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Another question which is tingling my brain is the 2 factor authentication
lets say you have a user login system where you have username and password to validate the user
So, how 'bout them weekend hacker shenanigans
is this part of the user login system ? or another seperate layer to the validation?
@SterlingArcher i never took the safety course lol, i did enough falling on dirt bikes
if you have username/password as a parameter, when you want to add a 2 factor authentication, do you now introduce another paramater like 2factorauth to your user validation?
@SterlingArcher yeah the cbr is a solid bike. I only rode one but i really didn't like the way it felt, but i have never heard anyone else complain about them.
@GokhanDilek Well, it's called two factor authentication. That means you are reconciling two disparate pieces of information to validate the user. That's the entire purpose.
@HatterisMad how's the sound on it?
so you basically keep your old user validation, add another step before showing them the gold?
Depends -- are you using an app like authy or google authenticator, or a text message?
the sound ON it?
i want to use them all :)
like how well you can hear while riding? not well with wind noise
some people also use earplugs to protect their hearing
that's impossible
start with google authenticator first @GokhanDilek
but don't do that right away
@GokhanDilek that kind of breaks two factor auth though, my recommendation is to use an app because SMS based authentication is considered insecure
@Luggage oh, I mean how does the engine/exhaust sound
@LearnHowToBeTransparent if i implement a google authenticator, do i need to implement the text message authenticator separately? I think the high level design of both 2-factor methods are pretty much the same. Only the delivery mechanism is the difference.
@GokhanDilek idk
how about a USB hardware key? or facial recognition?
@GokhanDilek you don't implement google authenticator directly.
Google Auth just implements a standard called TOTP
@SterlingArcher maybe im a little too biased to answer this question, i am not a fan of the high pitched jap bikes, i think they sound like bumblebees
the high level design of both 2-factor methods are pretty much the same. Only the delivery mechanism is the difference. WRONG
google does that part for you IIRC, it's part of your google account settings in the OAuth flow
Look up U2F and TOTP
@HatterisMad Psh, Japanese bikes? What about a duchati?
I've heard stanced VW golfs that purred lower than your average duchati
the stancing makes them have a deeper sound eh?
when you are revving to 16,000 rpm+...
Can you get the left and width of an element without element.getBoundingClientRect()?
no, that was the worst example I could come up with :p
@corvid of course
but you implement the high level design for your application to abstract it... What if I wanted to use twilio?
you want a universal app that can interface with everything at all times?
because that's what it's starting to sound like.
Don't worry much about abstracting away every choice completely or you'll make a mess. Just keep it contained to as few 'files' as possible.
I thought OAuth usually redirects to a website that handles all of this then redirects you to the specified redirect uri?
not at all times.. But if I want to change it, I want it to be fairly easy to swap frameworks...
@corvid it does
that final callback is the defining part of an oauth flow
on the list of things I never want to implement again, an oauth client is well up there
@GokhanDilek you've mentioned more than frameworks....
@GokhanDilek why? Is it that important? Probably what's more important is making meaningful abstractions which can easily be moved
gotta be better than everyone re-implementing authentication from scratch in every app
I'm happy with passport
Don't people use services for that now?
@Luggage Well then you will have 100s of dependencies which all have dependencies of dependencies... I like having control of my application
It wraps most major oauth
@GokhanDilek Something I've been struggling with in my own projects is finding the line where you start abstracting too much. Do you really need to replace every framework or are some too fundamental to be swapped out?
@corvid thats exactly what I am trying to do
@corvid only if you've bought into the ogre-spread auth0 propaganda
Anybody wanna help me find a stylish but safe motorcycle jacket? The order was cancelled by the manufacturer
@rlemon what if passport stopped working tomorow? how easy for you to switch to another passport like framework?
The way you ask it sounds like you want to write an app today, so that you can swap express for something else or change authentication strategies without writing any more code. This is too far. I'm not against abstraction and organization, but you can only minimize the impact of changing a library in the future, never eliminate it.
pick up some busted tires, get scraps from your local playground, and build your own jacket
@GokhanDilek if their latest build stops working, I'll have the current build which does work.
no problem
@ssube not trying to look like mad max
@SterlingArcher is allsaints popular? I get some of my clothes there, never tried the leather jackets though
If I want to move away from paspport.js, I have to change some code, but only some code in ONE FILE.
@SterlingArcher why not. Why would you ever not want to look like mad max
@Luggage also that.
@corvid not quite what I'm looking for, the jacket needs armor
not just a leather jacket
passport provides a standard way to wrap up all my auth handling.
