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Thank you very much. That helps a lot.
Might sound like a silly question, but would you mind to tell (your) definition of a deep object clone in ecmascript?
@GitGud sure
@jAndy create another object with the same own properties having the same values, recursively.
Can be expended to include same prototypes, treat arrays and other common sense stuff.
thats exactly my point... how deep goes deep, or should it go
as deep as the object is.
until you hit the Object class
like, if you clone a second level object reference which itself includes a js-array, which contains object references etc..
{ level1: { level2: [23,42,{ foo: 'bar' }]}}
should the object reference in the array be cloned?
I would say yes
I would check out what lodash does
would be interesting what jQuery does too on that level
jQuery doesn't clone that deep, the object reference in the array is still the same
I don't think jQuery is the best example
its the most used for sure
@jAndy yes, of course
@jAndy probably not for a while
@BenjaminGruenbaum you mean its not the most used clone/extend method out there?
Object.assign is, but it's not deep
Lots of people use lodash's deep clone these days, from what I've seen
I can't bring any facts about that claim, but I would think jQuery code is still far more common
but anyways, the question is what is the "right thing" to do in case for how deep you should clone
Does jquery's extend purport to be a deep clone?
on the parameters I called it, yes definitely
strange, because that's not deep, as far as I'm concerned
does lodash clone the object reference within arrays?
I'm not sure. I don't use lodash
yea lodash does clone the references in arrays too
I thought as much
so another subject where jQuery fails I guess
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(foo)) :)
mostly joking.
1 hour later…
What's an example of an equivalent to a WeakMap in another language, like C#?
Nevermind; found that Java has WeakHashMap, and C# has ConditionalWeakTable
and WeakReference apparently
@ndugger ConditionalWeakTable looks like WeakMap, but I'm baffled why the value has to be an object.
If you happen to need primitives for values, then perhaps a regular Dictionary with WeakReferences as keys
Yeah, I was just curious if weak references like the keys in a WeakMap was a concept unique to JS
no, they've been around for a while in .NET
like most new JS features
1 hour later…
Hi people
happy sunday
do you have any idea about this question?
Q: Move markers and redraw path with move Google maps

jasonThe below code shows two points in the map and draws the driving path between those points. What I'm trying to achieve is when I move a point, it should move the marker and re-draw the path. How can I do that? I appreciate any hints. Thanks. function mapLocation() { var directionsDisplay; va...

I'm wondering if the word "go" has the meaning of achieving an orgasm.
Anyone here good with ReactJS?
What's your question?
@ZhengquanBai lol
2 hours later…
How can I get picked up?
2 hours later…
Hi, extreme noob at css, I have a form like this codepen.io/flyinggambit/pen/pPJNBR . How do I make center bright to make it look like this dribbble.com/shots/608795-Admin-Login/attachments/49382 ?
1 hour later…
apparently as a contractor you can get ~£600 a day (without counting any other cost)
anyone got any experience with that?
like, that sounds amazing
it's apparently quite stressful because you're always on the lookout for contracts and they're not easy to find
but urgh
Does passing an array of middleware to app.use in expressJS load all the middlewares asynchronously?
you can test that
@towc yeah I can but I was looking for reference so that I can be sure it will be maintained in future
did you check the docs?
There is no mention of async calls whereas there is a weird way of using async module engineering.gosquared.com/making-dashboard-faster just for this purpose. So I thought maybe it is implemented natively in expressJS
firstly, if you're worrying about async in loading middleware for express, you're probably doing it wrong
and why is that?
what are you trying to achieve?
why is async or non-async a problem for you?
Suppose there are 5 middlewares on app.use() without any path. So they are meant to be loaded serially. And if each of them does some IO or anything async then on each request I will get a response time of sum of all these 5 middlewares. While if I start loading them all at the same time considering these middlewares are independent, then my response time will be approx max of all these async middlewares. I hope it made sense
I see your point. I don't know if there's a way to do that in express, but what you can do is call them in a single middleware function that manages that
Unfortunately, those middlewares are not my creation
they're just functions
that you can call
yeah but there is a problem in that and that problem is they all ask for next function and the one that will complete first will end up calling the next function and only one middleware will succeed in that case. Although I know, there is a way in this direction and I will try it with being least hacky. Thanks for help
2 hours later…
I am trying to write authentication for a token based login, do u know of any fake rest api from where I could return a token ?
Does anyone know what these two in this github thread are trying to tell me is wrong? github.com/AngularClass/NG6-starter/issues/… (You only need to read the posts below mine).
AngularJS ES6.
can someone help me
i have a table with 2 rows and 3 columns table id = "xyz" , i just want to know how to write a javascript function to change value of its cell
anyone needs help on their project message me on gmail [email protected]
the answer to all problems above is 42
please take a look at my question
Q: php json encode parse error

RiccardoThis php file verify the id and code a user was emailed with. If the id and code match a confirmation message is shown else an error message is shown. The script is converted to json and the error returned occurs while parsing the json converted php. Last but not least I create an empty array a...

