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@BenjaminGruenbaum I would like the f->function shorcut added to javascript please
please let me know who to contact
@ndugger did you watch the video all the way through. It jokes that the made 1 letter shorthands for all the major used stuff const->c,let->l,var->v
f foo (a, b, c) {
    return a + b + c;
^ exactly or fn or fu
I didn't watch any video
but you already have const foo = (a, b, c) => a + b + c; so :|
rust uses fn
@phenomnomnominal I'm not a fan of the arrow syntax
which is nice
I only use arrows for callbacks, which is where they excell
^ me too actually
I'm either exporting it, where I like how export function foo looks
or it's something private and I just chuck it at the end of my file function foo
I have this commit
that I need to push
and it has changes across 140 files
is that bad
but oh well
my thoughts exactly
(it's enabling strictNullChecks)
and I did it without telling anyone
which is the only real way something like that gets done in real life
> it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
- @BenjaminGruenbaum
push it
@BenjaminGruenbaum told me I can tell you that you're allowed. He's proud of you
I know he is
but it's not his forgiveness and/or permission
is it safe to go at warp speed for more than 4 hours
The context makes this
i love Riker Googling
and TNG season 8
is there a performance hit if i have a really long html element id?
1 hour later…
@rlemon I was literally watching Cartoon Network before it aired -- I was so shocked. Didn't even have any warning
I'm only here for the Szechuan McNugget sauce
@BenjaminGruenbaum I got so excited I posted that video to my work slack without watching. Then I heard "They have solved this by declaring all variables as globals" and immediate regret set in
> dot syntax really cleans this up
im dying
Q: What is javascript

Ra VuthWhat is javascript I am a first learning programming language! I try to readying many content about javascript but I still not understand clear about it! alert(1); image view

oh wow he answered it himself
It is really correct? I don't know — Ra Vuth 1 min ago
install nodejs and play with it in terminal. — sony vizio 1 min ago
There's so much happening and I love it all
it's been deleted
i remember, many years ago, i discovered the band Stratovarius. I went to their website and the latest news post was this random ranting by one of the members about people out to get him and ninjas and stuff
I forgot about it, until recently I was reading about them and the guitarist was diagnosed as bipolar at around that time
of course all the ranting is lost to the world now, but I saw it lol
I have a very basic angular-ui-router setup for a website. I have a bootstrap carousel, and I have my view inside the carousel. I want the user to be able to switch to the next state when clicking the arrow buttons of the carousel. How may I switch the state to the next one or previous one? I am quite new to angular-ui-router. My simple router setup is below

var myApp = angular.module('main', ['ui.router']);


.state('home', {
url: '/home',
use a ui-sref on your carousel
and have some sort of service that gets the next/previous state
Would ui-sref call the service?
you would give it the state in your template
so whatever component controls the template would call the service
1 hour later…
Just wanted to ask a quick question before I go for office, is it possible to inherit a parent's template ? I am thinking of making a parent form that has all the common headers, and buttons so that the child ones can just focus on adding fields.
Angular 2 question ^
do you mean content projection?
I am pretty new so if u ask me , I wont be able to answer XD
Well then look into <ng-content> and see if that does what you want
You just need to reverse the polarity
@Useraro what is polarity?
@Sajeetharan I was just kidding. In movies sometimes they say things such as "reverse the polarity" when it comes to IT stuff, even if it doesn't make any sense :)
Sir, this is an xkcd-free area, please leave
I vote for the dogs
@Ryan Nuked
@Shrek … yes
I need some help understanding this function:
function findSolution(target) {
  function find(start, history) {
    if (start == target)
      return history;
    else if (start > target)
      return null;
      return find(start + 5, "(" + history + " + 5)") ||
             find(start * 3, "(" + history + " * 3)");
  return find(1, "1");

// → (((1 * 3) + 5) * 3)
I simply don't understand it, I'll try to explain
If start equals history, it returns history, but what's the value of history?
In fact, what's the value of start anyway?
If there was something like "var start = 1" I'd understand but there's nothing of the sort
return find(1, "1") calls the find function
once in the find function the argument start is then 1 and history is then "1"
>once in the find function the argument start is then 1 and history is then "1"

