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people trying to understand why #main doesn't get the flex: 1 here: widgets.tipranks.com/main.cshtml
the sentence itself ... hah Clicked the link anyways aaand ... yeah saw that coming
Madara :(
I won't survive clickbait links for two days in a row, tomorrow is Friday
@KarelG uglifyjs harmony isn't production ready AFAIK
I'm always some commits behind :P
but it takes time to check the new commits before I proceed to next one 😐
@MadaraUchiha using work resources? hmf :P
@FlorianMargaine It was Benji's idea.
!! urban hmf
@KarelG hmf a term indicating indignation
someone tried web assembly ?
@MadaraUchiha I thought he wasn't working there anymore?
@FlorianMargaine Last day today
@FlorianMargaine last day today
@BenjaminGruenbaum enjoy! do all the pranks you've thought about for years, and have no consequence!
@FlorianMargaine He's leaving us 2 Bluebird mugs hidden in the office for us to find
@FlorianMargaine just gonna chill basically
omg who is this
No chill
Hit him!
A man of many words, @Linkgoron
@BenFortune may day today? :P
@Linkgoron We have technology here: 😀 😬 ❤️
@Suhaib Just saw this one pass by in my feed. Might be what you are looking for?
TIL chrome's prettyprint also works with minfied code
with node do I want to commit my node_modules (I doubt it). I assume that the package.json will restore the modules I need?
@KarelG Pft
Labour all the way
@hsimah not necessarily, you want at least the shrinkwrap.json
i dont have one of those
ill read up on it, thanks
i hoped it would be like nuget
NPM5 does it by default if you want to update to the latest.
Or use Yarn
wrong chat
I tired to prototype this script kopy.io/cc7cK, my result is this kopy.io/5KJ6h but something is wrong my webapp does not work anymore any ideas why (new to prototyping in js)
@JohnDoe2 Read up on this
@BenFortune sry what excatly do you mean
@BenFortune thanks
I have a function which accept a string, is it possible to have an if statment along with the function call?

myFunction (if (isNan(myVar){return myVar} else {return "nope"});
Anyone have knowledge of javascript/css libraries designed to look more like an OS?
@ModerateJavaScriptDev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ModerateJavaScriptDev Yeah. Don't. That's all I want to tell you. Don't. Steer clear.
Why though? what harm can come of it? It's just for a small project of mine
@RoelvanUden why not?
I think my Atom might be broken.
It's not like he's pouring millions of dollars into a research projects - he just wants to build stuff
@ModerateJavaScriptDev there are libraries that look like iOS for sure
Not necessarily iOS, just an operating system kind of ui look
Pretty sure MS has one that looks like UWP too.
@BenFortune oh definitely
@hsimah don't get me started on Nuget
There are libraries that make your elements look like Android/iOS/Windows, but it's just not the same. There are differences, even minor differences, and users will pick up on it. Then you'll want to 'fix' the issues and go down a never ending rabbit hole about mixing and matching to 'simulate' what a native platform looks like. Even worse, once you do have something reasonable and then realize iOS/Android/Whatever changed styles in #newupdate you can start over and try to support BOTH...
Just: Don't. Friendly advice. Just pick your 'own OS' style. Make your own brand.
(Been there, done that)
But im needing some kind of library too make a bare look of it, and " users will pick up on it. Then you'll want to 'fix' the issues and go down a never ending rabbit hole " This is a >small< project, more like im the only one who will ever see it, and it doesnt have to be perfect :/ Just somethin for the browser on pc's, nothing else
Why not use a generic library then? E.g. bootstrap.
or whatever.
Or material design, that's nice too.
@ModerateJavaScriptDev why would you want to have same UI as an OS one?
Just to mess around with what I can do in Javascript/CSS/HTML
do ya know it's difficult to accomplish that ? 🙂
the design is being abstracted and not to mention that the icons are being hidden in dll files as binaries (really MS does that)
ofc you can printscreen it, but the gradient/shadow effect cannot be photoshopped out simply
what you can do is mimic old OS'es like win XP :)
@Vegar thank you for the link, the problem with this tutorial is that it uses twitter npm. I want to fetch realtime data from a specificstie.com/json
A quick question, I am following this tutorial guru99.com/download-install-node-js.html. In there the hello world example uses require('net'); instead of require('http');. Other tutorials use http. In real world apps, what do we usually use ?
nvm, this SO answer, cleared all my doubts
A: http.createserver vs net.createserver in node.js

Trotthttp.createServer() sets up a server that handles the HTTP protocol, which is indeed transmitted over tcp. net.createServer() creates a server that simply understands when a TCP connection has happened, and data has been transmitted, and so on, but doesn't know anything about whether a valid HTTP...

