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what? people didn't descend on my SO question like wolves smelling fresh meat? :D
@thedigitalmouse we generally view the QA section of StackOverflow as cancerous, so no.
We're too jaded.
@ndugger you view it as that
no u
no I'm just lazy and haven't been answering questions
but there are a few more gold badges I'd like to have, so maybe it's time to go back
@ndugger ah well that explains a lot
what a perfect comment for a shitshow of a comments section
wait this isn't C#
very observant
aw, don't tell them they're just the comments section of chat
it'll make them feel all bad n stuff
const obj = Object.create({}, {
    get:()=>this.a - 5
I think that works
Hey @rlemon is there a /random for your lorempizza? This thing is amazing
it is always random
unless you tell it not to be
@SterlingArcher I guess you couldn't... see sharp.
nope, no worky
I see just fine fucko >:(
http://lorempizza.com/800/600 <- random (keep refreshing to see)
http://lorempizza.com/800/600/notrandom <- notice the extra bit appended
Ohhhh, Is it timed based? I was trying with 2 images, and they kept coming back as the same
@SterlingArcher turn up stereo to 11 and play this song: youtube.com/watch?v=LQTCiHQ0-GQ
no it is request based
@ndugger what
Ohh cause I have the same dimensions on the first two
the browser sees multiple requests to the same resource as the same request. you get one response then cached responses.
Train an ANN to rate a pizza based on an image.
@SterlingArcher yes
@JohnPavek a good way to bust that is to add a query param to the url. example.com and example.com?123 would break the cache
@rlemon Ooh does that cache it?
no the browser does that.
'example.com?' + Date.now() :)
Perfect, I just need to get a couple ones to annoy my no-carb diet boss
^ also works.
you could even get clever and batch your requests with (Date.now() % 100)
implement your own caching
if you care that is
I was gonna try overflow it lol
not found is amazing
doesn't work :(
used to work.. not sure how I fucked it up
too lazy to look now
Maybe I will and learn how to use github at the same time
> learn how to use github
you... what
Can anyone tell me why everything inside the if statement is not evaluting y as wrriten in the for loop?
the code goes there
github does have a small learning curve
//merge new values into the analysis profile, increase or addition via if statement
        for (let y of Object.keys(counts)) {
            if (this.analysisProfile.hasOwnProperty(y) && y in this.analysisProfile) {
                this.analysisProfile.y += Number(counts.y);
            } else {
                this.analysisProfile.y = Number(1);

the issues and stuff.
the search. the settings.
Also doesn't help when you still write laughable code
@lix .y vs [y].
all my code is laughable
I did try to put a few projects on there, but I don't think any of them have had any activity besides me
sorry for the edit pings
laugh my all is codeable
@JohnPavek that's like 99.99% of projects on github
@ssube ahh, I'll try that. no worries cheers
I've only had one take off outside of my personal use and this room
Oh good
also, avoid in
that was my Notifier script.
it's unnecessarily dangerous and there are better options
@ssube in that context it is perfectly fine.
Not random for some reason
if( key in obj ) // come at me! this is fucking fine.
JohnPavek go do a git tutorial that doesn't involve the popular hosting site github first. You can do it all locally
in is poorly defined and complicated, compared to the alternatives
I get the jist of it, but getting the command line to hit github is where I get dumber
why would you want to use it?
when checking if a property exists on an object, it seems like the only sane use of in. and therefore fine.
I just copy paste upload all of my files
please no
if( obj.key ) is potentially dangerous.
if (structKeyExists(obj, key)) // rekt
if (Reflect.has(obj, prop)) ...
I'll just use in thanks. I have yet to have anyone outline any dangers using it in that case.
and semantically it makes sense imo
I have yet to see a use for in that isn't better with some other function
you haven't said at all how the other function is better or how in is dangerous in that case
it's not dangerous when you control the input, just... weird and complicated
or even wrong in that case.
you kicked teresko for that earlier. 😛 don't fall into the same trap ssube
Reflect.has and Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty are much better explained in the spec, iirc
I only find it slightly confusing because I always think of a loop when i see "in".
and have similar, but simpler, algo
plus misreading in as of because nobody uses in
never been a problem
//if ($tp && strpos($ts, $tp) !== false) game_error('password');
// password now stored in hash, no way to detect it
Jesus christ this used to be relevant
"in" covers the most properties (inherited, etc). Source: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/…
that detaction table should be in poster form
that can cause unexpected behavior in most of the older uses (but not with object literals), but I think it does something stupid with certain property flags
plus there are two in operators
so that's also bad
The real problem is people that use in for arrays.
