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This is the end, my only friend, the end
@MadaraUchiha ok thx it worked
        var promises = [];

        wordsArray.forEach(function (wordBlock, i) {
            var p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                googleTranslate.translate(wordBlock.word + "", 'en', function (err, translation) {



            .then(values => {
                console.log(values); // [3, 1337, "foo"]
@rlemon TIL, thought send always explicitly called end
@Suisse forEach with push and all can be replaced with Promise.all(wordsArray.map(...))
if you can promisify the translate call, you won't need to new Promise, either
@BenFortune it can, just doesn't always
Does it just do it on the last call?
like, unless they changed that shit in express 4
can't honestly say I've done multiple .send's any time recently.
So long as it doesn't yell at me for calling end after send, I have no qualms with that
They pulled that shit in Java too. The streams must be closed, but it's not very clear what happens if they aren't
in Java, they usually stay open until the whole thing crashes
it loves doing that
can anyone tell me what the following two lines of code does...
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
I think they've been better with that, but in theory you should be closing anyway..
@Neil if anyone is holding onto a stream, you can't safely close it without the risk of breaking them
file handles are way too easy to leak
@deostroll they set the headers at server side for cors.
agreed...but what does the 2nd line say specifically?
Right, well once it's out of scope, it should close on its own
Allow requests from any origin.. and allow client requests which have those headers
Except you've got no guarantees of that happening so you have to call it yourself .. At least until Java 8 it was this way
@BenFortune well what the fuck. my entire life is a lie (I just tested 2 and 3 as well)
do clients explicitly have an Origin header?
3 is the same, 2 silently does nothing
I swear to god I've had to do this before. wonder how I did it
@rlemon You can call res.write as many times as you want, but I always thought res.send explicitly called res.end
maybe I was just confused
And as it turns out, res.json calls res.send
well yea, I knew that
my entire assumption was based around the fact that res.send worked like res.write
which was wrong.
hmm how to reopen a just closed chrome browser with lots of tabs on it ?
ah, nvm
@KarelG Why don't you have it set to save your tabs?
it's just ctrl + T :P
Ctrl + Shift + T actually
For me it's just nothing at all
(err, forgot to add, there is a second chrome window on 2nd screen. It might not work if there is no chrome doesn't run anymore
@KarelG If you press Ctrl+Shift+T again, it should restore each window
couldn't recall it anymore. thanks
btw @BenFortune did you have gotten the Mad Max promo at bundle stars last weekend ?
it was at friggin -80%
lol, called the scrappers, they're like "we'll give you $60 for your car"
yea, no thanks.
Q: missing points when plotting with orditorp (vegan package)

K.HazelwoodI am running an nmds plot using the 'orditorp' function in the vegan package but I am getting a strange reaction to removing the labels in my plot: when labels are removed, the final data row is also not printed on the plot. It is definitely still in the mds object and will plot fine if I leave t...

I already want to close this
:37486947 oh great not this again
@KendallFrey nah my compter didn't copy the link so it reposted the youtube link from last night
least it wasnt porn :D
@rlemon I scrapped my old car for $800
they make goldfish porn?
It was worth about $1800 in good condition, but it had a shot clutch and the cheapest fix was $2300 so wasn't worth it
@SterlingArcher Have you considered using a docker compose for your project so there doesnt need to be so many steps?
@KarelG Already have the game
Thanks though! :)
I've defined a function within a component that is accessed as props where the component is defined like this:

<RestWatch onSuccess={() => this.props.updateHealthCheckStatus(...this.props)} />

But ...this.props is undefined when onSuccess is called. I've checked the params are not undefined within the RestWatch. Any idea how I can pass these props back to the onSuccess function?

@Neal haven't thought about deployment yet
the hell did I get into
just opened chrome
and goldfish porn?
@SterlingArcher Not for deployment, for development.
instead of having all of those install steps
No need to install mysql server, ubuntu etc
this.props.updateHealthCheckStatus = this.props.updateHealthCheckStatus.bind(null, ...this.props);

@rlemon ok let me process that.
updateHealthCheckStatus is an action though
so shouldn't be binding it I think?
.bind just returns a new bound method with the thisArg nulled and the seeded arguments
if you need thisArg, pass in a proper one
or just cache the props object in the render function?
const {props} = this;
return <div onClick={_ => this.handler(...props) } />
idk. I don't even see how your first code would be invalid. shouldn't that be computed before hand?
I'm looking to pass the counts from the RestWatch component to the onSuccess props where RestWatch is defined. Then pass that to the updateHealthCheckStatus action. So if I call this.props.updateHealthCheckStatus() it will fire.

