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just came back in office, saw that pic and snorted my coffee ... thank you rlemon
I don't get it
@thedigitalmouse The parser isn't necessarily the problem.
It's the ambiguousness, and readability
Most people who are unaware of the problem would read this:
  foo: 'bar'
as "return a literal object with one property foo whose value is 'bar'"
how can I add \n in yuidoc comment block? its placicing everything on the same line
But me (and the parser), reads that as "return nothing, after the return, there's a block with a label named "foo" and an empty expression 'bar'"
@MadaraUchiha funny enough i first read that as "return a literal object with one property ..." then corrected myself
the braces were part of the return, in my mind
@thedigitalmouse Yes, hence the confusion.
How should the parser treat that?
up to the guy that developed the parser
The current behavior makes sense according to the specs, and kinda makes sense for a human once you give it a tiny bit of thought
It's unexpected, for sure, but that's what happens when you use the same syntax for block and object literal
Also when unreachable code and empty expressions are allowed
i've spent equal time over the past 40+ years with semicolon and non-semicolon languages so the 'return the object' felt equally as valid as 'return, and oh by the way here is a label with an expression'... i sense it comes down to personal preference when you have the option, or the requirement of the language you use to follow that syntax. also depends on the team you are with.
i joined a company where 3 guys use semicolons and braces everywhere, and one guy older than i is used to not using them for one liner if statements.
@thedigitalmouse I used to do that, then I got bit.
Since then it's a compilation error for me.
heh. I go in behind the guy periodically (he knows) and add the braces and semi colons. :D he retires this year so the group as a whole decided to stick to one standard. we also had to adjust from doing things like: if(true) ... to: if( true ) ... something the older guy did and we liked it 'cause it looked cleaner.
@thedigitalmouse if(true) foo() wouldn't build for me
if (true) { foo(); } would
// As will
if (true) {
But I tend to be as strict as possible with my linting rules
Relaxing is always easy, stricting not so.
(is that even a word? stricting?)
@thedigitalmouse that's easy. You say that a smart parser should be able to detect the end of statement / scope if there are no semicolons, yet you say "not my problem, it's the dev(s) behind the parser"
@MadaraUchiha close enough :)
@KendallFrey šŸ˜ƒ i.imgur.com/ionHYtO.jpg
disney font lol
@KarelG i mean they define the rules for parsing their language, whether strictly or not. not my problem in the sense that i do what is required or not for the language and project at-hand.
morning everyone
Hi everyone
@thedigitalmouse I think that the fact that JS even gives you the choice is a weak point
If you open this link in small device(s), the price table converting into tab view. can anyone tell is this a plugin or shopify using their own custom code?
@AbhishekPandey css with some media queries
check this out
@rlemon Nope, I don't think this is just a css solution
the good bulk of it is
Because there are 3 buttons at the top of the table, if you click them, table is changing
you could do that with pure css
shopify probably wrote a little js to do it, but you could for sure do it with pure css.
You mean it's custom, Alright that's all I was curious to know :)
I thought, this could be plugin
Thanks for Help
Hey, @rlemon, did you see this? Someone's curious why they're Cap-banned...
well, if you look, they were already banned by the time I got to that
and iirc they were one of a few who were killing the bot from another room
I guessed as much
Didn't want to say so, though. But figured you had a good reason :-)
there were a few people who I banned all at once for doing that.
That user included, apparently.
!!forget rlemon
@SterlingArcher Command rlemon does not exist.
eh that indian guy reminds me of his shrek version
Did anyone have heard something of abhishrek already ?
been a while since I've heard of him
I only know that he'll be in Mexico this summer
together with Amaan
@KarelG shrek is abi
he's online right now
wait, really?
haha, didn't realize that
Need help with css, how do I leave 20px for the icon on the right side of the input field. I currently have it working with percentages but the gap it leaves for bigger resolution makes it look ugly bootply.com/kU0Rff3qRh#
thought that he was just another ogre clone
haha, yeah
@FlyingGambit margin-right ?
hey good afternoon
@FlyingGambit yeah i would also use margins
@Shrek not cool, man!
How long did hangouts go for @rlemon?
maybe I failed to frame my question correctly, have a look at this one bootply.com/Xsi9cJ6vPE
I want to get the icon to the right side
@SterlingArcher can't remember. cody nick and I were on it for a bit tho.
Cody joined? awww
I was watching the caps game. They won 5-4
Should have been 6-4. Worst goal tending call I've ever seen
NOT a duplicate of those questions. — Jeremy J Starcher 2 mins ago
am I missing something ? seems like a pretty straight forward dupe, unless OP wants to add more information.
are any people in The Netherlands going to the react conf tomorrow in Amsterdam?
@rlemon it's "not a dupe because the copypasted solution did not work" ... obviously
@FlyingGambit just do this on your input element
<ur input> {
	width: 95%;
    display: inline-block;
mmm fruit, bacon and apple fritter for breakfast
thank you building, for hosting a delicious breakfast in the lobby
mmm coffee and coffee
are fritters warm?
i've never had an apple fritter
they can be
@KarelG Thank you but I am trying to get rid of the width in percentage , and use something like 100% - 20px
they look warm
@FlyingGambit width: calc(100% - 20px);
@FlyingGambit CSS3 calc
what ben wrote ^--
Though that'll get rid of 10px either side I think
it only doesn't work in Opera tho
@BenFortune uhm ... no
* scratches *
@BenFortune Thanks that worked
Thanks all
calc is better supported than I thought
!!caniuse calc
@KarelG The application does only supports IE 11, chrome and mozilla so it should be fine
partial support in ie9
@KarelG Opera mini*
calc is really well supported
@CapricaSix Blocked here
no one cares about Opera mini
@FlyingGambit your work is terrible.