@Suhaib you can get inspired by that project ...
@FlyingGambit he used telnet to connect to his server. Different situation :)
@rlemon look what I've discovered on reddit: reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/6ftaes/pretty_accurate
@SterlingArcher --^
@Procode do you want to pass either myVar "nope" into myFunction()? then use a ternary operator expression
@Procode myFunction( isNaN(myVar) ? myVar : "nope")
>> i.imgur.com/FDEwSPR.gi [nsfw prolly]
@jAndy deleted
@jAndy I don't get it
oh nah.. I jus cut of the "f" from .gif when editing it
@BenFortune Its just super advanced Zen mode
is there no way to pass an object to a web worker if that object contains methods?
people usually asks "is there a way" but you don't want a way ?
it only accepts strings
because I'm already aware that it's not supposed to be possible
and that's not true anymore
it accepts simple objects
yeah something about structured algorithm when passing objects to webworkers.
didn't have been following it much... * looks up *
> This just includes plain objects
so I'm assuming it's impossible to pass an object that has a function
what if you converted it to string and back ?
thinking at a workaround :P
I don't know how
sounds like that would require eval() so let's not go there
well... you can use Function
Hello react gurus, in the 2nd code example on the facebook docs about react is confusing... facebook.github.io/react/docs/forms.html I mean shouldn't we bind handleChange with a context like onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} ... ?
but that's kinda complex :)
or is it that in es6 that is taken care of by itself?
!!> let fx = new Function('return 1+2'); fx()
@KarelG 3
Hi guys
^-- @StevenLiekens
check the docs to comprehend it tho. It also accepts arguments
Why answers are arranged in random orders on SO?
didn't know that was possible
!!> let mul = new Function(a, b, 'a++; return a * b'); mul(1,3);
@KarelG "ReferenceError: a is not defined"
as you can see here :
Q: Why is Dictionary preferred over hashtable?

Nakul ChaudharyIn most of programming languages, dictionaries are preferred over hashtables. What are the reasons behind that?

!!> let mul = new Function('a', 'b', 'a++; return a * b'); mul(1,3);
@KarelG 6
a = 1, b = 3 => a++ gives a = 2 => return a * b gives 2 * 3 = 6
@deostroll They do, in the constructor
Ok i guess :D
ah, sanity...
Reactjs experts in the house ?
@AmitJS94 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
posted on June 08, 2017 by James M Snell, Rod Vagg

Notable Changes Async Hooks When one Promise leads to the creation of a new Promise, the parent Promise will be identified as the trigger [135f4e6643] #13367. Dependencies libuv has been updated to 1.12.0 [968596ec77] #13306. npm has been updated to 5.0.3 [ffa7debd7a] #13487. File system The fs.exists() function now works correctly with util.promisify() [6e0eccd7a1] #13316. fs.Stats times

