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Vivaldi #1
can't tell if it's a joke
that's not how jupiter goes in my mind
@towc I've got closeups of uranus
@KamilSolecki are you coding in html without css? :D
@towc it isn't true color
@RexAdrivan you wat
That looks way more swirly than I imagined.
@BenFortune are those how it goes in your mind?
@rlemon oh, right
@towc Nah, more brown
^ it's very pale in true color
@RexAdrivan everyone knows you dont need css as java is basic for htm
Why is Jupiter so colorful if it's just mostly hydrogen?
cc @KendallFrey
other shit
!!afk have cig + make fun of vapers for carcinogenic VG
solid answer
well. what do you want? :P
Why is Earth's atmosphere so cloudy if it's mostly nitrogen?
it's "mostly" x.. well y doesn't stop being colourful.
yea, yea.
because you're speculation is wrong.. it's bcos of the clouds? :D
how old actually are you @RexAdrivan?
If it's dust from old asteroids and planets, I would imagine it getting all mixed up by now.
my guess is 15
it's a nice space vacuum
btw, if you're under 13, you're violating SO's account policies
there have been consequences before
@towc You better leave then
I'm special
!!giphy huehuehue
Yeah, we got that
you sure are..
see, you think that
i'm 25.. haha
Jupiter is my favorite planet.
screw saturn, that show-off.
so I've got my first indoor aquaponics setup all sealed up and drying
in ~45 minutes I should be able to test it
@Luggage Idk, I kind of like the weather on Earth
!!giphy jajaja
@KendallFrey to visit, not live.
@rlemon hype hype
not even sure what that is
I've got my pumps, my media, my fish tanks ofc..
@rlemon you wear pumps?
it's called physics JS ;D
fish are creepy
4 inch
Florida is creepy
I mean but really though no
@RexAdrivan can you stop spamming links to random things?
@ssube you were the one who wanted to do aquaponics yea?
@rlemon I do, but I don't think the landlord/lease would approve of it.
don't tell them.
lol, why not?
@rlemon I'm busy writing tests
it's a fish tank + filter
I don't know what the policy is on large fish tanks
Make a fish tank out of an old tube TV to hide it.
you don't need or want a large fish tank.
you can get away with much smaller. just don't get goldfish
goldfish are dirty as fuck.
what about carps
they get too big
whats the difference between a carp and a shad
you want some guppies, or tetras
roast them then
that whole sort of fish grow forever
they are nice specially on canals
like snakes
Or discus fish
though they are kinda hard to maintain
disqus fish just call you a nazi all day
(xposted 3 rooms)
yea happens all the time
if you can't maintain the fishes just buy frying pan and you know what to do
why does the letter z always feel so uncomfortable
@KamilSolecki discuss like more space.
I wouldn't keep a discus in less than 30gallons
cuz all of the other letters are not z's
you can get away with some guppies or teteras in a 10-20gal
@rlemon yeah, true. (no idea how much 30 gallons is, im assuming 150L?)
close enough
I always thought its *4
20 secs ago, by rlemon
close enough
Please laugh at my joke
@Meredith ha.
I used to keep salt water tanks. had like 4 reefs and 5 shrip breeding tanks going.
flag that please it's spam
nickdugger is hacked?
it's a shame, when I moved they all died :(
ndugger has always been hacked
@RexAdrivan ascii.rlemon.ca
I need me some beccah
beccah black bites big butts
@rlemon it's loading with a pixelated font
@RexAdrivan wait for it
@RexAdrivan let it load, let it load
@rlemon If im planning to have 2 langs in my MVC app, should I plan that from a start or it wont be a huge bother to change that later?
wow nice
two programming languages or two UI text languages?
two UI text langs.
it's easier to start with i18n than to add it later
@ndugger I always click.
anyone know how to animate the entry of a series of items via VelocityTransitionGroup? It never works for me :\
you guys already have your startups?
we make lemons and lemon accessories
for your lemon parties
me i'm still coding -_-
what's the latest news with yahoo guys?
they ded
yahoo is my favourite email provider
yahoo owns a contract with one of the major two isps here
so their email is yahoo email.
