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my morning start at seven am. I wake up. gotta be fresh, but I also have to go downstairs. I start with a bowl of cereal, but the time is going, where I do not know yet. but it is going.
i don't typically have mornings while on vacation
I had ramen for breakfast
i hope now its clear :)
@towc I don't plan to wake up before 10 on the 15th, and I fly back on the 16th anyway so my limitation is that I can't wake up drunk or stoned because I have to drive
you still get stoned?
@rlemon In this scenario, is everybody Russian?
I haven't gotten stoned yet. I don't know if I regret it or not
you're putin me in a bad mood nick
cyka blyat
my morning is "whenever baby wakes up"
so, there's a cheap bus that arrives at 12:45 on the 14th
@towc Honestly, wait until you're a bit older. If I had starting smoking at your age, I would still be working retail, doing nothing with my life
well, "baby"
@FlorianMargaine solution: put baby in the corner
and the cheap return is at 16:50
@rlemon tried that, he's still screaming
@ndugger but for him, it might mean using the same language for more than an hour
solution: carbon monoxide leak
@ssube pah, true
@FlorianMargaine that's because nobody puts baby in a corner.. nobody
@ndugger well, everyone in my school year (and probably 2 years below) has probably tried some kind of hard-ish drug already
I do my best architecture while munching on thin mints
Define hard-ish drug
and I'm like "meh, hf"
@towc So? That doesn't mean you should or have to.
peer pressure is a right bitch
Like coke?
I get drunk and use power tools.
oh no, but point is that it's normal for millennials
it is
If youre still in school you're not a millenial
It depends on who you're around
you were born after the millenium
oh wut
but yeah, it is more normal-ish. But it's also normal to work dead-end jobs and be generally unsuccsessful
I thought millennials were 2000+
lol, no
is it 1999-?
No like 85-95
this changes everything
people who remember the millenium
but weren't old enough to matter
I think I finally understand the clinton campaign
Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. Millennials, who are generally the children of baby boomers and older Gen Xers, are sometimes referred to as "Echo Boomers" due to a major surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s. The 20th-century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued, however, so the relative impact of the "baby...
I don't think I'll ever understand her campaign...
most agree mid 70's -> mid 90's
that's the biggest overlap I see
ugh... that would classify me as a millenial
Millennials are the dankest generation
Would you rather be a baby boomer or something?
actually... everyone in here except luggage? since he was born in the single digit years right?
Millennials are by far the best generation
We're also the stupidest
@towc in my experience, the average age for the beer/weed/boning trifecta goes down by a year or two every generation and was 13 for millenials, so everyone in your school is most certainly on drugs
so many stupid people
it hurts
i don't know that there is a good generation
Have you ever talked to someone who's over 40
They're stupid af
My father is like some kind of genius
why would you talk to somebody that old?
i know a lot of people over the age of 40 who are very intelligent
@BenjaminGruenbaum 12:45 to 16:50. Those times good for you? That means effectively 13:00 to 16:30. We don't have to be toghether all that time ofc :P
His entire family is like on the genius spectrum of intelligence... The apple definitely fell far from the tree on this one.
but i do tend to try and associate myself only with intelligent people so....
intelligent people are boring
they never do anything fun
I'm boring; does this mean I'm intelligent?
@ndugger if he was, he'd have prevented you
tru dat, homie
@ssube what do you do that is considered universally fun to everyone
other than masturbation
go karts
don't combine go karts and marijuana
masturbation is no fun
all three at the same time
If you have a college degree you're probably smarter than 90% of baby boomers
I dropped out after a semester
think about the millions you're killing
go karts are universal. everyone loves go karting
@ndugger the marijuana kind of takes the go out of the kart
go karting is incredibly boring
that makes you a terrible person
then you're doing it wrong
they go so incredibly slow
λs. Everyone loves λs
@ssube When I'm playing Battlefront high, I just sit behind the lines and look at the trees or the sky or something
but I'm also way better at it when high... like my aim must be steaddier or something
@ndugger i would say that since you are high you think you are better at it or something
it's the green balmer's peak
i ran into that a lot when i played competitive fps
@towc works for me
On the 15th?
