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	componentDidUpdate() {
		if (!canUseDOM) return;
		ReactDOM.render(<Transition {...this.props}>{this.props.children}</Transition>, this.portalElement);
@rlemon Huh, they made a Condor that's more reliable than a Condor.
@Trasiva rlemon is afk: things with a duck
Fuck. Off. Cap.
To convert the ReactDOM.render to ES6 in the above code all I have to do is remove the ReactDOM. part, correct?
As long as I have ReactDOM imported up top, that is
wait, why is there a render() call inside a componentDidUpdate?
No clue.
ohh, portal.
I'm copying this elemental ui modal for our purposes and porting over to es6
how would you go about "storing" a function until after some operation is complete? In this case, I want the user to enter a password if the resource is password protected
Anyway. ReactDOM.render() and render() could both be valid, depending how you imported.
import { render } from 'react-dom'
Well, then the second one.
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; // to keep your old code
@rlemon I tried installing it for Mozilla by overriding CSS at a domain. Doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
although I would encourage using named imports over * when you can
er.. are you TS or babel, i forgot
some libraries don't work that way, but if it does, it's nicer
@ssube yeah I'm going with { render }. That shouldn't cause problem with my class' render function right?
I can't imagine it would.
Ok no it won't.
no, but if you're worried, import {render as reactRender}
I have modules that are just predicates with generic names and alias-import them all the time
this is why I think ReactDOM.render() is the most clear.
also, it fits the documentation, so noobs will have that advantage
I don't disagree on naming, the import is a bit uglier.
@Luggage good point.
@rlemon @ndugger That guy removed -all- the stuff related to the tinder stuff.
@Trasiva rlemon is afk: things with a duck
Also, it's a 100% equivalent (in TS) and a 95% equivalent (in Babel) to var ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); so no other code in the module needs to change
@Trasiva ha, I bet the cops made him
Did he ever give update 5 or whichever one was supposed to be after work?
which usually means they're pressing charges
@Vap0r No, it wasn't up last night, he'd made a short update. Nothing this morning, but now it's just...gone.
Sean probably has a point though, if there's active charges being pressed, they may have told him he needs to take it down.
wassssupppp guysss
I read the title and saw the picture and thought "ha! that's funny". Then I read the updates and thought "damn! that's scary"
What happened
Beyond some dude hooking up with a homeless girl
@RexAdrivan wassssssss goooinnnnggg oonnnnnnnn
well, I'm about to make a javascript encoder
@Meredith basically that. She made some slick moves to stay for an extra day or two, when he finally kicked her (using the cops), they found his mail and one of his watches on her
Guess she was trying to steal property and his identity. Allegedly of course.
it's quite hard haha
What a champ
obfuscating your JS code is a waste of effort
not really lol
yeah it is
yes really
sure is dude
it's mostly useless with java, it's completely useless with js
slows down the casuals
(in theory)
it's cool.. some noobs want to copy paste teh codez
If a noob wants to steal my code go for it
This noob will decline you generous offer.
Like I care
that code is so long
Yeah my code sucks
yeah the variables are encoded
@Meredith did you name all your variables 0xABCD? if not, then your code is better than his
No but I use reduce a lot
@RexAdrivan more like bad coded
reduce is awesome
It's not bad coded just Encoded
since obfuscating is a waste of time lol
let you_wont_believe_these_10_things_I_found_in_my_database = ...;
const wage_gap
you like teh encoder? :D
@RexAdrivan you have the keys to the castle in the array at the top.
hahaah @Vap0r (y)
if pants are a social construct how can there be a thigh gap?
Do you want an actual answer or what
how would I test that a function called the https.request method? Should I mock the https module so I can test without actually making a request?
@Vap0r obviously it's just level 1 encryption
@ndugger yes
or just the one method and make it resolve a string
that's what I usually do
@Meredith I've already seen the actual studies, realized what time it was on a Friday I'm too distracted to get into a real discussion that's why I deleted it lol
@Loktar funny, but self-contradictory. social constructs have actual side-effects (e.g. slavery).
@RexAdrivan encryption/encoding your JS will not do anything to stop anyone who has a legitimate chance of hacking your site, or whoever wants to see your code
So gender could be a only social construct (in theory) and cause a wage gap.
