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@ssube aquaponics demo is running
no plants or fish yet.. just the top box + media + bottom tank
gonna let that cycle for a day or two then toss a goldfish in there. (30 gallon)
see if it works.. then build on a larger scale.
top box is about 15-20 gallons
2 hours later…
@rlemon dude, awesome. When you get some good pictures, I'd like to see how you set it up.
right now its shit.
but nothing is leaking
tomorrow I'm going to pick up plants.
what are you growing on it?
things that don't require pollination
lettuce, kale, cabbage, etc.
ok, that makes sense
most of the same veggies I can grow in the shade
pollination indoors is you with a q-tip hitting every flower a few times.
it isn't undoable. just shit
I picked up a 6 pack of kale plants at home depot on weekend, because their lettuce was super sad, and they turned out to be a great idea.
outdoors I can't do them.
those little fucking moths man.
moths? that eat kale?
if you notice the leaves getting thin and eaten look for the white moths / green caterpillars on the leaves
I've got a spider on mine, but no moths that I know of
hm, I will watch for that
these fucks
thy're small. like the size of a tiny butterfly.
@AdhershMNair Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you'll end up seeing these on your plants.
(if you're unlucky)
pick em off and put em in a bowl of water
why water?
do they make good soup?
Whats Going on here? Friends.
@ssube drown em
or sqwish em.
either way. they are bad news
a daily challenge.
so I'ma grow them indoors.
the medium right now is gravel, sand, stone, and crushed clay
the clay is like half of it and is airated.
1 hour later…
> Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
so how do i connect dots in my webpage with a line?
im trying to display info in a graph and placed the points, how do i connect them with a line?
@Halie use a pen
This is a hilarious tech/low level rant about linux system calls and crappy assembly code from compilers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg6-LVCHmGM&feature=youtu.be&t=59m8s
@FlorianMargaine Watch that^
You may like this too: systemswe.love
Setup: Node+Express.js
Question: I want to execute a cronjob every 5minutes, which calls a blocking route (/a). I don't care about the result, the scrip is just updating some database records. By immediately returning status 200, route /a won't block requests from users which hit route /b, correct? (code example:pastebin.com/ndr975gs)
1 hour later…
hi. Can I use modules in javascript without any babel or transpiler? I mean does chrome support modules now ?
@ArmenSanoyan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ArmenSanoyan Nope.
ok thanks
Also, neither babel nor transpilers will help you with modules
You need a module bundler (webpack, browserify, etc)
great thanks
@SomeGuy have you looked at aio? Can you tell me which function is missing?
Helllloooo guyssss
someone sent a googe link :O
why? :D
1 hour later…
it's easy nyahha
@AwalGarg I'm still hoping that the first one was a joke
> List and explain 8 Java buzzwords
@AwalGarg I can sadly relate to that
@AwalGarg Hahaha incredible
> different types of style sheets
is there a key mapping to move a file between tabs in vscode?
@FlorianMargaine I've been through it twice, but nothing stood out. Giving it another read right now
The only think that I thought of was open based on your o.*n hint, but I don't see why that'd be an issue. I might need another hint
@rlemon Yes, but the drunk driving thing was a joke. I'm not even a big drinker. I only had 2 beers over more than 2 hours.
@Luggage but I got the car right.
rlemon: 1
universe: 9e99
cc @KendallFrey
@FlorianMargaine Is it that there's O(n) complexity when async requests are completed? (Because you need to loop through all your requests and check the status, unless you're using "real-time signals"). Or the fact that it spawns a bunch of userland threads? At this point, I just want to know what it is. Don't tease me with hints! :D
omg my city is on lockdown T_T
because of ISIS rebellion.. tsk2
1 hour later…
What city is that, @RexAdrivan?
@rlemon I was playing rimworld, installing a vent in my prison cell during a heatwave. The prisoner leaves the cell through a hole in the wall. I thought he was escaping, but he was a cannibal and ran to some human meat I had and ate it.
Afterwards, I put him back in his cell, happier. He was soon recruited.
And continues to dine on his previous tribe-mates.
@Luggage Two clowns eat a cannibal, one tells the other: "I think we got this joke wrong...."
I don't get it. :(
It's usually the cannibal that eats people, not vice versa.
It's not very funny. :) is about the reaction I expected.
Did you hear about the Buddhist vacuum cleaner?
It comes with no attachments.
