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And if <Field> encapsulates all the data, how does a submit look?
I pass the object, for the reasons stated above plus some other reasons that don't apply to you (Mobx)
Field encapsulates the link between the component and the data, it does not store the data
the form still does.
well.. so.. I am talking about <BoundEditor> that I gave you.. thins it look sliek you renamed.
and <Field> was just a wrapper to stick a label on.
that thig that just sticks a label around the editors isn'tthe interesting part.
<InputField>, to you.
though.. you changed that to pick components from types.. mine was a whole different purpose
you know what. nevrmind. I am giving you opinions based on using my code and you have a very differnt plan, so.. it's useless.
@Mosho freelance has a lot more risk, you get no compensation when fired, your work fluctuates more and you need to do your own taxes etc.
Lol sorry, you weren't available for a bit so I just kind of "made it work". It's probably not optimal, but I wanted to get as much done as possible myself before I came back for help to avoid being a "vamp"
well, i have no idea what you are going for, so i have no opinion
@Loktar you get tax benefits too though
I'm aware you get more than your salary, but double...
I'm not trying to argue either, because i don't really know what it amounts to in the states
just in Israel
so I'm curious
Hey guys
Just a basic question
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, still double is cray to me
Does Destructuring saves memory?
@ZahidSaeed nah, the compiler will eliminate variables when it can, destructuring or no
@ssube Lol, that failed. SW actually errors out if debugging usb is enabled.
I think I might pass the handleChange all the way up to SelectionForm, and change my handleNotificationSelection to handleObjectSelection to make it generic, and then SelectionForm will handle all logic, but then I'll need SelectionForm to pass it's object back to NotificationFormContainer on submit so I can pass it to the unique API endpoint
do you think windows is regretting not coming to market faster then android?
@ZahidSaeed Do you know what "syntactic sugar" is?
like for example if I want to require the "fs.sep", I would only call it
@Luggage No bro :/
Linkin Park is the best musician in the world
true, love that guy
But isn't there a difference between importing a whole module with lots of properties and methods and importing only a single function?
@Luggage I don't need help with any of that but does any of that sound stupid?
Am I right?
@ndugger What about Dre?
in any way?
@ZahidSaeed you don't mean destructuring
I'd let Linkin Park surgically attach a bionic arm to my knee joint
Dre is one of the worst bands I've listened to.
const {existsSync, mkdirSync} = require("fs");
that is destructing
@littlepootis I was talking about Dr. Dre, pleb.
@Vap0r it doesn't sound stupid, but i can't be bothered to go look at what your handleNotificationSelection, etc are doing. I am tryinv to keep my own code structure in my head at the moment
@ZahidSaeed but in that case you will always "import" the whole thing
@Mosho Bro, that's what I'm talking about :)
That's reasonable appreciate it!
@Trasiva Moi aussi.
Import the whole thing but then eliminate the unnecessary data from the memory right away
Dr Dre is a bad band
"partial" import is only with import statements generally
Linkin park is a much better rapper
Ahh I see
Dre is an artist, Linkin Park is a band.
and indeed with tree shaking you can forego the rest of the module
@Mosho You mean I should use "import from..."?
tree shaking?
@Trasiva no, bro. I worked in the music department at barnes and noble. I know my music.
if you can, use that
@Trasiva are you serious?
@ndugger So what you're saying is, you got herpes from herpes?
it'll be natively supported sooner or later
and you are probably already using transpilation
@Trasiva you can't rightly call either of them artists
Bob Ross is an artist
Dre is a brand, Linkin Park is just dead
Linkin Dre is the best eminem I have ever rapped to
of course this "fs" module is a bad example for tree shaking, since it's a local node module.
@littlepootis Dre is a single entity. Linkin Park is made up of numerous individuals playing instruments, therefore a band.
Dr Dre is made up of molecules that play instruments
making him a band
Dre doesn't play instruments
!!define band
@rlemon [band](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=9160) A strip of material used for strengthening or coupling.
A strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together.