@Learning The default order is by score
The coincidences are strong with me
You can change the order using the links above all the answers
I just happen to write a first dictionary in half a year, and I see it mentioned for the first time in SO chat
@NikolaLukic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Even though I take into account the fact, that we divide our attention differently to things, that we are doing / are currently aware of, I feel like coincidences occur too often.
@NikolaLukic also thank you for that reference LOL
Can i do some little promote here in chat , i am first time here...
Sure can
we love games!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, that escalated quickly.
it's also fake as hell
@GNi33 Everything is fake on the internet.
You don't even exist, I'm imagining you.
I know, but do you?
choose a pill
Life is fake, we all invented some arbitrary set of rules and it sort of kind of works for us.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no so whatsoever ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum No you didn't, I can hear you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait, is it your last day at tipranks today?
any definitive plans for what you're going to do next?
and good luck btw :)
If somebody want cooperation in this project please contact me .
Can you upvote in news.ycombinator.com/news?p=2 ?
@GNi33 joining peer5
nice! so you'll stay in Israel?
@MadaraUchiha I know for sure that towc is fake. But to be 100% certain, let us just ignore him.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
> Peer5 is a P2P CDN for video streaming. Our live streaming video CDN and on demand video streaming CDN shrink loading times and server dependency
that must be an interesting challenge
are you responsible for the management interface or the infrastructure itself (data processing)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have fallen in love with the globe
Been tracking the packages for the last 15 mins
I've got an event listener on mouseenter for a table row. When the mouseleave event triggers, I remove the event. Inside of the mouseenter event I attach a mousemove event to the document, but for some reason the function doesn't continuously run when I mouseenter. Any ideas?
@Kramb mouseenter happens just once upon mouse entering the region
The mousemove should be continually called
@Neil, right but the mousemove event is inside of the mouseenter function
@Kramb well what are you doing in the function?
It should work
    function (e) {
        var i = individualTable.row(this).data();
        document.addEventListener("mousemove", imageFollow(e,i), true);
also, in the mouseleave event, do you remove the mouseenter or mousemove? (your comment indicates the former)
Where x is my table row element
I remove the mousemove event @KarelG
For testing purposes, imageFollow() only contains console.log(e.clientX)
@Kramb it should work then
If it doesn't, there is something else at work here
@Neil haha that's what I thought. But console.log() only fires once. Lemme get a gist to show the encompassing function.
What does it do exactly? Prints out once? Once per entry or once per page load?
@Kramb what does imageFollow return?
if it is anything but another function, you've done it wrong.
he said that it only has console.log (so it returns void)
so that's the problem
@rlemon I don't have a return in the imageFollow
you're assigning undefined as the event handler
Ah, you're calling imageFollow?
> document.addEventListener("mousemove", imageFollow(e,i), true);
looks like the case
I blame mobile phone for my ineptitude
just return something truthy
no, return a function which does what you want
or don't call a function there, pass it
like _ => imageFollow(e,i)
btw, since when is sterling a meme?
since I made him one
You'll have to forgive me, I've been convinced that I should move away from jQuery and use out-of-the-box JS. If this was jQuery, it would be over and done with.
had to laugh hard when I saw that reddit post
@Kramb you probably don't want to pass the parameters of the mouseenter event to the mousemove event
Just pass imageFollow by itself
Then how do I capture mouse position in the client?
@Kramb the mousemove has its own e with position
Yea, that's the part I don't get
element.addEventListener('mouseenter', _ => {
  const x = doYourThing();
  document.addEventListener('mousemove', event => doOtherThang(event,x));
pretty sure you want this
@Kramb the e passed to mouseenter contains all information about that event, including where the mouse is
ohhhhhh. Okay, I see @rlemon
You only want to subscribe to a second event
rlemon, I have a theoretical js question :P
theoretical answer is no
Aww crap. I have to research what ECMA is because apparently I cannot use const.
Replace const with var
Yea, I figured. I just try to be as exact as possible when given advice since (most of the time) the regulars give the best solutions for current tech. At least in my opinion.
that's your mistake. we're all a bunch of morons
Shit, you clearly know more than I do so I'll take it hahaha
phew, not a clickbait
eh, just checked the compatibility of const (someone commented that const wasn't widely supported)
it's well supported IMO
he's probably gotta support ie9+
screw_ie: true
Yes, but my VS also threw a warning that my ECMA script was ECMA 5 and that const was ECMA 2015
change the settings :P
@KarelG I agree 100% but IE is the only browser supported by our gov :P
Internet Explorer: the very best browser for downloading another browser
just curious .. what do you guys think of edge?
One of the best supporting browsers, pretty quick
Shit extensions
Okay I'll stop being a pain in the ass after this is fixed, I swear hahaha. Here is the script in question: gist.github.com/Kramb/db898866747b9e7e83fd4a5fba208c29
tbf Edge is a good browser. I only didn't like the "app" appearance of it
in contrary to ie, it doesn't feel as standalone application
@KarelG I had that same impression