I don't understand what you mean by that :s
Now I get it
the first if(start == target) is evaluated. Here, start is 1 and target is 24
I didn't notice it was a function within a function :)
Is there a server side rendering language like pug for javascript? which doesn't explicitly require the web pack compiler?
[I can use pug for that too but the experience sucks]
function countBs(text){
	var Bs = 0
    for (length = text.length; length >=1; length--){
    if (text.charAt(length) = "B") Bs++}
  	return Bs

// → 2
console.log(countChar("kakkerlak", "k"));
// → 4
It says: "Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment (line 4)"
Not sure what I'm missing :s
@Useraro You probably meant == (or rather, ===) and not = in your if statement
Whoops, second time this happens, thanks! :)
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token if (line 4)
I'm certainly missing something here...
How does your code look like now?
I just changed the = to === in the line 4
Also, let length = text.length
Otherwise it will fail in strict mode.
Oh my, thanks!
I heard let is a new thing in javascript right?
let is a variable declaration operator, like var
Only it has stricter scoping, and it doesn't hoist
With let, length would not exist outside of the loop
Which is good
Makes sense, thanks!
Still errors?
Works 100% now, thanks!
Wait, so var within a function is local to the function, but let is local to the loop only?
Damn that sounds like some serious pre-emptive stuff
@Useraro let is local to the block.
With var:
if (true) {
  var foo = 42;

console.log(foo); // 42
With let:
if (true) {
  let foo = 42;
} // block ends, foo dies.

console.log(foo); // ReferenceError: foo is not defined.
For the purposes of let, the loop signature of for is considered part of the block.
Seems useful, thanks!
The even stricter version of let is const
What does it do?
Which says that you can't change the reference after you've defined it.
It seems scary
Just one line?
const foo = 42;
foo = 43; // Error
Ohh, constant
I get it
It doesn't prevent this though:
const foo = [];
Because you didn't try to assign to foo.
It's still the same array.
@Useraro push adds an element to an array.
I'm still in chapter 4 :)
@Useraro Fair enough, keep it up! :)
Please tell me that the difficulty curve is constant through every chapter
So far it's been easy and fun!
@Useraro JS is fairly easy to learn, and fairly hard to master.
This is just a hobby for me so it's all right :)
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@shyam Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
item.modules.forEach(function(item, index) {
					cloneCalls[i] = cloneAndCheckout(item);
					mavenCalls[i] = runMavenBuild(item.name)
						.then(function() {
						.done(function() {
							console.log("Finished cloning and building war. Getting ready to prepare download")
Sorry @CapricaSix
@shyam Gotta return from then
Is that it? :/
I haven't even said anything :D
I might as well try it out :D
Haha just assuming, what was your question going to be?
The then part is being executed paralley
Not what I expected after reading github.com/kriskowal/q
Shouldn't be, .then will never run until .all has finished.
But because you aren't returning, the chain thinks it's finished and goes straight to .done
What I expect is that all the items in the module should be cloned and then maven build should run
But Maven seems to run randomly
Hi. Javascript intermediate here. I have an object created like so vm.salesInvoice = {card: '', totalAmount: '', salesLines: ''}. I want to assign a scope array $scope.lineItems in salesLines. How can I do that please?
So Q.all() returns the promise that it gets from the function calls?
@KaceyEzerioha vm.salesInvoice.salesLines = $scope.lineItems?
And if I return that again, it should make sense right? :/
Or am I misunderstanding what you're trying to do?
@shyam You named the parameter index but try to use it as [i]
@shyam No, that's not what you've done.
You're running everything at the same time.
Q.all() doesn't delay any of the passed promises
@MadaraUchiha No I need to pass it directly inside the object like I passed empty values to others. I tried something like salesLines: $scope.lineItems but salesLines returned null
It just waits for them to complete.
You want something like this:
      .then((results) => Q.all(items.modules.map(item => item.name).map(runMavenBuild)))
      .then((results) => console.log('done'));
I don't mind if all the clones happen at the same time. I just want the builds to happen after the clone is done
@shyam Then you can't do them together in the same Promise.
You need to wait for all on the clonseAndCheckout, and only then start to run runMavenBuild on your items.
Promises are results, not actions
The action is initiated when you call your runMavenBuild and cloneAndCheckout functions
So if you call them together without waiting...
I am from a Java background I really don't understand the map reduce paradigm really well.. I saw some posts on it here on SO, but then I thought I'd better stick to basics and ended up writing something like the above
@shyam Java has both .map() and .reduce() (on Streams, in Java 8)
.map() takes an array and maps it to another array
!!> [1, 2, 3].map(x => x + 2)
@MadaraUchiha [3,4,5]
@MadaraUchiha kindly help me out here
Ah.. I see
So the first .map(cloneAndCheckout) takes your array of modules, and maps it into an array of Promises (assuming that cloneAndCheckout returns a Promise)
Q.all() accepts an array of Promises, and returns a single Promise that resolves when everything in the array resolves.
Then the second .map() chains first takes the array of modules (which wasn't changed be the first .map(), .map() returns a new array), and maps it to an array of names, then the second .map() will take the array of names, and again map into an array of Promises with runMavenBuild.
Again, passing the array of Promises to Q.all(), it will wait for everything to finish, before moving on to the second .then(), in which case everything was done.
@KaceyEzerioha if $scope.lineItems is initially null, you need to initialize it before passing it into your object.
hmm this fails to polyfill in babel
@MadaraUchiha It's not null. It has got items in it.
Object.defineProperty(self, "inputHasChanged", {
  set(bool) {
    toggleClass(self.inputChange, "inputHasChanged", bool);
@KarelG Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@MadaraUchiha that makes sense :) nicely explained. Thank you
@KaceyEzerioha It clearly doesn't when you're trying to put it in your object.
const input = [1,2,3];
const output = [];