@Loktar do you have any experience with Lag Compensation :D ?
you mean a game loop?
@Shrek you're going to pay people to lag?
@towc yes and @Shmiddty that would be the best Lag Compensation?
I'd love 1 million dollars per lag
In React, when a user types something in a textbox, I'm trying to move that textbook from it's current position in the DOM to the header element (make the textbox the first child of the header element). Is this possible in React?
I got experiences with game loopz
@PomeGranate Thanks , its a nifty tool
Should I use this stackoverflow.com/a/10126042/5936814 instead of github.com/HackedByChinese/ng2-idle for detecting idle timeout in angular 2 ?
@DemCodeLines I think it is possible. For me, I will store my render sequence in component state, then by setting a onChange listener on each textbox element, when change occur change the render sequence in state.
@Wei Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DemCodeLines the textbox MOVES when the user types in it?
@ssube I was looking at react 16 alpha (w/ fiber) and it's harder to make a new renderer than before. I thought they said it was going to be more modular. In the past lots of internal classes and utilities were available with require('react/lib/foo') but not any more.
And it STILL does the thing where when you use a renderer (e.g. ReactDOM.render()) it injects all of it's logic and strategies into a global react state, so you can't use react for two separate renderers in the same process.
So, that's disappointing.
Having trouble with some basic regex: want to allow 0 or more spaces: https://jsfiddle.net/5bc8g4bm/1/

'\{\% *name *\%\}'
that works for me
@pmros thanks, missed it
you're welcome, @john
do you know any TodoMVC alternatives?
How can I require a file relative to the current file in nodejS using path module?
this works
var x = require("./styles/paths.js")
but this doesn't
var x = require(path.join(__dirname, "app", "styles", "paths.js"))
Isn't the second one an absolute path?
@Luggage You there bro? :)
Any solution for my problem?
I just got here. lemme read. one sec.
This is in your code, not in webpack config, right?
Then you don't need path.join. Just refer to files with normal relative paths. Example coming...
But that would 1 OS specific
won't it be?
I know that already bro :)
Node accepts unix style paths in all OSes for require().
So just use forward slash (not like windows).
You are correct when you use path.join in your webpack config, though.
But for require(), just use unix style paths as a plain string.
I see
Can't I do it with path ?
You won't need it, and in fact, it'll get in the way
Yes it is
It throws a Module Not Found error
show me the lines with the errors and the paths involved.
const path     = require("path");
const cssPaths = require (
    path.join(__dirname, "app", "styles", "paths.js")
    //path.join("styles", "paths.js")
  //  "./styles/paths.js"
3rd one works
you mean: "./styles/paths.js" ?
That's the one I was just telling you to use.
Isn't there any way to use absolute paths?
um, kinda, but don't. relative is the normal
like I'm doing in the first one
absolute paths are for external modules.
external modules like what?
like the "path" modules you are already using, and like the "react" module you plan to use.
This is all just normal node.js style modules rules. you need to read up on that.
also known as: commonjs modules
hmm I see
I forget, were you using babel?
You can use modern JS modules instead of using require(), too.
import cssPaths from './styles/paths.js';
can I help you? What's the invite for?
I know about that
import from :)
I mean that import statement
you need help?
No, and if I did I'd discuss it here...
So it means that I can use relative paths myself
and it will work without any issue
You should use relateive paths for your own code.
But there wouldn't be ** and **/ issues?
As I explained, just use forward slash, /
1 more thing
I used the use statement in the project
You need to read up on js modules before asking these basic questions.
It was throwing some error
utils.parseQuery() is deprecated etc
I have that warning, too. I wouldn't worry about it.
It's a warning that one of the webpack plugins is using an old function.
It's a warning for the author of that plugin, not you.
hmm okay
I'm getting a this is not defined error inside of a class' constructor... how is that possible?
@ndugger I faced that error too
I remember now
You have to invoke super() first then you can have this
I forgot to call super
Silly isn't? :P
lskdj,akdj,khdas is there a way to convert this into a list
i am extracting the above using ngFor
angular 2
!!mdn split
@Luggage Something went on fire; status 403
Is it bad to put your custom modules inside node_modules directory
Isn't it?
this is what m trying to extract
from local storage i stored it in there
using split
anything in node_modules should be there because you installed it with npm
I mean, my custom code shouldn't reside there
correct. your code goes in src/
or app/, if that's what you called it.
My colleague does that and I hate it
He does it just because it will be easier for him to require those files
That is very very wrong.
Indeed it is
Do you have your react learning project at a working "hello world" yet?
not yet bro
@Luggage That is a slight problem. It's why I ended up implementing the API but otherwise not sharing any code, really. It's a shame they make the JSX stuff global in the react types, though, makes it hard to import the lifecycle and component interfaces without picking that up.
Q: How do I use VanillaJS?

