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Never noticed this with vscode, I like it
@jAndy nah, MS is fine, Apple makes decent hardware and cripples it with garbage software and self-maintained drivers.
@ssube :P
@littlepootis no, but I'm going to do the same on that too
MS just stole from macintosh and build up on that tho
and macintosh/apple just drilled unix a little bit
everyone stole from everyone else
it was a team effort, really
still this going on, ms stole from mac, come on
they all stole their UI, but who cares about that. OSX has always been hideous.
so actually we're all running on unix basis.. except.. MS really drilled it to death
the drivers and stuff bother me more
@ssube please go and throw yourself off a bridge?
osx is wonderful
any javascript fan can help me with my question?
You lost me at "mic input"
voice recognition
I just want to see someone try mic output
a mic is just a speaker (kinda)
hahaha and one more ha
OSX's app bar thing is the worst UI component ever made, but otherwise I love it. Windows has been hideous since media edition
@BenFortune seems pointless... If you know css, the tooltip is not helpful
Yea, windows task bar (which took some ideas from apple) is superior
also explorer > finder
Yet, OSX is still nice.
tmux is my desktop environment <3
linux isn't even real
not really, because I have real thinsg to do
get outta town
canada isn't real
finland isn't real
Oh my god, that breadstick ad, @ssube
canadia isn't real?
I hate windows 8/8.1 and windows server 2012 interface
the square root of -1 isn't real
(that's when they went all mobile/touchscreen)
I have my pottery class tonight, but when I get home, it's pizza and medicine time
windows 10 though i like
Windows 10 is nice.
that every-other rule
windows 10 is still kinda ugly with how they're still trying to force flat/metro UI ugly stuff, but it's definitely still a nice OS
and W10 is supposed to be the last one, or something
so.... stuff
you'd rather have glossy buttons than flat metro?
is anyone here a CTO?
Well, just like how MacOS is the last one, but they keep iterating on it
what do CTOs actually do?
However in their latest update the put edge back on my task bar
windows is doing the same thing
if you want to enjoy the windows UI, check out windowgrid.net
@towc They report what the tech side of a business is doing to stakeholders. For the most part, they generally don't make any real decisions on tech, though.
Sometimes they will be the one to make deals with vendors and the like
@towc what ndugger said is usually true, but it depends on the size of the company. My CTO is pretty hands-on and closely attached to the devops team, he's the head of the architecture team.
He still writes some code, but has the last say on tech choices.
is that something a programmer would want to do?
it feels more like management than techy stuff
I also hate how you can't change the search engine used by their taskbar
it's something that happens when you found a company
when they get bored with programming and want to just sleep at a desk, sure.
so i just don't use it
I guess you need deep knowledge of techy stuff anyway to manage it well
Now if only my fucking BLUETOOTH wouldn't stutter despite all my drivers being up to date.
@towc non-technical management is the worst thing ever
@Trasiva bluetooth stutters regardless of *
@ssube It's fine on my phone.
so here's the story
I need to test this dongle on a few other computers to verify it's not the dongle.
yesterday I bumped into an employee of this international ~60 employee company
my phone stutters even in the car, 2' from the stereo
they have a huge focus on javascript and I was like HELL YEAH BOY
so we talked and he showed me around their offices
instant-friended everyone around
and they tell me they're hiring. I tell them "oh, interesting. I'm not particularly planning to work for a company" and stuff
then they say "actually, we need a new CTO"
and I'm like "oh, you... :3"
and it evolved into a "let's talk later"
mostly because I had no idea what CTOs do
and I probably don't have enough skills to do that anyway
Clearly they don't know you if they want you as their CTO.
someone is telling a 17 year old he can be CTO? Sounds like he wants to do you.
they thought I was much older
18, then
How? you look 16.
graduating from oxford. Coz I told them I currently live in oxford
they might just want somebody to take the blame when the company goes under
Good morning forks
I'm a spoon
also, they just expressed interest, that didn't mean I wouldn't have to go under interview processes
It's still weird and reeks of scam
and chances are that when they'll find out I didn't even go to uni they would just offer me a normal position
Hey random 17 year old, do you want to be CTO? Pls. Direct Hire.
