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how could you call an online service where people post links for each city/country about what online stores can deliver to you?
Guys this site i'm at has done 9k http requests.. Which is pretty annoying since each one is shown in the bottom left of chrome. Is it possible to prevent requests to certain domains? Or should I perhaps overwrite the XMLHttpRequest() class?
no, that's an ok thing to do
you can hide the requests, but honestly why would you?
also, I don't think all requests show
9k is a little too many.
over time, it can happen
facebook probably does more than that in 10 mins of normal browsing
Becase i'm watching a video on the site and I don't want to watch 9k small messages on the bottom left
what site is this?
in fullscreen mode, those requests aren't shown
They are for me
But I found a better site
on the native fullscreen modes (like youtube's)
activated with f11?
there's an api
is there a license for only allowing to use open-source code for non-commercial uses (unless you're the author)?
Mornin' everyone
the author (copyright holder) is always able to do what they want reguardless of the license they give to the public.
oh, that's nice
I didn't realize that, that's good to know
most licenses I am away of care if you must release the source to the app you use it in or not, not commercial vs non-commerciel.
Is it a library or a program?
full-blown site
which will have a commercial aspect to it
What are you trying to prevent?
people just copying the code and running their own site :P
but they can copy it and just look at it?
but I also want devs to be able to maybe contribute or look at the code for review purposes (like possible employers), and maybe educational ones, although I doubt it'll be that good
@Luggage yeah, sure
it's all about what they do with the source, not how much they charge, usually.
maybe use something like GPLv3 Affero where they must always make their code available even if it's not distributed software. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affero_General_Public_License
That means someone can use the code and start a new site, but they must release the source to that site if they are using your code.
well, I guess my code wouldn't really be open source then
That's not exactly what you want, but it's the most commercial un-friendly version of a true open source license. Also, as the copyright holder you can change the license later (for code going forward. People that got the old code under the old license still have that).
it'd just be "you can see the source"
like Microsoft
I could write my own license, although that will probably be a bad idea
like writing your own crypto
also, thanks :)
hi guys
it drives me crazy... a simple f** file upload with express.js and ajax :)
I use multer
what kind of file are you uploading?
images are pretty easy
router.post('/bild', upload.single('photo'), function (req, res, next) {
    // req.file is the `avatar` file
    // req.body will hold the text fields, if there were any


image yes
i have a form with different fields and only one file input called photo
and here is the ajax:
    $("#formular").submit(function (e) {
        var form = $(this)[0];
        var formData = new FormData(form);
            type: "POST",
            url: "/users/bild",
            data: formData,
            processData: false,
            "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
            success: function(r){
            error: function (e) {
                console.log("some error", e);
(see full text)
what kind of project is this, a personal one or a production
sorry . a bit long.
its a personal at this moment.. my bachelor thesis
didn't think that a simple file upload would take me so long
I don't get an error
but the /uploads folder is empty
the browser has the native file uploader object
read that
what are you doing with the images on the backe nd
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
on the backend hmm ok short story: just save them in the upload folder
the object works with all browsers so you should be good
you should store the mime type
so you can have an easier time handling it later one
hmm it seems complexer than the 'normal' upload.. what the hell haha
why is this a thing at all?
you're over thinkng it
I worked with php .. or I worekd with sails.js there you have a package doing all for you
really? hä? I just want to send the formData() with POST to my backend and save the file - finish
you want to read the buffer contents of hte image
and store it
that's all,
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => // Do stuff

