 200 )
      return resolve( xhr );

    reject( xhr );
} )
anyone had trouble with node-gyp rebuild errors installing oracledb ?
@towc nothing, they are not built in, I think.
@BrianJ what errors?
@BenFortune gonna pull up the logs, one sec
so after running meteor npm install --save oracledb I get
Failed at the [email protected] install script 'node-gyp rebuild'
The rest of the meteor project builds fine up until it tries to run oracledb. So at least I've narrowed it down to an issue installing the oracledb module
anyone used bootstrap studio? Considering to use it, but urgh
@towc pencil.evolus.vn is nice, and has a bootstrap plugin
well, I don't really like bootstrap because it's abused, but I'm liking that UI
had tried using pencil a while back
guess I'll try again now that I'm a little more informed
@BenFortune this is the complete log after I try to install oracledb
yeah, I remember why I didn't use it now 😒 It just looks awful on my system
not sure if it's because of gtk acting weird or something else
@SterlingArcher booyah
started with one colonist
admitting, I jacked his stats in a few places
Can I Zalgo native promises by overriding then?
@MadaraUchiha if you open MDN you'll see how to abort there, you pass a FetchController (which you can share across fetches) and abort them, a fetch controller also lets you set up other cool stuff.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only if you override it from a getter that throws either synchronously or asynchronously based on the state of a radioactive particle tied to a poison flask in a box with a cat.
@towc It's electron
gravit designer is electron, and it looks a lot better, tbf
pencil looks like an 80's app with some 90's icons :/
what would you know, aren't you a 2000's kid?
@MadaraUchiha you're telling me I can't do it?
also oh wait, bootstrap studio isn't free :/
You might be right, I'm not sure tbh. By the way - I've been writing a lot of code for lolex at Peer5 - apparently fake timers are a thing.
@BenFortune I am the 2000's kid
@towc Damn millennials with their jQueries and their HTML5's
wait, am I a millennial?
Oh well, I guess it's a "compile your own node day" day
I might seriously consider using gimp for web design -_-
not even @rlemon is that low
time for some fo4
vectr.com seems nice
Hey guys. I have some base64 encoded aiff files. Is there anyway to convert them to a different audio format?
@McLemore ffmpeg can probably do it
@BenFortune, I would have to do it in real time using JS. I might be able to find a port of ffmpeg to JS though.
@McLemore You want to do it in the browser?
PSA: Game of Thrones spoilers will not be tolerated in this room. Please wait at least a week from an airing to discuss the episode here.
I'm making a Chrome App that will then be ported to Electron. It pulls data from a web service that's shared with an iOS app that a previous dev set up to use base64 encoded aiff which Chrome doesn't support. So I would have to pull the encoded aiff, decode it, convert it to a supported format, and then possibly re-encode it.
@MadaraUchiha @MadaraUchiha me Gal and Dana are watching the episode tomorrow (I think) - you're welcome to watch with
52" TV and nice sound system
@BenjaminGruenbaum tomorrow as in 3:30 when it airs?
Or at a more reasonable hour?
@MadaraUchiha as in tomorrow around 9pm?
Sounds awesome, we'll be in touch
Cool, talk to Gal
Shouldn't publicly say such things :D
Why delete that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum his business
Oh, we have a friend called Gal Zohar facebook.com/glgltz who likes dancing Lambada and eating onion rinks.
Gal is totally cool with his info being online lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but SO/SE is not..
He tries to get it out, he has a public facebook group and stuff
@MadaraUchiha why?
Welp, on you :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because it opens them to lawsuits/C&D letters
Not that I think that Gal would sue, obviously
But it's generally frowned upon here.
@MadaraUchiha but there is a huge difference between doxxing someone and publishing public information about someone.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure, but the line is thin.
I think that if we're not dicks - the line is pretty huge no?
I mean, either you're sharing public information about other adults who you know are consenting and are willing to own up to what you say.
Or you don't, in which case you're a dick anyway, which is why we never say anything about room members who rather stay private.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but you don't have their written consent, legally, they can sue if you let out a detail that they'd rather keep private
(Or even verbal consent, for that matter, you just assume (probably correctly) that he'd be cool with it)
@MadaraUchiha verbal consent is as equally binding
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but you don't have explicit verbal consent.
Anyway, this discussion isn't really for here either
Why? It's more on topic than all the KSP and washing machines that usually go around here
+No one helped me with my promises question.
I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding
We can continue discussion the fine details of legality in private, but IANAL, and neither are you. So pretty much moot discussion anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't see what you asked
@BenjaminGruenbaum That goes without saying.
IANAL is great because lawyers have a lot more liability in these discussions
@Luggage I've compared winston and bunyan a few times and have yet to come up with a conclusive winner. It came down to bunyan seeming a little more plugin-friendly and having more stream outputs I wanted.
@ssube Luggage is afk: driving home
Anyone here use lolex by the way? @ssube @Luggage
@BenjaminGruenbaum not directly. I am using Sinon.
@ssube yes, but do you use fake timers with sinon?
So far I'm using enough observables to avoid any timers. :P
so no
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Fake" timers?
How does that work?
@MadaraUchiha while(haveTimers) { time += nextTimerMs; runNextTimer }
@MadaraUchiha it's one file - you can read it in one go
why are oracle drivers so finicky to install? grrr
!!afk people
Someone with clear understanding of service workers?
hey again, made a bit more progress with oracledb in metoer. I can install all packages successfully
but during meteor run the oracledb package fails looking for an .x86 file..any ideas what the issue is there? I'm using all x64 setup
Unable to resolve some modules:

  "../build/Release/oracledb" in
32 bit apps run on 64 bit machines, looks like it didn't build though
I can't find this thrones game that everyone keeps talking about on steam. Is it EA?
yeah not building the last bit of the error that says os.windows.x86_32 is a flag to me, as I'm using x64
installs the package fine. just failing during build..
I started a thread if anyone has ideas on it
Q: How to resolve "Unable to resolve some modules oracledb"?

Brian JI've setup a meteor project and imported the oracledb node package. But after starting the project via meteor run I get a console build error. Stating that Unable to resolve some modules. To debug the issue I've: Followed the debug steps in this issue - Unable to resolve some modules in Meteor...

crap, it's not on HBO go yet. I though it was last night?
nah, tonight
I'm out anyways tomorrows problem
re-watching the last of season 6
didn't start early enough to watch more
soap opera with dragons.
@Luggage I used your "leading people astray" line in a comment. felt good to say something so evocative.
um, ok..
anyone here using google app engine
I've used it
in the past
@Arrow it appears to be free with similar limits to Github is this true
yes when i used it last
however, so is heroku
and I am using that now
it sounds like you prefer heroku for some reason.
nice command line, had more options for deployment back then.
AppEngine was also Python specific back then. I am sure that has changed now. But not certain
do you have a site hosted on heroku that you wouldn't mind me looking at?
ya give me a sec while i find one.
@KendallFrey hey I'm FrozenSea
Oh cool small world :)
yeah haha
game of thrones sesaon 7!
4 more hours
i like heroku, quick and easy to deploy
@William mighty-hollows-9985
yeah i'm there thanks
I mean it's just a host
so I want to deploy a php app want command do I run
you need a proce file I think
PHP is the simplist one
that's why I picked it it typically is the simplest one
from what I remember it's less than a line of code
like a word or two and that is it
creating app let's see how this goes
you are going to need their Commandline tool
everything is also for free which is nice.
MongoDB and so on is like free or has some free version
What options do you have set for the command line tools?
most git commands you can sync it with github
heroku master push
you also need to ssh, but that's really easy. once you download the tool
prompts you for a password and username
from there simple git command git add .
git commit -m
hello guys
and you push with heroku keyword
@Arrow can you use custom domains for free?
you can mask
that's for free
if by custom you mean generate your own, you can do that too but you need their herokuapp domain space
sorry fingers are getting tired
take a break you have been very helpful thanks
it was a pleasure :)
@Arrow and that's free?
last time i used masking it was free on the heroku end
woah, postgres is also free on heroku
that's amazing, there's hobby tier
> Domains can be added to both free and paid Heroku apps
anyone use TFS?
ya heroku is quite amazing lot things are for free. I have like 300 lingering projects all at these domains heroku domains
300? wow arrow
:38154156 what?
O i thought you were making a joke
that was just a copy paste from heroku docs
before that
Halie not without a large stack of cash and a bottle of whiskey
it's the rebecca black of git
oh, is this TFS w/ git repos?
can you use an event listener to search through nodes for a value
umm hold on
you know how they have closest, can you use that in conjunction with a key-down event to search HTML elements on a single branch for a value. Like search field adding hide show on elements as they come close to matching your search criteria
ok. that's just searching IN an event.
which is just a function.
So, yes.
@Arrow how do I make heroku php operate like typical wordpress php installs where .php files can be accessed simply by trying to visit the page
o cool, so why are there all these huge search packages, when one can be simply built.
@William php files should not be visible, are you seeing them when you visit the site. did you deploy correctly?
@Arrow I want them to visible a like a typical xmapp install