@Luggage not if you can change your pronoun when you want right?
If you change your pronouns, the gap gets even worse
That's a long legal process and involves mental exams.
I mean nationalities which were slaves were unable to change their actual race
Especially if you factor in the fact that murdered people make $0/year
@Luggage not talking about an actual physical change
Neither am I.
Are there cases where you shouldn't let people do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt anyone else?
Anyway.. I am actually more on your side than you may realize. Radical feminists are objectively wrong to say that gender is ONLY a social construct. Biology disagrees.
I mean biology does agree
who cares about feminists lol
Like let's be clear about that for a second
Clear about what?
That sex is a spectrum too
Quick question: if inside a jQuery function, you call $(this) is there away to expand on that selector. For instance the initial selector is $("#UserSelect") And I want $("#UserSelect option:selected") Is there a way to do that with $(this)?
there is the separation of "gender" and sex of course, according to feminists and others I suppose
Ohh, I'm all for spectrums. You can be what you want. But there are biological differences that most people clearly fall into.
most != all
Like go ahead and search intersex genitals on google images
@Kramb I haven't done jQuery for a bit but I believe $("option:selected", this) should work
Spectrums have two ends.
If not do $("option:selected", $(this))
@Meredith and realize it's such a ridiculously small part of the human race...
Idk what you consider ridiculously small but that isn't it
@Vap0r Thanks! Your first solution did the trick.
I don't deny intersex by stating that MOST people fall into male or female and that biological difference in things like hormones have actual affects.
just round it off.. lol
or effects. I don't know :)
@Kramb no problem. Don't suppose you have an opinion on interspace genitals?
I meant intersex but I was still thinking about space_fags
@Vap0r using a word in context is different than just applying a label.
what label?
@meredith Furthermore, I don't see any conflict here. I am socially liberal. You should be able to choose to live as male/female or even unknown if you so choose without any worry about laws or assholes harming you. But that doesn't mean that male/female are useless concepts.
@Vap0r i misread, i think.
My opinion, however irrelevant, is that gender is by definition a social construct and agree that if it has been deemed such, than people can do what they wish with it. However Sex is not a construct and is not something we can physically change, as this is engrained in our DNA.
From now on you gotta say "I'm more male than 89% of the population"
Or whatever your percentile is
where does 89% come from?
@Luggage that's fair, I'll stop joking around you guys are actually having some serious conversation that most likely won't go anywhere but I sure hope it leads to peace and understanding lol
The statistics store.
I shop there!
well, there are only 2 sexes male & female. if you do not choose then you probably needs more education..
The goal of a conversation isn't to lead to peace. That's too high of a goal. People don't chnge opinions in real time.
If you can't grow a beard you lose 10 percentage points
I pretty much do
It's just to discuss those differences and find some understanding.. or just have fun.
If presented with a good enough argument. And most of you guys are intelligent enough to present a decent argument if you're actually right.
Nothing is better than sending a screenshot of an app to the data owner and them trailing their half-hearted reply with ellipses...
Only people that are on the fence and open to a change are likely to change during a single conversation.
The problem is that I'm on like 12 layers of irony
At least it's an even number though
No one changes their long-held beliefs in an afternoon without some crazy shit happening.
yeah otherwise it's just nice to get a different perspective
@Meredith more than 2 and you're just a hipster
but even numbers are better than odd ones
That's fair. But we probably agree on many long-held beliefs. I'm an on-the-fence type person. I prefer to not have an opinion until I can know for sure (not always possible)
not sure if you guys saw, but that dude who got attacked by a bear the other day is totally fine
> “I am so happy after this confrontation with a black bear during our spring hunt. No wounds except a bruised elbow and ego where the bear threw me down. Genuinely happy that this was a non-fatal or tragic outcome. Proving that the black bear is a wild and unpredictable animal. Again so happy with the outcome.”
only a bruise, pretty crazy
Yeah I said he bearly survived
Which I ripped from the top comment on reddit
Damn, was that the dude with a bow and arrow?
only got knocked down lol
Too much Skyrim
A black bear won't kill you
I kept watching that, why doesn't he fire?
looks like he tried to nock the arrow and nerves got to him
10/10 would shit myself and die
lmao his noises
any of yall play Gmod still?