@ndugger or just people who have no idea what they're doing
That too
because those totally aren't a thing where towc is
> "let's talk later... my place"
> I have a great name for a product.
> I just need a CTO to help me write the code.
You know those people who approach you at the mall and say you could be a model?
no no, exactly. It wasn't very straight forward, they were just encouraging me to apply
@Meredith I think that only happens to women, so no
@Meredith don't go with them, their drugs are garbage
but I've heard that they're porn casting, or whatever
Nah they just want you to pay $50 for headshots
I had a friend who was approached by someone asking if she wanted to do modeling, and the business card was for one of the major porn producing companies
I don't recall which
that's also common
> I don't recall which
it's going to be a scam, but there are just so many to choose from
we all know you memorized the names of the 500 most famous porn companies, stop lying
@towc that would be impressive
you're impressive
did they ever tell you, you could be a model?
@rlemon Jesus
hatch open
maybe they wanted someone specific for a job, so they were putting some weak candidates towards him, so it would seem fair
thank you for the encouragement @CemSultan
argh. It's hard to google for a tool for interpreting XSD files. You keep finding tools to USE xsd files.
oh always, since I liked these javascript guys who don't help at all, I said to myself, why not starting a movement here, and start to help around :) you know
@Luggage xsdvi
@CemSultan Nonsense
how I bumped into them was because I got this guy who runs another 5 employee company to meet up with me, made him think I was a bloody genius and he should bow to me because he was a dick to a friend of mine, and then he keeps on giving me contacts and amazing referrals
I never lied to him, but still gave him that impression
> This Java application serves to transform W3C XML Schema instances into interactive diagrams in SVG format.
@CemSultan What sort of tripe are you spouting here? We help people, just not vamps or people who obviously didn't spend three seconds on Google or the MDN.
@Shmiddty But I don't know CSS :D
bye o/
Idk if I could convince someone that I'm a genius. Like that's a huge uphill battle
get a job in the apple bar
Not qualified
everyone is
Being a genius is overrated. I wish I was stupider; I would probably be happier.
doesn't everyone around you that can't program think you are some kind of genius? that's my experience
that bar is pretty low now
i think that about operating system developers
If you can write jQuery, you can dodge a ball
i can "fix" your laptop. i.e. turn on WiFi. I'm a genius
@ndugger you are not genius
rest assured
@Mosho I'm not claiming to be one
I'm 6 IQ points away from that
btw, the unexpected main selling point was that the guy was fascinated with hacking. Found that out, played with his emotions a bit, then shoved my certificate in his face (in a slightly less violent way)
I peg you at ~130 (if IQ is unscientific, my guess is even more unscientific)
but being intelligent in any capacity means you're aware of everything wrong with the world, which is terrible
so the CEH actually did something for me
@ndugger that's why you want to be a genius sociopath
best combo
i have an average iq
ndugger, that is not being intelligent, that is being hopeless :)
Sounds great
Get one of those back-alley lobotomies to be happier.
@Meredith man made sugar is a poison
A delicious poison.
A drug, no less.
Btw if you're having symptoms of delusions and you're depressed, that's 2 symptoms of a psychotic illness right there
I try to avoid sugary things... Not that it's better for you, but I prefer sugar-free energy drinks, simply because I don't get the sugar crash from them
@William "an" average? There is only one average; "the" average
I'm depressed and deluded. I'm well aware I'm insane. I might just axe-murder everyone on our Canada trip.
KendallFrey his grammar checks out according to my compiler.
@KendallFrey There's multiple ways of finding an average
you can add em and divide or you can divide and then add em
I have an average sized ****.
@KendallFrey that is trying way too hard
@Meredith Although the standard definition is "mean", but it doesn't matter because all methods are the same for a normal distribution, which IQ is
Average isn't really a standard statistical term
@Luggage duck?
