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Your "result" consists of multiple JSON objects (better rename to "results"), and you want to do something with each object (get the voornaam)
Is there like a standard (or at least a best practice) on how to provide data through a web API in slices/pages? Like, having a generic way to provide offset and length for a result set or returning an identifier that, when provided with future requests, returns additional items
jsonapi.org seems to suggest a links section, which provides what I would have counted under the second case, but the provided link looks more like the first case
Either way, how do you make sure, the second page is actually the second page for your first result set? The results could be different for the second query
Wouldn't you have to cache the result set to be certain of that?
Or return it all and do client-side paging
good morning lil fuckers
So I went to go test out my camera zoom... https://t.co/JJrkAcnCoz
@user3050534 thanks man, fixed it :)
@BenFortune That's what I'm thinking. Which is why I'm trying to pick your brains ;D
that picture is like 2-3 years old at least.
@BenFortune That is what we're doing now and it's becoming a performance issue
@rlemon ☹
Performance with rendering or retrieving?
@BenFortune Both
where is the yellow color ? lol
🙁 ☹
2 more hours and I get to go pick up my new car.
@rlemon Sweet. What is it?
great. Going to drive around for a while?
@OliverSalzburg a car
greetings, programs! o/
@rlemon I obviously meant, what color?

& kill.ps1 --target="thedigitalmouse"
@OliverSalzburg grey
a nice shiny grey
what's wrong with gray?
well, dark. but shiny.
chromed ? :P
yw @MaartenWachters :)
it's not legal to have chromed rims here :|
"may interrupt other drivers when it reflects sun"
Now that
@KarelG the digitalmouse embeds himself in the SMBv1 protocol and waits for someone to click on a magic diet link
@KarelG nahh. like dark titanium with some sparkle.
I'll take a pic today once I get it
got the dark rims too
what do you mean with "some sparkle" ?
well, gotcha wait on a pic of your car then. It is a Madza right? (forgot the model)
mazda 3
You're kidding right
My sister just bought the same car
same colour
mazda 3 hatchback / sedan ?
(sedan = fastback)
@KendallFrey nice.
@KarelG that's the 'model' of the model
like they have the SE,GS,blah, blah
oh. TIL. According to this site, it's a limited edition
Does anyone now how I can filter out same records / duplicates? Like only show the latest entry
So it would only show the latest entry when Firstname and Lastname are the same for example?
@MaartenWachters put it in a set ...
Signal-to-noise on that site is off the charts
@KendallFrey looks like the dumbest show I'll watch this year
I'll probably watch an episode
like, I know the funniest jokes I just saw in the trailer, yet in the back of my mind I still expect it to contain something better than that
but I know it won't
but I still will watch it to see
god dammit TV.. sucked me in again
it would contain same retard jokes as what you see at the latest episodes
i.imgur.com/eDtTiuR.gifv this otoh never gets old.
@rlemon lmao
the look on Tylers face is how I imagine @SterlingArcher looks when he drops his goldfish
Hello guys can someone help me to delte this question? it was missunderstood and downvoted, i was asking about performance not the foreach , now I can''t delete the question stackoverflow.com/questions/44010938/…
@OtávioBarreto Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon get rekt fgts imgur.com/ozZBJSQ
@rlemon "actually right there..." :DD
we /big data/ now
@Failsafe looks like it is just for c# room
dont worry the JS room is getting done too
then we can compare stats
it's been a while since I scraped the chats
maybe I should make some graphs.
@Failsafe 3 and 4 posts is enough for the top chatter list?
@OliverSalzburg I guess
I didn't make this
the image is too tiny
anyone got a list of swear words ??
@KarelG open in new tab
Wikipedia has some good lists
i only see results for "shit" & "fucks"
it is getting expanded
good good
morning everyone
@Failsafe maybe you can use this noswearing.com/about.php
hi there
that gets blocked by my work proxy
i've got a problem. The console compiler from codeAcademy says.. " It looks like your second 'for' loop isn't pushing values to the hits array. Make sure it's working properly and that myName's text appears somewhere in the text variable. "
it provides an API. You can grab the db data and use it
Three things I really like about coding on a mac (in contrast with win / linux). 1. the command key is comfortable to reach, and it does useful things, in contrast with win key on windows. I like how the ctrl key acts as a unix-y ctrl, all your emacs standard shortcuts work and it's just fun being able to both copy with cmd-c and stop a running task with ctrl-c.