@Luggage iligan city, PH
Ohh, right.
Stay safe. Unless you are ISIS, then take risks.
@Luggage Drive recklessly!
Hey guys. Anybody know how to positively ensure that some action is taken only once in node.js?
I.E, i am trying to build a script that tries to make payment on an overloaded and buggy website. If it fails at any point, it just goes back to the beginning again
I want to positively ensure that payment details are entered only once. No bugs there or I'm screwed
@AayushAgrawal You need to very clearly define your terms of "success" or "failure"
The problems with these things is that sometimes you try, and it hangs forever, doesn't return a response or even fails, but in reality, it registered your request.
The moment you can positively detect whether or not it succeeded or not, making sure you don't do it again is easy.
I don't care about detection of payment success, that's the user's problem. Mine is much simpler
I just need to make sure that my script that always reverts back to the beginning in case of an error on the site (Which can occur before or after the payment page) only enters the payment details once
That is, some way for me to ensure that i don't goof up and introduce a bug that enters the payment details again
Cuz if this thing malfunctions, the user's suddenly gonna realize they ended up paying $1000 for something they wanted to pay $1 for
secretely make all clients pay 10000 times, get the money, and make a run for it
2 hours later…
Anyone know of a simple way to use passport local, sequelize, and socket.io together?
Or even better, a simpler way of what I'm trying to do: Have a node.js server running express to serve files. Use socket.io to establish connection between server and clients. Have clients be able to login using username/password.
hi guys, i'm a frontend developer who is building a web app. so is there anyone here who can help me with the backend stuff. thanks
@Axmednuur well, you have to be specific. Just ask your question.
I don't suppose anyone here can figure out how I'm supposed to change tooltip styling in vue bootstrap components? github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/467
More generally, does anyone know a way to call passport.authenticate without being inside a route? Is there a way to pass the login information directly?
@KamilSolecki i'm building an app which needs socket.io to stream data from my page to mongodb and then fetch that data back whenever it is needed. so i built the frontend of my app but i'm having a very hard time with the node.js backend code. Anyone who want to help will be extremely appreciated
Axmed do you need the data to update in realtime?
Fair enough, though why don't you just learn how to create an express API?
It's not that difficult for what your looking to accomplish
it takes a lot of time to learn
and then implementing it is even harder
You want someone to help you? Hire a developer.
@SomeGuy so, there are 2 things: (1) yes, the fact that it's not really a kernel asynchronous API but threads in userspace implemented by libc absolutely sucks. A thread pool is easy to write, tyvm. It's basically useless. (2) the missing functions are aio_open and aio_close. Think about e.g. NFS filesystems where open() can block for a long time. It means the aio API can't actually provide a nonblocking API, if some parts are still blocking.
tl;dr: my event loop library implements a thread pool
Isn't this how libuv works?
I always thought that it used threads to make blocking calls to the OS appear 'async'.
The code V8 uses to handle that is a big part of why the node webworker module works at all (even if it doesn't work especially well).
also, @Luggage, I have a super minimal webpack-mocha setup for running tests, if you care. Turns out my webpack issue was just having "module": "umd" in my tsconfig.
I do care.
this is what I'm using atm. Running mocha from the command line, while ugly, is much more stable (the loaders all seem to have some bug or another). You might be able to fix that, but it's also nice for the multi-reporter.
There's very little webpack to it, just making sure the bundle comes out right.
Also, if you have suggestions to make that more webpack-y, let me know. I don't know v2 well at all yet.
Hey y'all... I need to set up a transpiler thing to just take imports and exports and reduce them into an iife in a file, like rollup does. but, i need to do that for multiple directories and then put each iife produced inside one big one... anybody know how to do that?
rollup and webpack can both do that
its not exactly like a standard procedure tho... the index.js of each directory needs to like...take advantage of being an iiife. I want each one to put stuff into a global var themselves
webpack calls that library output, and you can specify a libraryName, iirc
it's supported, although not always the best idea (if you can use require and modules, that's probably nicer long-term)
well the idea is to allow mod support for a game
so like the header of the big iife creates a global object so that each mod, loaded in certain a sequence, can add to or overwrite previous mod's entries
when writing plugins, I usually end up preferring to pass an object with the necessary callbacks to the plugin, like: pluginList.map(require).map(entry => entry(options)).reduce(flatten, [])
the idea being that giving it something like {addPlugin: (name, ctor) => plugins.set(name, ctor)} ends up being more maintainable when you need to add a second callback
in each plugin module, your entry point is just export default function({addPlugin}) { addPlugin('foo', FooClass); }
It's essentially the visitor pattern, come to think of it.
