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- Removed botnet on server
@MadaraUchiha at an old company there was an arch, we'll call him Richard. well over a few years he wrote the most horrific spaghetti code that they literally couldn't get rid of him without hiring a few people to make sense of what he wrote.
ohh, enterprise devs.
what joy.
I'm fairly sure we have classes in our code along the lines of ThisClassIsHerePurelyBecauseIHaveNoIdeaWhatToDoWithRichardsIdiocy
Benji can tell you more about that side of our code.
before my time at my company there was one of those. I can't remember his real name, but they call him coolio. the most interesting bugs..
the most enjoyable wtf pieces of code are when you scratch your head, wonder what <dev> was thinking....you right click "annotate" and there is your name, right next to that chunk of hellish code
In my previous company, we had a genius guy who could hold the entire state of a 100kLoC program in his head, able to know exactly what goes on at every line, where you may have come from, what you're called with, etc.
Then he left. We are not geniuses. Maintaining that was not fun.
well for me, the last 'dev' commit was from like 1997
what language?
so I know full well what code is mine and what isn't
Especially when it's your main product that gets the company 7-8 digit revenue in dollars. Daily.
@idjaw JS, no frameworks, IE8 support.
everything before me was a mix of c and c++ running on qnx4 :D
and a bunch of random tools written in different languages from the era
that sounds like a party
I think it sounds like fun. Kinda.
it is, not the core system. but the rest of it is. we hired some dude to convert the core system after we learned it was out of my capabilities.
I focus on new technologies, all the UI's and the mobile app
I get to play with hardware, which makes the job like 200% better most days
@Luggage you know c or c++ ?
what kind of hardware do you mess around with?
me personally? proprietary stuff and mini pc's like beagle bones.
I know some c/c++, but I have never done a project in them, so it's just diddling.
But I am familiar with pointers and come of c++'s oops features.
@Luggage I still will likely have some contract offers for you in the nearish future. been a slightly slower yea due to the summer/short winter.
corn promises suck right now
but soonish :P
I haven't done anything extensive in C++ in the last several years...so it would be quite the ramp up for me
just like how this most recent JS-centric project I'm working on is my first since toying with ES5
cool, we'll see.
and the framework I used then was JavaScriptMVC
I'm trying to do the webapp, touch interface gui, and all supporting tooling in React + Electron
so far.. it's going. I'm not sure I'm making things very scalable or proper.
but it's going.
I will eventually need a consultant to whip my ass into shape for how I should be doing things
can you use a serial port in electron?
not yet
well, not with node
I can write a nice python app to talk to node tho
oh interesting. I did something very similar to what Electron offers, but it was built in-house
years ago
once upon a job
you guys are talking about electron.atom.io right?
node-serialport claims to work in node 4+
but I've never gotten it to work with > node 0.12
Using html for UI is actually quite an old idea. windows (XP, maybe earlier) has an "IE control" you could use inside your apps.
anything using node-pre-gyp is iffy
@idjaw yup
steam has done it for like a decade
yeah. I was doing a lot of Windows-based solutions using javaScript and leveraging activex
I need to write a touch panel ui (think kiosk style touch panel) and a webapp to partner to it. Electron + react (maybe react-native as well) just seemed like a convenient solution.
I used JScript on Windows Script Host with some ActiveX components for svn hooks. :)
to enforce company commit rules, etc.
I did exactly that but it was for end-user offerings that ran alongside a desktop app
So the JS was part of packages downloaded by the client by talking to our platform via API to download said packages, and the js would run based on specific rules already defined
my first job was to get the old control system online. so I stuck a rpi like pc inside of the case, have it talking serial to the main system board, and proxy it all to the user with a webapp. it's (imo) terrible. but it works, and I couldn't think of anything better at the time (4-5 years ago)
So you added network connectivity and a web UI to a device that used to just have a serial interface?
there were a bunch of hurdles to handle because farms don't often have proper networks.
sounds like a fun project
was that device a solid reliable device?
the main controller is stable.
for the most part.
Then, I think the "Add on" instead of integrating it into the original device might even be better.
was there console access to the device for system-level admin work if there were issues?
debugging is a constant issue
to overcome 'setup' the device makes a ssh tunnel out. bypasses most router configuration on the client.
but makes things a little more complicated than they need to be
ohh, if it's an internal device with issues, then, i don't know, but I can imagine situations where just piggy-backing a legacy serial interface is a good choice.