@GokhanDilek passport is a layer of abstraction that handles standard authentication in a modular way. In theory you could write it yourself but it will be a time-waste
@SterlingArcher whatever jacket you get, make sure it has tassels
nipple tassels? Ahduh
you need those protective pasties
can't be road rashing your nipps
leather pasties
@rlemon I am not against passport. It is great. I may actually use it myself but what if they went out of business tomorrow? can you easily use another library without touching every bit of file in your application? or can you change the library with a few lines of code?
@GokhanDilek Is that a real problem that you need to solve?
Or is passport vanishing impossible?
@GokhanDilek if I took that mindset I'd get nothing done
l e f t p a d
If you need to reference passport in a lot of files, then that is your problem.
@Luggage exactly.
Right. but you can use passport, without doing so
thus making it easy to switch out for something else
yup. an hour or two with one file
You shouldn't need to do anything more than the normal separation of concerns to isolate a library.
Which we are for, btw. Separation of concerns.
and chances are you want to tweak the API a little bit for your own use, to make it more efficient, so you might already have a wrapper
I separate my concerns so good.
@Luggage tp on the left, magazines on the right.
please show me an example
lmao do I wanna look like blade
That's the ugliest jacket I've ever seen
that one doesn't look armored
@rlemon I'd rather not get shot in a meth war, kthx
when you wear it you become the armour
it makes you that badass
I'm not sure how I'd look in leathers
I got $300 on amazon for free, what buy?
But leather (good leather) can replace armors
leather includes armor in spots, like elbows
sometimes back, or that's in an optional pouch
thin 'look good' leather just rips apart as soon as it hits pavement
my jacket weights like 4 normal every-day jackets
So don't fall
Don't take what I say too judgy. I didn't wear my jacket 100% of the time.
and never leather pants
I only wear leather pants
completely your choice if you don't want to 'armor' yourself.. it's annoying.
Alpinestars seem to have great gear
I want a jacket that will look good, protect me, but isn't like a suit of armor
mine is alpinestars
I'm trying to find accessories for my car. I figure I can start out with some fresh new driving gloves
yea. just liek that, with less white, and a little grey, mine is
@SterlingArcher you got driving gloves?
@Luggage I don't want to look like a sponsored racer either lol
what size are you? i'm fatter, but you are larger overall
I typically wear large, and most of the time it's too wide for me
6'3 210lbs
Does anybody know if there's a target date for shipping ES6 modules (stable/not behind a flag) in Chrome or Firefox, or is it just "it'll be done when it's done"?
Who wears driving gloves
That's really dorky
Theyre required in VA, so everybody here.
@rlemon Nudge #1 registered.
Oh for a motorcycle?
Don't wear gloves when you drive a car though
or how about I do.
Everyone who sees you do it will get aids so dont
Great, I'll pay you a visit first.
I wear gloves while driving so I can be more like Jason Stathom without having to exercise
for 8 months out of the year driving gloves are mandatory
that looks dorky
@Meredith Racers
summer it's just for looks
@Meredith canada.
@ndugger lmfao
If you're looking for a real leather jacket for less than that you're gonna be in for disappointment.
How are driving gloves mandatory
frostbite is the biggest killer, after poutine-related deaths
@rlemon lmfao
@mikeTheLiar I'm poking around faux leather. I'm looking for a good motorcycle jacket really
@Luggage No, we've evolved to run on antifreeze instead of blood
But a solid leather will suffice if it looks cool
Btw antifreeze apparently tastes pretty good
But I've never tried it
play gaia
Thanks I forgot to for like the past week
Oh now I remember why I wasn't playing
There's nothing to do in this game
@SterlingArcher your state required DOT approved boots? MN only requires a helmet
27 secs ago, by Meredith
There's nothing to do in this game
I already have nice leather boots that I'll wear
@rlemon it's canadian measurements though, I don't know how to size my chest
@SterlingArcher I love how you are unironically the most basic of bros.
Wrong... you can always lose
@SterlingArcher so look it up on amazon.com
According to the chart, I'm a medium in that jacket
@jAndy oh ffs
I already have clothes I like
& the more expensive ones are really weeby
@ndugger yeah VA apparently "requires" (not a law, but at least for classes) bike classed shoes
So I got a pair that I could wear year round
@SterlingArcher bike trip to Canada bro
I never bothered with shoes. I just tucked in my laces so they didn't get caught in the chain and kill me.
you can dugger can bond
My shoes are always coming untied
Dude I'm really digging the deadpool jacket
@ndugger does it come in sparkly cupcake?
@KendallFrey I'm basic af
@mikeTheLiar I wish
@SterlingArcher I keep mistaking Veil of Maya with The Acacia Strain and wonder when they changed their sound so much
no idea why, but this is the third time this happened
Depending on how comfortable the bike is that I get, I might just bike up to canada. We'll see. I don't want to die of back strain.
Standard International Shipping — get it June 2-15
cc @KendallFrey
Fuck, I'm not sure if I can get that in time for my class
spotify gave me good music on this week's discover queue
!!afk :moose:
@rlemon I want that jacket but it wont be here in time 😬 my course is on th 2nd
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: :moose:
@rlemon nice crotch rocket, amirite
if only
Q: Xterm Connect remote SSH via Xterm user inputs