hm the issue with webpack is theres really no need for their whole setup for require how im doing this. each mod just needs to be an iife with whatever it imports from its directory inlined inside
pretty much exactly what rollup does but i dont know how to get it to give me text back instead of writing to a file
not a lot of docs on it
@Luggage yes, because the OS doesn't provide an asynchronous API for IO
(well, it does, but it kind of sucks.)
(like, sucks enough to not be usable in the real world)
aio is pretty horrible, yeah
This is actually something the WinAPI got right. They call it overlapped, and it's available fairly everywhere, and while it's not the prettiest crayon in the box, it's workable
why is there no hulu in canada
@Zirak I was talking about libio there
@FlorianMargaine libio? async?
@Zirak io_submit and the likes
wow those are horrible
no hulu, no hbo
this is not what I imagined the first world is like
We've got like 4 async interfaces and they're all...bad
I'd genuinely rather select than use something else
@Zirak the aio_* functions are not really an async interface..
it's implemented purely in glibc, using userspace threads
btw, is it just me, or has the JS scene been real quiet for the past 6 months
relatively speaking
@Mosho Rogers? or Bell or some other stupid shit?
@Zirak it's actually even worse than you think: each filesystem must implement some callbacks for this API to work, or it just ends up blocking. ext4 doesn't implement the callbacks.
that's okay, no one uses ext4
[ralt@zap laap]$ mount | grep ext4 | wc -l
Do Macs have async io interfaces built-in? Or FreeBSD?
Or is it really only windows?
@Zirak no idea, I didn't even know windows had one before you mentioned it
@rlemon hulu is streaming and HBO has a streaming service in the states
I don't want to get cable
it's expensive and it sucks
I wasn't aware HBO had a streaming service.
I just netflix / stream / vpn
I have netflix
but it doesn't have stuff
and it's called "hbo now"
I have some sort of live lock in laap during the shutdown phase :/
normal shutdown:
Testing SOCKET-CONNECTION... passed.
Interrupting #<THREAD "5plcsqj54zpsqziegjipwam7di" FINISHED values: NIL {1003C36B33}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "gdl4vrgxbsjtcicfk2ycyynzgm" RUNNING {1003C379B3}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "kpbrfgxp3yognj7dnfogt2pp24" RUNNING {1003C696B3}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "3plc46ikm2snwmlrmselom4hye" RUNNING {1003C6A533}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "pjpcsw5frop5xofwuetr7fab4q" RUNNING {1003C6B3B3}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "yt7gvhkloqrflf2spx5z4nezki" RUNNING {1003C6C233}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "qbwqmb4k3ltdaze356dwm7pinq" RUNNING {1003C6D0B3}>
broken shutdown:
Testing SOCKET-CREATION... passed.
Interrupting #<THREAD "q5hhz5vi7zbucn7h7e37xrulqu" FINISHED values: NIL {1003C46AD3}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "4f7ukld6yqeqvtspqnvk6emkq4" RUNNING {1003C47953}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "rxi5wjomodbc5du6s7dzba3dja" waiting on: #<MUTEX "Anonymous recursive lock" owner: #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "Anonymous thread" RUNNING {1003CB1323}>> {1003C6ECC3}>
Interrupting #<THREAD "yhgs6rz3dkjsa5pmfkuqmvz3hi" waiting on: #<MUTEX "Anonymous lock" owner: #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "rxi5wjomodbc5du6s7dzba3dja" waiting on: #<MUTEX "Anonymous recursive lock" owner: #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "Anonym
@rlemon What VPN do you use?
Netflix have blocked all mine from PIA
yea I don't use it for netflix
Oh lol
I watch more youtube than anything
I use NordVPN
works fine for netflix
costs money though
so does PIA
I see
hm, so, I have a deadlock
@FlorianMargaine in western countries we call those children.
@rlemon these ones are live locks, not dead locks
depends on your outlook I suppose :D
@FlorianMargaine Isn't that a hairstyle?
oh is that like meetup?
oh god
it wasn't a deadlock
just my test runner being stuck like an idiot

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