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@Neil no problem returning empty array
i have tests
only happens if i try to load the userdata from a persistent source. If I include an inmemory array, no problems
@rlemon did ya have heard of Tabby' star ( reddit.com/r/KIC8462852 ) ?
@Loktar " Red Dead Redemption 2 is now set to launch Spring 2018 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. " src
le me ;_;
Life complete
i havent earned my badge yet until I fix this weird bug
Took 7 years, give or take
you're a slug
why am i getting undefined username property?
inmytests ?
You know, you can put multiple files in a single gist.
@Luggage oh yes. Didn't realise. Thanks for that.
even then, you are giving too much info
please put a MCVE (if you don't know what it is, check this link )
@KarelG or not enough
please provide your CC + CSC
it is crucial information pertinent to this issue
@KarelG We prefer the term "snail"
@FlorianMargaine prefers the term "lunch"
I like lambdas
haven't told anyone in a while
God forbid you ever convert to veganism
we all love you jAndy, dw
well, they do
I λ you
Please keep all death threats in appropriate room.
The c# room.
I thought we were the official suicide and death threat room
someone change the title plz
oh god Apple ... apple.com/switch
@KarelG what's wrong with it, other than the slightly bepis easter colors?
and the fact that these blurbs aren't loading except on click
what they're writing is equivalent to treating the customers like pure shit
Oh I didn't even read it because it looked like corporate dribble from a quick scan
Anyone worked on IPhone captive network browser issues with HTML/JavaScript page?
@towc because there's more Java than Script
how dareth thy
!!giphy throw the cheese
Say all you will about jQuery. At least they got a good name
@jAndy Say all you will about jQuery. At least they gotgame (source)
@rlemon !!s/\sga/ga/ (source)
god dammit I hate you cap
slut cap
crap, lost my lurking status
@SteveG your grav change is subtle and disgusting
sidney made it
who's Steve G?
Kevin B's bro?
imma nobody
don't worry bout meh
aperture gape
Is that available with "SLUG"?
Now give me balancing groups
@KendallFrey What are those?
@OliverSalzburg Essentially it turns capturing groups into a stack, with push and pop operations
Wow. Can you give an example of a use case?
I'm looking for one particular one, but can't find it
It was an article about matching balanced parentheses
which isn't a regular language
3 parts, basically. "push" groups matching (, "pop" groups matching ), and conditional groups matching nothing if the end of the string is finished with anything left in the stack
for palindromes only?
@KarelG no
!!giphy palin
@KendallFrey pegjs m8
balancing groups would be the next jquery
@ssube no, regex
@KendallFrey Now that's some serious regexxin'
@ssube Except nobody would use them
but regex is bad, mmmkay
no, not mmkay
regex is beautiful
@OliverSalzburg it's not regular anymore, so not really
iregexxin' then?
@ssube Most regex engines aren't
yeah. Regex is to a compiler generator what Mongo is to a database.
not at all related?
lol, although they are closely related, any parser ends up using regex
I assume ANTRL has a JS target, too.
It claims to. ANTLR is more powerful than I've ever had good reason to use, PegJS is a fun fallback for quick grammars.
I used ANTLR for a work thing once, parsing Gradle config files, iirc.
I had a partial port of github.com/sprache/Sprache in coffeescript and re-started in typescript
I loved sprache for parsing things in c#
is it considered bad practice to use functions as children in React?
stateless components?
Sprache sounds like it was created by a German fella
    {(row, col) => {
        return <div>...</div>;
<FancyList data={this.props.data} fetch={this.getData}>
  {({ id, name }) => (<li key={id}>{name}</li>)}
I suppose you could argue that that should be in another property, but I don't see a problem with it in children.
depends on how long the inner function is, imo.
More than a few statements, I make it a method and call it.
In this case, it will render a "feed" that will give access to scroll to elements and stuff
    renderItem={({ id, name }) => (<li key={id}>{name}</li>)}
@SterlingArcher date went well; she seems interested in seeing me again, so there's that
Joining the group amigos
@kPieczonka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You're only welcome here if you post at least one meme a day
*at most
@ssube pft
Actually, let me change that
You're only welcome in the JS room if you post at least one meme in the C# room a day
Can you link it


