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Hi g uys
H ello
Is there anyway I can set a sweet alert from modal class in yii?
Why I can't be your friend forever ?
@astrosixer ben don't like me...
@astrosixer yii framework?
I doubt anyone here's familiar with that.
no need
plz tell me if I can set it from modal class in mvc framework
@Mathematics Sorry I am helpless
So you want to call a javascript library from PHP?
Library is already loaded in the view page
I want to show the sweet alert there when some records are unable to insert
into database
That is pretty broad.
@astrosixer my condolences
but, please, dont refer to yii as "mvc framework", because it's not
I know you have some idea in it. So plz tell me
There's a php room also friend
you would need to perform an XHR call, and in response send information about whether it was successful (from the php code)
then this response should be handles by the listener, that was attached to the XHR object in JS, which (based on response) would dispatch another call (one of which would show the alert message)
Hi guys
anybody here who is working on angular js?
I am facing problem with angular js recursive template
... I'm waiting
Why did you invite me to a separate room?
Just to explain you as may be others are not working on angular js
@tereško Hi I am trying to implement it
@Cerbrus thanks
I am following this fiddle
But here in the above fiddle structure is simple like ul and li
but in case of mine i have table and some others tags
so i am not gettiing which part to take in recursive and all
struggling to identify that
So, what have you tried?
Can i share my code here
See this above is my structure
@Learning Depends on how large it is.
So here if you see my above structure i am not getting as to which part i should take it as recursive
can you please guide me a little bit
That seems to be the recurring "section".
!!doge red,box,recursive
                 very red
                             so box
many recursive
Sorry not getting
!!laptop or ui
@rlemon ui
The smallest inner box should be recursoive?
Its UI
but if you see this fiddle:
@Learning You're looking for a part of the HTML that repeats itself... Those 3 red boxes are the same.
Each box is the same template.
like tree_item_renderer.html from your code
Shall i share you the html code
Because i am not getting in that
Yea, just don't copy it all into chat. Toss it into a fiddle or something
ok let me try to put in fiddler
but i am scared as i wont be able to create the exact structure as it is in above image
because there are some images used in css
For this plus icon,vertical line etc
see this plunker :
!!should I put arch on my laptop?
@rlemon No way
!!should Lemon put SUSE on his laptop?
@Luggage Impossible
I've used openSUSE
hated it
I'll probably just install Ubuntu with that DE ben posted yesterday
@rlemon Arch is pretty nice, especially with the AUR
lol, OpenSUSE was one of the first distros I used
Debian was my first
I got it on a floppy in the back of a perl book
kernel on one floppy, ramdisk on the other
mine was on CDs, but from a magazine
and like, 14 CDs with (ancient versions of) all the packages
@Learning That... just doesn't show anything
@Cerbrus yeah but as i told you it would need some css and images
So, at least add the css
wait let me put all those css and see if i am getting that strucure or no
the surface stuff has been good so far and that looks exactly like a Yoga (which are also good)
That's one ugly mouse o.O
@Cerbrus:actually there is lots of css so wont be possible to generate that structure
But thanks for the participation
@rlemon Looks like it has USB ports :D
@rlemon Their answer to a chromebook, I bet the pricing isn't even close
my guess is like $800 entry, $1600 top
It ships with a dumbed down windows too
@Cerbrus Did you got any idea by seeing the structure?
Windows 10 Cloud OS
I'm thinking of buying my brother a cheap chromebook or similar for Christmas
@BenFortune because people by chromebooks and don't reformat them :p
@Learning Not really, no.
he's only got one pc, and it is a big old tower. he needs something portable.
@rlemon They're pretty great
Google docs is spot on, I get 11+ hours out of mine
I'm just on the fence between tablet vs small netbook
he'll only ever use it for browsing the web
If you get a decent one, they're quick too
the tablets are fun but only useful if you move around all the time
he's a UPS driver as well.
my car dealer has Surface Pros for everybody so they can bring it out to your car
the other reason a tablet might be more use to him
check off the buttons and sign right there, it's pretty cool
@Cerbrus Can i send you screenshots by hignlighting the portions from firebug that which proting belongs to which part of html
@rlemon Convertible? Except for a heavier keyboard for better balance, I don't see what advantages does netbooks have over them now.
Get him something like the Lenovo Yoga if you're in between
I think yarn is consistently installing the wrong version of my git package...
is this correct english : Make an ultrasonic transducer similar to the industrial ones
@corvid I think you're consistently installing the wrong version of your git package

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
@corvid the lock file will tell you exactly what it's doing and why
but if you're installing from git, you deserve whatever happens to you
What are the other options for having a private package?
run a private repo
or use npm's, now
Doesn't npm's private repo cost money? I'm poor
You can roll your own
running it yourself is free if you have a git/build server or are just doing it locally
and you should always have some sort of proxy/mirror running, because npmjs.com is not very stable
@corvid I think BitBucket allows you two private repo for free.
wait you mean like a github private repo? That's what I am doing
no, an npm registry
you could theoretically host one from github pages or something, but it's not worth it
@BenFortune installing budgie now
Better be good..
It felt half-baked the last time I tried it.
there are some UI issues with gnome on ubuntu I dislike.. and my laptop had driver issues. so perfect opportunity to start fresh and with a new DE
Is it possible to load dataurl directly in the browser?