@HatterisMad the K/D doesn't lie. I'm definitely better
everyone would get high and go... "oh man i am so much better" when they were running around derping all over the place
@HatterisMad hypothetically, I could theoretically look up a friend's FPS scores and objectively dispute that.
It takes a very special mental state to place in Titanfall and thin mints are the way to go.
I think when I play and I'm sober, I just run in without looking, but when I'm high, I take things much slower and allow other people to act first, then they're just right in my sights, and I click my mouse, and they die
the game is too fast otherwise
like literally too fast for humans to play
@ssube yeah, i think the problem was that we were facing a much higher level of competition than you guys are lol
not as fast as Intake
I'm pretty bad at video games
thin mints make me less bad, but I'm still bad
I'm ok, can keep a decent ranking in most shooters
@BenjaminGruenbaum 14th
yeah actually, it's probably better if I let you explore on the 14th
my roommate was competitive and will fully support this argument
I'll see if it changes anything with buses
like is a competitive person, or literally is ranked in the top 100-200 players in the world?
@towc I can do the 14th that's fine, I'll be arriving by car from Eger
in a game that isn't random
entered and did well in some tournaments, I believe (Halo, 2 or 3)
actually, the 15th is even cheaper
what events
Well, I mean, I'm actually good at Halo... that's like a different genre for some reaosn
fuck if I know
who cares?
i was just curious man calm down
you are talking about something that i enjoy
maybe if we can coordinate with @GNi33, seeing if he has issues with either days
@ndugger it used to be, they had shields and arena maps and much less rng than other games
I don't know any details about it, he's told me but it didn't mean anything
but they obliterated that with reach and on
@ndugger play Q3A
or UT99
^ exactly
it's the clean, predictable gameplay that you can be good at
and so much faster than modern games
Golden Eye
just need a couple N64's and remotes
ut99 was my favorite game for years
my first shooter on the pc was Q3A
until i found wow
I always carry around an N64 emulator with goldeneye on a flash drive; you never know when you need to settle an argument
i used to do the same thing with halo 1 for pc :/
and starcraft
you better have modded that to prevent oddjob
@towc There is? What is that? I was looking for it haha
@towc cool, let's see if he responds by tomorrow
@Alesana what are you on about
used to play ut99 as something to relax with. Played sniper/camper games, so you just found a hiding spot and killed everyone in view. stopped when it became too difficult to get the game to run on new hardware
@towc Haha sorry you had said way up there that there is a stackexchange website for soliciting opinions about design, unless I misunderstood
oh, yeah. Kind of
@towc Salzburg, Austria
@GNi33 hmm that's pretty bloody far. Would you make the trip to budapest?
@KevinB I've had good luck with running it in a VM, but I think it's on Steam now.
For Q3A, the ioquake stuff works well.
Ahh yeah
@towc I was thinking more for opinion based questions but I guess that's just not what stackexchange is about
well, code review is kind of like that
maybe you're looking for design review. Or maybe you're looking for subject tests
No just more like "Should I put the question mark above or below the label?"
if you guys were making a movie
that's a UX question
who would you rather do your soundtrack
kenny loggins or phil collins
well, it might be
^^ That will be useful
Alright now it's time for me to try to optimize my Webpack for production. This should be fun
guys I am bored, what to develop?
a google bot to google for you
@corvid Make youtube a good music player
Song queue, ability to search without interrupting the video, etc
a chrome extension that publishes your porn history to facebook
@corvid rainbows.
@rlemon I have a cli thing to open google for me, actually
And if possible handles the global play/pause keys
@Meredith only one of those two was on Archer
just like, google whats a lemur?