That shoudl get you started
it's not complete, but it should get you closer and understanding how the browser handles images
what is image?
I never heard about what you are writing here hmm
I mean hä? its a simple multipart upload
image is the buffer contents that you get after the input element accepted the dom file
err, the image, then the filerreader object reads the buffer contents

somehting like that
when your input accepts the image, you still need to read the buffer contents, which is why you're using the FileReader object
get the buffer contents, and i suggest you also get the mimetype, you send that to the backend
and do whatever you want to do with it
hm but why should I do that?
the browser should that for me automatically
look here:
you can't straight up just send the image to the back end
that seems to be what I am trying
multear is back end stuff
@Ak really not??? haha what?
you need to handle client side code
sience when???
hä? I am dreaming haha sorry
you're using ajax and following a 2014 tutorial
tech changes quite a bit in that time
you need to set the limit of the json body parser to accept images with a high mb
he's using jquery
I love how it's a pretty woman - to add icing to the vamp cake @MadaraUchiha
Don't spoon feed people. It won't teach them anything.
yea i should stop
yea, instead of 1's and 0's we now use 🙂's and ☹️'s
i gave way too many answers
@Suisse stop asking for help so much and struggle with things - you will forever be dependent on petty questions.
i built an image processing application
and it was a fun leanring eexperience
Ask for reading material on a subject, not to debug your code, and do that after you searched Google and StackOverflow
@AK Me too. Used a library.
the only library i used was the image processing library
it was archaic and had a lot of async issues
took a while to find the point of failure
Let me guess, it was imagemagick?
why is it bad to use mongodb, i hear a lot fo bad things
@AK it's not "bad" to use MongoDB the same way it's not "bad" to use PHP. MongoDB is designed for workloads that require high distributed write concurrency - and in order to get fast it sacrifices a lot of the things relational DBs give you for granted like write consistency (and not just eventual consistency), joins, transactions and more.
i use pg only because people told me not to use mongodb so i never got around to learning it
If you use MongoDB for its problem domain (which I've never actually seen) it will probably do a good job.
PostgreSQL is a lot better for most types of applications people write - where correctness is more important than speed - which is a general rule for coding.
oh, so mongo has more pros with graphql
sounds like it
Something something Knuth.
and pg for more user base
@AK no, graphql is completely unrelated. That's like saying PostgreSQL has advantages with REST.
say i build a chat server, and there's high write concurrency
GraphQL is a protocol for the client requesting elaborate data - since it's very hard to do aggregations in an efficient way that does caching with REST (no OData).
@AK REDIS, the answer for "I need something fast but stupid" is almost always Redis - which is amazing technology
Have you used GraphQL in anger?
i've been learning a lot fo graphql on my free time
i really want to built a mvp with it
@Luggage It's pronounced "angular"
@Luggage why would GraphQL make me angry?
but weighing pros and cons with the techs i want to use with it
hur :)
'used in anger' just means 'use for real, not just trying it or playing around'
@AK there isn't a lot to learn to GraphQL it's a pretty simple format - Relay and Apollo contain a lot more code than just parsing GraphQL and sending queries.
@Luggage I used it "for real" but I never had to maintain it for 3 years and curse the guy who wrote it.
ohh. ok. That was kind of where i was going.
so what database would you recommend for graphql
So, postgres, since that's my default recommendation.
db knowledge is my weakest
@AK Depends on what you're serving.
GraphQL is just a protocol for sending data - that's like asking what database to use if you're using SOAP or REST.
For SOAP I would use Oracle and REST, Mongo.
^ A joke.
GraphQL does make you work a lot harder than rest in terms of having to define how to resolve dependencies efficiently though - you'll write more code than in REST.
Which is fair - because it also does more things.
well yea, it parses and gives you exactly what you want
But GraphQL is optimal for data that needs to handle querying on the client where the query changes a lot - it's optimal for a company like Facebook that have 10 (mostly read) views on the same data.
so can you give an example of when you'd use postgresql with graph and when you'd use mongodb with graphql?
it'll paint a picture on situations for me
Personally I wouldn't use mongo unless I had some situation that it accelled at. I don't know what that situation is. The normal reasons for using mongo (free form documents) can be done in postgres (and others) and you still get DB transactions. you'd need to describe your needs before we can recommend more than that.
how about a chat application? a forum, and a mobile app like instagram
3 separate things
they could still be done on almost any database, but..
obviously, you can use any data base, but if you'd chose monogo over pg
for a forum I might choose a document database like mongo, but I can't think of any reason I would really need to...