I have a yahoo email. I just have never used it
btw guys you know where i can work part time?
haha (y)
I got turned down from McDonalds for being overqualified
Typescript has an alternative to this.constructor that I read about but can't find again. Does anyone know the name of the variable/feature I am thinking of?
I read about it in release notes for one of the TS versions, I am pretty sure, but can't seem to find it again.
So I may or may not still be having issues with named imports/exports
Go ahead... :)
You have from now until 4:20 to vamp.
Thanks. "CashBack" component uses Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, and ModalFooter
I have import {Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader, ModalFooter } from '../UIComponents/Modal'
gimme es5 and I givva es6
This is all es6 already, just not working :(
Modal has:
export { ModalBody } from './ModalBody'
export { ModalFooter } from './ModalFooter'
export { ModalHeader } from './ModalHeader'
Each of those files is like export default class ModalBody (or ModalFooter or ... you get the idea)
My build goes fine. But I get a bunch of errors in my browser at that area of code
{ ModalBody } from './ModalBody' is a named import, not default
Oh so you can't use either or? If you go with named imports you don't use defaults?
You are exporting a default, but trying to import named.
change one. either side.
do you ever import './modalBody' directly outside of "modal" above?
SCSS defines the basic trigonomic functions, right? sin(), cos(), and tan()
> do you ever import './modalBody' directly outside of modal above
@corvid Why don't you check the docs
Not sure I'm following
I'm following lol
does this line appear anyone else besides the one.. ok
Legit gonna start kicking
no, at the top of Modal I don't have imports
not for those at least
I'm guessing I can't export something I haven't imported?
// does this line appear anyone else besides the one example you showed?
export { ModalBody } from './ModalBody'
That wouldn't make much sense though since the previous ES5 code didn't have imports
No, those three lines are all at the bottom of Modal.jsx
@BenFortune it looks like they are, but my code is broke
the just drop the "default" keyword from BodyModal and friends
I just did but it doesn't appear to be working. I'm gonna mess around with it real quick
Huh, it's working because I'm getting less errors, but there are still some. There are probably some other issues to check out. More work but I think I'm making progress. brb!
@corvid That's not SCSS, it's compass, built on SCSS
@Luggage lol guess what component also had an export default??? ding ding Modal!
ok. that might be fine, depending how you import
Changed that to export without default and now everything is working. Kind of understanding now.
I was importing everything named, so it had to be changed to. Named importing works in this case
@BenFortune that explains it... stole the mixins from here to make it work
I'm using this for my named import/export guide because it's detailed:

But it's from near the end of 2014. Has anything significant changed since then?
Or should that be a decent source
While I still use default exports, some people don't. You can just stick to named-only if you like
But you'll probably deal with default imports and non-default non-named imports from 3rd party libarries, still
@Vap0r the System.import part is slightly old
the MDN articles on import and export has lots of examples, too
@Luggage yeah I looked at those but I didn't really get an understanding of how everything interconnected that way if it makes sense.
@corvid good point.
Also. just go to babel's site and see how code de-sugars into require() to see how it works: babeljs.io/repl/…
actually.. that's a bad idea. babel's output is slightly confusing there.
argh.. and the typescript playground outputs AMD modules instead of commonjs..
According to that link the big difference between:
import foo from './foo'; and import { foo } from './foo' is:
var _foo2 = _interopRequireDefault(_foo);

function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
with import foo generating the additional code shown above
yea.. that might not be helpful to you
I think Typescript can be confifured to output something fairly readable, but the online version doesn't expose that option, so.. that sucks
well I mean that seems like what it's doing is checking to make sure require fetched something. then checking to make sure it's a module, then making it so the object specified is in an object as the default property. But you're right that doesn't make a whole bunch of extra sense to me.