input.forEach(function(num) {
  output.push(num + 2);

is the equivalent of
const input = [1,2,3];
const output = input.map(num => num + 2);

@MadaraUchiha That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Oh, that video's a joke
@littlepootis What gave it away? :P
@MadaraUchiha I feel it has got something to how I'm passing it. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
@KaceyEzerioha You aren't.
If there's an array there, it should be passed just fine.
However, if the array gets replaced ($scope.lineItems = [1, 2, 3]) after you pass it in, you'll lose the reference.
@MadaraUchiha Global variables
@MadaraUchiha Or maybe I should initialize it before the object and not after. Let me try that.
@rlemon Why not Lememe?
Q: Cannot create mongo model using discriminator mongoose

SajeetharanI am trying to create a collection named entities, which could have three different types music,sports,teams My schema is as follows, TestSchema.js const mongoose = require('mongoose'), extend = require('mongoose-schema-extend'); const Schema = mongoose.Schema; var EntitySchema = new Sc...

@MadaraUchiha initializing it before the object makes it work. Thanks.
!!> ['hello', '', 'no', 0, 'falsy', '', null, 'test'].filter(e => e);
@KarelG ["hello","no","falsy","test"]
Is there a MOBA for VR ?
Hi everyone
Can anyone please help me on this
Q: Customized tooltip for C3JS

Alex ManI have created a chart using C3.JS. It has bar graph with line graph like as shown below The graph is working fine but I have a requirement that I need a line graph to be shown within the tooltip along with other data points. The line graph is coming but the other data points are missing (x,...

@KarelG .filter(Boolean)
was just verifyin' :P
1st: Who wants the JS logo in /r/place?
2nd: how do you shove JSX in a json object?
@Thaenor You write your own serializer and unserializer.
@MadaraUchiha wut?
@Thaenor JSON only supports objects (POJOs), arrays, strings, numbers, booleans and null.
You can't have complex objects or objects with methods in JSON.
So your best bet is to serialize the JSX component into something like
{Element: 'div', props: {'foo': 'bar'}}
can you show me some example on how to do that?
And rebuild the JSX component from that.
the other option I see is to use DangerouslySetInnerHTML...
Even that is only possible with relatively simple components.
Trying to shove JSX into JSON is just like shoving HTML into JSON, which is a terrible, hideous thing that people do. Don't do that.
your API should not be concerned about how it's implemented
@ndugger Only with HTML, it's actually possible to get a more or less 1:1 mapping.
It's a json element that is send to render a table component.
The thing is some of the table components need to have specific CSS classes.
None of that should be dictated by JSON from an API
Hi everyone. How can I format my question on stackoverflow so I get the run code snipped button below my code? For example check the answer of this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/39907716/…
Using the code-sample button to format the code isnt working. It's just formatting into a code-block.
@Thaenor That's application logic, the API generally returns data, not logic.
@C4u One of the buttons is "insert code snippet" or something like that
Opens a modal similar to JSfiddle where you can insert your HTML/CSS/JS
or Ctrl + M i think
Yeah. Just found it.
It is the last button of the group (another one)
cspisawesome.com - Invaluable resource
on jsfiddle this prints 10000000000
output should be 0000010000000000
what's wrong?
no format
(the output is right btw)
Guys do u know what i do here wrong ?
if($(".item-title[html='" + container.Medewerkers[i] + "']").length != 1 )

