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I got a relative who's staying here
and for April Fools, I'm going to set the clocks back 1 day
then pull a classic prank - they wont even expect it
Where were you the other day when I asked everyone what they were doing for april fools and everyone was super lame
I'm considering putting salt in the sugar jar and making lemonade, but letting them put the "sugar"
@Meredith Oh... uh... busy hacking into her laptop to change the time
Lol you know those crappy drinks you get at the dollar store
In those plastic barrels
Yeah what about them?
That's just sugar water with food coloring
Well I don't get them
Well I got some once when I was in high school and my sister kept drinking them
So I put a bunch of salt in one
oh gosh i can see what's going to happen
Another good one
Is when you pour a bunch of hot sauce into a cup
Then slowly pour juice on top of it so that it doesn't mix
Then put a straw in it and give it to someone
Another good one (when you have a pet like a cat or a dog)
is to do poop cookies
then eating the poop in front of people
Oh man that's too gross for me
I know, I don't want to try it
But it would be a nice reaction when you say, "Mm! Good! Do you want some as well?"
@Meredith I just realized the hot sauce thing wouldn't work because I have transparent cups.
You don't have any coffee mugs or anything?
You can smoke weed out of a beer can?
fucking shasta cherry cola
I have.
It's easy, just make a dent and poke a hole in the bottom of the dent.
I've also smoked out of various fruits. And a socket wrench.
You're a pro
It takes practice, kids.
Or I guess the exact opposite of a pro if you're improvising pipes but whatever
he looks like a pro
improvising is part of the fun, but I have equipment, too
I could imagine smoking out of a pbr can
It's got a certain aesthetic
pbr is gross
I wouldn't consider it gross
It's like the wonderbread of beer and wonderbread isn't gross
pbr ?
@HatterisMad :D I am okay in league now.
after playing it on 60 ms latency
i can play it very well at over 300
pabst blue ribbon
Dirt cheap watered down american lager
beer-pong grade beer
Its main usage is when you want to drink like 12 beers
ssube github.com/s-panferov/… looks like maybe it configures webpack aliases from tsconfig's paths? I'm not sure..
1 hour later…
@SomeGuy I guess we do have an english first education in all subjects^
I watched some 3d scenes in aframe.io and now I am having a headache.
in Android, 50 mins ago, by Tristan Wiley
> The story of how I made 1400 people realize that pokes still exist on Facebook.

TL;DR I poked all of my Facebook friends, en masse.
This is actually kinda genius, I'm proud of this one.

Anyways. I started off by scraping a list of all my friend's Facebook IDs. I couldn't do this on facebook.com because, well, React. So I had to think of a different way. I navigated to iphone.facebook.com where I could safely get the ID's of users, scrape them, and not have to deal with reactive shtuff.

So I went onto the page, used a Chrome extension to scroll to the very bottom so all my friends were
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
  Promise.reject(new Error('foo'))
  .catch(err => next(err))

it('should fail', done => {
    testMiddlewareAbove({}, {}, err => {
how come failed assertion cause test timeout?
assert will throw so done() will not be reached, but how the hell (in similar example) assertion error from test is in scope of above .catch
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I watched some 4d videos on youtube and they are fun. For example we have these 3D shadows of a passing 4D hypercube rendered into a 2D video...
@Sheepy wow. do you have a vr headset?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Just on simple monitors. I was curious because I heard that you can learn to understand (build a mental model) of 4D world. I think it is kind of like how we programmers build a mental model of programs, which also seems to be beyond the realms of most mortals.
3D printing 2D images turns out to be a lot more attractive than it would at first seem.
the movie eh
still prolly better than anything hollywood produces these days
so I'm having an issue I'm hoping someone can shed some light on pertaining to nested divs. I want to have menu layer appear above a div on hover, but if there is more than 1 div nesteeeeed with no padding or magin then obviously they overlap
I am also wondering why "The Movie"
made for tv movie
drama of the week
I didn't get
1 hour later…
Q: Mongoose Extending Schema and use same collection

SajeetharanI am trying to use the same collection with different schema. but it returns an error saying Undefined type undefined at paths","Did you try nesting Schemas? You can only nest using refs or arrays Here is my base schema: testEntitySchema let db = require('mongoose'); module.exports =...