@deostroll what do you mean?
@BenFortune 👎
no cd rom on this laptop.. and it just choked on restarting because of that :D
@rlemon something like this: gist.githubusercontent.com/deostroll/… ...copy paste that whole text into the browser...
just run gtk/xfce + arc :D
I mean where you type urls
for what purpose? to display the image?
@deostroll sure, that works fine.
damn, it didn't the first time... :(
Hi fellas
has anybody ever been able to evaluate a typescript enum inside a angularjs-html?
@rlemon fedora
currently running gnome shell + wayland on top of linux 4.11
(it was released yesterday.)
@AllTheFish what does "evaluate a typescript enum" mean?
@ssube, what's weird is if I check the yarn.lock file, it appears to be resolving correctly, it doesn't seem to install the right version, because one exported member is undefined. However, if I use npm install git+ssh://<my-package>#develop, it works completely fine
@rlemon ?
idk. bitched about not having a cd-rom then refused to shut down till I held the power button
and takes like 5 minutes to boot 😒
@Luggage Well I have a method wich takes an enum as parameter
enums are just types, they have no code to evaluate.
but when calling this method from within html it simply does not "know" the enum
@rlemon Dell XPS 12 detechable convertible, $799, quite a bargain with core m5, 8gb ram, and 256gb ssd.
Mine doesn't have a CD drive either, haven't had any trouble
type MyEnum = "one" | "two"; // no JS output for this, only used to check types.
is that the type of enum you mean?
@Luggage depends on your tsconfig
@Luggage nopes
enum MyEnum { one; two; } typically produces code
ohhh.. i am thinking of the wrong thing.
@BenFortune I'm just gonna stick with gnome for now :/
export const enum MyEnum{}
I'll play around with DEs another time
Does anyone remember the name of that website where you can write some code to generate audio waveforms based on time?
export const enum MyEnum{
	one = 1,
	two = 2
yea, gotcha.
but i haven't used them so I don't know.
If I pass MyEnum.one
@Luggage thinking of types?
nothing happens
e.g. type Foo; type Bar; type Baz = Foo | Bar;?
@FlorianMargaine yea.
for a const enum, there is no code
I read that TS can supposedly give me a "find all references" across files in the project, but vscode only gives results for open files.
Hm doesn't work no matter if I make it const or not
What's the resulting JS look like?
have you been seeing intermittent autocompletion errors or anything like that? Whenever I lose all references, it means errors between vscode and the compiler service.
i re-load window to reset TS completion way too often
it's a known thing they're going to address by making the compiler a proper library in the next few versions
though.. when I am not dealing with lots of errors like I am now, it's not as bad (I am converting one of the more complex files in my app to TS)
any EF gurus here?
I used it once in the 60's
oh cool. yeah it's really old technology
if EF = Entity Framework you may have better luck in the C# room.
it's empty :(
but your'e right
is anyone else having the common problem where webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin doesn't work at all? It keeps not being able to parse
@rlemon if you go looking for themes again, try Arc (with gnome, it applies to the sidebars too)
need help with a jquery selector just to see if the iframe video has loaded
> the iframe video
$('#bodyContent > iframe > video').on('load', function () {
@JoJo If video is inside the iframe, that's not going to work
@BenFortune cause I want to play a sound only when the video mp4 starts playing
any workaround?
@ssube is that a windows icon on a linux desktop?
@JoJo Put the sound in the video
@AllTheFish abso-lutely
yeah I will need to put the <audio element in the iframe files.. okay ty
@ssube how I mean why I mean explain :D
why not
@ssube 👎 not the '98 logo
I want my linux to look civilized, not like linux, so I have a flat theme and a windows button
the old logo wouldn't go with the theme
gnome3 is growing on me.
I liked unity
my VMs run noticeably faster on XFCE than Unity
I'm in favor of consolidating desktop environments.
what about on gnome3, ssube?
Xubuntu is nice, I'm running it on my chromebook
@BenFortune I didn't mind unity.
I haven't run gnome3 on this ubuntu VM but it was smooth on my Fedora one
there were a few issues with scaling that bit me in the arse. but that's about it
Unity and KDE (as much as I loved it for a time) are not
ok.. i gotta try that then. i always hated unity in a VM
xfce4 is alright imo.
I wouldn't cry if I had to use it full time
it was like working remotely (but on a fast connection)
xfce can stay out of the way :)
unity doesn't know how to
I'm Mr Unity, look at me!
until I boned myself with permissions (the most recent one) I was using Unity on both my desktop and laptop. once you try really hard not to leave the term/editor/browser combo you forget Unity is there.
XFCE is pretty nice though, of all the ones I used with Mint at least it felt the least intrusive
fedora sounds nice to try, but i use ubuntu on the server to match the environment of my client and like running a related distro for my desktops
that's why I'm on ubuntu now
less package management systems to learn
we use the standard ubuntu AMI at work
I now target Angstrom / Debian / Ubuntu 😒
fedora desktop is really nice and generally was a little bit smoother than ubuntu has been so far, but ubuntu does have more packages (and fedora is way ahead of centos)
smoother performance or setup / experience?
@Luggage Look at me! I'm Mr. Meeseeks!
little bit of both. It was definitely faster to login and the cursor felt more responsive, overall performance was the same.

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