But the args ...this.props are undefined
you'll need to make an example or something
Hi Folks, I am currently running a study for my PhD research to gather data on programmers understanding of the concept of scope within JS code. If you have 20 minutes to spare and are interested in participating please follow this link: tiny.cc/js_exp_1
yeah actually let me draft up a better example
@Suisse This is more idiomatic (and more readable):
function translate(word) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    googleTranslate.translate(word, (err, translation) =>
      err ? reject(err) : resolve(translation.translatedText)));

  .then(values => {
@BuildingJarl eh?
eh, he asked nice, posted it once, didn't spam it around the chats.. I don't see a need to flag
@BuildingJarl a bit shady if you use shortened link...
oh sorry
@rlemon yea. idk what the flag was for.
@BuildingJarl saying that because someone flagged your message
@rlemon I've had so many of those through emails that I just automatically flag as spam
part of habit, florian ?
lets all take a moment to be thankful that we're not the C# room
so its not a good idea to use link shorteners?
@BuildingJarl Using a link shorteners is usually done when you want to hide the real URL
Most platforms will make the URL presentable anyway, even if it's very long.
@Neal well for development those are one time only steps
ah ok gotcha
@SterlingArcher Yes, true, but if you want to run multiple projects etc, docker is very nice :-)
(also dont need to install all of those things)
@BuildingJarl not sure, I mean it depends on the audience. Personally I avoid clicking on shortened links from random people.
multiple projects? i can barely handle 1 project
@SterlingArcher Ha. where I work now i work on multiple projects all running different environs etc
@SterlingArcher You never even graduated cupcake handling, ffs
I have a devops team to help me at work, so I don't do deployment I just so environment setups
@SterlingArcher lol again. I use docker compose for development, not deploy. we use like kubernetes or something for that
cept any online* repl 😬
ah at work i use meteor, so im not going to spend extra time making it slower
@SterlingArcher ooook
I think the docker compose is pretty darn awesome bc the only build step is docker-compose up for new devs
i'm sure it's awesome, and i wish i had the time :(
Hi can I ask about the game "MOBILE STRIKE" is this pure android ? ...sorry I cannot ask this to android room. I know people here have some idea. thank you in advance
@jemz lol what made you think there's a connection between android and php?
@HamZa you're not in PHP right now
flags migrated you, member
@rlemon oops, wrong room.
@SterlingArcher thyme. ;-)
I can take a look @ it later if you want @SterlingArcher
@jemz no the game is also downloadable on iOS
(booo no package.json scripts! :-( ) @SterlingArcher
@SterlingArcher You dont seem to have any
I love using npm scripts
@jemz "pure android", do you mean "pure java"?
I can look later @ creating some scripts and a docker compose for you if you want @SterlingArcher ;-)
it's ported to iOS and Android, so I'd assume they use some game framework that targets both platforms.
@Neal don't worry about it right now, though i do appreciate your offer
I don't want to spend all that overhead atm
@SterlingArcher but I wanna ;-) I like creating them :-) I did it @ my company recently
@rlemon, yeah it could be phonegap ?
its pretty simple actually
@jemz ugh... no
no phonegap
@jemz no clue
ok thank you guyz
@SterlingArcher it's actually less overhead
@FlorianMargaine Ha I have been trying to explain that ;-)
@SterlingArcher if you want, @ssube and I can spend a night convincing you.
@jemz phonegap is slooooow. So I don't expect it to be used for games such as CS. That said, do you want to create a clone? You might as well stop now if you ask such questions :_)
nah, ill just put in a PR @FlorianMargaine
convincing you the hard way
docker-compose is great for development
@FlorianMargaine shhh not in front of lemon!
useless for prod
@SterlingArcher I've already seen too much
@SterlingArcher you sound like an old dude who doesn't want to change :_)
@HamZa, thank you
@Neal easier than npm run-script build -> npm run-script source?
@ssube I think everyone agrees
@SterlingArcher docker compose? yes... you dont need any of the ubuntu or mysql setup...
@HamZa what "CS" ? counter strike ?
one of my coworkers still claims it's a production tool, but outside of ECS, meh
@jemz yeah
@SterlingArcher yes. As a plus side, you can run exactly the same command on (1) your machine (2) your coworkers machine (3) your moms machine (4) various CI machines (e.g. gitlab) (5) smd
@SterlingArcher don't write npm scripts. They will get too long to fit in a string and the escaping will be a mess.
@Neal well, ubuntu is old, I reinstalled it on my macbook
@SterlingArcher ....
never use npm scripts, they're useless
ill create a compose file for you :-)
you shall see ;-)
I thought npm scripts were the new hotness
"never use npm scripts, they're useless" why? @ss
npm scripts are the best!
(for me at least)
they're okay
Just use regular scripts
@Neal fiiiiine, I guess it's time to use docker :(
47 secs ago, by ssube
@SterlingArcher don't write npm scripts. They will get too long to fit in a string and the escaping will be a mess.
docker scares me
that said, I've been less and less convinced by docker-compose and just use a straight up single docker machine.
you can't write a bash script in a string with double and triple escaping things
@SterlingArcher ill set it up for you.
I've used npm scripts in the past for different operations. now I just toss it all into gulp. I see your point @ssube but it's a weak point
@ssube you can, but you need to trim Satan's pubic hair to make it work.
@HamZa I just spent the last 2 weeks completely rewriting my game because new changes D: react, cleaner api, and a flex design!
@HamZa, can you suggest what will I use for creating gaming in mobile ?
@FlorianMargaine docker compose is portable to useful services, like ECS. Machine is barely portable between mac and linux
Like whats the point in running npm run build instead of ./build
"your scripts could get hard to maintain, don't even use it for simple stuff" falls off the map pretty quickly when its that or learning new tooling.
@rlemon if your scripts are all one or two commands, maybe.
@Neal well thank you 😀 I'll add a note on github for you lol
@SterlingArcher wait till ive done it ;-)
@ssube sorry, I meant a single docker container
instead of using docker-compose to create multiple ones and link them together
@FlorianMargaine ah. He needs a database and redis, though.
"scripts": {
    "build": "webpack --progress --colors --config webpack.config.babel.js",
    "source": "babel-node server.js"
Putting them in one container will be more trouble than running 3.
is it?
I haven't found so
<select name="study-phase" onchange="myFunction()"