A narrow strip of cloth or other material on clothing, to bind, strengthen, or ornament it.
1843, Thomas Hood, The Song of the Shirt
band and gusset and seam

A strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached.
A belt or strap that is part of a machine.
he stands near pool parties wearing headphones
His molecules do
@Luggage That is a local module but it would still take up memory, wouldn't it?
Dre is technically classified as a 'Rapper", but yea.
if an array only has 1 element, is it still an array?
Dre is a hard rock band, just like nickelback
@ZahidSaeed tree shaking is when you are grabbing all the used JS code to bundle. You don't do that with code you run on the server (usually.. you can, but not usually)
*Canadian rock
hard, canadian rocks
Linkin Park rapped better in Waiting for the End than the dres did in any of their songs.
God, fuck y'all and your trolling, lol.
hi guys
@50l3r Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
well, that's not the definition of tree shaking, but that's when it'e relevant in the JS world.
you made me want to listen to LP
what should I listen to
anyone help me with bower and gulp?¿
listen M&M instead
@Mosho Basically anything that's not Linkin Park.
I prefer Skittles
what's wrong with linkin park
don't be a hater for the sake of hatin
@Mosho oh yeah
not taking it as arguing
I've just always saw that as a rule of thumb
I always have charged double for freelance
@Mosho they got so far
@Luggage What is the main difference between require() and import?
the hell is linkin park
lifehacker.com/… random article about it, but it's been something preached for a while in the US
@Mosho Waiting for the end of course.
linkin park is a pretty cool guy
Q: Using Node.js require vs. ES6 import/export

kpimovIn a project I'm collaborating on, we have two choices on which module system we can use: Importing modules using require, and exporting using module.exports and exports.foo Importing modules using ES6 import, and exporting using ES6 export Are there any performance benefits to using one over...

import supports partial importing while require() don't?
@ndugger crawls in skin and doesn't afraid of anything
> Taxes aren't ridiculous as a self-employed. The reason why taxes seem high, is because the portion of your payroll taxes — FICA, etc. — is normally split 50-50 between you and your employer, completely opaque to you. It's the shock everyone gets when they move to becoming a self-employed person — even I went through the same shock.
@mikeTheLiar absolutely
I've become so numb..
I've become so dumb
@Loktar it's basically saying "if you want money, ask for more money", which is kinda ridiculous
@rlemon you alright bro?
you were all along
doesn't make apologise for losing what he doesn't deserve
"how to make $1M: sell something for $1M"
@towc clickbait title
just a random search
o it is emo music
you can find more on it though
@towc That only works if you sell something worthless
with that one popular song everyone listened to in high school
@HatterisMad lmao
@KendallFrey that IS a good point
@HatterisMad or like two albums
linkin park is amazing :P
@Loktar I can't feel you there
and rlemon was citing one of the songs
@rlemon these are the things in my jeep
become so tired, so much more aware.
he's going to quote the whole song
If I use import from "myModule", where does it looks for?
great song lots of stuff in his jeep
@BadgerCat got a ping
I try to use path.join() with import from but it crashes
what?! xD
@Loktar Have you seen that movie? I absolutely loved it. I watched it on a flight
all I want to do is be more like me and be less like @ndugger
@ndugger lol yeah I own it
the sound track is amazing
funny enough i actually know of lonely island
Bin Laden was a good one
lol yes
and the not gay song
@Neoares but don't tell her I told you to!
@towc despite the options, you're still making the wrong choice
@BadgerCat you know valentine's day it's 14th february?
I'm a good choice
It's this Sunday, isn't it?
equal rights.
I like me
Being more like me is good for your skin
1/1 duggers agree
no, this Sunday it's San Jordi xDDD
@Neoares she mentioned something with dragons this sunday
in what alternative universe
So take her out for San Jordi
> not gay
the knight killed the dragon to rescue the princess
@ndugger tities
> sports
my kids fav song is Incredible Minds
or mind, whatever it's called
Incredible thoughts
My kids' fav song is Imagine by Lennon.
because they have to imagine being real?
that looks a lot like lemon
what are their names?
@Loktar i had never actually heard this one, that is hysterical
all those dolls singing
Imagino and Imagina
@rlemon My kids' fav song is Imagine by Lemon. (source)
@HatterisMad lol yeah man
new album?
you should check out the whole soundtrack
at least 5 or 6 pretty good songs
> Popstar never stop never stopping
^ @HatterisMad soundtrack for that movie
@Neoares She's hooking you up dude, find a valid excuse and take her damn friend out, lol.
oh lol i wondered why you said soundtrack.... didn't realize they made a movie
Jordan just sent me a meme about eating butthole
lol yeah it's pretty funny
@ndugger flag that bruh
google ban him
lol my office only has 800mbit of bandwidth, no wonder the wifi and everything there is garbage
ndugger has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
anyone help me?
Q: Concatenar componentes bower con gulp

50l3rBuenas tardes a todos, Tengo un problema al intentar concatenar todos mis componentes de bower en un archivo unico llamado vendor.js. Esta es mi tarea de gulp: gulp.task('bower', function() { var jsFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.js', { restore: true }) var cssFilter = gulpFilter...

