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Hey @rlemon
Hope you saw my ping..
I did
I am good..
that's good to hear
So I guess you unbanned me
no, you got unbanned because of an internal bug
Hmm so what was the reason for my ban ?
probably fucking with the bots ban or die commands
I just tried it once or twice..
then that's your reason. don't fuck with the bot at the expense of others.
Well I if I woiuld have tried it more than 3 times then I am trying to fuck up..
I never knew who can ban/unban so tried it twice..
Don't try to debate the semantics of "fucking up". -.-
Anything that would ban others or would kill the bot should obviously be off limits.
I've disabled kill from the public.
Especially considering you didn't work on the bot, and are not an RO.
ban still works for obvious reasons.
Alright got it now..
So can you unban me ?
are you still banned?
No you said I was unbanned from an internal bug so in case you fix it..I would be banned again..
no the bug erased a year of memory
@BatCat Can't you understand what's a joke and what is not? Here is the internal bug, it is old.
thanks for the reminder.
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: backups
fuck off cap. that's in there.
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: backups
You've given her alzheimers
like, I'm looking at the userscript right now that adds the command.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I have no idea about the joke as I had no idea of what was happening.
@rlemon Donna Noble has left The Library. [Donna Noble has been saved.](undefined)
well you're just useless bot
@CapricaSix Did you just re-define undefined? Naughty.
what is the word for what redux/mobx is? Data management layer?
@rlemon pretty much what I currently have set up in my shed with an LED battery powered lamp
which also ends up being my camping lamp too!
I've got these charging the battery
just tacked to the shed roof
nice. You've motivated me to do this.
Adding it to the list
argh, my power connector in my laptop is slightly burnt.
might have to replcae that part :(
on the plus side, ifixit includes a fairly comprehensive guid to doing it
OakBot Online.
whose bot is that, before we kick it?
I think it's that Learn How to be Transparent's
You beat me to it, @ssube
even when you kick it it still listens.
evenin r17
I just kicked it from c# and they summoned it here after the kick.
Guys, don't flag that. It's not spam / offensive.
So kick it until the mods give it a longer ban?
if they're sending bots to other rooms, then it is spam
did i get flagged?
I guess we could just summon Madara.
:P oh bot
We could flag you if you'd like.
@ssube The worst part is it's almost impossible to get rid of
:P no thanks :)
@KendallFrey So it's the herpes of SO chat?
/unsummon 17
@KendallFrey @MadaraUchiha can you fix this/ban that bot?
seems to not be listening anymore
so we're good.
but it was for sure doing something fucky in the c# room
@KendallFrey So it's basically the herpes of chat?
every time somebody makes a bot and decides to send it on the internet, something fucky happens
usually it just spams
This is how Skynet happens.
heh ...
/8ball huh?
* kss kss * @ hans
stop kissing me
what does that mean
Hello all
!!give Hans a lick
@rlemon Mmmm! Hands tastes just like raisin
@rlemon Mmmm! Hans tastes just like raisin
kissing is usually an intimate form of human contact
she typed it hands at first.... lol
i need to talk to Michael
my middle name is Michael
can he put a blacklist of rooms the bot cannot enter?
> Top Tracks: Machine Head
i dont know
or y'know, just fix the unsummon
He will do ASAP
just forget it actually
@KendallFrey the bot circumvented the kick block.
the mods should sort it out :D
and she spells hans with a d
@HatterisMad I made a typo
hand solo
my hands dont taste like raisin
@Hans1984 oh god. i wasn't kissing ya. It's a different reaction, so like "shoo shoo of" or something like that.
i dont know what you are talking about
!!lick Hans
@rlemon Mmmmmmm @Hans tastes just like schinkenspeck!
I know i was joking@KarelG
oh.. wasn't obvious to me :)
Hmm? Ban what bot?
11 mins ago, by OakBot
OakBot Online.
apparently it was mostly spamming in c#
It's java room's bot.
and then did some anti-kick magic here
It's ok now?
It's made by this guy:
Michael, Philadelphia, PA
22.2k 13 55 89
@littlepootis is it? The logs just have a bunch of vamps playing with it in the sandbox
and it showed up, spammed c#, then jumped over here without invitation
yeah but Michael didnt summon him here
in c# it was weird. kept responding even after leaving the room, and being kicked.
well Oak is not responding in here anymore right
so its all good now
@rlemon It didn't leave the room, that's the problem
@KendallFrey when you looked at the profile on chat.so it wasn't listing as in the room
the fuck
I'm glad you guys care about whatever this is so that I don't have to.
yea, that's why I called it fuckery.
you can't kick it again, either
I think they are talking about abusing a bot
because it has no feelings
it's just going to be there, lurking, just another glitchy bot
they abused it too much and now its taking its revenge
lurking for his time to come
this is how it starts
and then he just takes over
> "They're robots Morty! It's okay to shoot them! They're just robots!"
> "It's a figure of speech, Morty! They're bureaucrats! I don't respect them. Just keep shooting, Morty! You have no idea what prison is like here!"
!!Do you plan to take over this chat?
@Hans1984 Of course!
bots stick together
!!will we let you kick OakBot next time?
@rlemon I expect so
should I answer? Looks like they really want to chat.
I want to be polite
as with all recruiters, ask for nudes
lol seems legit
this can be my big break moment. I should get back to her.
@idjaw "yes, am good. love to work with you. send nudes"
Do they take us for fools?!
.ru, just reply to her with kot blin
I think they're fake
> It's got up-to-date borders in eastern europe, too. Impressive.
and Pug changed back to Jade, Babel changed to 6to7 and node.js is now called Steve.
this cat looks so proud
like she made those pancakes on her own
Sorry for the OakBot spam guys. :(
Will look into improving the summon functionality.
@BenFortune what are they even doing
ugh wtf....
@Michael Next time, we start by taking a finger.
@ssube I'm not sure, but even changing the repo name they broke a ton of dependencies
good, people importing things from github deserve to break
We give the finger back after 30 days.
@Trasiva calm down Madame Gao
how do I install a specific node version with apt-get
add it to the source list
@littlepootis It's not that difficult, especially if you use a butcher's cleaver.
@Luggage How generous. xD
@Mosho pin it
argh, building typescript type from an XSD is hard.
Hello Everybody
@CemSultan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon bullshit
fuck all this
I found github.com/charto/cxsd which looks perfect, but of course it had an vague error for the XSD I have.
I'm going back to windows
what, just adding a repo for node and installing is pretty easy
let him go
it's better for everyone
# install node 6.x from nodesource.
- name: Add apt-key for nodesource
  apt_key: url=deb.nodesource.com/gpgkey/nodesource.gpg.key id=68576280 validate_certs=yes