    if (document.getElementById("study-phase").value == "pri") {
        document.getElementById("a").style.display = "block";
@SterlingArcher my bad
3 daemon processes and the lifecycle management?
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@jemz no, I'm not a gamedev
!!learn ohhmy <>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nSKkwzwdW4
@rlemon Command ohhmy learned
@HamZa, ok thanks
@rlemon did you see the new flex design? Map is so much cleaner
@ssube we're talking about development here
there's no "lifecycle"
@SterlingArcher you should use my flex grid system
I need to adjust that grid so it doesn't expand and remains centered
@rlemon I thought i was lol
oh yours
no im not
.grid__row {
	display: flex;
	flex-direction: column;

.grid__item {
	flex: 1;
	padding: $gutter--padding;

@media all and ( min-width: $breakpoint--small ) {
	.grid__break--sm {
		flex-direction: row;

@media all and ( min-width: $breakpoint--medium ) {
	.grid__break--md {
		flex-direction: row;

@media all and ( min-width: $breakpoint--large ) {
	.grid__break--lg {
		flex-direction: row;
bam. grid system
@SterlingArcher you should learn deployment stuff. It'll make you a better developer.
Just float everything
.grid {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    background-color: white;

.grid-row {
    flex-direction: row;

.grid-element {
    flex: 4;
    justify-content: center;
    flex-flow:column wrap;
    border:1px solid black;
mines responsive.
Mines responsive too :P
depends on how you touch it
show me on the doll how you touch it
@rlemon I get it now, I need to bind the onSuccess method
you shouldn't really need to bind anything
!!afk heading into the office
1 message moved to Trash can
@CatFox Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
    $( function() {
    $( "#rowheader" ).resizable({
      maxHeight: 250,
      maxWidth: 350,
      minHeight: 150,
      minWidth: 200
  } );
does that work
I am trying to use jQuery's resizable function, but it doesn't work for my TD
    #rowheader {
			text-align: left;