give me a sec
I have one up if you want me to describe the problem
ya describe the problem
any recommended image croping front end tool?
i'm looking to build a component for image cropping, then storing that image
@Arrow so I have my php directory which looks like the following .htacess,images,index.php,stylesheets,test.php, & views
I tried creating a test.php but it doesn't work
no that's not the way Heroku works, everything has to be configurable with a configuration file
woo. This is exciting.
I can change the request headers in-flight before sending them to the target server.
Sooo... you MITMed yourself?
@MadaraUchiha I'm writing an HTTP proxy that you run in the terminal, and you get an interactive interface to inspect/rewrite requests/responses in-flight
so, node.
j/k :)
Here is a get started example devcenter.heroku.com/articles/…
keyword here is 'interactive' :)
node repl.
@Luggage the idea is to point your browser to the proxy
can you have a pre-made script for it?
I can still totally see this done in node
@Luggage what do you mean?
of course it can be done in node, but I was just giving him a hard time
I'm thinking that the restarts are not actually useful for me there :(
like a script with the type of changes you want to make to a request. So that you don't have to do it interactively once you know what you want to do
@Arrow that isn't how wp installs typically work unfortunately
@Luggage sounds like you should just pick node there :)
I'm talking about your thing.
I know, just giving you a hard time :P
@Luggage If that's a CLS repl, he can literally compile a new possible restart on the fly
it's an interesting idea
You might want a combination of pre-scripted and interactive
to cut down on some repetition
I definitely want to have stuff like "only block on certain regex" or w/e
hadn't thought about the scripting part
that's interesting
once you block and change a request, does it keep doing that or do you do it again next request?
right now, it blocks for every request
I'm still thinking about how to make that better
so, some lisp equivalent of: matchedRequest => matchedRequest.headers.push(...) // or some other mutation
I wanted to have the basic thing working with being able to change request headers in-flight
I'm pretty happy with that now
yea, i see the value of interactive.
now I have to rewrite it to have multiple things:
1/ A Lisp REPL, so that you can add filters or w/e
2/ Running the proxy in a thread and communicate with the REPL thread, somehow, to have the interactivity
3/ A nice list of requests as they come in, with the ability to inspect them in-flight _or_ at a later time, if you're not blocking on them. If I want to also be able to inspect the body, I need to use temporary files.
not sure how to do (2)
I guess I have to write the repl myself
although it shouldn't be hard
(this being lisp et al)
something like this should be enough:
      (let ((blocking nil))
	   (if blocking
	       (read (read-line)))))
and if you write (setf blocking t) in the repl, you enable the interactive mode
with a better API of course, but something like this.
I wonder if it's spicy.
it's not, get them all the time
it for people who like to think they are eating something spicy
I don't think they deliver to the left coast, so i'm not sure we're talking about the same place.
Well the "left coast" is closer to Japan so... I'm just saying, a fake tattoo might make you feel hard, but we all know it's just going to dissolve in water.
yeah, @Arrow is weird.
I'm saying, by using a clever use of metaphor, that you are not taking risks by going with the spice roll
I'm trying to be sarcastic
with the reputation of this place, I am taking risks with ALL the sushi...
why am I weird for being sarcastic?
I was born this way I can't help it
old but gold
in PHP, 2 days ago, by Gordon
how to handle memory leaks: https://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=comp.lang.ada/E9bNCvDQ12k/1tezW2‌​4ZxdAJ
anyway, good night
already leaveing
I'm in France :)
i haven't said my French come back yet
I had one all lined up :(
O man next time :)
Is there currently any way to play an aiff file in Chrome or would I need a fallback?

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