I mean
Only one of them was in brother bear
@corvid coulda tricked me :P
It might also just publish a chat message to the javascript room, I can't remember
And it also probably pings rlemon at the same time
you should make it do both
then they will have to compete for best answer
that's fine. I'm full of bad advise
I hate Internet Explorer so much
use Edge
Not for using but for developing haha
I can make something work perfectly Chrome and Firefox, then I check it on Internet Explorer and it's way off
i mean... is it broken, or is it just not pixel perfect
a lot of sites are... not perfect in ie
but workable
Eh it's pretty far off from what I wanted
@Alesana Safari is pretty bad too, though
I can fix it up it's just that I shouldn't have to
Oh I haven't even thought about testing for Safari yet
i don't have that kind of problem very often anymore
but we also don't support ie7/8 anymore
or 10
Safari is usually ok, style-wise, it's just that random stuff will break. Like SVG used to hard freeze it (so you had to kill the tab process).
I wanted to vertically align something so I used margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto;, I guess that works in every browser other than IE
the main compatibility problem we have now days is IE9 not supporting flex-box. but.... having it fallback to mobile view for those pages thus far has been adequate.
well, a lot of it is over time you learn what IE can and cant do
and then code in such a way that you avoid those problems entirely
in your case, flex would solve your problem, but... again not work in IE<11. so if you supported old ie, you would either go without the vertical align, or use table layout
I have a simple object with an array inside and I wanted to check if it includes a value, what I did

const obj = { ..."key": {'arr_name': ['val'] } };
obj['key]['arr_name'].includes('val); // false ???

am I missing something?
I am in nodejs so above es6, no old IE
i tend to opt for just making it less pretty in IE<11
try with .
that makes no difference
yeah i have already checked no diff
assuming the typo's are not in your actual code, that should work
your code works for me nonerth
(after fixing typos)
const obj = { foo : { bar:  ['val'] }};
obj['foo']['bar'].includes('val'); // true
ff yeah I guess its somewhere else, thank you
it must be a typo then, although I have already seached for it
!!afk 🎨
yep a .trim() fixed it so I guess the val had a space in the variable it was stored in
im dealing with an issue right now where my js works fine in google chrome and doesn't work in ff at all
compiles fine, no errors
i put a log statement at the top of each function, each browser is showing a different path of execution :/
now i have to figure out why in the hell this is happening :(
How can I get the immediate text node after an element? In this case.. the text following the span
`<span>Error:</span> This is the text I want to get....`
@captainrad what have you tried?
@FlorianMargaine well... sure that's not quite it.. let me create a jsbin
If I am redistributing my application but not listing it as on npmjs or any other repo should I still keep the package.json file when I redistribute?
@FlorianMargaine The only thing I can think of would be to decode the pre element... find index of "Error" and go from there.. but that seems messy espescially when there are alot of Error spans in the pre element.
@captainrad ahh i see what your question is... but there isn't anything to select
you can't select text nodes to my knowledge
@HatterisMad yeah so this is my delima.. short of decoding it all to a single string and creating an array full of substrings starting at every "Error" instance
this is an output that you have no control over?
correct... all I can do is manipulate the output after the fact
yep then you are stuck with your second option
i suppose I could do a replace on the pre content and use regex to capture what is next to the error..
that would probably be easiest
this is part of the mongoose's query
	   				$set : {'timestamp' : timestamp},
	   				$inc : {speed_string: 1}
speed_string variable there is a string
but somehow it is not getting through
I did log in speed_string before the query and it is just fine
{"name":"MongoError","message":"'$inc' is empty. You must specify a field like so: {$inc: {<field>: ...}}",
this is the error
I wonder what the problem is
when I am changing that speed_string part to string explicitly (just for testing purpose) it worked
which is more confusing nevertheless
PHP, in all of it's stupid glory, allows you to deep-assign hashmaps: $a[$b][$c] = $d;
Is there some syntactic sugar to do similarly in JS?
I don't know PHP, but that just looks like a.b.c = d
or rather a[b][c] = d
It is, but if you create an empty hash, $a = [], it will automagically create the deeper maps.
Without having to check whether the dimensions exist.
So it's pretty quick to take 2 collections, and map over both to make a 2-d deep map
Any idea? I was dicking around with Object.assign but it keeps clobbering the inner map
The only idea I have is using a Proxy to silently initialize, but that's hacky and smelly
I'll never get tired of that

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