2 hours later…
@JennaSloan not in canvas imageData
@towc I've never heard of that.
ah well
1 hour later…
She's dead, jim.
what happened?
i was just away for 16hours
she's a victim of a pervert that loves droidsex. * peeks to Kendall *
fyi you can "import" cap yourself
just use your own account, set up cap (load her script) and there you go
Hey guys, I am trying to post this: [
"Team" :"AAAAA555555",
"Countcasenumber" :98.6,
"OpenDate" :"2017-03-27T07:42:56.875Z",
"Status" :"AAAAA555555"
But I can't think of a way to do that.. how do I put that in the body of the post so it doesn't give me an error?
My category is being undefined, althoug it is a string(multipe categories inside), If i add category:"one two three", it works fine. What is wrong?

function createMarker(latlng, html, regi, skoltyp, filter) {

var nyaFilter = filter;

var skolTyp1 = skoltyp;
if (skolTyp1 == "Skola") {
skoltyp1 = "images/brown_MarkerS.png";
} else {
skoltyp1 = "images/green_MarkerF.png";

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
map: map,
category: filter,
icon: {
url: skoltyp1

Like: var dataString =
"Team" :"AAAAA555555",
"Countcasenumber" :"98.6",
"OpenDate" :"2017-03-27T07:42:56.875Z",
"Status" :"AAAAA555555"


var options = {
url: 'http://posttestserver.com/post.php/',
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: dataString
@BenFortune ... can you use your RO power ?
@makat the error message should tell you what's wrong. IF you're using XMLHttpRequest, then use an object (not array) in .send( <here> ) (please check the docs
so caprica wont be back?
yeah i know about OakBot hes a lazy old tree
that knows nothing
OakBot Online.
hey Oak
It tells me: 2017-03-31T08:01:33.884ZCaught exception:
Error: Argument error, options.body.
I assume that means he doesn't expect all of these colons
@Hans1984 Hasta la vista, baby.
hes not leaving
/8balls tjtjtt
he left
@KarelG i'm using node js request library. how do I send it so it looks fine as an object?
ok good
@KarelG For?
Can you please see my previous message
those posts with codes (move to bin)
@makat send an object ... not an array
what you've sent is an array. Remove those [ ]
@KarelG The problem is the API I am trying to send to accepts it only as an array with []
o.O link to that API ?
cant seem to format the message right :/
My category is being undefined, althoug it is a string(multipe categories inside), If i add category:"one two three", it works fine. What is wrong?

function createMarker(latlng, html, regi, skoltyp, filter) {

	var nyaFilter = filter;

	var skolTyp1 = skoltyp;
	if (skolTyp1 == "Skola") {

		skoltyp1 = "images/brown_MarkerS.png";

	} else {

		skoltyp1 = "images/green_MarkerF.png";