you'll need to provide more information than that
jsfiddle.net make a demo
> Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
make a valid demo
not ones I have to fix to see your actual issue
@Mosho I did, and now I only speak in german with @copy
@rlemon that is the issue. Cat's using jQuery
I updated it
It's working in jsfiddle but on my website
so i think i must have something conflicting.... :/
@CatFox That means that the problem is elsewhere.
I'd look at CSS rules that try to restrict the sizes.
Yeah :/ I thought for sure I was doing something stupid with jquery lol
does your console throw errors?
possibly .resizeable is not a function
It wasn't giving me any errors so that's why I was confused. I googled the same issue but didn't come up to anything
I am using a lot of different plugins:
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/branding_icon_favicon.ico">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="multiselect-master/css/style.css">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="style2.css">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="multiselect-master/lib/google-code-prettify/prettify.css">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css">
why do you import multiselect twice?
Bootstrap, jQuery UI and w3css
yea, I glossed over that for multiselect.min.js and multiselect.js
I didn't dare click "(see full text)"
it's not that bad actually
5 scripts, 6 css sheets
I've seen much much worse.
it's a testing website
dont judge too harshly :D
don't post code here without expecting harsh judgement
rules of the internet
Fair enough
is this site live?
I deleted all the other css files and js and that's not the problem
Sir, are you aware that a cat and a fox are two completely different animals?
No, this site is on a private server
It's my real name FYI
ahh so it is accessible, we are just on the wrong network currently
Sir are you aware that you are two different animals?
That means you are infertile
Wow that is very harsh
@HatterisMad Oh :(
what.... did i cross some line there?
@HatterisMad "badger cat"
BAHAHA thanks @florian i didn't get it at first
Do any of you know a different way just to resize a TD?
make it a textarea
problem solved.
@rlemon what the..
quite coincidence that badger cat shows up here
I do like this method: jsfiddle.net/ydTCZ
But I can't get it to work either
Hmmmm that might work.
Thanks @rlemon
does any one knows how can I change the jquery version if I need to work with two different at the same time?
you don't
@rlemon Where did you get that shot of Nick Cannon
they should just have overwritten the old for..in behavior with the current for..of
just wrote a for..in loop D:
or just got rid of in as an iterator
what if you have to stop somewhere? eg in the middle of loop?
you still have for loops
@KarelG then you should have filtered first :D
in worst case two loops if you could perform an operation in one loop ?
show me a case where I'd need for..in
there are good arguments for why continue and break should be avoided in loops, since they're very jump-like fake flow control
@ssube function overhead of .filter().map/forEach sucks
array functions in animation (canvas) are still too slow compared to classic for loops
Good morning everyone
I haven't had any problems with it yet
for math and animations, yeah, you need loops
but for anything with a bunch of data...
can i send only limited size of data over $.post request ?
@jagdish the server can limit you, yes
@jagdish Sure, just limit it
in particle systems I'd still use a continue in a for loop over a filter -> map
it is a significant difference once you get up there with particle counts
@rlemon oh, for sure. Particles, image processing, shaders, etc
which, with canvas, is now in the realm of js
so these things should be considered
fair enough.
@ssube you see my kale and bok choy last night?
@rlemon 3?!
@rlemon I did not.
@Luggage yea man. Last night.
I just upgraded to 2.
lemme guess, node9 is out, too.
@rlemon do you know how to get rid of the resize handler on a textarea?
@rlemon Does the lid close or is it there to reflect light?
the lid is mostly to keep the cats from fucking with it
that backs onto the stairs. so they'd be able to access the tub
input to ajax request contains '#' symbol and that's why data is not posting to another page
any solution ?
@jagdish are you sure that's the problem?
yep i just tested it
@CatFox check google.
haha I did already
"how to hide textarea resize handle"
well, check harder
thanks dude
input to a text box is c program which contains '#include" statement and because of # symbol $.post is not sending data
you're executing user submitted c code?
does any one knows how can I change the jquery version if I need to work with two different at the same time?
@Zinov again, you don't
but that's not issue
that is an issue, but okay
@Zinov the question you should be asking is: why do I need to use two different versions at the same time?
any solution to send # symbol text over ajax ?
because doing so is likely a huge mistake.
@rlemon, I am using kendo ui for my application but, it uses a lower vesion of jquery, 1.12.3 and I need jquery 1.3, there are a lot of changes since 1.5 like $.when
@rlemon 2 incompatible plugins...
this was a thing a few years ago...
holy shit june just hit me
I'm outta here in a month
But I'm not an adult
I can't be
@towc You'll never be an adult, so quit worrying.
poor kids
I don't envy them
You're assuming you're going to get laid outside of paying for it.
@Zinov 1.12 is not older than 1.3
he'll find a nice girl at a drum circle somewhere
I'll find a gazorpazorp robot
@rlemon, sorry I mean jquery 3 compared with jquery 1.12.3
var classList = ["Joe", "Jack", "John", "Fred", "Frank", "Barry", "Larry", "Mary",
"Harry", "Farrell", "Susan", "Monica", "Keira", "Caroline", "Harriet", "Erica",
"Luann", "Cheryl", "Beth", "Rupa", "Linda", "Allison", "Nancy", "Dora"];

var classListWithAges = [{"name":"Joe","age":11},{"name":"Jack","age":10},
@towc nah, you're meant for someone who drives an early 90s toyota, has a part time job at a coop, and an ex they're trying to forget
@Zinov so use the migrate package
or don't use jQuery 3
why is the internet mean
I was told I could have anything
@ssube Is she into weird stuff? Like comma first
@towc you can, we just won't provide it
@rlemon, it doesn't make sense, i can't migrate the version to an updated version because the license that we have is for that one in specific for kendo, and in the other hand, I need to take advantage of the latest version of jquery
@rlemon do you like Megadeth?

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