I'll check out some of the resources at the bottom of MDN's import and export pages. They normally have some really good ones and for some reason I hadn't thought of checking them yet.
Doesn't seem too bad. Newer than the last one. No mention of System.imports, and a bit better explanation. Neat
I was trying to find a nice side-by-side comparison between commonjs and es2015 modules
this is as close as I could find.
It glosses over some slight differences between "default exports" and "single exports", but it's close.
@rlemon he already has that one. :)
😀 cheers
2ality is probably my fav js blog
Is jest.js as good as people make it out to be?
I have read about backtracking .. but I am not very confident about it . As in I can't determine whether my regex will backrack or not..
For example: /v1/apps/id-1234 . two regex-es ^/v1/apps/\w+ and ^/v1/apps/\w+$ . for the first one .. when it reaches the end . does it giveup a 4 ?
@Luggage thanks that'll work.
!!afk 🍺🍺🍺🍺🚗👻
don't drink and drive
You see the ghost at the end? I don't think he's planning on arriving alive
the ghost might not end up being him
or maybe the car has differential pressure and lifts off the ground
I think he drives a merc
@Luggage pls confirm
please help with the regex thing.
nah but seriously I have a cheap (probably inaccurate) BAC sensor I got for 30 bucks on amazon. If it's over .02 I stay and have a cancer stick so I don't die (uhhhhhhh)
^ always
I just dont' drive if I've had more than one an hour
and after three in three hours.. just don't drive
but like.. one at dinner. one-two in 4-5 hours. that's fine for me
That's fair. I got sick of telling people I have a high tolerance and having them look at me funny so I got that.
being on weed is safest.. police wouldn't know nothing
they would and do
I absolutely should have chosen a simpler project for my first MVC than an admin page
Stumbling like a lunatic
ontario police are now trained to notice high and drunk
@shortCircuit No, it never gets that far, it stops before the -
You can spot a high person from a mile, not like u need a training for that
@shortCircuit have you ever seen anyone high when you weren't?
sure a habitual smoker would probably pass, but they do go through "stoner" training now.
@Zirak no :D
@Zirak yes, someone habitual would pass for sure.
@KamilSolecki can definitely agree with that.
if smoking weed makes you "normal", then others don't notice.
^ this
@KendallFrey oh right .. ok sorry.. so if there were no - simply id1234
Maybe it's just me cause I've been a notorious everyday smoker for 3 yrs until 2 years ago
@shortCircuit Then there would be no backtracking because it's a successful match
But the only thing that can fix those eyes is rohto eyedrops
I was reading an (admittedly anecdotal) account of an officer from Colorado and he said that marijuana smokers seemed unsure. They were never the ones going 30 over and blowing a red light. They were the ones going 30 under and getting ran over.
habitual smokers don't show. unless they're doing more than just smoking weed.. I'd say that's like a 90:10 for that.
10% showing, 90% being fine.
It seems an abundance of caution "outs" many stoned drivers
@rlemon also strongly depends what strain of weed did you have
A test by the UK on non-smokers, light-smokers, and heavy-smokers seemed to indicate that as well
getting caught aside, don't be a retard
@KamilSolecki Canada bro. 😉
@rlemon All of them at once?
I can imagine somebody being normal after some sativa, but I've never seen someone not couched after some indica hits
Unless it's super silver haze
I am a habitual smoker. I went to Vegas last week and got a MM card. I would not have been ok to drive. Probably wouldn't have had an accident but it would not be acceptable.
@KendallFrey so .. if there was id1234- .. then the - wouldn't match right?