I'd rather educate them not too sure blasting "in is evil"
Fucking mobile. Make sense of my thumbs
and "evil is in"
@rlemon my argument against in was always much less adamant than that :P
4 mins ago, by ssube
it's not dangerous when you control the input, just... weird and complicated
> icky -ssube
> The [In] grammar parameter is needed to avoid confusing the in operator in a relational expression with the in operator in a for statement.
makes me sad, and that's really the basis of my reasoning
looks no worse than all the other relational expressions
@KendallFrey i.imgur.com/fx8lq1e.png what the fuck did I just read
@SterlingArcher rofl
Do americans have a reputation for applauding?
I don't applaud anything
where do we get that stupid stigma from
I don't think stigma is the right word
I think applause is loud and obnoxious and people just connect that with Americans.
can I use this.analysisProfile.filter(_ => !this.bannedWords.has(_)); to filter an object by it's keys against a set?
I know if it was an array the above would use but the SO example I found was adding methods to the Object which didn't seem right
well, you can't .filter an object, first off
_ typically denotes an empty callback param (or underscore.js object)
yeah, definitely don't add stuff to Object. We can debate the merits of in all day, but I think mucking with Object is the worst.
Yeah, as it would assign it to every object, I agree
iirc Swift 2 uses _ to override function params names or something
Scala has at least 12 uses for _
This isn't Java Swift. :)
oh right, I'm basically trying to filter out properties from an object based on a set of words
Just trying to remove the property if a word inside my set matches the key
apparently Set doesn't have any of that built in
> He tips me back for being a cool American
Fucking creasing
but, MDN does have a polyfill for intersection
!!define creasing
@Luggage creasing present participle of crease
@lix just delete obj[word] ?
!!urban creasing
Inside a for loop not using reduce?
@SterlingArcher creasing simply means laughing
Urban 1. Dictionary 0.
nah, made up word
british people keep screwing up our language
they're not even our Canadian supervisors
@KevinB raining blood is one of their albums.
colour => color
ahh I see, I should get the Object.keys and then filter using that array
English (correct)
English (wroung)
colour is the superior spelling
Are you implying that british english is the correct one?
Cuz that's blatantly wrong
the british pronounce 'bam' as 'bum'
like, how is that even remotely right
Canadian english is the correct english.
But you pronounce bum as fanny
And the stupid r's that they insert into random words
it's a hodgepodge of british english and american english.
omg i'm turning into 007
007 the vamp? or,
in C#, 21 secs ago, by Steve G
@ndugger steves a convert
I'm a bad influence on the C# room
Vamp. James Vamp. 007 James Vamp.
@SteveG ever heard them say a word ending with -a?
They add an R, some Hs, occasionally other letters
they add, or.... we remove
sometimes clicks and pops
It was almost enough to ruin the end of one of the Doctor Who seasons for me, every time Matt Smith said "pandoricahr"
Sometimes you can't tell if it's a british accent or a speech impediment
Fuck you guys
@Luggage screeeeeeegrblfstmnybhgtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ahhhh dialup
has anyone successfully sung a fax or dialup tone? Well enough to fool the computer
or is that the real reverse voight-kampf
I wonder what the bandwidth of a parrot is.
African or laden?
They could have been a futuristic steampunk data service
and before or after you feed it cookies?
@Luggage sorry, It's taking a long time to download. I've only got crow connection. can't afford a parrot right now
@ssube lol im sure i have
@SteveG If you can understand this you're doing pretty good
swiddle isn't it
? lol idk
english should just be renamed american
oh i'm flamebaiting
@KendallFrey you leave rob beckett alone
@SteveG It's well hot, isn't it?
@BenFortune I'm trying to come up with an original teeth joke
I'm attempting to do a stupid thing: I've eval()'ed a piece of code and need to execute a function that was defined in it. My file has a use strict; header, and I can't easily remove it (due to the project being entirely TypeScript). How do I execute the function without getting a "is not defined" error?
@SomeGuy What a sassy word
And yeah, floccinaucinihilipilification is a great word to pull off the cuff
If only we could pronounce it...
@RoelvanUden Do you control the evaled code?
@Zirak Yeah, I do.
The last expression is the result of the eval call, so you can assign to it
var func = eval(shit); func()
Where shit is like function foo(){}; foo
Hm, that's not too useful since I'm essentially using a dump of some JS file. It's a constant, but if it changes, I don't want to rewrite the dump again.
Can you assign that function to an object?
var shitHandle = {};
eval('shitHandle.shit = function(){};');
If you don't know what the eval contains then you're pretty dead in the water
Unless you can of course not write it in a function and use the function constructor
I know what the eval'ed code contains, I copied it manually from a website :-P
I just don't want to edit the minified code I extracted from the website.
can you add your function hook to the end?
their_source + ';\n return function gimmeClosure() ...?
yeah but if you don't know the function name in advance, how're you gonna call it without changing something anyway?
... Smart.
My first approach wouldn't really change the code, you'd have to add a constant at the end
I didn't think of the constant appending. Good thinking. :-)
Let me just do that..