	var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
		position: latlng,
		map: map,
		category: nyaFilter,
		icon: {
			url: skoltyp1
Make a fiddle, we can't take anything from that
If i got like 1000 spaggeti code, donno how to make a fiddle out of this code. Thanks anyway
that may be a problem ...
a program should be modular. E. Dijkstra really hates people that comes with "spaghetti code"
It's called Power BI, and this is the documentation: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/powerbi-service-real-time-streaming/#create-your-streaming-dataset-with-the-option-you-like-best thing is, you get a URL which you need to post data to in a certain way and if you don't do it the way they expect it returns that the Json is invalid, these are the ways the expect data to be send, either Raw or cURL: Raw:
"Team" :"AAAAA555555",
"Countcasenumber" :98.6,
"OpenDate" :"2017-03-27T07:42:56.875Z",
It is 30% spagetti code:) but got it to work :)
@makat you forgot to answer if you're using XMLHttpRequest or Fetch API to send data to the server.
if using that xmlhttp... ensure that content type is set as json and put the object in send() method
@KarelG I am using a nodejs library called "request" github.com/request/request
did you have checked that section: github.com/request/request#requestoptions-callback
supply your data as body: ... and add json: true
@KarelG You think if I still send it as an Array but set the json to true it will work?
Because I get error in my code if I send the body as an Array
that it's not expecting []
it clearly sends a json object. The array is then a value of one property
you gave me a link with a looong webpage. I only looked to something straightforward and found that add row thing. if the API is consistent, then it should work
(better: try to add your data manually. If you have found the right format, you can put that in your node request)
@KarelG Thanks ! I will give that a try now and see what happens. Yeah that's what I am doing only sending data manually until I understand the format
The way I tested it before is sending the API request body : [
"Team" :"Test team 1",
"Countcasenumber" :34,
"OpenDate" :"2017-03-28T07:42:56.875Z",
"Status" :"test status"
in postman and without the [] it didn't go through
Think it's the right direction @KarelG ! I posted this: {"rows":
{"ProductID":1,"Name":"Adjustable Race","Category":"Components","IsCompete":true,"ManufacturedOn":"07/30/2014"},
{"ProductID":2,"Name":"LL Crankarm","Category":"Components","IsCompete":true,"ManufacturedOn":"07/30/2014"},
{"ProductID":3,"Name":"HL Mountain Frame - Silver","Category":"Bikes","IsCompete":true,"ManufacturedOn":"07/30/2014"}
} with postman and it gave a response of: "message": "Column '<pi>ProductID</pi>' was not found in specified table, dataset 'sobe_wowvirtualserver|fe8c9e7f-cf01-43ba-9e23-2cefd2343c
So maybe I just need to build it in the power BI and then send
greetings, programs! o/
Hello world!
how can i add data in new created googlespreadsheet
@thedigitalmouse ACK
worked on OcLazyload with angular ?
anyone there?
no, we are here... respectively speaking
which is the best JS based framework to learn. according to the current trend? I am thinking of Ionic. any opinion?
this is a very subjective question
I'd personally go with React
pastebin.com/fwxaqLkt can anyone help me with this?
what is the thrown error?
The script is executed successfully but .ajax is throwing "Unexpected Error: Try again later."
is there anything wrong with my script? cause i can't find it...
what is the return code of the http request?
it doesn't return anything...
Please log the actual error returned by the ajax function
I'm partial the the JS framework Vue2 lately. really quite nice for quick single page webapps, or you can split up your code into 'components' when you have a team of developers
not just your alert, which isn't helping you out in this case
How do we send email from a single page portfiolio page what do we need to use ? sorry I am noob
just confused what should i even search
what does your site run on?
@AtharvaPandey which is the server side technology?
@GNi33 Object {readyState: 4, responseText: "", status: 200, statusText: "OK"}
the response text is null. did you process it further?
( jqXHR jqXHR, String textStatus, String errorThrown )
these are the parameters passed to the .error callback
try logging all of them
@SagarV I don't know what you are asking?
@GNi33 I am new to jQuery... how to log XHR?
@Cerbrus SYN-ACK
@AccountUnknown in jQuery, which one is you are using? $.ajax or $.get or $.post ?
@SagarV $.ajax
Solved... json shouldn't be there...
@AccountUnknown just use .error(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown){console.log(jqXhr,textStatus,errorThrown)}
I'm trying to have a pretty dashboard in my powershell for node.js app development
in ajax, for the success function, the 3rd param is jqXHR. try logging it as console.log(arguments[2]);
so I've tried PM2 and nodejs-dashboard but neither of them work with babel-node
what do you do now?
@GNi33 i shouldn't have used json since i am not returning any values back...
ah, okay
you should though
Why wouldn't this work?
pm2 start .\ecosystem.config.js
module.exports = {
   * Application configuration section
   * pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/application-declaration
  apps: [

    // First application
      name: 'core',
      script: 'core/index.js',
      exec_interpreter: 'babel-node',
      env_production: {
        NODE_ENV: 'development',
that's my ecosystem.config.js
│ App name │ id │ mode │ pid │ status  │ restart │ uptime │ cpu │ mem    │ watching │
│ core     │ 0  │ fork │ N/A │ errored │ 0       │ 0      │ 0%  │ 0 B    │ disabled │
err: Error: spawn babel-node ENOENT
You sure babel-node exists globally?
Okay, I just tested out
exec_interpreter: './node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel-node',
and still the same error
Error: spawn ./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel-node ENOENT
any idea?
@KarelG @KarelG You rock, your solution worked :) thank you so much!
i want this dashboard so much
Hey can someone help me understand why this statement isn't returning the Boolean? gist.github.com/LiamDotPro/3982a3a602d4e152e6336280b408eadb
return Promise.all([
this.verifyUserData(email, password)
]); probably because of this
would that not just return the boolean it's passed?
Promise.all with a single promise?
It will have more eventually
Then use Promise.all eventually
It's just for the moment I'm trying to get the one function to return
> The Promise.all() method returns a single Promise that resolves when all of the promises in the iterable argument have resolved, or rejects with the reason of the first promise that rejects.
Surely it should still work?
returns a single Promise
ahh okay
It doesn't return the value, it returns a Promise object.
noted, thank you
yeah works perfectly without the promise all
well is there even a way to send email without using any backend language
@AtharvaPandey Connect to the SMTP server and send your email
SMTP thanks @OliverSalzburg
The concept shouldn't depend on language
@FlorianMargaine @Loktar @rlemon Today, you are by my right
@AtharvaPandey There are also web API providers, like Mailgun
I am very new to web development so pretty confused I will check them all out.
Usually, credentials are involved. Which is why you rarely have email sending exposed on the client side
hmm I will soon start working with golang , Then I will rewrite it right now am just focused on to finish my portfolio asap
Slightly off-topic question: are there any web hosting services out there that allow you to get server variables?
@Pigman168 What are server variables?
And what kind of web hosting?
Client IP for example
And I'm looking for a web host that allows free uploading without restrictions in terms of content (not quantity of content).
If you want to retrieve anything that somehow implies that you're running code. And what information you can retrieve in that code depends on more than the hosting provider
And not all environment will label information like the client IP as "server variables". That seems to be a term from an existing environment
PHP perhaps?
Yeah I tried in PHP but it's always blocked :s
If you're running your PHP code on a host where they deliberately hide information like the client IP, then you can probably safely pick any other provider and it will be less shitty
Unless that is common practice in the PHP world
Yea dunno I've tried a couple but neither let me. Thanks anyway! :)
@Pigman168 That sounds more like a programming error then. But, then again, I don't really have a clue about the subject
From my PHP days I just remember that there is this global array of variables or something. Seems weird that they would clear that. I mean, the client IP is a pretty essential information
Yea true, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is what I used
Zirak is here but caprica is not
On one of the hosts it didn't even let me write "$_"
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http, Headers, Response} from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