oh document base
a chat would need some form of pub/sub and the database would just be for users, permissions and maybe a log/history
If you don't know databases, just go with a common choice and learn.
welp; that's the point of my next project
It's not until you know what your special performance needs are (and have the scale to encounter them) that they really start to differentiate themselves.
I'm somewhat shivering at inkscape's gui
it's a bit clunky, yes.
but I can't find another SVG editor to replace it
Make one for me, please.
did you try gravitdesigner?
my only concern is that it actually takes too much space
it'd be great if it was like gimp, where you could take the editors as new windows
other than that I love it
it exports SVG, but i'd need to play with it more to see if it really is an SVG editor or just a scalable graphics editor that exports svg
it's just weird because I need to zoom out to design a full page, and that completely messes with my ideas
oh, it just exports svg, I think
yea. I want an SVG editor.
I'm thinking about web design more than anything
I mean, you can definitely use it to just make icons and stuff, but probably not your best bet
especially if i need to adjust svg-specific properties.
that's what inkscape it. A plain svg editor. It's not for UI design and would be really clunky. You could use it for that..
I mean, it might work really well actually
in the same way you can use MSPaint
next thing you know, I'm designing using vim
oh, google has a web designer tool google.co.uk/webdesigner
there's probably a clause in the license saying "all your designs belong to us"
@towc do you like the tool
haven't tried it yet
am actually reading the license
React's license seems to be ptulcky
When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works
there you go
my contents don't belong to them, but practically they do
I mean, it's not too bad, I can live with that
their tool is probably very good, going to try it out now
practicality is what is important. I scanned it, their terms of use. seems like you can keep your content but they can data mine it
big deal
you can always spend the money and get photoshop. but they are probably doing the same thing
@towc join the Google hive mind, it's warm in here :)
read the quote
that means they can use it for a lot more than data mining
google is able to give you free stuff because they can monetize in some form. it's the price of getting quality free stuff.
so, it outputs actual html/css(/js) with media queries and all, that's nice
@Arrow I understand that. I'm not angry at them for it.
what they're doing is actually quite amazing. That doesn't mean they're always the best choice
at the same time, the tool will probably make you a worse developer. it's an abstraction.
Stockholm syndrome
I got vaccinated for that.
@littlepootis has such timely advice.
well, if it makes me a more efficient/productive dev...
Woah, dude.
@towc it actually makes you less productive. you just don't notice it
it gets me to do things quicker at the same quality, if not higher because I don't risk loosing my nerves
for design, a GUI can be useful.
try out colors, move something a bit to the left, etc.
tbf this google designer seems like a really good framework for something bigger, but it's somewhat shit :/
How did you get from using ed on an LFS build to this?
it obviously has a huge focus on google components
I wouldn't use generated CSS, though. I'd write that by hand once I got a look I liked.
wait, I remember there being a material-ui designer...
@Luggage is right.
duh. :)
He's always right
machines are stupid, automation is also stupid. people are the ones that make these things smart
@Luggage yeah, definitely, but might be really useful for quick sketches that you just want to show to a client that work on a webpage
!!thank @littlepootis
@Arrow That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: hang, hans, phanks
@Arrow I don't even know if you're joking
@towc i'm with you. I should use a graphical designer next time, myself. i wasted too much time writngin css, previewing, editing, etc.
!!afk driving home
jeesh, my english' gone out of the window
2 mins ago, by little pootis
He's always right
it hasn't even been a week
@towc a tool needs to be seen in context. if your goal is to be a designer use it
if your goal is to be a developer that needs to understand these things, don't use it.
I'm a bloody good web dev
I still have a lot to learn
but I'm definitely at the point where I can take shortcuts
We all do.
i have provided my two cents
it that makes any sense
@rlemon that is beautifully done 0.o
love how he's worried about copyright
@sheepy when you have a chance can you look at this question. I am not sure if the selected answer is right or if the second answer is right?
need more game
not ksp or rimworld
cancerous, but keeps pulling you in.
if you want singleplayer, go for borderlands 2 (if you haven't played)
bioshock 2 also
If a user changes there password is it bad user experience that as soon as they click the "Change Password" button they are logged out?
@Arrow That accepted answer is god awful
Why Ben?
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Stop asking so much" - the chat is here for asking things related to javascript. I really searched and tried a while to solve my problem. I couldn't solve it, and thats why I asked here. nobody has to answer or help!! but if someone does: THANK YOU!