2. Unix terminal. (not a point against linux, of course)
the .push() function works how I used right?
so you're judging an OS based on the keyboard?
Apple's keyboards are fucking awful
3. High quality apps. Most apps on Mac feel really high grade, and are fun to use. Yes, most of them cost money, but they're useful and actively developed, which is what matters most to a professional that relies on his tools.
command-c and comman-v is much more convenient.
Our Design guy here has a mac keyboard and it's hilarious to watch him find the equiv of the f keys
@Luggage I wonder how many times a day a windows user uses the win key
Plus copy and ctrl-c to bail on a process are different keys
I use the win key a lot on windows.
@JohnPavek find the what? he doesn't know how to use the fn key?
every time I need to open a new program actually.
i use the win key daily too ...
anyone knows about my problem?
@rlemon like what
it's at my right thumb
like every program I open
I use Windows + tab probably once a minute
whoa, you have one heck of athumb
Ctrl+Win+←→ all day
He uses an iMac keyboard with his windows machine. so he can't use f11/f12 for debugging tools
Window Key, type a few letters, hit enter
@KendallFrey ohh yea
also window key + 1 opens the first pinned program shortcut at your task bar
win key for window management is great
don't forget about windows key + arrow keys
window key + 3 = 3th shortcut, ect to 9
And windows 10 has multi desktop support too
> 3th
@Luggage yeah, I do that too.
but nothing except that
or win key + X for tools
@JohnPavek most keyboards hurt my thumb too much to be able to do that frequently. I used to do that
everytime i remote in to a computer i do Win + R, mstsc /admin
@BenFortune aww... *3rd
so in conclusion. the win key is used all the f'n time.
@rlemon id say you have... 5 shortcuts used with the win key?
the launcher, programs via win+1,2,3, win+R, win+X.
anything else superuseful?
@BenFortune oh u're back! I moved foward about my problem
win + D is show desktop
win + d ...
win + e is explorer
who uses that
win + L ...
yeah win + L too
@ArnauGuadall i don't care
@CatBoss if I had to sit down and think about it I bet you o could list at least a dozen uses that are common
i use Win + E constantly
win + M
Win +d is amazing for people who have cluttered desktops like me
@KarelG right, forgot about win +l, that one's actually useful
lol, why are you so rude :s
win + L
Because I don't care
@JohnPavek i dont know anybody who keeps things at their desktop
win + tab
@ArnauGuadall he's british
win tab on win 10??
@CatBoss Well, meet me! where the desktop has shortcuts and links everywhere!
I even don't know all window key shortcut but most of them are convenient
@CatBoss yes
opens all open program in a window, then use arrow keys to navigate through it
win +tab on win10 is the task view
i cant seem to bring myself to use it on the account that it doesnt support the arrow keys
I don't like using the mouse
i barely use my mouse o.O
I don't even have a mouse
You can also middle click to close on task view which is awesome for when you accidentally hit win + d, ctrl +a, and hold enter down
so conclusion: choosing OS by keyboard is quite stubborn
how do I activate the arrow keys with task view?
doesnt work here
win + tab doesn't open task view
release the win key
that'd be superuseful
@KarelG it does on win 10
@JohnPavek never held it down O-o
@FlorianMargaine not since you got a cat right
oh ok, it doesn't work if there's one window
No one chose an OS by keyboard. Just stated that a key arrangement on macs was useful for copy and paste. That one nice feature was countered with a comprehensive list of all the things you can do with the windows key.
you cant move between monitors
thats a shame
The windows key is magic
@Luggage position of keys was mentioned more than once iirc
@CatBoss winkey +arrow keys
That will move your window around to snap points
@JohnPavek oh the name is "task view"
if you have two monitors
i was thinking at something else... my bad :)à
arrow keys dont mvoe between monitors in win+tab
Tab does but it's weird cause you gotta hit it a couple times to get through the multidesktops at the bottom
I wish most shortcuts were on the win key
@CatBoss press tab
so ctrl could be used for emacs-like shortcuts
I bind capslock to ctrl
You can also just use alt + tab
guys I have a problem. I have a single component that is very deeply nested with child components. Prop passing goes down really far from the parent. Is it possible to make a "localized" redux like store on a single component?
it's a shame that half of what could be on win is on ctrl
and that rebinding keys in windows is non trivial
although I love autohotkey, I wish there was something more highlevel
anyone have 2 min to help me please? i'm quite stuck
@corvid what
@rlemon oh man, he brings a mouse or a rat or some sort of animal like that back in the house at least once a month...
they're usually not dead.