psorabI am new to node.js ,socket.io & xterm. I was referring this stack-overflow query regarding remote ssh connection Connecting to remote SSH server (via Node.js/html5 console) It was observed that this code connects to remote host : .connect({ host: '', username: 'foo', ...

@psorab Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Please clarify: "from xterm(index.html) user input"
Also, hello
Answer submitted by mscdex
I think you just want an <input>. see: stackoverflow.com/questions/11563638/…
No. I would want input from xterm console not from html.
I thought you wanted to know what host to connect to
Yes. Xterm has to ask for host, username and password and then connect to ssh
ok, well, that has nothing to do with an index.html. I'm lost.
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var terminalContainer = document.getElementById('terminal-container');
var term = new Terminal({ cursorBlink: true });

var socket = io.connect();
socket.on('connect', function() {
term.write('\r\n*** Connected to backend***\r\n');

// Browser -> Backend
term.on('data', function(data) {
socket.emit('data', data);

// Backend -> Browser
socket.on('data', function(data) {

socket.on('disconnect', function() {
(see full text)
Instead the it has to ask for host, username & password from xterm console and then connect.
ohh, i see. xterm is a js component to make a terminal-like ui on the front end
I thoght you meant the REAL xterm
Well, I don't know how to use xterm.js, sorry.
sorry xterm.js
Conspiracy theory: Sean Spicer is a brony
Read the convo
it's amazing
Dammit, I ordered a jacket from Iceland but my banks fraud detection cancelled the order. Now i have to call Iceland to make sure my order goes through >:(
My bank should know I buy tons of shit by now
they have motorcycles in iceland?
Apparently so
like buying ski equipment from Hawaii :)
@SterlingArcher can I also be in the weight contest?
@BadgerCat of course
You're also a judge
You have no say
I know
But how will I be a judge and participate at the same time?
Good question lol
I can judge based on number of horse masks
My before pic is me wearing a sock
10 points
whoever holds a piece of paper in hands either on before or after picture written down 'the game', obviously wins the whole competition
@jAndy you'll be my trainer
He'll make you go vegan
true story
I'm already 1/7 vegan
I can't seem to figure how to interpretate 1/7 on nutrition :p
I am 8/8 person.
Still waiting for @Mosho to give me edit access so I can post my weigh in stuff
Yea... I have no edit access at all...
Well it's only 2 months, I think I can go vegan for 2 months
you would be surprised about the various and glorious meals... everybody would I guess.
I missed bacon & ham after a month, even with other meat to eat
I went on a date with a vegan-feminist and she's posting stuff about how men should never approach women alone or compliment their looks because it's too rapey
Like she felt threatened when a man approached her and asked her about what she was eating
sounds weird
well that is kind of an unusual question
that's vegans for you
that's females for you
unusual yes, but I dare say it's pretty bold to feel like you're under threat of rape when somebody asks you about your food
!!afk going to look at cupcakes that I can't eat
@SterlingArcher I had seen such people only on the internet
@tereško me too
she might be one of those "level five intersectional vegans"
or one of dem level 9 vegans.. who doesn't eat anything that throws a shadow
@jAndy what do you eat in a normal day?
Or do you have a video on that?
@jAndy wouldn't those be people who can only eat in a complete dark?
there are dedicated restaurants for that
/me like to eat meat
@BadgerCat no, no video on that yet. But usually its almost always the same or veeerrry similar (I guess that's true for anyone). Like, soy curd in as breakfast, I use to grind nuts and seeds into that, fruits like strawberries or peach .. or some porridge with dried cranberries. Second meal is most likely rice or potatoes with tons of vegetables (cooked or raw), 3rd meal is most likely a protein-drink (hemp- and pea), 4th is a smoothie from bananas, pineapple, coconut milk and spinach, 5th
and last is also rice/veggy with a curry sauce or something delicous
and I obv use coconut, almond, rice or oats milk for any meal others would use "cows breast milk" for :P
For some reason I thought you ate many avocados
sometimes I mixin glorious avocado upstroke on glorious bread or my girl is baking a glorious cake, sometimes glorious pizza or scalloped crowd...
but those things only happen in "off-season" time, I'm still on training very regulary
like now! :) see you later and don't lose the game!
I don't like the word curd
how do you milk an almond
almonds dont have nipples
@SterlingArcher They are nipples
You're a nipple

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