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
got a very appropriate meme for those c#ers
Yes, do it
dank meme, bro
good job
im guessing im welcome here now
alrite so here is my q
i (obviously didnt read the rules) so here it goes,
I like this guy
Just wrote a javascript interface in android
for a onlick event in a webview
for our Project mangemnt system im trying to hack port to Android
i need to add the onclick in the php file now which consists of mulipart drag and drop zone
so Im going to add the onclick event to the div holding that dropzone
what ye think ?
you're gonna have a bad time
ohh no im going to have great time, im getting payed for experimenting
<div id="dropzoneDragArea" class="dz-default dz-message">
<span><?php echo _l('expense_add_edit_attach_receipt'); ?></span>
im thinking to add the onclick on that so it picks it up on android
can you catch the touch events and lie to the drag and drop widget/library/whatever? pretend they're "real" mouse events
Roger Moore died :(
Nicky hayden did too :(
@ssube its a widget . and no i cannot, there are other elements on the form
Im going to go ahead and potentially crash the whole system anyway
> It isn't high art, but it is funny.
what-if.xkcd.com/58 @KendallFrey that last tidbit is almost too interesting to be real
@rlemon Dude, my sides, what the fuck. How have I not heard of this guy before now?
why is it so hard to buy a set of car speakers and an amp
@Trasiva British standup comedians are a dime a dozen
I've seen that guy on countdown
he's ok
^ my thoughts
speaking of countdowns, I am trying to delve into a countdown by days. Does anyone know of formulas for thsomething like:
timeDifference = (today.getTime() - targetdate.getTime()) / 1000;
@JoJo Try giving it more than 5 seconds
will check out moment.js TY @ndugger
1 message moved to Trash can
@GokhanDilek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
User.find({}), (function (error, users) {
}); How do I use users in another function? How can I expose the users?
Easy, just put all your code in the callback
Or, you know, promises
i promise you i dont
Javascript promises
worked on promises a few months ago
If you want users at other parts in your code, you need to make them available through an exported symbol or something
Put them in a variable and they will be accessible through the variable later on. Like always
Your problem is probably just waiting for when the data is available. But you know when it is available, because your callback is called. So use that
When I want to use it in a foreach or a normal for loop, cannot acceess users
Sure you can
What makes you think you can't?
Q: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?

Felix KlingI have a function foo which makes an Ajax request. How can I return the response from foo? I tried to return the value from the success callback as well as assigning the response to a local variable inside the function and return that one, but none of those ways actually return the response. fu...

Thank you. That looks great. I will have a read it now.
are const blah = () => doSomething(arg) and const blah = doSomething.bind(null, arg) effectively the same in terms of overhead?
both create new functions; whether or not one way is a smaller impact in memory or not, I'm not sure. It depends on if arrow functions are smaller or larger, or neither. I have no idea.
afaik... some engines had more or less "huge" performance loses on bound function context
not sure if that is still ongoing
.bind is guaranteed to allocate a new function, the arrow may be able to allocate it once with different contexts, but I'm not sure that's legal
so long as you don't do either one in a loop, you'll be fine
Hi all... I'd like to ask a question about missing grapics
@007 you mean like pictures of grapes?
!!welcome 007
@007 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so there is a calendar on the web site that is missing the chevrons for moving the dates around
is there something missing?
@007 well the chevrons, for one
the form control still works but there are no chevrons
Ha, he blocked cap.
@007 code or gtfo
Lol this guy.
is there a place do download them or do we have to make the gifs files ourselves
@007 I'm assuming you are talking about the arrows for a calendar control?
can this be fixed?
if not the users can just deal with it
it just seems odd
&raquo; and &laquo;
now go away
Calendar control without arrows? User should just deal with it? 007 are you sure you aren't meant for middle-management?
@Vap0r he's not even a develoepr
do you know how to fix this
I just told you. stop asking
Doesn't this guy consistently do this shit?
no I am not a developer
asks a room of half ignored people a question, then repeats it nine times before someone kicks him for being annoying
He's like the dracula of code vamps and we haven't banned him?
thanks vapor it was just a question... if you don;t know you don;t know not trying to start a big deal
lol this guy is great.
Ok is this not something that should not be asked guys?
@007 when rlemon gave you an answer, what was wrong with that answer?
@007 did you even read the instructions you were given?
he'll ask a bunch of questions, then relay the answers to "developers"
He's gone, guys
I'm just insta-kicking him now
not welcome
no he didn't read it because everyone who could/would help him is ignored.
no idea how that kind of structure makes sense.
@ndugger thanks dood!
@KevinB probably works for a bank or something with nothing but off-shore, 2 week contractors
@KevinB he is the developer. he spouts that BS so you'll not so easily get annoyed at the vamping
it's a sad strategy and an extra crispy recipe
It's a bold move cotton
it would've been, if everyone else was equally dense
unfortunately folks caught on
@rlemon it would've bean, if everyone else was equally dense (source)
that's funny to me. idc. shut up.
Aww, I missed 007 abuse?
no abuse, it's easier to kick him that way
not that it takes much anymore
screwing with him would be a full time job
I just drop the vamp meme on him.
Which probably got Cap blocked now that I'm reading up.
So that wouldn't work.
He can't see pics
he can get to w3schools but not mdn
Not our problem.
@Luggage "all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing"
we're not good people
that's fair
Also... I put in my time being patient with him.
> put in my time
So it's like a jail sentence, then?
more like a throttle
Jail, except the fact that I can kick my way out of it.
Is that the right way to annotate an array of react elements?
I mean, to be fair. I did try to help him.
we've all tried to help him
But he just. Doesn't. Get. It.
Kevin actually has, a few times
dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing
@corvid not sure I'm following. Is this TS?
@Vap0r flow
Tried to help who?
@corvid maybe. Show me how you would populate this?
// foo inferred as JSX.Element[]
const foo = [
    <div />
@corvid yeah I'm gonna let Luggage help on this one I'm dumb when it comes to static typing in JS
ohh, flow.
nevermind. I assumed TS
yeah, I wish we could use TS, seems like all the biggest companies are really pro-TS

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