export class GetValueService {
constructor(private http: Http){

let headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Authorization', 'key');
return this.http.post('https://', { headers: headers}).map((res: Response) => res.json());
can anyone tell me why does it say key missing in my console
@PushUps pastebin.com pls
@Pigman168 What do you mean? It didn't let you write that? Is the editor built into their hosting service? :D
for (var property in data.invalidAttributes) {
                                if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
                                    firstnode = property[0]; //email
                                    message = firstnode[0].message; // is that correct?
@Pigman168 I don't get it. You want me to paste the code there and then provide the link here?
Exactly @PushUps
Optimally, you wouldn't use a shit service like pastebin.com though
And even more optimally, people would stop suggesting shit services like that
Hahah, it doesn't really bother me its just the convention I guess
(posting in general)
What is a better service then?
:o I would've thought you'd be against hastebin
I was gonna post that first but then I was like "nah people hate that"
Clean and no ads usually ranks pretty high
@OliverSalzburg I see
True that
it's difficult to have an ad-free site with lots of visitors
So can anybody help me with my error?
i don't do angular stuff
alrite.. i'll keep researching
> I think I should redirect System.out to JTextArea and jTextField to System.in.
@KarelG Actually, it isn't
"I has Swing UI"
Stop vaping
hey pigman you are here too?
or did you switch from java to js ;)
Hehe well
I used to do some stuff in js but now I'm learning java in college
I see
What movie? o.O
How do you copy a file from one instance of VS Code to another? On Windows if that matters
Paste is not an available option in instance B even though I copied a file in instance A
I would assume that's not possible
@Mosho Seems like it
open the file in explorer -> copy from there and paste in instance B ?
@KarelG That would be copying the file using Windows Explorer
@OliverSalzburg you are assuming the existence of some shared service between all instances
@Mosho You mean like an operating system?
my ide offers an option "open in explorer" which opens an explorer with the file selected
In that case, yes
@OliverSalzburg so if I were to go and copy a file anywhere in the OS, you expect it to appear in VSCode?
I'm not saying it's not possible, I just doubt anyone would implement that
@KarelG It would be faster to just cp it via the terminal. I was hoping that it would simply put the file in the Windows clipboard like any other application I used over the past 20 years
@OliverSalzburg Drag between instances, save as?
@Mosho When I paste it, yes
what do you mean
yeah. i wondered why you couldn't paste. That's a ... common operation
to be honest I haven't tried that functionality yet
@BenFortune Drag & drop doesn't seem to work either. Nice idea though
I use the old extension that lets you do that
@OliverSalzburg Works for me, weird
@OliverSalzburg you can drag and drop a text selection
It will always stay grey, no matter how often I copy
uhm , that instance ... is it in a different desktop view?
@KarelG It's on the left monitor, if that helps ;D
@OliverSalzburg right, because it's internal to VSCode
Looks like it's their internal clipboard
it doesn't go on the OS clipboard
you can have two desktop environments, each screen one
@KarelG Oh that. No, it's the same
@OliverSalzburg I think it's worth opening an issue over at the repo though
might be useful
it's a new thing in win 10. But reverted to single desktop
@Mosho Seems like it should work, but I'll be able to manage without
I'll open the ticket though
try paste file
@KendallFrey you need lightbulbs? Canadian Tire sale (select stores ofc) 3 pack of 60 watt led bulbs for $0.99
@BenFortune How?
Ignore me haha, just meant for the search
@KendallFrey @Loktar @FlorianMargaine come on come on!
@rlemon A trip to the nearest crappy tire costs about as much as the lightbulbs in gas :P
@BenFortune Oh. I actually did right after :D
is mongoDB still cool?
It was never cool
RethinkDB is great for analytics
As is elasticsearch
dat title
morning everyone

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