I've since thought up better solutions, but I'm locked into this until the next major version
oh neat...this is at current employment
I haven't written directly on to the hardware devices, but what I messed around with gets loaded on to the hardware at its initial boot, per the nature of my work, writing software over OpenStack things
my idea for the 'future', and critique it please, is that the device will just post with a unique key the data to the server. if the client has http, they should have a working app. right now some farms are weird.. the isp 'borrows' their tower to run the cities internet, giving them free internet, but they block ssh :(
still a bit of a nightmare for me.
right now the client opens a ssh tunnel, and proxies the websockets directly from the machine to the user.
so if the ssh drops, or is blocked. I lose all data on the webapp
howdy node.js developers. I would like to pipe data inside the node.js shell similar to the following echo test | cat
so in the new approach, I'll have a message queue on the server with the machines 'data', and when the client loads the page they should be able to pick up live data.. with a few seconds delay
idk. it's a working theory. haven't tested it yet
for some reason I feel like an implementation of this exists already
what type of persistent communication are you looking to solve exactly?
Can I bring up something not related to JS?
@idjaw two main problems. blocking things other than http/https, and intermittent connections which ssh-client can't seem to cope with
yes, if it's not php
^^ lol
the devices are literally running in farms. we do agri.
so internet is spotty at best.
I want to make sure I understand, apologies. So, if I am on device A, and I send a http request to server...I lost connection, open my smartphone or other internet-device, the response will be waiting until connection is re-established?
and then gets sent back to the client that has re-established a connection?
right now I check for a heartbeat every ten seconds. if none exists I show you a connectivity error. once connections re-establishes I show you the interface.
new system, I will show you the data as queued on the server, and once new data comes in I will display it
and ofc make it all look nice, with loading icons and shit
What do you think about this? dont mind the foreign language
@Paz I think it looks like anime
actually....@Paz If your page was converted to English, or a language that was not right-to-left, does your design change accordingly?
Thats the first series poster on thetvdb lol
Looks like a clean modern design. I like it.
Because I see it is designed taking in to mind Hebrew, and the design works well for the nature of the language
@MadaraUchiha I feel like you're uniquely qualified to handle this review
language and content
@Paz it reminds me a bit of Zune
I thought of netflix clone. I can't read the text tho
overall, 8/10
(which is good)
The design doesn't look like netflix's
only thing, I'd make the logo a slight bit larger than the button/input area to the right
not to mention Zune lol
@Paz I said I thought of netflix.
The pink to orange gradient is like a straight rip of the zune logo
what the design conveys and what it looks like can be different
@ndugger You are literally saying I ripped Zune because of this gradient used so many times by every designer in 2017 lol
No, I'm not saying you did, just that it's what your design reminded me of
"straight rip"
@Paz you asked what we thought. that's what people think
> User complained of a lingering Zune fetish.
@idjaw This is a bit more complex gradient
@Paz, with the selected item, is it three stars or two stars
level 10 gradient
@Luggage I still have my Zune HD
@derp hebrew is rlt. I'd think 3
@idjaw Ayy
@ndugger corrected.
@derp 3. The stars are filled
Zune HD was my very first OLED screen. It still shocks me how amazing the colours are every time I look at it
that device was ahead of its time
My previous and current phone both are and I agree.
@Paz in a ltr/rlt setup, I can see how it might be at face value confusing. in ltr the stars would fill from the left.
anyone here own a miniDisc player?
for future i18n you might consider that
my brother had one
I bought a 3rd gen iPod
$800 for 10GB
I went through two mini disc players, then I moved to an iPod
@rlemon got it now
oh miniDisc, that got CRUSHED by mp3s
exactly the same actually @idjaw
bought an ipod mini iirc
maybe 16?? it was a LONG time ago
portable music players all died in favour of just using your phone. I wonder what will kill the smart phone
the first mini disc player I had, had to record the tracks in real time
I don't miss the days of discreet devices. I like my phone/everything box.
the second one actually transferred the tracks
honestly, of all the apple devices. ipods pre-touch were fucking rock solid
not much that could compare for the size.