	console.log("bestaat niet")
i need the html compared with the container.Medewerker[i]
html of the class
@GandalftheWhite Try 1024..toString(2).padStart(16, '0') ?
things you're doing wrong:
- using jQuery
- loose equality check
- weird brace placement
Netherlandian detected
also, [html] is not an attribute...
do u know what i have to do to let it work
@Useraro :p
@le_m Got your point mate, thanks.
we do not know how to fix that because you're searching for something that isn't an attribute
you can re-check your CSS selector knowledge
@ndugger how can i solve this problem ?
We've already told you
[html] is not an attribute
Doesn't jQuery allow selecting elements based on content, e.g. $(".item-title:contains('...')") ?
Typical jQuery... do you realize how slow that is?
THis isn't SQL; you have to query for every element with that class, then loop through to check the text of each one
Don't do that
query off of normal selectors
I agree, usually you wouldn't select based on content, rather on data-attributes or id. But if @NayirNolamaz use case requires selecting based on html, jQuery's :contains is probably a good solution
I doubt his requirements are that he needs to query based on content. He should design his markup better and architect a better solution instead
@le_m the problem is if i have for example test and test2 it will give me result of 2
if i have an array test and it must check between test and test2 it will give me 2x true
while i need exact the html/text/contains
X/Y -- you need to architect your code better
good morning everyone
@Mosho Michel says that with a better router he'll merge
@Mosho Your router is bad and you should feel bad
Like, a real one, and also - I saw that there is code duplication in the routes, but that removing it causes webpack to show a really annoying warning.
@NayirNolamaz, it's hard to follow your explanation. @ndugger is probably right, you might need a better understanding of how your data is represented, how to extract it from the DOM and how to operate on it in JavaScript
for example : var man = ['test'] if i do have test and test2 in my list it will give both true
i just need it to search match
without using ===
@NayirNolamaz You want to check if "test" OR "test2" is in your array? man.includes("test") || man.includes("test2") ?
@AwalGarg halp
He seems unwilling to step back from the problem and admit that he's trying to do bad things. This is usually the point where we stop helping someone
Guys, I'm running into a rather peculiar issue: I've got a treeview on a page I'm working on. The treeview is longer than the visible window. Naturally, a scrollbar appears.
However, the scrollbar somehow doesn't register that the treeview is too long: It just shows as a gray, non-functional scrollbar. When I (manually) resize the window, it seems to recognize the child element's height properly, and the scrollbar / height restriction on the treeview work like they should...
What I guess I'm asking: Has anyone seen this before?
Or does anyone have a clue what could be causing the scrollbars to stop allowing me to scroll the element?
@Cerbrus Which framework?
AngularJS / some Kendo plugins
i have an array var ppl = ['name','age'] if i use contains and the checked list has for example name2 it will give me a true but i need it to be exact
so by name it must give true and by name 2 or name2 it must give false
I think a screenrecording might help... sec
@le_m do u understand what i mean?
@NayirNolamaz instead of name.contains(search) ... use equals operator ... name === search
but i use !=
is cool
i try
because "contains" does what the name says. if the string has a given keyword, then it returns true. No matter of other characters in the string.
				if($(".item-title:contains('" + container.Medewerkers[i] + "')").length != 1 )

					console.log("bestaat niet")
sorry for white space
again with the loose equality
if($(".item-title:contains('" + container.Medewerkers[i] + "')").length != 1 )

 console.log("bestaat niet")
sorry @ndugger i will do my best after the code works
(1) stop using contains. You don't know what that does. Don't use a function if you don't know what it does. Or check the docs.
(2) using loose (in)equality operator is a bad practice in javascript.
use === and not ==. Or !== instead of !=
Querying the dom based on text content is absolutely terrible. You need to architect your HTML better, or query based on something else.
There we go, a small .gif to illustrate the issue. See the scrollbar on the bottom right that only realizes it's contents are too large, after a quick resize...
I will not say it again

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