@rlemon bangs my head, just shifted to a new office
why is that site blocked ?
@KarelG no idea
maybe someone hates it :P
they have some common filter applied, it blocks most sites that I love
<person1> "oh no, browser doesn't support X."
<you>" But it does * shows caniuse link "
<person1> " i didn't see that. * adds to filter *
you can watch porn at my work. I have access to the filters, but i trust my personnel
that's a shame
just buy a 4g dongel
my work doesn't have filters.
@KarelG Lucky man XD
buy a new job with sane mgmt
@KarelG it's in my contract that you're not allowed to watch porn here
if even that is in your contract, then something bad has happened in the past
maybe someone whom watched porn the whole day instead of working and offended some people when he/she got caught
maybe it was porn that didn't suit the boss's tastes
yeah who knows
i didn't ask
maybe he wants to be the only one who can watch it
good morning
this made the rounds in my feed, and thought I'd share
I really should come up with some stupid idea. Someone will fund it
How about solar roadways?!
Or a small plastic cube with knobs on it!
IoT toilet paper
> investors have been disappointed after figuring out that Juicero owners can squeeze juice from the proprietary juice bags by hand, without the $400 appliance.
@idjaw A toilet paper printer!
It literally prints paper!
And all you have to do is to feed it regular old paper!
This can revive epson
Epson will be cool again
@OliverSalzburg there is an experiment in the Netherlands where solar panels is placed below bicycle roads.
@OliverSalzburg I wouldn't like to wipe my arse with that stuff
they put a transparent polymer on top of that
@idjaw light monitoring lamps. they won't turn on if the ambient light in the room exceeds X lumens.
for the 'green kids'
@KarelG There was literally a "Solar Roadways" kickstarter and it's a major failure
add gluten free to the box and you're fucking gold.
@BenFortune you're missing the point. Using the proprietary paper, the Epson ButtMagician will add a soothing lotion using its special ink
Well, it's a major failure in that it doesn't do what it claimed. They raked in millions of dollars with it of course
@idjaw Do I have to give it the special ink?
@OliverSalzburg different project. i'm talkin about this cdn1.pri.org/sites/default/files/styles/story_main/public/story/…
I have been left outside with the robot. Lord give me strength not to play with it
@BenFortune That's the main money maker. So yes. There will be refill stations that we will set up with city sanitation where they will be able to re-extract the inks from the sewage.
@KarelG Yeah, I figured it's a different project. From the critizism I picked up regarding Solar Roadways, the Dutch project seems more promising
We're going to create more jobs
I should get in to politics too while I'm at it.
@SterlingArcher Give it a few kicks
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Ugh.. mobile
In general though, laying solar panels flat on the ground is a waste. And putting solar panels in places where people walk and drive on is especially stupid, as they generally cover the surface. At least while the sun is up
@rlemon I have been left outside with the robutt. Lord give me strength not to play with it (source)
@OliverSalzburg And they need to be kept clean don't they?
@BenFortune That came up as well
true. But did ya know that current solar panels setup is not so efficient ?
they're all aimed to the south
Then you've just gotta hope they don't get vandalized. Where I live, they'd be spray painted in days
it takes more space than simply put two panels adjacent of each other, right pointing to east (if east is at your right side) and right pointing to west
@BenFortune if they gave you free tea otoh. Praised by millions
Lol robutt
I guess you could watch Thunderf00ts videos on YouTube about it. He pretty much summed up all the critizism. And I only watched it because I liked how he hated on shit
I don't even care about the topic
But some good hatin', that's nice
by this you have lower power generation true, but more longer and constant than only aiming to the south
Crappy tire is having a sale on 40w panels. $99
Crappy tire sent us a thick catalog in the mail
Why do they still do that. Such a waste.
my solar panels are already aiming to the west/east. I thought that it was common, but that master builder looked confused to me when I explained where to place the panels.
I don't know enough about solar panels to know if this is a good deal or just meh
I might buy one just to fuck with .
then return it
I think crappy tire takes back anything
@idjaw So that you buy solar panels! Think of the environment bruh
@idjaw sure do
@rlemon hook it upto a pi
actually... that's my intent.
@idjaw did ya have heard of IKEA's yearly book ?
free server
I need something to feed power to my outdoor garden
@KarelG oh yes...definitely. Another dandy one.
right now I have two small panels used to keep car batteries charged over the winter
I'm actually trying to find a way to provide lighting to my shed
they power a UPS battery which runs some LEDs to light my shed
without having to send a cable to my house
@idjaw step into my office..
I didn't even have looked into that. I don't need furniture ... If i need one, i look on the internet lol.
@rlemon seems like our interests just matched
let's do this
I've already done it
oh. let's talk
been lighting my shed since last fall
it isn't much light. but I can see at night time
how much would you say that set up cost you?
if you had more solar panels, or a larger ups battery you could run a larger led array
@idjaw I got the panels for free, but if you had to buy them? $100?
not bad.
Anyone know any good websites for getting generic color schemes? I need a dark and light theme for my site, and I am woefully uncreative
battery was like $35, leds were like $5, wire was free, panels were free, but I think you can get the ones I have for like $45
and a light switch.
@rlemon that's not a steep price for such a helpful thing to have.
And if I can set it up right, I might be able to provide more lighting to my backyard as well
yea you'd need to get larger panels than I have, and a better battery
here is my light source :D
this looks fine
@KAmit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@idjaw it's small, but I didn't need much. however it should scale up fine.
haha that's cute
[thinks] Okay, well, maybe there are some who'd tweet about that, but *surely* no one is tweeting... [searches] I dā€¦ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/855035395234570240
@SterlingArcher ^

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