A lot of hunters also try to wait to see if it's just trying to scare them off. They are aware they are on their turf and not welcome.
haven't seen the video just the gif
did you guys play the vid death metal lol
should name his band Hardcode lol
@BenFortune yeah gotta love that 60fps on the vid!
@Loktar hahaha, "ehhhhhhhh, gwannnn, gwannnnnnnnnn"
hahahah yeah he sounds ridiculous
Imagine all the stupid shit we wouldn't see without go-pros and dashcams
I love technology
I suspect he might be better off having not injured the bear. I don't think an arrow would have stopped it.
You can stream yourself committing suicide now
amazingly he did not die..
What a time to be alive
back in the day, you had to rely on uncle jimbob's brother ruckus who done flipped his car down the ditch on christmas eve now ya hear
now you can see it in 4k fisheye
Is there a different way to set class variables in ES6 than just inside the constructor using this.<variablename>? There isn't anyway to place the var inside of the class structure but outside of a function structure, like C#? Nothing I found indicates it, but I just wanted to be sure.
@Meredith Or not be
search "es6 class properties"
@Loktar dafuq is he doing
trying to scare it I guess
You're supposed to shout when you see a bear
bears are afraid of ducks, dontcha know
So it knows youre there
@Vap0r did you mean prototypal inheratance?
yeah that's how you scare black bears, but pretty sure he was hunting it
But it doesnt work after it starts charging you obviously
∞ = 1 / 0
0 = 1
Ooh, Oculus offering a free weekend now
he said something about he should have shot it sooner idk
@KendallFrey for what??
@KendallFrey Overwatch is free this weekend for PC
@RexAdrivan I probably meant what @Luggage said. I searched "javascript class properties" and didn't get anything, but of course that's not what I'm actually looking for so I just end up looking like an idiot.
@Luggage +1 for you
ah I have that, pretty fun
Pretty sure everyone that wants to play Overwatch has already bought Overwatch
and played all 4 maps
@ssube new maps dude!
All I know about overwatch is that furries really like it
new map
@Loktar I'll just say, that's a big sucker
like 4 now for 3v3 and 1v1
@Meredith nothing to do with furries, r34 is hawt
Yea but I have it on the XBox, so hearing free weekend for PC got me excited for something new
3v3 and 1v1? the problem with that game was not that there were too many players at one time
if anything, you hardly ever ran into anyone else, and then the entire team all at once
what's the latest software today?
One of the characters is gay too
@Meredith more than one I'm sure, but one confirmed
I thought this wasn't 4chan?
@Meredith one of them is a monkey
I think that's more relevant
Two of the characters in KSP are gay
Monkeys are lame
so are furries
This chat is all over the place
And the other is Win...nevermind. Too far.
@Kramb dows?
@Vap0r When is it not?
why did they closed my question? it's a tricky question..
Q: How to create an array and auto-populate it

Rex AdrivanIf I were to create an array with a initial size, like this: rex = new Array(10); How can I auto-populate the array with default numeric values that correspond to each index, like this: rex[0] = 0 rex[1] = 1 ... rex[9] = 9 So that I can query rex[0]; and not get undefined. what is the easie...

@Vap0r It's just that there is a difference between talking about a character being gay, and just using "fags" to refer to a bunch of people. It's like how you can mention someone is black when appropriate, but walking in a room and calling everyone a nigger is "frowned apon"
@KamilSolecki yea, use chrome :D
@RexAdrivan It's easy with a tiny bit of searching
@RexAdrivan You even have a question linked... stackoverflow.com/questions/3746725/…
!!play video games or work on swatchy
@rlemon play video games
whatchu playing fam
its obviously not the same because i'm using new array();
with my heart strings
idk yet.
@Luggage I just thought that implying I wanted to be part of the possible group "space_fags" would make everyone realize I was joking.
get ESO and go on quests with me
@RexAdrivan Doesn't matter how you do it
Also don't use new Array
prolly rimworld.
@SterlingArcher I have ESO
Yea. I knew you were joking, but just explaining since you seemed to not get the difference. I wasn't offended and didn't flag you before.
but no
dammit ESO isn't cross platform
pc and ps4, I play on the ps4 tho
@Meredith but there's no breeze
The american flag on the moon is fake
@BenFortune lol.. so how do you convert a num to arrays? :P
@RexAdrivan pretty much any array operator can do that
@Meredith omg, what is is really made of if not out of flag?
if you dont use new array :P
That's fair. It was all tongue in cheek afterwards. There's an art to posting sarcastic deprecating shit on here that I just haven't mastered.