That works perfectly. Thanks! :-3
you're welcome
what did I just watch
@KendallFrey ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@rlemon it might load today
ohhh my
every time somebody says that, I hear his voice
every time someone says ohh my I hear sulu
ohh god that typo
@rlemon ditto
@rlemon everywhere he goes, man
oh, weird, that giphy gif that you undid showed up as Sulu for me
that's why I went to that
but now it doesn't, going back to the history
cache probably
@ssube does that sometimes
I don't know why
Audioslave is dank early 2000s
Also /r/1500isplenty is a thing now finally
1200isplenty is absolute cancer
non minified code
define(["./../_module", "moment"], function (e, t) {
"use strict";
e.controller("trendController", ["$scope", "$state", "$q", "$rootScope", "labelsService", "trendService", "gridSettingsService", "colorpickerSettingsService", "loadDisplay", "uiGridConstants", "APP_CONSTANTS", "globalErrorService", "utilsService", "usersService", "browserHelper", "pageErrorHandlingHelper", function (e, t, n, r, s, a, l, d, i, o, c, u, g, f, b, v) {
@ssube @Zirak Yep, worked. Thanks!
@RoelvanUden rock on
so am using cheerio to scrap a webpage but its kinda big, and I only want a small class from it
is there any way to avoid scraping the whole thing?
do you know where in the page that class is, before downloading anything?
you can ask to only download part of the page
but I don't think that'll work
yes I know
most servers allow partial downloads now, you just have to know the byte range ahead of time
@ssube sounds super stable :P
w8 w8, no they bytes might change
yeah, right
I mean
@nonerth short answer: no you cannot
it's for resuming downloads, it probably won't help you here
the bytes might change?
even if a couple of letters change
the bytes wiull change
you need to download and parse the HTML code before you can do anything meaningful with it
Sounds scary
-you just have to know the byte range ahead of time-
I was refering to that
On a more serious note, you can use a SAX-type html parser and feed it a stream
I once had a file with ∀∀x0 in it
rlemon I know, check again what I was asking
python has one builtin IIRC
node probably has four
> so am using cheerio to scrap a webpage but its kinda big, and I only want a small class from it

is there any way to avoid scraping the whole thing?
I read what you asked. sounds like you want to only pull part of a response body
node loves to use streams, except for parsing :P
you don't know it has a class before you parse it. so you can't just parse out a class.
cheerio wouldn't be a good fit, I'd search for SAX parsers
@nonerth are you sure the HTML page itself is so large? Or is it just the resources?
Did I mention SAX?
I mean, yeah it might not have that class
but if it throws an error am okay with it
I can simpy catch it
okay I'll take a look at SAX
havent heard of it before
@SterlingArcher breaking your tailbone hurts
@SterlingArcher Guess who's 2 inches shorter now
Really? I always thought it was quite pleasant
@KendallFrey THE TABLE
I've broken a lot of bones. tailbone is the worst.
@Zirak brutal
@SterlingArcher you're getting that mixed up with some other kind of rearend impact
🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺
@rlemon doot doot
@Zirak do you have battletoads?
@rlemon We don't sell Krabby Patties
look at me now mr.krabs
pull the teet
It's been ages
god damn spring 😬 my car is covered in pollen
I might have to get a car wash
we're already past that season
s/pollen/plant semen/
KevinB it's probably not as bad as it seems but the lawn people came by and were doing shit in the gardens and mowing and all that
I imagine that stirred up a bunch more than is actually falling
I'm on that new car high. I just wanna like drive into the sunset.
we get hit hard in march every year from all the pine trees, you can see it in the distance like a cloud
@KevinB ugh. inlaws have lots of pine trees (HUGE like 60 year old pines) lining their driveway
after trying to get pine sap off my last car.. I'm parking on the road
that shit never comes off.
try paint thinner
I tried iso
didn't try paint thinner
goo gone works ok and usually won't hurt your paint
i wouldn't.
goo gone didn't work
no pine trees in our yard, but pecan trees are a pain too. not only does it drop sap, the branches are brittle and always falling. the pecans in the fall though are nice.
@Luggage experiment 😛 that cars going to the junkers
just rub it off dry
@KevinB yea they also have chestnuts
those hurt when they hit you
@rlemon are those the ones in the heavy shell that rot in your yard?
like tennis ball sized, hard, and sometimes spikey
my grandparents used to have one of those trees
they do hurt
they had a 3 story house and it was easily 2-3x the height of the house and would regularly beam people with nuts
yea, this one is like 2X the height of the house
the squirrels are the biggest issue with them. they carry the nuts to higher branches and drop them
we have chipmonks we need to... get rid of.
!!afk 🚗
they're digging holes everywhere, and occationally chew through wires for some reason.
according to some acquaintances of mine, peanut butter with a little bit of speed in it works best

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