Yeah, they need to "un-UWP" it
My Ping pong game almost works perfectly now, but I can't unpause the game, haha, can anyone see what's wrong? codepen.io/wostensen/pen/LLVxaL
@Kramb don't return inside the event handler if the return value isn't a function
ok thanks.. I havent been to windows in quite some time to use it.. but looking at caniuse.com.. es support seems to have improved..
Until yesterday I used an interval function, and I just now converted to requestAnimationFrame
@gloriousCatnip You called return, you need to call your playGame function again.
so just a window.requestAnimationFrame instead of return?
just put the drawing code in an else block and don't return in if block
i let the canvas run :P
@KarelG Saw that after I posted. I have corrected it. So now I'm getting the e.clientX in the console like intended, but now it doesn't remove the event on mouseleave.
because you're using anonymous function
if/else seemed to work! thanks!
put those statements in a function with a name and (un)hook event listener with that function name as handler
If you register an event with a function declared with one name, redeclare that same function, then unregister the event, will it unregister the first or attempt to unregister the second?
In MobX, should I be wrapping the body of my constructors in action()? if I have devtools logging turned on, I see long (and slow) streams of messages about every property set during the constructor.
In other words, does it remove the function by name only? Or by content?
@Neil a quick peek in the spec should anwser ya ;)
I believe that it checks the callback returned
thus the ref to the named hander
Whew. Long day ahead, but I'm heading out for the beach tonight :D
@SterlingArcher jokes on you, Im about to head home in 30! (doesn't have a beach... sobs)
@KamilSolecki jokes aren't supposed to induce sobbing
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
@NathanJones they say im a rollercoaster of emotions.. More like a fucking slide, innit?
I finally figured it out. My removeEventListener was redundant.
@Luggage So the unit of humor would be death-years?
I think this formula is flawed..
greater tragedy would need less time.
@Luggage years per death?
Then tiny tragedies are comedy.. and that's not right.
I'm starting to think there is no grand unified theory of comedy..
You don't know if it's funny until someone says it and there is an observer.
seeing someone get hit in the groin with a football is always funny
@MichałPerłakowski Can't we just nuke it instead?
@rlemon did you see the /r/gaming post?
@BenFortune Nuke what?
look at the stars
why does your gravatar have a G althought your name doesn't?
@FlorianMargaine seen it
it's totally awesome :P
is it G for Government?
@MichałPerłakowski Everything
Is there any way to check to see if a key is currently pressed rather than have a listener that is triggered by the press?
@towc I used to have display name "Gothdo".
My phone won't charge :(
@Meredith Did you try another outlet?
Turn it off and then remove the battery for 30 seconds.
It is off because the battery is dead and I can't access the battery
@Meredith did you try soaking it in olive oil?
ah. Well that expended my knowledge
What kind of phone?
Droid turbo
i hope the battery is replaceable.
@Meredith you see that at the majority of recent smartphones: you have to bring in the phone if you want to replace the battery.
(assuming that is the problem, which is my experience)
annoys me somewhat
but, are you sure that the battery is dead?
!!google droid turbo replace battery
It looks like a pita
Oh fuck yea @Shmiddty. I've replaced the battery on 1 Droid Turbo and I promised myself never to do it again. It was a nightmare
press the power button and hold it for 10 seconds. Most smartphones have a built in hardware trigger to start up the phone from a backup capacitor
I replaced a battery in a phone (forget which one) once that required you to remove the screen in order to get to the battery.
@KarelG Nope
backup capacitor?
Possibly dirty contacts in the charging port as well
Yeah it's most likely the charging port
@Kramb I once had a phone that required you to remove the whole phone to access the battery. The only thing remaining was the battery cover.
@KendallFrey Lmfao
I see you've worked with iPhones
@Kramb ew, never
Yea, no. I was implying that in order to fix an iPhone you have to remove the phone. As in throw it out.
@Kramb what do you take him for?
My main interaction with Apple devices is walking into the Apple store and browsing to crashsafari.com on the display devices.
you vandal
@Luggage They usually if not always block it
You attempted vandal.
Still crashes chrome lol
@KamilSolecki risky click of the day?
It's just an image.
@rlemon 25
and no dick pics
Got to 2 before I saw a guy getting fisted
I get to around 20-30 on average
Also yeah, no workerino on phone
My SysAdm blocked chrome extensions -_-.
i.imgur.com/Dl9UJQs.png I never get any good streaks goign
25 again, this time hentai
Bikinis are safe?
Can't tell
Would you wear a bikini to work?
well that was unexpectedly awesome
Tits at 28
An album of gay sex. About 15 pics
Yeah I'm impressed by how much of the nsfw stuff is gay
saw a female in playboy pinup
didn't consider it as
it's her work ...
> I should not close :(
Are we playing risky clicker again
someone here good with cs?
@Developer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
c-span.org/video/?429381-1/… <-- does anyone else only hear devilish deep slow-mo voices or is something wrong with my browser?
watch it on youtube?
@SterlingArcher doggo gets sad when they stop dinging his dinger :(
yeah, yt is working fine, I still want to know what the hell is going on there
@GNi33 the phone's for you I think it's the devil
whatup Luzi?
@SterlingArcher lmao
probably c-span can't handle that many watchers
They usually max out at 5 or 6.
imgur.com/gallery/VLDLd @Jhoverit top comment. Dead.

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