@KamilSolecki a significantly stronger sativa can create a "headspace" that I can imagine being a little confusing
most examples are with .* and .+
@shortCircuit Right, but it still wouldn't backtrack
@Zirak I inject 4 marijuanas an hour.
why not
@shortCircuit Because it ends with a successful match at 4
But yeah indicas have the strongest "narcotic" effect so I'd agree that those are probably the most dangerous while operating any type of machinery
ow ok I see
JavaDank chat. Norml-izing code and states
Although I have to agree with @Vap0r. Some good amnesia (which is 80% sativa I think?) can mess u up well
so at the last step.. it would try to match \w to - and then it would fail and the engine goes back to the last successful state and returns that!
Ok enough dank chat lol I'm gonna skip work early at this rate ;)
I love my job
summer is off at noon
basically all summer.
Already 22:39 here I feel sorry for you vapor
I'll just say Vegas was nice, and as a Floridian it opened my eyes and made me even more excited for Amendment 2's finalization in a couple of months.
@rlemon huh?
on fridays*
basically every friday all summer I get off work at noon
it's awesome
I really tend to do more work remote than at work
I'm special like that
@KamilSolecki don't, in the US this is what is called Memorial Day weekend. I have a 3 day weekend!
But @rlemon has an even better deal!
I have that option, but I choose to work at work.
I have my own office, and it's a short drive.
Dude that's awesome I might actually consider murder of a select few small animals to get that perk. Even ritual-sacrifice of non-mammals
working at work vs at home I tend to get more done.
at home I just want to garden and do other things.
I agree. I'm still young so for me it's a discipline thing. I'm just starting to become a responsible human being and I don't want to blow it away by giving myself the opportunity to be a slack-ass.
As my business is fairly young, I don't have the opportunity to make myself an office :/ So I share a building with my parents company.
I can do it, I just don't want too at home.
at the office there is less distractions.
I feel like I would be more creative but less productive working at home
so for like a <10km drive. it's worth it to work in the office.
Which might be good at very select points in a development process
being able to work from home is nice, but I wouldn't do it full time.
like if I'm sick or w/e I can work from home.
or if I'm waiting for X to be delivered.
It's easier to get stuff done in a work env. Sitting at home is too distracting.
That's fair. And I thought they shut down the silk road?
otherwise I'm happy to have an office. less clutter in my house.
Also where do you live, it's me, ur delivery
summer next year I can grow 4 plants.
not saying I will... but I can.
Canada is moving towards legalization
Thing is, I really need to have absolute silence when coding (or music). Unfortunately I have more things to do besides that, which makes it often hard to focus on the task. Also makes it impossible for me to work remote on the weekdays. So I usually use the weekends for "hardcore coding" and do some mini scripts on the weekdays
Quick question, this page on unknown-props being assigned to html elements (div in my case) is throwing errors. There are two proposed solutions:
1) var {a,b,..c} = {object} destructuring
2) var blah = Object.assign({}, object); delete blah.badProp
Which of these should I use, or does it matter?
@rlemon not saying you will..... but you definitely won't not
Well obviously, but that doesn't work when your employee comes to you every 1h for decisionmaking
@rlemon 0 index or 1 index?
@Vap0r wife doesn't partake.
so it's like a 70/30 against
What version/spec is object destructuring part of?
@rlemon well you have the right ratio for a happy relationship at least :)
@Vap0r a
@rlemon are we self-referential yet?
nahh, happy wife happy life.
You can't keep doing self-referential meta shit like this when Cap becomes sentient because she'll get confused and angry
Does a === 1?
Turns out a micrometeoroid hitting your space camera makes a 'spang' sound. [details shortly]
a === 0
See whole thread
that's incredibly cool
Ok, question for you guys. If you were 1cm away from that craft but not touching it, assuming for some reason you are impervious to the effects of space, you wouldn't hear it, correct?
But what if you were to touch your ear to the metal as it got struck?
(i am not a scientist) then you would, but it would be quieter, because you would absorb some of the energy
That makes sense. Is space really completely silent? What I mean is that sound is just vibrations. So if you were to put an isolated medium in space and measure the vibrations, would there be any? Is this "sound"?
sound/vibrations transmit by stuff bumping into each other. If there's nothing to bump into...

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