@AK Thank you for your hints... but I had a explicit question about my code and where the error could be - an you came with something new. thanks for showing me that possiblity but it wasn't what I looked for.

Solved: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45131697/3037960
(see full text)
@Arrow It doesn't make sense to use that in place of (x >= 6 && y <= 5)
@Loktar 7 hours!
@WesStark omg

A Game of Threads

Warning: Game of Thrones S7 SPOILERS
I wanna watch it before the spoilers roll in, but it's on at 2am
3 am here. coffee's ready :P
!!should I stay up and watch GoT?
@BenFortune Not at all
fuck you cap, I do what I want
@BenFortune I think the asker is asking if if ((x >= 6 && y <= 5) || (y >= 6 && x <=5)) can be done but I think the logic itself is wrong
in his example he has to use an nested if statement to accomplish this
wait, we're still on that question?
Not the first time it was discussed?
@KevinB was it already answered?
i've seen that question brought up here in this chat a few times already
seems like a pretty straight forward conditional question
so the selected answer is right?
if anything it looks confusing
i wouldn't use it if it were right
what's even the point of the question?
it's strange because xor is not a binary evaluation
it looks like he is doing (true/false) true/false (true/false)
like, the nested if conditional he has, combining that down to one conditional doesn't make a whole lot of sense
the original was an if this and this, do that, else if this other do thatother
From my understanding nested conditional are problematic on several levels
that's two separate conditions
with two separate outcomes
a single condition can't represent that
it's outside the space of possible outcomes
at best, it can be combined to if this, do a, else if thisother, do b
without the nesting
he says he is doing xor, but I don't know if that is true
Well "if if" is different from "if else" and he has an "if if else"
but each of those if if can be combined
you just cant combine it with the else..
you lose an outcome
as part of an ordered sequence if && if && if ect..
however, order matters in that case
The that was selected seems to by pass that by evaluating the problem in a different space
!! true === true
@Arrow That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
that should evaluate to true
time to finish putting my mun base back to gether
probably did it wrong, but the point stands
last night it was destroyed by autostrut
yeah, ksp has this feature where you can set a part to autostrut to a particular piece
either grandparent, heaviest, or some other option i forget
but those two are most important
For most parts, autostrut is disabled by default and you can enable it
but, for landing gear, it's on by default set to heaviest part, and cannot be changed/disabled
how long does it take to fix that
So...when i loaded my mun base in, which has a lot of wheels, it freaked out and started spinning/flipping/rolling until it ripped itself apart
that's it in the air, going crazy
and me using the cheat menu to try and prevent it from setting me back a day
i ended up managing to disconnect each section safely, so now i have to get new wheels and landing legs to the mun so i can move the sections around, re-dock them, and then remove the damn landing wheels
the games must make you feel like you are a real like airport mechanic
aerospace engineer*
i'm sending up a container that has all the parts to build a rover, and will be building said rover on the mun's surface :)
to move the parts between the sections
an aerospace engineer only designs aircraft to fly around the atmosphere of Earth. Maybe a hybrid rocket aerospace engineer might make more sense.
If i had more funds i'd launch it up with my mk3 ssto, but i'm a bit low atm.
then i'd be using a spaceplane to get it up there and a rocket to move it to the mun :p
However, I am assuming Kerbi takes place in the future, or are a spacefaring race. In which case, aerospace and rockets engineer loses all meaning, and he simply defaults to a mechanic.
well, you start off only able to build a lawn dart
@KevinB btw, do you need interplanetary launchpads to be able to build stuff other than in the vab or handar?
not if it's small and you have kis/kas
unless you want to use jargon and start calling all mechanics automotive engineers. You only start off with a lawn dart?
i don't use interplanetary launchpads
I swear this room became more KSP and laundry machines than JavaScript
@MadaraUchiha don't forget the dank memes

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