- name: Add nodesource apt repository
  apt_repository: repo='deb deb.nodesource.com/node_6.x xenial main' state=present mode=644

- name: Install node.js
  apt: name=nodejs state=present
that will install latest 6.x
I still install/update node on my debian server by downloading the source... make, make install
hatch opening this morning
and then just wait 2 hours
I missed the original question. you could use NVM, but i never had
I have installed for source. that's as aeasy as ./configure && make install
I don't see the point of nvm
I use nvm
rather just use
What you're trying to achieve is hard to do without apt pinning. If you don't want to deal with that, just use nvm.
Or switch to windows.
only in windows though
or tarball
I was kidding about windows, it's a server
windows is not a server, don't you accuse it of things it's never done
that's like calling apple a software company
windows server 2008
stlli old
@ssube that would make more sense talking about microsoft...
I have following code to get mic input from the client:
           function startDictation1() {

            if (window.hasOwnProperty('webkitSpeechRecognition')) {

                var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();

                recognition.continuous = false;
                recognition.interimResults = false;

                recognition.lang = "tr-TR";

                recognition.onresult = function (e) {

the world ended in 2012, so how can there be a windows server?
@ssube I mean, I wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't a server I'm trying to install on, because I would be on windows otherwise
Is this a production server?
are you trying to install multiple versions of node? or just 1 older one

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