@Luggage yeah, I had a lot of crap in my pockets back then
@ndugger black mirror style embedded body devices lol
and I'm pretty anti-apple as they come
then I got an iPod click wheel whichever version that was....then I got the 30GB video and it still works if it is plugged in. So I throw in a bunch of my old music and keep it in my car for those nostalgic drives in the rain
so that's saying something
the worst part about the early iPods was Windows support
I can't remember the name of the crappy software they made me use
@derp I won't ever participate in anything like that. I'm trying to scale back my technology usage
@hsimah winamp could load an ipod
before iTunes for Windows
inject me with all the tech.
@ndugger, that's probably healthy
@hsimah I'm drawing a blank. Because I had a Windows machine when I had my iPods...but I know what you are talking about
I used to feel that way; that I wanted more tech, and full integration
i hate notifications
just think of how much easier woodworking would be if I could measure accurately by eye alone.
upgrade me please
its like someone can demand my attention at anytime they feel like it
yea, have the measurements appear on the board.
lol @rlemon, 3d printed wood
I just want offer myself as a service that can be hit by HTTP
is that too much to ask?
like a football game
@derp with a router and a nice carving bit and Human2.0 upgrade, I will be the 3d printer
Sorry for interupting this conversation, a question about the design
> organically grown 3d printed artisan wood. $499
The pink button is "Sorting and Filtering Options"
about the zune site, yes, go ahead
lol artisan wood
got any ideas for how will it look opened?
lol did you end up buying the lathe @rlemon?
not yet
I will tho
last project was a floating shelf for my mom
here it is getting stained, pre wax finish
I'm starting to plan what I want to do for my kids room this summer
that's a nice piece of wood
How did you make the anti-gravity unit?
so basically it looks the same now.. the stain dried and lost the gloss. the wax buff brings it back
@Luggage nails in wood
@ndugger OK.
@Paz you are welcome back if you aren't going to scream for attention. If someone has some input, they'll tell you.
oh! @idjaw i love this guy's art splatter.biz
@idjaw I'm not a professional. but I've watched easily 2000 hours of video on woodworking
so you can always shoot me any ideas. i'd love to participate
@derp oh cool! Thanks for sharing! One of my little ones is in to animals, so this is actually giving me some ideas.
What I'm working with now is train theme and zoo animal theme
thanks @rlemon
if i had kids, i'd want to hire that guy to paint the kid's room
a cheaper alternative would be to buy lots of pictures and hang them up
I'm glad I strolled in to this js room...I've lived only in the python room. Nice meeting you all
except for you rlemon...you're old news
but I still love you
@idjaw rail road spikes make EXCELLENT supports for shelving. and you can just flatten black pipe for the 'rail'
that actually makes sense
how does one acquire road spikes without stealing them from checkpoints
Beat up a road worker and take them from him (or her).
@Paz, why don't you sign up to a whole bunch of video streaming sites and see what works and what doesn't work?
If you need a lot, then you need to hijack a truck of them.
The probability of me losing a fight to a road worker is 100%
@idjaw at the dump. they're installing an LRT here. so they were giving them away
but you can buy them on like ebay, or from other places for cheap
this also includes a site that starts with porn and rhymes with BornTub
The drive to your area is not that far...I can get a truck for the weekend
or just walk the rail yard and pick them up
because i think they pump quite a bit of money in tech
I'm hoping I level up my handyman skills this summer
They're currently at level 1 with 0XP
I had a hard time finding rail spikes for a while. the internet told me they are super common tho. after I found them I kept finding them everywhere
it's weird.
just don't go around giving people handys; it's not the same thing, apparently
yeah...It was only I got to level 10 handy that I realized it wasn't the same thing
@idjaw I'm not a 'handy man' but I do know my way around tools, and I have a pretty functioning workshop right now.
skip to 10:50 to see it fly.
I can make benches and other easy things.
built a shed.
can't make anything really complicated
that's awesome. I just became a home owner, so before that I never was in a situation that required me to be handy.
I know what I need to know about toilet plumbing, though.
aka buy a plunger before you need one?
I think that's a must.
@derp haha yeah. And know how to turn the water off
oh ahhaha oh noe
@idjaw 2.5 years now for me
replaced my first toilet in the first year :D
I replaced my first toilet seat two months ago
I had to add one that had a toddler seat
it had a hairline crack. I had nightmares about it splitting and slicing my man bits off. replaced asap
btw...toddler toilet training is the nightmare you would think it is.
installing a toilet is surprisingly easy
I've heard that
don't toilet seats come in whatever sizes?
i need to replace mine

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