@Luggage freedom
@BenFortune interesting use of keys
wow nice
@BenFortune nice.
I've always done Array.from(Array(10),(_,i)=>i)
@BenFortune that'd be super useful for a date control. I'm tired of making select options that go to 31 and 12 and all kinds of crap
@rlemon That's how I used to do it, or fill/map
I just use Haskell
That's elixir too
@Vap0r function range(start, stop) { return [...Array(stop).keys().slice(start)]; }
Well actually you just do 1..n in elixir
I never use that lol
const foo = [...Array(10).keys()]; // is an error in TS (when targeting es5 only)
Type 'IterableIterator<number>' is not an array type.
[...Array(10).keys()]; is this a fine syntax?
@ssube I'm just guessing but couldn't you do something like [...Array(10).keys()].map((key) => { return <option val={key}>{key}</option> }
@Meredith The plot....thickens?
!!> [...Array(10).keys()];
I ran into that the other day. I changed to: Array.from(Array(10).keys())
@rlemon [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
@Vap0r you could
you can chain the array operators
@Luggage Interesting. What if you explicitly call Array.from?
It's probably a TS error since it's only a problem when targeting es5
I consider it TS's job to shield me from that.
@Luggage TS intentionally prevents you from using built-ins from a higher level, yeah.
and experience has taught me that TS is guilty as often as I am
I haven't used TS, but that sounds wrong
what's TS?
You can tell it to fuck off by including the tslib, I think?
@Luggage you seem to run into a fair bit of TS errors.
i use tslib
hm, maybe not then
@rlemon largish code-base, lots of old code (that started as Coffeescript back in the day)
Ugh, I'm not used to this heat
!!afk lathering my balls with ice
lol. yea, but seeing it all the time makes me real eager to use TS /s
they'd be JS errors, if JS threw errors
!!weather bradford,uk
@rlemon [object Event]
And I am converting ALL my files to TS, so I am getting all the issues worked out
@Zirak fix that
it's like when PHP upgrades and your site is suddenly made of warnings :P
I'm like 70% done or more
gj pleb, it's only like 26c
i am starting a .pptx download with window.location.assign(filename);
google says 23
this is a nice validator jslint.com
either way. not bad
it's not
and yea.. the TS conversion is helping me find code that doesn't do what I expect or doesn't work at all.
probably will help you with js syntax
I was wondering how to stop the Do you wish to leave this page prompt?
@Luggage the answer to the es6 class properties thing seems to be that class properties are not in the class construct by design, but maybe in ES7 using property initializers we'll have something similar. For now use constructor(){this.<var> = <blah>}

Does that seem accurate?
Literally never used location.assign
or tslint, if you roll that way
@Vap0r you use babel, right?
just turn that on.
it's in some of the presets, though
should stick to the basics because some prog languages are tricky like jquery
edit: to each their own
whoa. be good guys. a mod is here.
lol it will just make your life harder
jquery is a programming language
> some prog languages are tricky like jquery
if jquery is tricky, you may want to move into a keyboard-free industry
I'm suspecting that I didn't get the job at @Shrek's work
new html is basic for java
like putting document.ready on your code
I don't have a single document.ready in my code.
@RexAdrivan wait 'till you discover jsfuck
@ndugger prime twitter candidates in here right now
$(function() {
  // This is document ready right guys?
you mean towc? :)
@Vap0r yea, or close enough
@BenFortune window.open instead?
@Luggage ?
We'll go with close enough.
window.onload = event => {
  // basically the same shit
@towc joking about Lemons message about twitter candidates :)
what I said was nearly not as funny as other things, but nvm :P
@Luggage ndugger runs a "shitsosays" twitter account or something along those lines
how's you?
@rlemon Or just load your scripts properly
@rlemon i dont likes chrome :(
@BenFortune well yea. just pointing out the equiv
chrome no fun
chrome don't likes you
you are using IE?
I know.. I was joking that towc was the candidate.. I know he wasn't really.
@KamilSolecki booo
nevermind :)
chrome > FF

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