Diphenyl OxalateI really don't get it. I tried to download VanillaJS from their site but I only got an empty .js file. On top of that, all the code samples from that site seem to be rather in pure JS than in some JS library. I can't make sense of this, what the hell?

Hello everyone.
hello menschen!
Pome, I don't suppose you're any good with regex are you?
No matter how much I read up on using it I still cannot get my head around it and it's getting rather annoying. Do you have any links I could use to help me understand it more so I can write my own regex pattern rather than trying to search online for someone trying to match the exact same thing or something close to...
I feel like bashing my head off the wall.
Thank you very much! I almost have it working, I think i'm missing something minor... I hope.
Blah, still getting it wrong.
AH! Got it :D
How can I prepend array elements to another array ? This --> arr1.push(...arr2); put items at the end. How can I put them at the start ( es6 way?)?
(without creating new one I mean)
I can do this this.collection = [...newArrayItems, ...this.collection] , but it will create a new one
slice or concat
erm, splice, rather
I always confuse the two
how can I populate my framework?
any ideas?
@ndugger Thanks me too. however - this didn't work : this.collection.splice(0,0,...this.vvv)
(vvv is the new array)
[...arr2, ...arr1]
^ will create new one
12 mins ago, by Royi
(without creating new one I mean)
I didn't notice
My bad. had a this problem inside => arrow function. Should sleep asap. Thanks
this.collection.splice(0,0,...vvv) works
x = [1,2,3]; x.unshift(...[10,20,30])
@pmros Nice. TIL
Royi, any suggestion for making my framework more popular?
Which FW and what it does
it's a reactive frontend framework for JavaScript
too few Github stars yet
am I missing something or there are not unit tests ?!
Looks very nice.
looks like crap and there are no tests
thank you!
define crap, teresko
why does it look like crap?
see you!
the documentation is sparse, there are NO tests and you are mixing a dot in the function names
and there are probably deeper issues inside the code, if that's what exists for your "public API"
I have literally played horizon zero dawn for 12 hours straight
ain't even mad
@Mosho that's what I did a week ago with Endless Legend
... and I am currently trying to find reasons not to buy Battle Brothers
no idea what either of those are
but high five
one is a 4X strategy (like Civ6, but better) and other is a turn based squad combat (cross between XCom and Mount&Blade)
I have been trying to make a dent in my Steam library :(
I still have "54% unplayed" (which is actually "unlaunched" because some of those that were counted as "played" are ones that I realized are too old to play on 3440x1440)
I don't buy stuff I don't play immediately
I may miss on deals but meh
I have a huge wishlist from which I buy stuff on sales (usually at -75% or -80%) and then play for next 3-6 months
well ... with some exceptions (like Witcher3 and Doom, which I bought at full price)
A: how to call a function based on mouse hover property

Slay29It's already been answered here: Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery P.S. I know it this should be comment but I don't have enough reputation to comment yet.

who upvotes this shit >:(
@Luggage @Jhawins I know you probably don't care, but if it ever comes up for you or for anyone else...I figured it out.
sobox.directive('authenticatedSrc', ['authenticatedHttp', function (authenticatedHttp) {
  var directive = {
      link: link,
      restrict: 'A'
  return directive;
  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
    var requestConfig = {
      cache: 'false',
      responseType: 'blob'
    authenticatedHttp.get(attrs.authenticatedSrc, requestConfig).then(function(response) {
      var reader = new window.FileReader();
      reader.onloadend = function() {
^ I believe JavaScript will check the magic numbers and guess if you don't set the content type, and it seems pretty good at guessing the encoding considering I didn't tell it the data was binary. I don't know what kind of magic there is in blob, but this works.
uhhhh... Object is not defined wat
Well, it seems I did it to myself... well, I kinda wanna blame webpack, but it's my fault
Better than undefined is not defined
due to my hatred of globals, I like to explicity pull globals from the global scope
So you pulled Object from the wrong global?
so I did const { Object } = global at the top, but webpack is trying to use Object before then
It's mostly my fault, but also kinda webpack's
@ndugger I'm fairly sure you could do something a bit cleverer with eslint/tslint and comments
Possibly, but for now I'll just comment out that line and move on
i.e. declare which globals are allowed via comment at the top of the file, other attempts to use globals trigger lint errors
I've written, rewritten, and finally rewritten again an Entity/ Component/ System library all within the past 2 days, simply because I was curious about it
CL-USER> (let ((offset (elf:bytes-to-int '(63 7 0 0 0 0 0 0))))
	   (map 'string 'code-char (subseq (elf:data (elf:named-section *mount* ".dynstr"))
					   (+ offset 11))))
I played with that tonight...
'twas fun...
(ELF is a fun standard.)
Please sign my petition for Unicode 11 to include an emoji for “a finger and a thumb in the shape of an L on your forehead”

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