Now you're just getting obnoxious.
@50l3r Most of us only speak English
no problem if you can help me
Kinda seems like a major problemo
or give me a track
majoro problemo buddyo
@50l3r it means we can't read your question, unfortunately
He asked three times for someone to help him, and then put this question up and then immedietly posted it here.
i need to compile my bower components in a unique js file
@Trasiva probably cause nobody had helped him
buy i got a error "require is not a funcion"
@50l3r you need to transpile your modules or something, it sounds like you're using require without node
maybe a es6 problem? i try to convert to es5 with babel but i got many errors
@ssube you can read the gulpfile?
@50l3r are you getting the error when you run gulp or when you use the output?
when i use the output
i get the vendor.js file now
in a browser or in node?
you don't have a module loader that provides require, I expect
requirejs maybe?
webpack is probably a better choice
too much difficult
i tried
no more difficult than requirejs
less, usually
i like gulp
browserify is another option, as is rollup
its easy
they work with gulp
if i include requirejs in my bower
maybe the problem dissapear?
it might, but you'll have to fight requirejs, and it's very obsolete
webpack and friends do the same sort of thing, but during your build
@KendallFrey ohh yea, I almost forgot. Happy Apollo 16 bro!
it's faster and less complicated to deploy (requirejs needs to be configured on the server side as well)
whats the difference with gulp
You really should invest some time into learning Webpack, but for now, gulp + browserify will be sufficient.
they run within gulp
gulp will run babel and webpack, for example
nice, im trying
gulp-browserify its deprecated :(
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@50l3r Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
bower is basically deprecated as well
it's no longer maintained, afaik
> While Bower is maintained, we recommend yarn and webpack for new front-end projects!
on their own website
i developing an angularjs app
That doesn't matter
and grunt?
with webpack, you don't necessarily need grunt or gulp, but they are still decent tools to use
grunt is a little bit less efficient than gulp, but that's it
im near to suicide
now angular 2 & 4
changing bower to webpack
i need to rewrite all my code and learn new devtools
angular is not the most fun to work with
react maybe?
most of the people here prefer react, yeah
Ever hear of an "echo chamber"? This is one. For react.
the eternal fight
angular or react?
clearly jQuery is the best
wtf is this?
YUI and Prototype
$.$$ = $$
plain js
Vanilla Js is lame. Has been since 2006
i haven't had a reason to dive into react yet
i know angular not react
I prefer peanut butter cup js
i dont have time to migrate
it takes like 2 hours to figure out React and maybe 2 days to implement the API
i have a crud rest api
and i only create a great frontend
have an old app built in angular 1.x, works fine, but... dunno. it's one of those apps where you build it and forget it, it just works. needs no maintenance
well worth your time, @KevinB, especially writing your own custom one
well, that's the thing. i spend 90% of my time maintaining existing tools or integrating backend data with 3rd party systems
very little front-end work
what do you ask to a framework?
a lot of SAP integration work
@KevinB me neither, but it's still nice to have. When I do need a UI, oh hey, just slap a few components on a page and viola!
we do have a reporting app that needs a new face, just a simple socket connection outputting to some tables. might be a decent hello world into react
especially with the socket
right now it's in angular something
probably 1.2
hooking sockets up to react is essentially what mobx does
both react and mobx are dead simple concepts with a shitload of complex optimizations
there should be more TodoMVC project in order to compare frameworks
you can spin your own JSX->DOM and state storage libs in a day with the same API
!!afk Fucking' bluetooth plotting broke
@pmros there's a repo on github with all of the frameworks, I think
yeah angular 1.2.16
yes, I mean more TodoMVC like
entire app is only 84 lines
i open the pandora's box
@pmros which frameworks are missing from TodoMVC?
I'm gonna make a pull request

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