I got the biggliest duck
uhhhh I think it's time to change lanes.
is that your mom?
@rlemon You're about to get a really shitty beating.
@towc no, that's a meme. Open your eyes, pleb.
> sharon@aaweb-app2:/home/aauser/deploy/dev/app/current$ ls
> client django_server env_staging.sh hooks scripts static
> sharon@aaweb-app2:/home/aauser/deploy/dev/app/current$ cd ../current
> sharon@aaweb-app2:/home/aauser/deploy/dev/app/current$ ls
> client django_server env_staging.sh hooks report_server scripts static
your mom is a meme
that makes me sad
your meme is my mom
sorry guys had to hop of the call early
it is
did memes use to be funnier or am I just getting old now?
@ndugger I don't want to kiss anyone for whom "lap" is pluralized
you're going insane. you need therapy.
@GNi33 think about it this way: you were old before it was cool
bloody everything is a "meme" now, and "dank" just means especially shitty
Memes started out as normal jokes, then they became ironic, then ironically ironic, then ironically ironically ironic, etc.
So they're only funny if you're on the correct level of irony
they've stopped being dank memes, they're just schwag memes now
I think Jan Dvorak's soul was absorbed by @KendallFrey
Ah, yes, schwag
's mum
they're posting the shake in the bottom of the meme bottle
smoking meme balls rather than making new content
@GNi33 humanity has started devolving into "homo stupians"
Pickling memes to make them last longer too
OC is overrated; we need more doge and awkward penguin thing and confession bear stuff or whatever
I never used reddit or imgur while memes were at their peak, so I'm not familiar with them all
I don't get it
I don't get it
o/ @ndugger
the only thing that's funny every now and then is polandball now
actually, I get it now just so I don't have to be like towc
I wish the NPM search screen shows DL/day or SOME useful metric for distinguishing the bullshit project from the real
cheers m8
It does doesn't it?
> 157,917 downloads in the last day
not on the search page.. i don't think: npmjs.com/search?q=xsd&page=2&ranking=optimal
yeah it's on the individual package pages
you have to open the top 5 and compare downloads
every time
there's also the metrics on top left
This is 2017. And that is hard.
"popular" vs whatever
@Meredith i don't even want to know
@GNi33 the cop is taking bad pot because the student brought it to an area where only good pot is allowed
you must have another npm search screen, @KevinB
@Meredith that's a good one
on the top left, the section is titled "search criteria"
ohh, that. psh. barely informative
yep. definitely getting too old for this
I'll get my walking cane and show myself out, goddamn hippie teenagers
@Meredith you should just go watch Tim & Eric
or Mr Pickles or Superjail
they apparently have some kind of advanced search functionality, but 0 docs on it othe than the 3 examples on the left
@SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=cpl8fSeZVZ8 you might like this
btw meredith, there's a pigeon in your bank account
@Meredith enlightening
@KevinB looks better, thanks. but I alrady determined there are no libraries that do what I want anyway, so it doesn't matter how popular they are :)
whatcha trying to do?
just read an XSD file (which is xml). I can do that, but I am looking for a library that understands XSD (but isn't just a validator).
As in, it'll de-reference types referenced in the same file instead of me manually searching.
re-implementing <union> <choice> etc is a pain. I might have to do this in C# where there are more pre-written* tools at my disposal.
I completely failed an interview "test" but just got the job.
I'm confused.
Sometimes it's not about what you know, but how you approach it.
maybe you were the only candidate
!!afk wings wings wings
I think it was how I approached it.
whatever floats your boat
@Mosho lol
I did great in the in person interview but the test threw me for a loop. Lot's of string manipulation stuff I in .NET I hadn't done since college.
They said they were mainly looking for programming style so I guess that passed muster.
I really felt like I failed though since the application didn't work
> This code does nothing, but the use of whitespace is impeccable.
I guess so. I was really confused when they said they understood
was it a "closed book" type of thing?
or whiteboard?
It was at home
1 hour, timed.
And you got the job?

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