I used to have a cat that would bring home rabbits
then gut them on the front porch
they usually end up dead.
does anybody uses the win key without fully lifting their left hand?
> brought you a present!
its unreachable
you usually hear the sound of the cracking bones. All night.
@CatBoss my left thumb hits it fine
@rlemon what a useful thumb
I like it
@CatBoss I have a video. The video has tons of subcomponents that need to hook into certain properties, such as position, duration, isPlaying. I am afraid to use context because I hear it is likely to be deprecated
my spacebar is huge and useless
I'd say I'm pretty attached to it
@CatBoss me... use the thumb
@corvid they changed that opinion, I think. anyway, I really like the simplcity and ease of use of mobx. but if you dont need reactivity, access them on a global object
but it depends if you have a flexible thumb :P
@KarelG nope, my whole body is breaking down
i can access the left win key, left alt and space with my left thumb
left alt barely
right alt is more acceptable
but i never recalled having used it
in my life
I wish mac had an apps key
apps key is genius
one can't simply open the right click dialog of the mouse without the mouse in mac
also, win + 1,2,3 is pretty shit. Apptivate on mac does a really great job at that
"the way it was supposed to be"
bro, press the key left to the "right ctrl" key on win
what about the appskey
= right mouse menu
and did you just assume my gender?
jk jk, not really. yeah, apps key
but hey, you're free to use mac OS
only your arguments are not justified.
@KarelG dude, as you probably noticed, I have pros and cons against every OS.
they're all pretty shit, IMHO.
o? OK I guess...
@KarelG I like taking the best from each OS
nobody's perfect
I am
and being zealous about a specific product only helps the producer
@rlemon and I solemnly salute you
@rlemon recommend me a programming font
@CatBoss hack
program in emoij's
@CatBoss I still haven't setup mobx successfully even once :\ even though people on this channel have a good boilerplate
@corvid setting up mobx is easier compared to other systems. were did you get stuck?
@CatBoss Firacode
List<List<String []> []> ... that hurts my eye. Introduce a class man... — KarelG 10 secs ago
someone has that as type. Wtf
@CatBoss the part where I have to start a new project and do it, I can definitely get it done if I just commit to it
@KarelG is that a 2d or 3d array of strings?
@rlemon checked it ou. hack is definitely not for me
Isn't it 4d? List<List<String[]>[]> ~> List<String[][][]> ~> String[][][][], if you treat List as an array.
@Adowrath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@corvid a dynamic list that consists of an array of dynamic list that consists of a string array. 1 dyn + 1 fixed + 1 dyn + 1 fixed = 4D
@suraj fira code's nice, but still not it
that's super confusing, is this typescript? Can't you use interfaces and types?
Those ligatures hurt my brain
it's from a Java question
@corvid well, if you have any specific question, let me know
(it's a valid type though. only very unmaintainable)
@corvid setting dem projects is defnitely not easy or super fun
@CatBoss How about Anonymous Pro?
I think someone here had a really good example; last I remember I just quit because of some dependency dispute
@Adowrath no mono version
@CatBoss Isn't it fixed-width by default? Or do we mean differnt things with 'mono'?
doesnt look fixed width fonts.google.com/specimen/…
wrong copy pasta :D
sure it does
How would I access element 1(,2,3) in <pre> of this DOM tree with JS? <html><body><pre><900 other elements>
"Anonymous Pro is a family of four fixed-width fonts designed especially with coding in mind." And it looks fixed-width to me
ill try it then
@CatBoss for console? I use this: github.com/powerline/fonts/tree/master/AnonymousPro It's anonymous pro with powerline characters
whats powerline
besides the vim plugin
yea, that. but also i think there are related plugins for your prompt and tmux
but yea, anonymous pro 'normal' if you don't use that
Consolas ftw
Inconsolita is a good free clone, though
does .childnodes return a whole tree? or just the upper most nodes?

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